This was a birthday present to my friend Jadzia. This year, she wants an elevator... <g>



by Blue Mohairbear

September, 1999


"Buona sera, Signori!" The man in the dark blue livery greeted the two guests who had entered the foyer and smiled at the slim darkhaired one.

"Signor Mulder, come va?"

Mulder winked at him and grinned back.

"Sera, Giorgio. Everything ready?"

Giorgio raised his eyebrows.

"Ma certo, Signor Mulder, certo. Tutto pronto, tutto fatto." It didn't matter that Giorgio was a fifth generation American, born and bred in Washington. The whole staff at the "Giandaniele" spoke Italian a lot of the time. It made the guests feel special and important - which helped them to get over the tremendous prices they had to pay for an excellent lunch or dinner on the 25th floor with a great sight over Washington.

Mulder grinned and took his companion's elbow.

"Great. Grazie, Giorgio. Come on, Walter, I'm hungry. *Really* hungry."

Giorgio pompously escorted them to the elevator and made a little bow when the doors glided open.

"Per favore, Signori. Floor 25," he added helpfully. Skinner didn't notice the huge grin that split Giorgio's handsome face as they entered the elevator. Looking round in the spacious cabin, Skinner gave a low whistle. Thick, fluffy, dark red carpet on the floor, a golden railing at waist height, and - mirrors. All three walls were mirrored from the ceiling down to the railing. The rest, from the railing downwards, was covered with expensive-looking wood.

"If this is only the elevator, I can't wait to see the restaurant," Skinner said. Looking around, he saw nothing but himself and his lover, over and over and over again. In spite of the wooden lower walls, he could see both of them completely. The multiplying effect of the mirrored walls was stupefying. Endless rows of two elegant men in dark suits and white shirts. One tie in a silvery grey. The other tie in a... in an interesting pattern.

The doors closed with a swishing sound and the elevator went up. Just as Skinner turned to his lover to say something, Mulder grinned wickedly, reached over to the control panel and pushed a red button. With a deep long sigh, the elevator came to a halt between floor 7 and 8. Skinner stared at his lover. A mixed feeling of foreboding and excitement settled in his groin when he saw the grin and the gleaming eyes. He quickly set to squashing the unbidden excitement and managed a scowl.

"Fox," he said warningly. "Stop it."

"Oh, Walter, but I *have* stopped it." Soft voice. The beautiful hazel eyes slowly drifted shut as Mulder stepped close to him and brushed his lips over Skinner's mouth. Shit. Skinner felt himself getting hard. And Mulder... Mulder knew it.

"It's your birthday, Walter. I'm here to fulfill your wishes. *All* of them."

And into Mulder's mouth, Skinner growled, "It's my wish, then, that you start that elevator again and let's have dinner. *Now*."

"Your wish is my command, lover," Mulder sighed, trailing his tongue sensually over Skinner's lips. "You'll have your dinner. After the antipasto, that is."

And with a practised movement, his nimble fingers opened Skinner's fly and freed the now hard cock, stroking lightly over the velvet shaft.

"Ahhh yesss..." he breathed hotly into Skinner's ear. "Yes, this is mine, all mine. Your wonderful, big, hard dick, all mine."

Skinner groaned. A sharp jolt of red-hot pleasure shot through his body. He felt his brain fogging up already. This was.... hot, yes, but he was scared shitless... there sure were-


A kiss stilled his panic. "There are cameras here, but they aren't working at the moment. Trust me, lover, nobody can see us. Enjoy."

And with this, Mulder knelt down and took Skinner's cock into his mouth. Skinner felt himself being washed away by a huge wave of need. Gone was any interest in questions like how Mulder knew about the cameras, or how he had arranged that they were alone in the elevator. All that was left was an overpowering want and need. This was maybe the hottest and most dangerous of Mulder's sexual surprises yet, and Skinner felt himself being turned on beyond belief. The need to thrust, to fuck, to come, was overwhelming. Ruthlessly, he grabbed Mulder's hair and began to fuck his lover's mouth, hard and deep. Mulder took it all without even blinking. He gave little happy moans and just sucked whatever he got. Which made Skinner even hotter and hornier.

When the wet blazing heat suddenly vanished from his cock, Skinner felt bereft. He fumbled for the dark mop of hair, trying to get a hold again.


"Shhh... it's okay, lover, relax." Mulder talked with a low, velvety voice that surrounded Skinner's overloaded senses like a soft blanket.

"Look at yourself, lover, and look at your beautiful thick cock. Look how wonderful you are. See why you drive me crazy." Mulder reached up, took Skinner's hand and laid it against his cheek.

Skinner obeyed, slightly embarrassed by the praise, and looked at himself in the mirrors. A big man in a dark elegant suit, with a flushed face, breathing heavily, eyes almost black with arousal behind the glasses. He saw himself reflected in an endless row, hundreds of Skinners, caught and mirrored in a strange Land Of Looking Glass. And, kneeling at his feet, a beautiful man, multiplied into eternity, smiling, his almond shaped eyes slitted with heat, the lush lips swollen from sucking his lover's cock.

Yes. His cock. Skinner stared in fascination at the thick rod that protruded from his elegant black suit pants like a strange and wild animal, big and hard, its head purple and glistening from Mulder's saliva.

Fascinated, he watched as hundreds of Mulders stuck their tongues out and he moaned as the tongues slowly approached his cock. He turned his gaze to the opposite wall and watched from the other side as hundreds of pairs of hazel eyes closed in blissful abandon. Saw an endless row of hard, straining cocks twitching, eager to meet the tongue. It was too much. Growling,he grasped a fistful of brown hair, jerked forward and buried himself in Mulder's hot mouth. An appraising moan and eager sucking was the answer.

Watching himself fucking his lover's face, gliding in and out of that luscious mouth with hard thrusts, his fist buried almost brutally into Mulder's hair, made him lose it only moments later. The hot white flame in his groin burst into a firework and with a harsh groan, he exploded, his hips jerking violently. Feeling his come shooting down Mulder's throat and seeing his lover swallowing all of it so eagerly, made him quiver a few times more before he sank weakly back against the wall, the railing pressing into his kidneys.

Fingers dug painfully into his hip. He heard a low, strangled moan and felt Mulder shuddering, the head with the dark silky hair pressed against his thigh. Then his lover slumped.

"Shit," Mulder breathed, ruefully. "That was not in my plan."

Skinner smirked. "Serves you right," he said, smugly and still a little breathlessly. He pulled the satiated bundle up into his arms and kissed the impishly grinning lips.

"You are impossible."

"Happy birthday, Walt. Again."

Skinner chuckled. "Thank you, babe. This was wonderful. Again," he added, smiling and thinking about "Birthday Breakfast In Bed à la Mulder" this morning. He hugged his lover fiercely.

"I take it I don't want to know about your... *preparing*... this special event?" Not really expecting an answer, he started rearranging himself. Then reached over Mulder's shoulder, ready to press the button marked "25".

"Well, I sure was not prepared for that," Mulder muttered and squirmed uncomfortably as he tried to arrange his cock as far away as possible from the wet spot in his pants. Skinner laughed and pressed the button. Another sighing sound, and the elevator began to move upwards.

"You know, it's good you came, too," he said, as an afterthought. "Who knows what else you would think of after dinner if your edge hadn't been taken off."

Mulder waggled his eyebrows. "This is a birthday dinner, Walt. *Your* birthday dinner. This means you get as much dessert as you want. And... *where* you want it."

Skinner closed his eyes and groaned.
