Heavenly Bodies

By Sergeeva


The sand still held the heat of the day as Fox watched Walter walking along the edge of the surf and up the beach to where he sat, sifting shells through his fingers. Fluid, easy strides, as graceful as a panther, Skinner was a sight that never failed to make Mulder's heart race.

Settling himself down, long legs astride Fox's lean hips, Walter reached around to catch the long fingers in his own broader ones. Mulder's back was sun-warmed, toasted light gold and Walter leaned contentedly against the smooth, salty skin, absorbing the peace of this place. Mulder let himself be supported by the strong arms, the closeness and trust a new and rare thing in his life.

They'd both needed this vacation - a series of gruesome deaths in a small Pennsylvania community had gained national notoriety before the local SAC had called for help from DC. The investigation had been stalled badly enough to require AD Skinner himself to sort out the mess, and it was he who had reassessed the evidence, re-questioned the local farmers and brought in Mulder and Scully to assist him. It had proved a stressful time for them all, and by the time the killer had been caught Fox and Walter had lost over a week of their planned trip to the cabin in Great Lakes where they had intended to spend their vacation.

Mulder had been bitterly disappointed, thinking of the days they could have passed in each other's company, and the nights... It was the nights he thought of most longingly. Walter's apartment was comfortable and quiet, but they had to be so discreet about their relationship there. Crystal City was little more than a dormitory for the government offices of DC and they could never eat out, or go to the movies together, or do any of a dozen ordinary activities that other couples did, without wondering if someone who knew someone might see them and cause trouble. The cabin would have been a chance to really relax together and spend every minute of their precious two weeks together.

Mulder longed to be able to fall asleep in Walter's arms and stay there all night, to wake, still in that strong embrace, instead of having to snatch a few sweet hours and then tear himself away from his lover to go back to his own cheerless apartment, just so that they could arrive separately at work the following morning.

He said nothing to Walter of his disappointment at missing their trip together, but he noticed that Walter was unusually pensive too, on their flight back to Washington. They agreed to meet at Skinner's apartment the next day and Walter had promised to see if he could book them into a bed & breakfast somewhere for the remainder of their vacation time. It would have to do.

When Mulder arrived at Walter's with an optimistic suitcase he was astonished to be handed an elegant leather weekend bag and ushered straight back out through the door. Skinner had a similar bag and he would explain nothing about what was happening until they arrived at the airport and he announced that they were flying to the Caribbean.

Mulder had been speechless when he saw the beautiful little beach house with it's own private beach. It must have cost Skinner a small fortune, but his lover looked so happy to see Fox's delighted reaction, that Mulder decided any discussion of Walter's insane indulgence could wait until they were back at work again. In truth, he was incredibly touched that Skinner had made the extravagant gesture, and that he had chosen so romantic a location. They had arrived late yesterday and already both men felt as if the autumn chills and the claustrophobic atmosphere of DC were a lifetime away.

The smart luggage proved to contain a selection of tropical clothing, perfectly sized for Mulder, chosen with Walter's understated good taste. No Hawaiian shirts or leopard-print bikini briefs in sight. In fact, neither of them had worn a stitch of clothing for the last 22 hours. They had barely paused to drop their bags on the verandah of the palm-thatched beach cabana before stripping each other and stumbling into the cool, shuttered bedroom to make love for what had seemed like hours.

They had surfaced in the early hours to shower and realised that there was no earthly reason to get dressed. No-one could overlook the verandah with its overhanging eaves and the beach was entirely their own, shielded from the neighbouring coves by groves of Jacarandas. So they sat on the cushioned wicker chairs and watched the sun rise over the sapphire ocean, as naked as the day they were born.

They had been on the shore all day, walking and talking, basking on the flat slabs of rock, peering into rock pools like little boys looking for starfish, meeting no-one. Their skin pleasantly scoured by sea breezes and salt spray, they welcomed the cooler evening air, the soporific shushing of the waves, the magical hour between day and night.

They needed no words now, easy in their companionship. Twisting round within the circle of those powerful arms, Mulder laid his hand on Walter's already darkly tanned torso, sliding it caressingly over muscle and the fuzz of dark hair. Walter sighed softly and Fox smiled to himself. He turned into the welcome of Walter's broad chest, tumbling him back onto the white sand and kissing him soundly.

He knew he was in heaven. Alone with the man he loved. Walter's mouth was firm and warm against his, the kiss urgent and passionate. Their tongues touched and slid together as they gave in to the intensity of their feelings. Weeks of snatched meetings and the horrors of the recent case were put behind them as they moaned in unison and drank deeply of each other.

Mulder slowly broke the kiss, lifting his mouth from Walter's reluctantly, but wanting to explore further. Raising himself to look at his companion, he took in the ardent heat in the sable eyes, the perspiration pooled in the hollow of the throat, the softly parted lips... Relaxed like this, Walter looked heart-stoppingly handsome, youthful, smooth-skinned, incredibly sexy. Mulder dipped his head and kissed the hot skin, focussing on one tiny perfect nipple. Hearing Walter's responsive groans sent the heat flooding to Mulder's groin and he licked his lips before moving across to Skinner's other nipple.

Their legs twined as Walter pulled Fox close and stroked the supple back.

Feeling the slide of Walter's thigh against his hip was almost too much...Mulder was having trouble breathing and little whimpers escaped his lips as he kissed his way down Walter's glorious body. The heavy hands stroked over his arms and shoulders as he moved ever nearer his goal.

He could smell the sunlight on Walter's bare skin, a tang of dried sea-salt and an arousing musk that made his head reel with arousal. He shifted himself to one side to nuzzle at the plane of hard-muscled stomach, and the brush of his swelling cock across the hairs of Skinner's leg was an exquisite agony. Closing his eyes for a second to regain some shred of control, he took a deep breath and lowered his head again. Eyes still closed, he pushed his face into Walter's groin, burrowing into the curls of dark pubic hair, rubbing his brow and cheekbones against the smoothness of the taut belly.

Flicking a mischievous grin up at Skinner, he saw the older man lost to sensation - his eyes wide, his head twisting from side to side. Like a cat contemplating a bowl of cream, Mulder licked his lips again and kissed the head of Walter's stiffening cock. The body under him arched with pleasure at just that feather-light touch. He chuckled softly and dipped again, this time to lick a firm stroke up the underside of the straining, silk-sheathed penis.

His reward was a shout of arousal and his teasing tongue and caressing lips worked on, drawing cries and gasps of ever mounting bliss from Walter. All the while Fox was constantly shifting his position, both to vary each touch of his mouth on the magnificent erection, and to massage his own throbbing flesh against the powerful muscles of his lover's thigh. Over and over he flexed his body against Walter's, sucking on the burning hardness of that straining cock and grinding his own groin into Walter's hip.

Skinner's cries were hoarser and deeper with every swirl of Mulder's tongue over his sensitised skin, but he wanted even more contact. Blindly, he reached for Mulder's hand and their fingers clenched together in rhythm with their writhing bodies.

Just as Mulder was sure Skinner was going to come, and that his own release was only one caress away, Walter gave an impassioned roar and surged up from the sand. Rolling them, he was suddenly on top of Mulder, easily imprisoning the slighter man with his weight and mass. Mulder's momentarily startled expression shifted to one of inarticulate pleasure as Walter's sensual mouth replayed Mulder's own attentions to chest and shoulders and Walter's long fingers slipped down to gently fondle Mulder's balls and stroke back towards his anus. Fox shuddered erotically and whispered "Yes."

With infinite care Walter stretched Mulder's entrance until he had three fingers inside him, curving them against Mulder's prostate and bringing Fox arching up against him, moaning against his shoulder. Mulder felt Walter's heartbeat at his throat, where he breathed frenzied kisses as he moved blissfully against the delicious presence of those curling fingers. His head fell back as Walter's arms supported him and finally the bunched fingers slid away and the aching absence was almost instantly filled with the heat and hardness and incomparable fullness of Walter's big beautiful cock inching into him with such sweet sureness.

His vision blurred and he fell back, his whole weight against Skinner's bracing arm. Walter lowered him down to the sand and lay over him, absolutely still for a moment, letting him adjust to the penetration.

Bringing one hand up to brush the hair off Mulder's brow, Skinner gazed tenderly down into Fox's face.

Looking back at him, Mulder was amazed at the emotion in the older man's eyes: such wonder, such joy. He could feel the still core of heat that was Walter's cock inside him, he could feel the pulse of Walter's heartbeat against his chest, in the warm fingers cupping his face, in that hard, hot flesh within him. The same rhythm ruling them both, one flesh, one life, one heart.

When Walter moved, Fox nearly passed out from the sensory overload. One slow rotation of Skinner's hips and he was almost screaming with rapture. A respite of stillness, then that unbearably deliberate shift again, starting waves of pleasure rising from his ass through his arching torso. Along his trembling arms and legs; a flash of heat and a shiver of ecstasy sweeping along nerves and sinews, lifting the hairs on his arms, making the blood roar in his ears.

He hooked his leg around Skinner's lean hips and pulled him in even deeper, happy to die of this rapture. Again and again Walter drove into him; adoring, possessive strokes, claiming him for ever. The gentle abrasion of the sand under his shoulders, the distant seething of the waves, the caveman sounds he realised were his own incoherent cries... all these were separately and perfectly more than he could bear. He wanted to lose himself utterly in this moment, in the care of this man whose love he treasured more than he could ever say.

His climax hit him like the crash of a tidal wave. One moment he was snarling his pain/pleasure at the spiralling onslaught of Walter's thrusts and the next it was as if he stood on the crest of the wave, nothing beneath him but foam, nothing around him but singing air, hanging on an invisible brink of... immortality, infinity, invulnerability. In the midst of this pure sensation, he felt Walter's beloved warmth and the treasured weight of that magnificent body... the reality seized him, hurling him earthwards to breathless, raging release.

His taut cock trapped between their undulating bodies, Mulder had felt the throb of it as yet another pulse of their matched heartbeats. Now he realised that Walter's warm palm had been rhythmically massaging it in time to the thrusts of his penis. Walter lifted away just enough to give one final perfect stroke, and he convulsed, his semen spurting over Walter's fingers and over both their bellies.

Shaking with the force of his orgasm, his anal muscles spasmed around Walter's cock. The big man sucked in air like a drowning man and roared out his own release, his face like some beautiful pagan god, terrible and wonderful. Sweat dripping from him, he rose over Mulder and his pelvis flexed once. An impossible inch more was embedded in Fox's willing body, the velvet of Walter's scrotum brushing the silk of Mulder's ass. Skinner pulled Mulder up into his arms, holding him tight against his chest and straddled over his hips. Riding the orgasm, he rocked Mulder over him, panting.

Watching that stern face shift into glorious sensuality, Mulder held his breath, feeling infinitely privileged to see this man so open, so exposed.

Where his own orgasm made him feel unassailable, Skinner's made the big man seem touchingly vulnerable. He clutched at the broad shoulders for dear life, swept by sudden tears as Walter gave himself totally. He bit gently at the smooth mass of Walter's chest, buried his face against the strong neck, wrapped his legs even closer around Walter's muscled ass.

Slowly both men came to themselves again. Walter eased the fierce grip he'd had on Mulder's body, Fox kissed the bite marks he'd left on Walter's shoulders... They slid apart and lay quietly, hands clasped, eyes bright with emotion.

Above them, the sun melted towards the horizon.The new moon had already risen, a bright crescent mirroring its sister constellation in the glowing pastel sky. Shining on two naked men. Heavenly bodies.


Feb.23rd 1999