Sergeeva's challenge: Mulder makes Skinner do something he doesn't want to do - in 200 words.



by Blue Mohairbear

July 2000


Mulder rolled slowly over to his lover, still shaky on his new inline skates. Skinner sat on a small brick wall, enjoying the sun, and opened his legs invitingly for Mulder to glide between. Big paws fastened around Mulder's hips, lips were offered for a kiss. While he devoured his lover's mouth, Mulder's hand glided down to the hard bulge under the cut-off jeans. Rubbed. Squeezed.

Skinner sighed. "Don't make me come," he warned.

"Spoilsport," Mulder murmured.



"I'm lying on my stomach," he whispered, still rubbing Skinner's erection. "I pull one leg up, you spoon up behind me... you kiss and stroke my ass... lube me up... you put the tip of your wonderful big cock against my hole.... then you push in... slowly, Walter, very slowly, because... nobody has touched my ass before... you're the first, Walter, and it's hot, *hot* and *tight*, and you glide in and you fuck me---"

With deep satisfaction, he heard a barely suppressed groan against his neck. Felt the big hands grip him bruisingly hard. Sensed pulsing and a warm dampness under his palm.

Skinner blinked up at him, panting.

"Are you sure?"

Mulder nodded.

"Home. *Now*", Skinner ordered roughly.