Fugue for the Forgotten - Part 3



Nurse McCallister made her way into a lab area to retrieve the serum she'd been instructed to give to Elizabeth Fox. She fumbled briefly with her keys and opened the cabinet. The door stuck as she tried to open it and she yanked on it a little too hard.

The door came open suddenly with a jerk and several bottles in the cabinet overturned and crashed to the floor, nearly hitting the startled nurse. She swore under her breath. Several of the bottles had broken, including the bottle of serum Elizabeth Fox needed. It was the last bottle in the cabinet.


Scully's head was throbbing. She and Mulder had to stop having arguments like this. If they were going to get through this ordeal they had to work together. She rubbed her temples lightly and slowly got up from her seated position on the floor. She walked to her desk and pulled the drawer open. She fished around and finally found a bottle of Tylenol. She swallowed the tablets dry.

Scully sat back down at her desk and realized again how bone tired she was. She and Mulder had gotten a little sleep the night before but all the days without sleep had caught up with her. She laid her head on her desk.

"Why won't he work with me on this? Why does he have to try and run off and be the hero?" She asked her desk blotter bitterly.

Scully raised her head slightly and stared at the shattered remains of the coffee mug near the doorway. "I'm going crazy," she told herself silently, "First I'm throwing a coffee mug, then I'm having a deep conversation with my desk blotter." She dimly wondered what Skinner wanted from Mulder.

She decided she should just go find out. As she rose to leave, the phone rang.

"Dana Scully."

"Ms. Scully this is Nurse McCallister at the Geneteco Medical Center."

"Yes," Scully answered wearily.

"Ms. Scully, Elizabeth's taken a turn for the worse. I really think you and your husband should get here as soon as possible."

Scully gripped the phone tightly. She'd heard countless doctors and nurses use that tone with families of patients. Elizabeth was in trouble and, from the sound of it, serious trouble. Scully felt a knot bind its way around her stomach.

"I'll be right there," Scully said dimly and hung up the phone.

She grabbed her legal pad from her desk to write Mulder a note.


The medical center called to tell me that Elizabeth's condition
has worsened. I had to leave to go up there because they said
we should come right away. Please meet me up there when you are
through talking with Skinner. I fear we're running out of time.

And please don't do anything rash. I need your help Mulder. We
have to work together on this. I'm sorry we argued, but I don't
think the solution you were offered is plausible. Call me when
you get back and let me know when you are leaving.


She paused and started to write "I love you" at the bottom of the note, but thought better of it. The office walls had eyes, ears and occasionally hands. That wasn't information she was ready for anyone else to know. She grabbed her purse and keys and ran out the door.



Mulder froze in the doorway. His foot had just crushed a piece of broken ceramic. He stared at the broken shards of Scully's FBI Academy coffee mug. "Shit!" He swore aloud.

He walked back out into the hallway and made his way to the janitor's closet. Mulder had actually been glad their office was close to it with the amount of destruction the two them had caused of late. He told himself mentally they had to stop arguing like that. It was simply taking too much out of them. He sighed heavily and pulled out the broom and dustpan.

He wondered where Scully was. He assumed she'd just gone out to get some air. He was still angry about the argument they'd had but his anger was lessening. He felt like a real shit heel for yelling at her. "God, why am I so on edge?" he asked himself. He finished sweeping up the mess and returned the broom and dustpan to the closet.

He walked over to his desk and finally saw Scully's note. He read it over three times but his eyes kept coming back to one line.

"I fear we're running out of time."

He folded the paper up and placed it in his pocket and pulled out the piece of paper The Smoker had given him. He slumped heavily in his chair. He was actually afraid. He had absolutely no idea what they would do to him once he gave himself up for this. But could he actually ake a chance of saying no when his daughter's life was on the line? He thought not. He stared dimly at the piece of paper before him and hesitantly picked up the phone. His fingers trembled as he dialed the number.

The number rang a couple of times and then someone picked it up but said nothing.

"It's Mulder," he breathed into the phone.

Mulder heard the person on the other end of the line exhale slowly, "That didn't take you long, Fox," a smoky voice answered.



Scully's heels clacked loudly on the deserted hallway floor of the Geneteco Medical Center. She was a little confused to not see any doctors or nurses milling around on the third floor. It had seemed so busy when she and Mulder were there before. There was no one even at the nurse's station.

As she drew closer to the nurse's station she could see a lot of activity just down the hall from it. She suddenly felt sick. All of

the activity was in front of, and possibly inside, Elizabeth's room. Scully broke into a run.

Just as she was about to get to the room Nurse McCallister stepped out of it. Scully stopped.

"What's going on?" Scully asked in a tense voice.

McCallister pulled her aside, out of earshot of the other staff members. "We've run out of the serum we'd been giving Elizabeth, there was an accident and our last container of the substance was broken. She is in serious condition and we're attempting to stabilize her until we get more serum. Dr. Kerry has been working feverishly to find more, but for some reason he can't get it from the supplier, which I find highly suspicious. He also tells me you're an FBI Agent. Do you have any more surprises for me Ms. Scully?"

Scully raised an eyebrow at the woman and crossed her arms over her chest. "As part of this investigation, I'm really not allowed to speak freely with you on the subject. I will tell you I am a doctor and you had better find more of that serum or the child will die. I've already watched one child die under similar circumstances. I will also tell you that I'm not Elizabeth's aunt. I'm her mother."

The nurse's eyes went wide with shock. Scully pushed past her roughly.

"I want to see my daughter."

She got to the door of Elizabeth's room and was stopped by Dr. Kerry. "Elizabeth is in a coma, Agent Scully. I know you had a remote amount of success with the daughter you discovered in San Diego. Do you have any suggestions on how to get the serum or how to keep Elizabeth alive?"

"Let me see her chart."



Nurse McCallister let herself into a private office whose owner wouldn't be in until that evening. She shut the door behind her and made her way to the phone. She pulled a scrap of paper from her pocket and dialed the number scrawled across the ripped page.

"Yes," an icy female voice answered.

"She's here, Marita. The child is quite sick...in a coma."

"Oh, I've been attempting to find the man who can get you the serum but I've had no luck. Is Agent Scully's partner with her?

"No. She's not saying much either. She's begun to run tests on the girl. She had some experience with her first daughter I'm assuming, but it doesn't look good."

"I see. Call me when you have more information or if something happens to the child."



Scully sat in the hard, yellow chair next to Elizabeth's bed. She was worrying the child's fingers in her hand. Scully was fighting hard to keep her eyes open. It had been an exhausting day. She had helped the doctors there try everything they could to stabilize the child and bring her out of the coma. They had not succeeded.

Scully was also extremely angry that the broken bottle of serum had been incinerated making it impossible for her to analyze what was in it. Weak tears leaked from her eyes. At least Elizabeth wasn't in any pain. Scully's shoulders slumped. She felt so abandoned. Elizabeth's body had given up. The doctors were all at a loss and were refusing to come in the room. Scully had the distinct impression they'd been ordered too. Even Nurse McCallister was keeping her distance. Worst of all, Mulder still hadn't shown up. If she wasn't so tired, Scully dimly thought, she'd be livid.

She wished she could pray but she felt like a hypocrite. But then she realized she didn't have a prayer against the people she was up against. More tears fell. "Dammit Mulder where are you!" She swore aloud.

She reached for her cell phone in the pocket of the trenchcoat draped over the end of the bed. She dialed Mulder's cell phone. There wasn't an answer. She tried his home phone and got the machine. She left a terse message.

"Mulder, I really need you to be here. Call me as soon as you get this." She hung up.

She rose from her chair and sat on the bed next to Elizabeth's comatose form. She wrapped her arms around the small girl and held her. She laid her head against the hard wall. Her eyes finally drifted shut and she fell into a restless sleep.



A loud beeping noise startled Scully out of her sleep. She looked over at Elizabeth and immediately realized she wasn't breathing. Her head whipped around and saw on the monitor. Elizabeth was flatlining. Just then a host of doctors and nurses entered the room.

Scully was too numb to move. She merely stood by and watched as the doctors repeatedly tried to restart Elizabeth's heart. No one even seemed to notice Scully was there. Finally, one of the doctors shook his head.

"It's no use she's gone."

"NOOOO!" Scully screamed. "You have to keep trying!" She made a move to grab the paddles from the man but one of the other doctors grabbed her and pulled her into the hallway and pushed her into an empty room.

"I know this is hard for you, but we've done all we can. She's with God now." He dropped her arms and walked out of the room. Scully slumped against the cold wall and fell to the floor. She sat there shaking for several seconds before she noticed a crucifix on the wall across from her. She scrambled to her feet and ran across the room and pulled the bject from the wall. She screamed and threw it at the window, shattering the glass. The cross dropped to the street below.

She left the room and walked back into Elizabeth's. An orderly was changing the sheets. The nurses had already wheeled Elizabeth's body away.

"Get out," Scully spat at the orderly and he complied.

She picked up her trench coat and found her cell phone again. She tried Mulder's cell and home phones again to no avail. She numbly dialed her own number on the off chance he'd left a message for her. Her answering machine coolly announced she had a message. Scully punched in the code.

<<Message received at 9 P-M.>>>


"Scully, it's me. I got your note and I know we don't have much time.
That's why I've decided to go ahead with that procedure. I tried to call
you earlier but you didn't answer your phone. I assume you must have
been busy with Elizabeth.

Scully, I know you don't agree with me but I think it's our only hope.
I don't want to leave you Dana. But if risking my life will save our
daughter's, I have to do this. I know you are strong enough to go on
without me. You've always been the strong one.

But, if your back's against the wall, call Skinner. I mean it. He
understands more than you know Scully. When I talked to him today he
told me he wants that smoking bastard to pay too. Scully he's in our
corner, and he's willing to break the rules to bring him in. Call him if
you need his help. Please don't hesitate to do it.

I know we had harsh words this morning and I'm sorry. Dana...I love
you. I will love you forever, but I can't bear the pain I saw you go
through after you lost Emily a second time. I've done so very little
for you, the least I can do is assure that another of your
children...our child lives. I'll love you forever Dana. Goodbye."

Scully collapsed against the wall behind her.



Marita Covarrubias pulled the squawking piece of plastic that was her cell phone up to her ear and hit the send button.

"Yes," she hissed.

"Where are you?" The Smoker asked her.

"I'm on my way to Geneteco. Mulder's daughter has died."

"Excellent. See to it you get your hands on Agent Scully. I don't want her telling her partner. I'm on my way to see to it Agent Mulder goes through with his earlier agreement."

"Oh, I'll make sure matters are taken care of." She said with venom."Fine. Collect Agent Scully and bring her to the location I gave you earlier. I'll enjoy allowing her to watch what's going to happen to her partner."



Mulder stood next to the dumpster outside his apartment. The Smoker had called to tell him to meet him there for further instructions. Mulder's hand rested uneasily on the Sig beneath his coat. He wanted to be prepared for anything. He kept a nervous eye on the street before him and a wary ear on the alleyway behind him.

Mulder's thoughts drifted to Scully. He was scared. He knew this was a risky stunt but he had to try, for her. Always for Scully. Without him she'd probably have a successful career as a pathologist with kids and a loving husband. Without her, the X-Files wouldn't have moved as far along as they had and he would be dying inside. He chastised himself for the thought. <Damn it why are you always thinking of yourself. It's time you gave something back to Scully...give her back her child...our child, even if it means taking myself away. She's better off without me.>

He hung his head and felt bitter tears sting his eyes. An optimistic thought surfaced in the back of his brain. Maybe the procedure would be just what the Cancer Man said it would be, just a chip in the back of his neck. Mulder had guessed they were using Scully's to track her movements or monitor something else inside her they didn't know about. It obviously controlled her cancer. He shuddered at the thought of what would happen if they decided to reverse whatever they'd done to make the disease go away.

Anger seeped into his blood. He had to live to protect her from that. He clenched the fist of his free hand. He had to stay sharp for this little game. He had to find a way to get a cure for Elizabeth without compromising himself...

All of his thoughts faded as he felt a sharp pain in the back of his neck and then passed out in a heap on the cold ground next to his apartment.

The Smoker crushed a cigarette out under his foot and stared at Mulder's prone body. A thin smile crossed his lips. "That should make you so very cooperative, Agent Mulder."

He pulled Mulder's body up and dragged it towards the white van in the alleyway. He hated having to do this sort of administrative work himself, but so many of his operatives had failed when it came to Mulder in the past. "If you want a job done right, do it yourself," he told himself quietly. Besides, he was really looking forward to seeing Scully's reaction to her partner's torture. He certainly hoped his blonde bitch had succeeded in collaring her.

The Smoker got Mulder to the van. The driver got out. "Can I help you get him inside sir?" The Smoker nodded at Mulder's feet and the driver picked them up. They unceremoniously tossed him into the back of the van and were on their way.



Scully's eyes blinked open. It took her a few seconds to realize where she was. Then the whole sickening situation came flooding back to her with frightening clarity. She took several deep breaths and calmed herself and stood up. She felt weak but she knew she had to pull it together and find Mulder before he went through with the procedure.

Scully walked into the hallway and headed for the elevator. A group of people were standing there and as she approached she heard one of them remark how long they'd been waiting. She passed the elevator and opted for the stairs a few steps away. Making her way down the steps she tried to list the places she thought Mulder would be. God, how would she find him in time? She had no idea of even knowing when they were planning this little torture session. <Get a hold of yourself and think, Dana.>

She pushed the exit door open with a burst of angry energy. It swung open and hit something on the other side. Scully heard a groan and a dull thud. Hand on her gun, Scully stepped outside and planted her feet firmly in front of Marita Covarrubias' prone body. Marita lay stunned and Scully quickly put her weapon back in its holster. Scully's hands flew straight to the lapels of Marita's trench coat. She pulled the blonde woman up and slammed her roughly against the wall. Adrenaline had taken over and Scully no longer felt weak. Dana Scully was mad as hell.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" Scully had instantly recognized her from her DMV photo. She was glad that Mulder had suggested she run Marita's DMV records earlier. It was a great way to find out what Ms. Blonde Bombshell looked like. "God, she even looks just like her driver's license photo," Scully sneered inwardly, "It figures."

The image of the woman holding a vial of Mulder's semen crept into her head unbidden. "I've seen her before in my nightmares, haven't I?" She thought horrified.

Scully roughly pulled the woman's coat open and rifled around inside and found a small hand gun. "Answer me!" Scully hissed but Marita remained silent. Scully pulled the weapon from its holster and placed in the waistband of her pants.

Marita took advantage of Scully only having one hand on her to wriggle free. She pushed Scully away violently. Scully stumbled back a few steps then launched herself at Marita. Scully crashed into her body and they both fell to the ground against a dumpster.

Marita reached behind her head with her one free hand and found a small wooden object, but it was heavy. She grabbed it and brought it crashing down against Scully's shoulder. Marita heard Scully groan as Marita noticed the object she'd used to hit her attacker was a crucifix. Marita's momentary pause allowed Scully to wrestle it away from her and bring a small fist crashing against Marita's face. Marita's head twisted around from the impact.

The blonde's head snapped back around and she brought the cross back up towards Scully's head. Scully saw it this time and quickly ducked away. The move allowed Marita to roll from under her. They were both standing, facing one another. Scully swung her leg up and kicked the cross out of Marita's hand and Scully lunged for her. The two women came crashing together landing punches and slaps.

Marita managed to back away from Scully and started to run but tripped over a large hunk of wood next to the dumpster. Scully pounced. She twisted Marita's body over until they were facing one another. The blonde woman's face and shoulder's were illuminated by an overhead light. Marita's shirt had become torn in the scuffle and just under the ruined silk garment Scully could see the faint lines of a bruise on her neck. A bruise that had the exact markings of fingers. Scully's eyebrow shot skyward.

"You feel like answering my question now Ms. Covarrubias?"

Marita swallowed. She wondered just how she was going to get Scully to believe she wanted to help her save Mulder. She also wondered how the red-haired woman knew who she was. But knowing Mulder, he'd found a way to let Scully know. If anything, Marita knew the two agents were a formidable team.

"Perhaps you don't like that question, Marita," Scully spat, "How about you tell me just where the hell my partner is and why you all are playing this little game?" Scully pushed down harder on the blonde's shoulders.

Marita let out a low groan. "I...I do know where Mulder is. I also know they're planning on putting a chip in his neck like yours...or at least that's what I was told they were going to do. Agent Scully...I want to help you stop Jo...my employer. What he's doing to these children is wrong. I know you lost your daughter tonight. I've had three children taken from me in much the same way. I know you may not believe me but you've got nothing else to go on right now...you need to trust me," she breathed.

The image of what the blonde woman had done to Mulder crept into Scully's mind unbidden. Scully felt another surge of anger, but she fought it back. Marita was right. At the moment, Marita was her only hope of finding Mulder. Scully just had to figure out how she was going to keep the upper hand in this situation. Mulder's voice suddenly echoed in her head.

"But, if your back's against the wall, call Skinner. I mean it. He understands more than you know Scully."

Scully sat back and let Marita stand up, but she still kept a hand clasped tightly on the blonde woman's arm. She reached back into her trenchcoat and found her handcuffs. "Give me your hands," Scully commanded. Marita complied and Scully snapped the metal bracelets around Marita's wrists.

"OK, you'll get out of those when we find Mulder safe and sound. From this point forward you do as I say when I say. Is that clear?"

Marita nodded. Scully pushed her in the direction of the parking lot. "Now," Scully said in a controlled voice, "what's with those finger bruises on your neck. I was pretty rough on you but someone else has been too."

"My employer did that to me," she replied matter of factly, "he likes it rough...and so do I."

"You're lovers?" Scully asked incredulously.

"Yes, why is that such a surprise Agent Scully. You and Agent Mulder have a child together."

Scully cringed. The very idea of that nicotine smelling man touching anyone repulsed her, let alone the idea of him beating someone. And Marita, someone that poised liking it rough? Scully shook her head, "Get your mind on the task at hand here," she told herself silently.

"Agent Mulder and I have a child together because YOU took his sperm and your cigarette smoking friend took my ova!" Scully swallowed and composed herself. "All of that is immaterial at the moment, Ms. Covarrubias, why don't you tell me where it is we're going?"



Scully glanced at Marita Covarrubias and then picked up her cell phone. he hit the sequence for her second speed dial number and brought the hone to her ear.

A gruff voice answered the phone, "Yeah..."

"It's Scully," she said tersely, "I've got one of our smoking friend's associates with me. It seems Agent Mulder is about to have a chip put in his neck. He's been duped into thinking it will save a dying child...my dying child, who is now dead," she continued bitterly.

"Christ, Scully," Walter Skinner replied, "Look, Mulder told me who the father is...I know...Agent Scully, do you need something?"

"Yes sir. I'd like you to meet me at the abandoned building facing Lee's Chinese Takeout on H street, it's just a few blocks from Headquarters. It's a red brick building with the word Temple on the top. Do you know the building I'm talking about?"

"I know where Lee's is, I'll find it. How long until you're there?"

"About 15 minutes sir. I'll park my car a block or so down from the building and wait for you to get there. How long will it take you?"

"I'll be there in twenty Agent Scully."

Scully hung up the phone and placed in back in the pocket of her trenchcoat. Marita was staring at her.

"Calling out the calvary, Agent Scully?"

Scully kept her eyes on the road. "I don't particularly want to fall into a trap Ms. Covarrubias. I plan on playing every card I've got...including you if I have to," Scully said evenly.

Marita looked at her cuffed hands in her lap. "I know you don't trust me, as well you shouldn't. I was ordered to get to you before you found Mulder. I would imagine they have him now. Otherwise, I wouldn't have been told to bring you to this address. HE wants you to watch what happens to Mulder," she said icily.

Scully tightened her grip on the steering wheel. "So, is that the real reason you came to the Medical Center?"

"No, I told you I want to bring the bastard down. I knew as long as he had Mulder I could count on your help. I'm not stupid Agent Scully, I can see how much you care about your partner. It was practically coming off of you in waves when you were at his bedside in the arctic," she gave Scully a sinister smile, "I almost felt guilty making him come for me when he thought it was you. Almost. He's an attractive man. I can see why you'd be so interested...but he's a little too sensitive for me, not strong willed enough. I'll bet he's a real gentleman in bed, isn't he Agent Scully? I mean he must be very tender and thoughtful, right?"

Scully thought her nails were going to go straight through the plastic of the steering wheel. "No, do not let her goad you into an argument, Dana, she's trying to take advantage of your anger." She told herself silently. Scully clenched her teeth, then composed herself. Two could play at this game.

"Actually, Marita," Scully said disdainfully, "Mulder's a beast in bed. An animal. I love it too. We're into bondage. I've worn that pair of handcuffs you have on your wrists a number of times." She kept her eyes pinned on the road so as not to betray the lie she'd just told. "Not a lie," her mind supplied, "You merely participated in a campaign of misinformation."

Marita snorted. She knew Scully was lying. She could see it in her face. Dana Scully didn't break rules unless she had good cause to. Mulder was one of those causes, but Marita had a feeling Mulder and Scully hadn't crossed that line...yet. But Marita had accomplished her goal. She needed Scully to be angry enough to break lots of rules and a few heads if need be. Marita knew they were about to face the fight of their lives against The Smoker and his minions and victory was excessively important to her. She wanted to pay the bastard back in spades. She fully intended to have Scully ready to beat the hell out of anyone. Their lives depended on it.



Fox Mulder struggled to clear his head. "Where the hell am I?" he thought muzzily as his vision began to clear. He was lying on some kind of table, face down and naked. He could feel the cold surface below him. His balls were crushed uncomfortably against his thigh. He shifted in a vain attempt to rearrange himself. He tried to move his arms and legs ut they were bound down to the table with leather straps. He glanced around as much as his head would allow him and he could see he was in some kind of operating theater. A door was set in the wall on his right. Bright lights illuminated the entire scene. He blinked.

"Fuck me!" he cursed aloud as the memories of where he most likely was and what was going to happen to him suddenly flooded back into his head.

"Not this time, Agent Mulder," a voice chuckled hoarsely somewhere near his feet.

Mulder craned his head around but he couldn't quite stretch far enough to see. Of course he didn't really need to look. He could smell the cigarette smoke.

The Cancer Man walked forward and bent slightly from the waist. His head was on the same level as Mulder's then and he blew acrid smoke into his eyes.

Mulder coughed loudly, "Don't you know second hand smoke causes lung cancer?" he hissed shutting his watering eyes, "Cut the crap, tall, dark and gruesome, let's get this show on the road!"

Cancer Man threw his cigarette down and crushed it under his foot, "All in good time, Agent Mulder, all in good time," he replied taking a step back.

Mulder sighed. He should have realized this sick fuck would want to prolong the moment. It was just like him to decide to twist the knife a little. Mulder didn't want to play into the game though. He definitely wasn't in the mood. He remained mute and just stared at a spot a foot or so in front of his face.

Cancer Man watched for a reaction and when none came he spoke again, "I expected you'd have more to say, Mulder. You're usually so loquacious. Don't you want to know exactly what we're going to do to you?"

"Not really, it's beside the point isn't it? You agreed to save my... our daughter if I submitted to this procedure. I don't really care what you do now as long as you stick to the deal."

The Smoker stared at Mulder for a fraction of a second and then he said, "I'd be happy to stick to our deal, Mulder, but unfortunately your daughter is dead.""What?" Mulder asked as if he hadn't heard him.

"I said your daughter died, Mulder. Agent Scully was with her however, so at least she had the comfort of her Mother as she...crossed over."

"You lying sack of shit, I don't believe you," Mulder whispered hoarsely. "It has to be a lie," he thought, "God, please don't let it be true."

"Whatever, Mulder. Believe as you please. But at any rate, all bets are off now. Just relax and...go with the flow." Cancer man replied, an evil smile playing about his lips.

Mulder gazed at him and labored to hold his face immobile. He didn't want to give the Smoking Man even one clue regarding the emotional turmoil his remark had created in his heart and mind.

"How are we doing in here?" a cheery voice interrupted them. The Smoker glanced back towards the door. A man in surgical scrubs had just entered. He was pushing a small sheet covered wheeled table ahead of him. He strode over and stood next to the Cancer Man. He hadn't bothered to put on his surgical mask. It still lay where it was tied around his neck. Mulder stared up into his face.

"Dr. Kerry, I presume?" Mulder sneered.

"Nice to see you again, Agent Mulder.""Sorry I can't say the pleasure's mutual," Mulder coldly replied.

Kerry's smile broadened slightly and he made to speak again but the Cancer Man interrupted him.

"That will do, gentlemen. Dr. Kerry, are we ready to begin this procedure?"

"Yes, sir, I'm just waiting for Dr. Kim." Kerry promptly replied.

"The anesthesiologist?" Cancer Man asked.

"Right," Kerry confirmed.

"You're going to sedate me?" Mulder asked concern in his voice.

"Why, Agent Mulder. I thought you said you didn't want to know anything else about our little surgical procedure." The Cancer Man's evil smile sent a chill down Mulder's spine.

"Didn't you tell him?" Dr. Kerry asked as he glanced behind him. A shorter Asian man was just coming in the door,
"Dr. Kim," he said in way of a greeting. Dr. Kim inclined his head and crossed to the opposite side of the gurney where Mulder lay. He sat down on a stool next to Mulder's arm. He busied himself with the IV equipment and other monitors that were there.

"So?" Mulder prompted as the Cigarette Smoking man crossed his arms.

"No," he spat out at Dr. Kerry, "Why don't you explain, Dr. Kerry?"

Mulder swiveled his head from the Cancer Man to Dr. Kerry. He winced slightly as he felt Dr. Kim insert the IV into the back of his hand.

"Well, all right," Dr. Kerry puffed up slightly, clearly happy to be at center stage. He had moved to the covered table. Pulling the sheet back he started to move things around on the table top. Mulder tried to see but his head wouldn't quite allow him a good view once again.

Kerry was speaking again and Mulder gave him his attention, "Agent Mulder, we are going to put an implant in the back of your neck as you were told. I'm not going to go into all the technology behind the chip but I know you've assumed that part of it's purpose involves monitoring of your brain's function. You would be correct in that assumption. The insertion procedure for this chip doesn't really need a general anesthetic."

"So, far you haven't told me anything I didn't all ready suspect," Mulder replied with annoyance.

"Patience, patience, Mulder," Cancer Man interjected as he fished into his suitcoat pocket for his Morleys."Can I ask you not to do that in here?" Dr. Kim admonished gesturing with his head towards the oxygen containers that sat against the wall next to his stool.

The Smoker frowned but he returned the cigarettes to his coat pocket. Dr. Kerry had moved close to Mulder and he began to swab a Betadine solution on the back of his neck with a swab held in sterile forceps.

"So, can someone tell me the rest of this boring little story before I freeze my nuts off in here?" Mulder asked in exasperation.

Dr. Kerry barked out a harsh laugh, "Well, Mr. Mulder you've sort of beaten me to my next point anyway." He walked down towards his ass and then he stood looking down at him.

Mulder could sense Dr. Kim doing something to the top of the IV stand and he surmised that he was getting ready to either start the drip or infuse the anesthetic into his veins. He knew he didn't have much time for any more verbal fencing.

"Cut the shit, Kerry and just spit it out. What the fuck are you babbling about?"

"What Dr. Kerry is trying to tell you...Fox...is that we have several experiments we'd like you to act as a participant in. You will recall Agent Scully's earlier donation to our cause? The harvesting of her ova?"

Mulder stared back at the Cancer Man. Dawning horror began to etch itself into his face.

"Yes, I see you remember her donation. Well, we'd like to thank you for yours as well. And now we'd like to thank you for allowing us to make more, shall we say, extensive use of your....contribution."

Dr. Kerry had moved very close and suddenly Mulder lurched up violently in his bonds as Kerry's hands plunged roughly between his legs and gripped his balls.

"Jesus..." Mulder screamed as Kerry swabbed his scrotum with ice cold antiseptic fluid.

"Jesus? Yes, that might be appropriate, Fox, after all he was a product of immaculate conception as well, was he not?" The Cancer Man quipped and then he turned on his heels and walked out the door.

Mulder's eyes rolled up in their sockets and his head lolled sideways. Dr. Kim injected more anesthetic into his IV and Mulder sank into oblivion.



The street was relatively empty and quiet as Dana Scully drove past block after block of old or abandoned buildings. She scanned for addresses on store fronts and warehouses. She thought she remembered the location of Lee's, but it was damned hard to pick out the exact spot. All the buildings tended to blur together and looked so much alike in her shell shocked mind.

"Just a little further," Marita Covarrubias advised from the seat beside her. She shifted and tried to rub her hand cuffed wrists against the front of her skirt. Scully didn't reply. She merely continued to scan the numbers on the buildings.

Finally, she spotted what she was looking for all along. Scully braked her car a block down and across the street from Lee's Chinese Takeout. She could clearly see the word TEMPLE in peeling paint on the facade of the red brick building next to it. Scully glanced at Marita, her eyebrow raised.

"Yes, that's it, don't worry. He's in there," Marita Covarrubias whispered shifting uncomfortably. "God, I wish this red headed bitch would take these cuffs off. They're cutting off my circulation," she sighed inwardly.

Scully glanced at her watch and turned off the ignition, "Where the hell's Skinner?" she thought in irritation, "He should be here by now."

A metallic blue, Ford Taurus pulled up a half block further down from Scully's car. As soon as the car came to a halt the driver's side door swung open and A. D. Walter Skinner climbed out.

Scully looked over at Marita and ordered, "Stay here and keep quiet."

Marita stared back at Scully with hooded eyes, "What about these handcuffs?" she asked holding her wrists up. She shook the cuffs for emphasis.

"Just sit tight," Scully answered and then she pulled open her own car door and stepped out. She shut the door and Marita dropped her hands back into her lap.

"Agent Scully." Skinner rumbled in greeting as he reached Scully's side. He leaned around Scully to peer through the window of her car. "Shit, I recognize that woman," he thought.

"Scully is that..." Skinner began.

"Marita Covarrubias. She works for United Nations Office Of Special Representative to the Secretary General. She's also one of Mulder's contacts. I just found out she's in league with the, uh, Cigarette Smoking Man."

"Yeah, we've met," Skinner grated. He was more than familiar with the leggy blonde. Their introduction didn't bring back very fond memories, "What the hell is she doing here?" he asked.

"Well, apparently she doesn't agree with The Smokers plans any longer. I guess she's having a crisis of conscious, sir. She told me where Mulder was being held and then she said she wants to get back at her boss as well."

"Can we trust her?" Skinner asked.

"I think so, sir. Um, it appears she had a relationship with that bastard. He...abused her. She has the marks on her throat. I think she's mad enough to make him pay. I would be if it were me. We have to take her word that she's sincere. I think we're going to need her help to get inside that building. We don't have much choice. But I'd keep her on a short leash."

Skinner ran his hand over his mouth, "All right, let's impress that idea on her, Agent Scully. Get her out of the car."

Scully walked around the car and opened the passenger side door, "Get out," she snapped. Marita slid over on the seat. She started to lever herself out of the car but the handcuffs on her wrists made it difficult for her to maneuver. Scully reached forward, grabbed the cuffs and helped to hoist her off the seat. Marita stumbled a bit but Scully supported her as her feet hit the sidewalk. By the time Skinner had rounded the car hood to reach them, Scully had Marita propped up against the side of the car.

The blonde woman turned her head sideways to stare into Skinner's glasses, "Assistant Director Skinner," she stated in greeting.

Skinner raised an eyebrow. Well obviously she remembers me as well he thought. Skinner's eyes were drawn to her neck and the livid finger print bruises that ringed it. He shrugged slightly. Scully hadn't exaggerated the abuse at the Cigarette Smoking Man's hands, that much was certain.

"Ms. Covarrubias," he answered gruffly.

Marita looked away from him and looked at Scully. Scully held her face impassive. Marita shrugged and then her head swiveled around to Skinner's face again, "You can call me Marita," she said in a low voice.

"Fine, Marita," Skinner replied, "now listen up. I'm going to make this short and sweet. Don't fuck with us. I'm going to take Agent Scully's evaluation of your sincerity as gospel. If you prove her wrong and thereby make a fool out of me, I won't hesitate to blow your head off. Do you understand?"

Marita's eyes flashed, "You're going to have to believe me Mr. Skinner, you're not going to get into that building any other way without me," she stated matter-of-factly. "Now would you be so kind as to call off your dogs?" she added holding her cuffed wrists and shaking them in his face.

"Why you...you're the dog, you bitch, you...." Scully stammered.

"Agent Scully!" Skinner warned. Scully instantly stopped her invective. Skinner glanced at her. He saw the anger, concern and fear in her eyes. He pitched his voice low and spoke much more gently, "Scully, she's right, we don't have much choice. If we're going to help Mulder we're going to have to take her at her word. Give me the keys."

Scully flushed angrily, but she reached into her coat pocket, and producing the cuff's keys, handed them to Skinner. Skinner took them from her, and taking Marita's hands in his unlocked the handcuffs. He handed the keys and cuffs back to Scully as Marita chaffed her hands and wrists together to restore her circulation.

"Thank you," she stated. Neither Skinner nor Scully answered her. Marita inclined her head to look at Scully's waist and the gun that was jammed there, "I don't suppose you'd consider giving me my gun, would you?" she added looking up into Scully's eyes.

Scully stared back at her in defiance, "No way," she hissed.

Marita shrugged and looked back at Skinner. "All right, I'm ready, Mr. Skinner. How would you like to proceed?"

"I just want you to get us in the God damned lobby and then get out of the way. Don't interfere. We'll take it from there. We'll take care of your employer. Don't worry about it." Skinner replied.

"That's all I ask," Marita answered and then she straightened up from her slumping position against the car. She wasn't very happy about this little turn of events. She had really wanted a more personal exchange to take place between her and that monster she had called her lover. "Well," she thought looking from Skinner to Scully, "I'll just have to bide my time and see what develops."

"Fine, now get us in there," Scully interrupted her train of thought.

"Right. There's a camera next to the entrance. It's recessed slightly so you can't see it right away. It's field of vision encompasses just the person standing immediately in front of the door. You'll need to stand to either side at first so that the guard inside doesn't see you on his monitors," Marita explained.

"Only the one guard?" Skinner asked, raising his eyebrows.

"Yes, it's really a research facility. One guard and a bunch of gutless wonders poking lab rats for a living," Marita sneered.

"Little or no resistance, then?" Scully asked, hope growing in her voice.

"Bingo," Marita replied, "Lucky thing too, I guess," she arched an eyebrow and looked sardonically at their meager rescue party. "Now, do you understand about the camera?"

"Yes, let's go," Skinner rumbled. He drew his gun from it's holster and Scully did the same. Marita pushed off from the car's bumper. She rearranged her clothing so that the damage from her fight with Scully wasn't quite as obvious, and then she turned, rounding the car's bumper headed off across the street. Walter Skinner and Dana Scully moved to follow her.


The Cigarette Smoking Man lit up as soon as he was out of the make-shift operating theater. He puffed on his Morley and snuffed out the match with his fingers. He threw the match to the floor and leaned against the wall. He could just see through the glass window in the room's door.

Mulder was strapped to the gurney and unconscious. The Cancer Man smiled. This was superb, he thought. He could see the whole procedure. Mulder's humiliation was complete and now the Cancer Man would have complete control over both him and Agent Dana Scully. And my God, how much further would their research jump ahead now? Everyone would be supremely happy over the technological and biological strides these experiments would bring about.

He basked in the glow of ultimate power. The feeling was almost sexual. It was a hell of a lot more erotic than anything he had ever experienced with Marita Covarrubias. He frowned a bit and looked at his watch, "Where the hell is Marita anyway?" he wondered. <Well, she'd be along directly, and with Agent Scully in tow if she knew what was good for her.> He crossed his arms and drew smoke deeply into his lungs.

In the operating theater, Dr. Kerry began to argue slightly with the smaller Dr. Kim. As The Smoker watched Kerry walked over to examine the valves on the oxygen tanks. He shook his head and gestured at the mask that Kim was holding in his hands. He refused to put the oxygen mask on Mulder and the two men started to gesture at each other in real anger.

"Oh for Christ sake," the Cancer Man thought. <Do I have to do everything myself?> He pushed off from the wall, threw his smoke to the floor and crushed it out. With weary annoyance he stepped forward to reenter the room.


Marita Covarrubias stood in front of the camera at the building's entrance. Skinner and Scully stood well to the side with their weapons at the ready. Marita raised her hand in greeting and the electronic lock on the door buzzed open. She pulled the door open and then Skinner took the door out of her hands and pushed her to the side out of the way.

"Federal Agents, don't move and get your hands in the air!" he shouted at the lone guard seated at the monitors inside. The guard stood up, knocking his chair over and then he turned and ran down a hallway off to the side of the main lobby. Scully started to pursue him.

"Let him go," Skinner barked and just as he said it an alarm started to blare throughout the facility, "Oh shit," he cursed.

"There's an exit down that hallway. It's alarmed," Marita stated coming up behind them.

"Do you know the building's layout?" Skinner asked her.

"Yes," she stated flatly."Do you know where they might be holding Mulder?" Scully asked looking into her face.

Marita could see the expression of desperation there. Marita felt pity for Scully at that moment. Everything that had been done to her had been so wrong. Marita could sympathize. She had been a victim as well. It was time to see that justice prevailed for once. She'd do everything she could to see that it did.

"I can make an educated guess," she replied nodding her head.

"Then take us there," Skinner ordered.

The Cigarette Smoking Man's hand had just touched to door knob to enter the operating theater when a blaring alarm sounded throughout the building. He jumped and than turned to look down both directions of the hallway. He could see several people running for exits and he frowned deeply, "Just like rats leaving a sinking ship," he thought, "Well, fuck them all," he fumed and then he gave the door handle a violent twist and threw the door wide.

"What the hell is that noise?" Kerry was blustering. He yanked his surgical mask down as he stared at The Smoker. His eyes were popping out of his head. The man was clearly terrified. Dr. Kim stood by speechless.

"It's the alarm, you cretin," The Cancer Man replied, "Clearly we are about to have company! Move him," he ordered gesturing towards Mulder.

"Move him yourself, you fucking asshole," Dr. Kim shouted. He had finally found his voice, "I've had it. I am out of here!" he added and then he rose up off the stool next to Mulder and dashed out of the room.

Dr. Kerry danced from one foot to the other. It was obvious he felt the same and The Smoking Man pinned him with a scathing look, "All right, Kerry, get the hell out. I'll take care of Agent Mulder."

Kerry gulped and headed for the door.

"And Dr. Kerry?"


"I'll be in touch," The Smoker hissed. Dr. Kerry fled.

The Cancer Man moved to stand close to Mulder. He looked down at the Betadine stain on the back of his neck. As he stared at the spot he reached inside his coat and drew an automatic weapon from the shoulder holster he wore. He grasped the top of the weapon, pulled, and the gun clicked as a bullet entered the firing chamber. A noisy commotion somewhere outside and down the hallway broke his concentration. He turned to walk back to the room's door.

Skinner and Scully ran behind Marita down a hallway and deeper into the building. People scattered before them, heading for every available exit. No one hindered them and soon they met no other employees of the facility. The entire building had been cleared out.

"This way," Marita called back over her shoulder, "There are two operating theaters back here. Mulder has to be in one of them."

The Cancer Man opened the door to the operating theater. He could hear running feet approaching fast. He glanced back at Mulder and shrugged his shoulders. He knew when to cut and run. Knowing when to call it a day had saved his neck more than once. He stepped through the door and shut it quietly. He turned and headed up the hallway. Just as he rounded the corner at the end of the hall, Marita came around the one at the opposite end. The Cancer Man heard her voice. He stopped his exit and flattened himself against the wall just around the corner.

"This is the first operating theater," Marita stated somewhat breathlessly. She stood back as Scully drew up beside her.

"Try the door," Skinner commanded.

Dana Scully stepped forward and twisted the handle. She pushed the door open a crack. Skinner stood at her back, sweeping the hallway. Scully peeked inside and saw the room was empty except for Mulder on the gurney.

"Oh, God," she whispered before she could stop herself. She pushed the door open violently and rushed inside. Skinner stood in the doorway and continued to cover the hallway. He glanced in and saw Scully run to the gurney containing Mulder's unconscious naked body. Scully grabbed Mulder's wrist, feeling desperately for his pulse.

"Is he alive?" Skinner grated. Marita moved over to get a look into the room as well.

"Yes, he, he's alive. He's just been drugged that's all."

"All right, Scully, try to wake him up. Marita, stay here, I'm going to take a look around. And Scully?"

"Yes, sir?" Scully replied glancing over her shoulder at the A.D. Skinner was staring intently into Marita's face. His eyes narrowed and than he turned back to look at Scully.

"Give Ms. Covarrubias back her weapon," he ordered, "Do you think you can keep watch out here?" he asked the blonde.

"No problem. I know how to use a gun." Marita answered derisively.

"I bet." Scully replied with hostility in her voice. She walked over and taking the gun from her waistband handed it to the taller woman, "See to it that you don't point this in my direction, please." Scully advised in a low voice as she pinned Marita's eyes. "That is unless you really do have a death wish."

"I'll bear that in mind," The blonde replied taking the gun. She checked it over quickly and then turned to face Skinner, "Don't worry, Walter, I'm not going to fuck with you, as you so succinctly put it earlier. You're really not my type. Just see to it that you find that black suited bastard I used to ball, all right?"

Skinner gave her a surprised look and then his face settled into a sour frown, "Whatever," he replied, "If you ladies will excuse me, I'm going to reconnoiter," he added and then he turned and headed back in the direction they had just come to check several doors down the hallway.

Marita glanced at Scully, "Go ahead, see to him," she sighed and than she smiled just a bit at the shorter woman. Scully blinked at the expression of sudden sadness she saw in Marita's face. She turned on her heels and quickly strode back to Mulder's side.

Scully bent forward to peer into his face. Her hand shook as she gently touched his forehead, brushing his hair out of his eyes, "Mulder, it, it's me. Can you hear me?" There was no response. She rubbed his wrist and than yanked at the strap that bound it, deftly undoing it. She walked to his other arm and undid that strap as well. She gently pulled the IV from his hand and replaced the adhesive tape over the puncture to stop the bleeding. When she reached the first of his leg straps she gasped. "Mother of God," she breathed as she saw the Betadine solution covering his genitals.

"What?" Marita said. She had come up behind Scully and her question caused Scully to jump. She whirled around, and flinging her hands into Marita's chest, pushed the blonde violently backwards.

"You stay away from him you, you Godforsaken slut!" she yelled, "Get back outside and keep and eye out for that Whoremaster you call a boyfriend, all right?" she cried, her blues eyes flashing in anger.

Marita's mouth dropped open as she reeled back. She recovered her balance, breathing hard. She stared into Dana Scully's face and her heart froze in her chest.

There on the other woman's face Marita saw the emotion she had yet to feel in her entire power hungry, ladder climbing life. She saw love. She recognized Scully's love and devotion for the man lying unconscious on that table in the operating theater. Dana Scully loved Fox Mulder. Marita had all ready seen the physical attraction Scully had for him, of course. She had more experience than most in seeing that aspect of a relationship. But she now also sensed something more.

There was a deep spiritual element to their love. An element that transcended the physical. A bond that went way beyond any kind of sexual union. It was an aspect of love that Marita knew she would never, could never, hope to attain. As she studied Scully's face her heart broke and in the few short moments all this had moved across her mind, she felt overwhelming guilt for what she had done to both Dana Scully and Fox Mulder.

"Agent Scully, I, I'm so sorry. Please believe me when I say I wish none of this had ever happened. And I'll make that brutal bastard pay in spades for what he made me do to both of you. I swear to God he's going to get what he deserves." Tears sprung into her eyes. She cursed inwardly because she couldn't control them as they slid down her cheeks.

Scully stood looking into Marita's eyes. She studied her face and than her body relaxed slightly, "All right, Marita, I, well I guess I can understand your situation. It doesn't excuse what you did, but I can try to understand. Now, get back out there and stand guard. I have to try to get Mulder up and out of here."

"He's heavy, you're going to need help." Marita stated practically glancing up and down the smaller woman's body. Then she felt her torn blouse and smiled slightly, "Then again, maybe you won't."

Scully let a tiny smile play about her lips, "I'm going to try to wake him up enough so he can help us move him, but yeah, I guess I'd appreciate the hand."

"All right, call me when you're ready," Marita replied and then she turned and went back out into the hallway.

Scully went over and began to massage Mulder's arms and legs. She chaffed them roughly and than she went back up to Mulder's head.

"Come on, Mulder, wake up for me, all right. Try. Mulder, can you hear me?" She put the back of her hand against his cheek and stroked gently. She could feel his rough beard stubble against her knuckles. She bent forward and whispered into his ear.

"Mulder, come back to me, I need you to wake up now."

She felt his head move slightly under her hand. He groaned, "Sculleeee."

"That's right, Mulder, it's me, wake up. Snap out of it. Get moving."

Mulder opened his eyes slightly. They were very dazed but he did manage to smile, "I hope that's really you this time, Scully," he quipped and then he coughed violently. His whole body shook with the violence of his gagging.

"Oh God, it is me this time, it's me, hang on, Mulder," she held his shoulders as he wretched from the effects of the anesthetic.

Outside the operating theater Walter Skinner had finished checking the doors down one entire side of the hallway and was headed back up the other. He had seen the fresh Morley butt on the floor outside the operating theater. He knew it's former owner had to be nearby. He held his gun at the ready. Most of the doors had been locked. The ones that weren't yielded up empty rooms or storage closets. He finished checking the other side and than worked his way back to where Marita Covarrubias stood by the operating theater door.

Marita glanced back to see Dana Scully holding Mulder in her arms. They were obviously giving each other very unprofessional comfort at the moment. Marita gently pulled the door shut behind her and moved to draw Skinner's attention away from the door's small glass window.

"Did you find anything?" she asked.

"No, I'm going to check up at the other end now. Stay alert."

"I'm frosty," she replied, "Just make sure you watch your ass, Walter." she advised. "I will," she grinned at his receding back. Of course she'd lied before. Skinner could definitely be her type. "Any time," she thought as she watched the A.D. walk away.

The Cigarette Smoking Man had heard Marita and Skinner's exchange. He had entertained the vain hope of walking back around the corner to confront Marita, but now with Skinner heading his way that seemed totally impossible. He came to a decision. As Walter Skinner approached, The Smoker crept down to the next door in the wall. He quickly twisted the door knob, opening the door silently. He stepped inside, shut the door and locked it behind him.

Scully rubbed Mulder's back. He had managed to sit up but he was still very groggy. Scully had taken off her trenchcoat and put it around his trembling shoulders. His heaving had stopped, and without bringing up anything after all. He took several deep breaths. Then he turned slightly and tried to kiss Scully.

Scully gently pushed him away, "Mulder, as much as I'd like to have you kiss me, we don't have time for that right now," she shook her head in bemusement.

Mulder's eyes tried to focus on her face, "I, I'm sorry Scully, I just had to see if it was really you," he sighed, blinking rapidly. He shook his head back and forth and then he almost pitched off the table. Scully caught him, "Oh, Mulder," she whispered and then she did kiss him on the cheek.

"Yup, s'you," he slurred.

The Cancer Man quietly walked to the back of the room he had taken refuge in until he reached what he was looking for. He stepped up close to the rack of oxygen containers that rested in the second of the makeshift operating theaters. The one without the window in the door he thought gratefully. He smiled. "Ah, yes, this should do very nicely," he thought. His hands reached out to rest on one of the tank's valves. He turned it. Oxygen began to hiss out. He heard someone rattle the doorknob. He twisted the valve shut and held his breath.

"Marita!" Scully called from inside the operating theater, "I could use that extra hand."

The blonde opened the door and walked in. Mulder was dressed in Scully's trenchcoat and he stood leaning heavily on his much smaller partner. The trenchcoat came to his knees. Marita suppressed a laugh. Mulder looked at her woozily, "Now I know it's you Scully," he deadpanned and then he swayed a bit.

"Whoa, Agent Mulder, let me help you," Marita hastened forward, jamming the gun into the back of her skirt. When she grabbed Mulder's arm to place it over her shoulder he shrank from her touch.

"Mulder, please let me help. You're going to knock Agent Scully over. Just...Look, I'm more sorry than you can know for my earlier actions. Let me make amends by seeing that you get out of here safely."

Mulder swallowed hard as he fought to retain his balance. He nodded his head in the affirmative and then concentrated on moving his feet.

"All right, here we go," Scully warned and then they headed towards the door, Mulder balanced precariously between them.

Walter Skinner came back up the hallway just as Marita and Scully were dragging Mulder through the operating theater door.

"Mulder, you look like shit," he quipped gruffly, but there was a grin on his face.

"Thank you, sir," Mulder replied dizzily.

"Scully, let me take that side," Skinner said as he holstered his weapon and moved to take Scully's place at Mulder's side.

"Did you see any sign of him?" Marita asked Skinner as he took hold of Mulder's arm.

"Why, I'm right here Marita," a cigarette hoarse voice called from the end of the hallway.

Skinner whirled in an instant, his gun flying from it's holster and back into his hand, "Freeze! Drop your weapon, and put your hands in the air!" he shouted.

Scully tried to reach for her gun but Mulder's weight sagged against her. He was trying to look sideways towards the sound of the voice. He was starting to twist in their grasp.

"You fuck, you God damned monster, I'll kill you, I'll"...he choked out as he was racked by more dry heaves.

Marita held tight to Mulder's shoulders. She looked over at Scully. Their eyes met and in an instant Scully read Marita's intentions, "No, Marita," she whispered.

"Hold on to him, Dana," she replied and than she let all of Mulder's weight sag into Scully's arms.

"Oh, shit," Scully gasped. Mulder's wretching had ceased, but now he fell sideways to the floor taking Scully down with him. They sprawled through the doorway to the operating theater. Mulder fell unconscious again and Scully rolled him onto his stomach. She checked his pulse. It was still strong. He was just out for the count. Scully extricated herself from the tangle of their arms and legs and then reached for her weapon. She was up in a flash and back out the door, weapon at the ready to stand next to Walter Skinner. Marita was all ready standing next to him.

The Cancer Man stood at the end of the hallway his gun drawn on all three of them. He grinned and stepped back slightly around the corner.

"I said freeze Mister," Skinner yelled angrily and than all three of them advanced down the hallway. Marita strode ahead a little more quickly, purpose in her step. She reached the corner before either Skinner or Scully. She rounded it, one hand behind her back on the butt of the gun that was jammed into her skirt waistband. The Cancer Man stood waiting.

"Hello, John," she whispered seductively, "I'm glad I finally found you, lover," she purred.

The Smoker stared at her, his grin still firmly in place, "Yes, I'm glad you found me too, my sweet," he replied.

Skinner and Scully just rounded the corner. They were about 10 feet away from their target. Unfortunately Marita Covarrubias was in their direct line of fire.

"Marita!" Scully gasped.

"Put down your weapon you Morely sucking fuck!" Skinner commanded again.

The Cancer Man ignored them. He only had eyes for Marita as she swayed up to him.

"John, honey, I think we should leave now, really I do," she whispered. I mean this isn't going to do us any good. We need to cut and run. I'd like you to take me out of here, John. I'd like you to take me home and than I'd just like you to take me," she licked her lips lasciviously and smiled into his face. She was right in front of him now and she reached down and touched his cock through the front of his slacks. He growled. Her hand came up from behind her back and she shoved her gun up towards where her other hand was resting. In one deft move, The Smoker grabbed her arm in a grip of steel and jerked it up causing the gun to fly impotently off down the hallway. Marita screamed in anger and frustration and then she screamed in pain and fear as the Cancer Man jerked her arm up sharply behind her and flipped her around to face Skinner and Scully. He pulled her arm up tight against his chest and jammed his weapon into her temple.

"Sorry, dear, I must refuse your delightful offer," he whispered into her ear. Marita could feel his cock through his pants. It was hard. She looked sideways into his eyes. His eyes looked like those of a great white shark just before it strikes it's prey, flat, black and dead. Marita closed her eyes and looked away.

"Let her go and drop your weapon!" Skinner yelled again training his gun on the Cancer Man's head. <Shit.> He cursed to himself. There was no clear shot. Marita was almost as tall as The Smoker and he was holding her directly in front of him.

"Scully?" he hissed. Scully being slightly behind and to the side had a different angle on the line of fire.

"No, sir," she replied quickly. "I can't risk it, I'll hit her for sure."

The Cancer Man stared at them both for a moment and then he glanced back at Marita. He pressed the barrel of the gun even tighter against the side of her head.

"Dearest?" he asked her.

She looked into his eyes and she knew, "John?" It was half question and half pleading request. She saw the confirmation in his soulless eyes and she turned to look at Dana Scully. She watched her face and basked in the feeling she had seen there earlier. The blissful look of perfect love Dana Scully had for Fox Mulder. Marita sighed peacefully and shut her eyes once more. She began to silently pray. She didn't think God was listening but it never hurt to try.

The Cancer Man smiled at her and then he pressed a gentle kiss to her blonde hair.

"Sorry, Marita. Nothing personal really, this is just business," and then he pulled the trigger.

"NO!" Scully screamed.

The sound of the shot was deafening in the hallway. Marita Covarrubias' brains blew out the right side of her skull and splattered all over the wall. Some of her blood landed on the Cancer Man's polished right shoe and he flicked his toe in disdain.

Skinner and Scully looked on in stunned horror as The Smoker tossed Marita's body to the floor in front of him with no more feeling than he might use to throw down one of his smoked up Morley cigarettes.

When her body hit the floor with a dull thud, The Smoker dropped his gun on top of her crumpled form, "I'll surrender, now." he stated flatly and then he placed his hands at his sides.

"I said get your fucking hands in the air," Skinner yelled anger mixed with disgust in his voice, "and then don't move an inch you sick piece of shit!"

"Certainly, Walter," The Cancer Man answered, "But, I'd be even more docile if I could just reach for my smokes. Would you mind? Really, please don't shoot. Isn't that what a good agent says before he reaches for his ID in a situation like this one?"

Scully glanced at Skinner out of the corner of her eye. Skinner wasn't putting his gun up but he wasn't going to fire either. Scully held her gun firm.

The Smoker shoved his right hand in his pocket, drew out a cigarette, and match, and lit up. He dragged the smoke into his lungs, and then he dropped the match. Both Skinner and Scully's eyes followed the match as it fell onto Marita's dead body. The Smoker lunged for the door handle to his right.

Skinner and Scully fired simultaneously. Skinner's round missed but Scully's just grazed the Cancer Man's shoulder. He must have been running on adrenaline however, because he reached the door knob without any hesitation. He even still held his cigarette firmly clenched between his teeth.

Skinner prepared to fire again but he stopped suddenly as a very important notion jumped unbidden into his head. He saw the cigarette glowing brightly in The Cancer Man's mouth. The image jogged his memory and his mind's eye suddenly saw the canisters of oxygen that had been in Mulder's make-shift operating theater. Marita had said there were two operating rooms down this hallway. He vaguely remembered a hissing noise...

The Cigarette Smoking Man took his smoke out of his mouth and started to yank the door open in order to gain entrance to the room to the right. Skinner turned towards Dana Scully.

"Scully, RUN!" he shouted and then he grabbed her arm and turning her around, propelled her ahead of him, back up the hallway in the direction they had come.

They dashed around the corner together at a dead run. Scully was almost even with the door to the operating theater where Mulder lay unconscious when there was a terrific drop in air pressure. Skinner had been in Vietnam. He knew what it meant. He dove for Scully's body and knocked her sideways into the operating theater. They sprawled next to Mulder's form, Skinner slightly on top of Scully. He shielded her as a terrific explosion shook the entire building.

A deafening roar filled their ears and then the smell of smoke assailed their nostrils.

"Jesus!" Skinner yelled over the din. Mulder slept on in total unawareness. Scully coughed over and over as the hallway filled with smoke.

"We have to get out of here!" Skinner shouted into Scully's ear. They both stood up. Scully bent to help Mulder but Skinner merely swept her aside. He leaned over and picked Mulder up in his arms. Scully's mouth dropped open slightly at the sight, and Skinner shifted Mulder's weight, "Go, on Scully, I'm right behind you," he ordered. Scully headed out of the room without any more prompting.

Later outside the building, fire, police, EMTs, and more FBI vehicles were beginning to pull up. The building was engulfed in flames. Skinner had ordered the other Agents to the scene over his cell phone. He now directed them to search the area for The Cigarette Smoking Man. As the Agents fanned out, Skinner saw to it that Mulder was getting medical attention. The paramedics were working on him right on the ground next to Scully's car across the street. As soon as they had him stabilized one of the paramedics went to get the ambulance gurney.

Scully hovered over the scene, "I'm a doctor, I can help," she had said. Skinner had taken one look at her hollowed eyes and gently pulled her away, "He's in good hands, Agent Scully. Come on, I'll buy you a drink," he joked as he handed her a can of Diet Coke.

Scully was staring at the can. Skinner chuckled slightly. "I bought a six pack at the store yesterday. It was still in my car."

Scully took a sip, "It's warm, sir," she replied in a dull voice.

"Hey, beggars can't be choosers," Skinner grinned slightly. But then his face grew serious.

Scully picked up on his expression.

"He has to be dead, sir. No one could survive that..." she stated gesturing with her head towards the raging inferno that the building had become.

"I hope he burns in hell," Skinner growled.

One of the paramedics approached them, "We're ready to transport Agent Mulder now, do you want to follow us?"

Scully glanced at Skinner.

"Why don't you go in the ambulance, Agent Scully, I can see to your car. I'll have one of the Agents drop it off at the hospital."

"Can I ride along? I'm his partner," Scully asked the EMT quietly.

"No problem," he replied gently, "just get in back and make yourself comfortable.

Scully walked over and climbed in. Skinner had a few more words with the driver to find out where they were taking Mulder and than he slapped the side of the ambulance as the doors were shut and it pulled away from the curb.

Inside the back of the ambulance, Dana Scully sat close to Mulder and held his hand. She entwined her fingers with his. She gave his hand a tender squeeze. Her gentle pressure was answered by a tiny squeeze from Mulder's hand. She bent forward and whispered into his ear, "You're going to be all right, we're going to the hospital," He squeezed her hand again. Tears welled up in her eyes and she bent forward close to his ear as the ambulance siren began to wail.

"I love you," she whispered, and as Mulder squeezed her hand a third time. The ambulance shot forward in it's breakneck trip to the hospital emergency room.



Scully leaned heavily against the cinderblock wall behind her. She stared dully at the door in front of her, waiting for it to open. She'd ordered Mulder's doctor to do an X-ray of his neck and give him a thorough exam. She wanted to make damn sure nothing had happened to him besides being anesthetized.

Skinner had left an hour ago telling her not to worry. He told her he'd take care of administrative matters. He then ordered her to take Mulder home, once he was released, and make sure they both got some rest.

Scully looked at her watch again. It seemed like the doctor was taking an awfully long time with Mulder. She began to get nervous. The door swung open and the doctor stepped out. He gave her a tired smile.

"He's just fine, Agent Scully. I've looked him over and we're running a toxicology test to make sure they didn't inject him with anything else. I should have the results of that back in a little over an hour. In the meantime, he's awake, alert and quite cross. He'd like to see you."

She gave him a weak smile. "He's not the best patient in the world."The doctor nodded in agreement and walked down the hallway. Scully pushed herself off the wall and pushed the door to Mulder's room open. He was staring at the door in anticipation. She walked around the edge of the bed and picked up his chart. Mulder was not amused.

"I'm going to be fine, put that damn chart down and come here!" He grumbled. He noticed she jumped a little. "Please," he added quietly.

Scully walked towards the head of the bed and sat on its edge. Mulder brought a hand up and settled it on her waist. She put her hands on either side of his face and kissed him on the forehead. She moved to pull away but he caught her and kissed her lips tenderly. They both reluctantly broke the kiss.

"What happened after I passed out?" Mulder asked.

Scully shuddered slightly. She was exhausted and suspected she might be in a bit of shock, so much had happened in the last 24 hours. "We cornered Cancer Man but Marita went to him...he...he...God, Mulder he shot her. They'd been lovers and...he FUCKING shot her in the head..." tears spilled down her face and Mulder sat up gingerly and pulled her against his body.

"Shhh..." he chastised himself inwardly for asking. He knew she'd been through a lot the last few hours, as had he. The Smoker's words about his daughter came flooding back into his head. Suddenly he felt cold.

"Sc- Dana? Elizabeth...is she all right? I mean, did they..." He choked on his words as he heard his stoic partner cry out in agony. Sobs racked her body and she clung to him desperately. He felt hot tears sting his own eyes.

Scully pushed away from Mulder a little and looked into his eyes. She had to tell him. "I...I...tried to call you Mulder, but I couldn't reach you. I tried to save her Mulder," she began to sob violently again, "I tried so hard, damn it. It was no use...I..I..." she threw her hands up in the air violently in frustration. She tried to move away from the bed. Her anger was consuming her. She felt like she needed to throw something. But Mulder caught her and held her still.

"Mulder, let me go. Damn it! Can't you see? I failed again! I couldn't save her. Those bastards...I fucking let them beat me again...I couldn't save her, nothing I did mattered. I couldn't figure it out in time..."

Mulder silenced her with a kiss. She fought him at first and then dissolved into his arms, holding onto him tightly. He broke away from her but kept his face very close to her. He was crying in earnest now.

"Scully, I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry I wasn't there when I should have been. I'm such a fuck up, Scully. You were right, it was all a game. They had no intention of saving her, the bastard told me as much. It isn't your fault Scully, please don't feel like that. There was nothing we could do...God that makes me feel so helpless," he growled. He hung his head, leaning his forehead against hers. They stroked one another's faces for a long time. Mulder slowly found his voice again.

"You got to me on time, Scully," he said quietly. "You always do. I don't know why you don't just leave me behind, I've caused you so much pain, Scully..."

"Damn it Mulder!" She said in a harsh whisper. "Don't you EVER say that again. How could I EVER leave you behind...how could I ever leave you? I love you. God damn it Mulder! I love you..." She stopped talking and kissed him. He shifted again so he could totally envelope her in his arms. It was his turn to cling tightly to her.

"I love you too, Scully. I love you so much it hurts. I don't want you to leave me. I don't ever want to leave you." He pushed his fingers into her red hair and held her face. He planted dozens of kisses on her tear stained cheeks. "I wanted so much to have a child with you Scully. God I wanted that and so much more."

She collapsed against him. Every nerve in her body felt raw. She wanted to scream and hit something but she was just too tired. She'd finally reached the point of no return. She planted a kiss on Mulder's chest and then fainted dead away.



Doctor Robert Kerry sat next to his patient's bed, a deep frown creasing his brow.

"Hold still, please! I can't adjust this bandage if you keep moving your arm," Dr. Kerry admonished his patient as he added more tape to the gauze on his shoulder.

"I wouldn't be moving around if you didn't have the bedside manner of Dr. Kevorkian, you imbecile," his patient replied with venom, "now give me that pack of cigarettes, and the matches, and get the hell out."

Dr. Kerry looked up into The Cigarette Smoking Man's eyes and saw the writing on the wall. He cringed slightly at the utter lack of humanity he saw there and, once again, considered himself lucky to be alive under the circumstances. Of course, the fact that the rotten fuck had been injured in the blast at the research facility had kept his services necessary for now.

It was amazing he had survived with only minor burns and the gunshot wound to the shoulder. The Doctor knew he would have to come up with some sort of escape plan once he was no longer needed to tend to the man's minor injuries. He'd either have to escape or sell what was left of his soul to this devil in order to stay alive. In the meantime, he thought he'd better tow the line or risk premature unpleasantness at the hands of this psychopath. Kerry sighed, rose and retrieved the cigarettes and matches from a table near the foot of the bed. Kerry handed the cancer sticks over to The Smoker.

"I wish you wouldn't smoke while you're trying to recover. It hinders the healing process," Kerry advised as the Cancer Man took the smokes from his hand.

"Thank you for your concern. Now, I said get out," the man replied coughing slightly.

Dr. Kerry walked towards the door and, with one final look over his shoulder, exited the room.

As the door swung shut behind the Doctor, The Cancer Man pulled a Morley from the pack and fumbled with the matches. "God damn it," he cursed as the bandages on his hands forced him to drop the match. He finally succeeded in getting the cigarette lit and into his mouth. He took a long drag and inhaled the acrid smoke into his lungs.

"Ah, that's much better," he thought. The bullet wound in his arm felt just fine now. Even the minor burns on his hands were less painful as well. The pain was diminished but not his anger. He was royally outraged over the events that had occurred at the research facility.

What a mess. The project was in a shambles. Mulder and Scully were stronger than ever and Skinner was obviously becoming more sympathetic to their cause. Even though they all thought The Smoker was dead, he realized manipulating them would be harder than ever before. As for Marita, no great loss there. Whores were a dime a dozen as far as he was concerned. But the rest of the fiasco wouldn't bode well for him. Perhaps he should just disappear again for a while. It wouldn't hurt. He'd need the time to rest, recover and regroup his resources.

"Yes, a little R&R might just be what the Doctor ordered," he mused as he reached for one of six file folders that lay on the night stand next to him. He'd all ready studied all six files and as he opened the one he held in his hands he thought, "I just have to decide where to go for my little vacation.

He stared at the photo and report inside the file folder. The photo was of a small research facility in Johnson Creek, Wisconsin, south of Madison. The first page of the report was a cover letter. It was short and sweet:

>>January 23, 1998

ArtiGenetics, Better Bovines through Biology
Johnson Creek, Wisconsin

Dear Sir:

Please be advised that we have received the shipment of frozen fertilized ova sent from the Geneteco Research Facility. The samples arrrived in excellent condition. We have had no trouble proceeding with the project per your request. In point of fact, we have all ready introduced the xenogeneic DNA to the fertilized ova with complete success. So, our research here is proceeding quite satisfactorily.

I hope the following report will serve to show you that you have not misplaced your confidence in myself, and my staff. We look forward to receiving further instructions from you regarding the surrogate Mother program here in Wisconsin.

Thank you once again for using our services. We are very excited about the project and hope you see fit to continue on here with us.

Dr. Roger Compton
Head of Research and Development<<

The Cigarette Smoking man's lip twitched slightly in what passed for a smile, "Bovines indeed!" he thought. <Well, Wisconsin wasn't the best vacation spot in winter. Still, he did enjoy the odd bit of skiing now and again. And spring WAS right around the corner.>

"Yes, Wisconsin just might be the place to relax, bide my time and plot further plans for Agents Mulder, Scully and Assistant Director Skinner," he decided. The Smoker took another drag on his cigarette and shut the folder placing it back on the nightstand. He reached for the phone that sat there, pulled it to him and punched in the number for ArtiGenetics that had been printed at the top of the letterhead.

The phone rang and a voice answered at the other end.

"Am I speaking to Dr. Roger Compton? Good evening, Doctor. Ah, very perceptive of you sir. I'm glad you recognize my voice. Yes, I'm so happy to hear that you are dedicated enough to be working this late. I appreciate intiative such as yours and I always reward it. Which, by the way, brings me to the reason for my call tonight. Dr. Compton. I have some good news for you."


It has been a long time since I've been able to pause and write a few lines. It has been a long time since I've been able to even have a thought that wasn't merely a reaction to what was happening to me. I suppose that is why I am here, writing these lines, alone tonight.

Mulder and I were excused from our duties Friday. He had no busines working after what he'd gone through. In retrospect, neither did I. I briefly blacked out at the hospital. It was only for a minute or so, but it was enough for me to realize my body was trying to tell me something.

After he was released from the hospital, I brought him back here and we both collapsed. I remember waking up for an hour or so to shower and make us both some soup. We finally woke up this morning. Neither of us talked much. I don't think either of us know where to begin.

Skinner brought the report he filed on our behalf over around noon. Mulder poured over it as soon as Skinner left. I have been unable to read it. I suppose it isn't even necessary for me too. I was conscious for the whole horrible thing, unlike Mulder, and I envy him that. I'm not sure I care to relive the experience in someone else's words either.

I feel bereft for two daughters I was never given the privilege to know. Yet in my heart, I loved them. Maybe there is some comfort in that. Despite the horrible circumstances of their lives, I did love Elizabeth and Emily. I still do.

The bodies of both of my children have disappeared. They've simply vanished. My fingers still ache from the time I opened Emily's coffin and ran my hand through the sand I found there. There is nothing left of these two beautiful children. They only existed to serve someone's sick idea of science. They were born for the use of a higher authority and tossed aside. No one placed any value on their lives until too late. I cannot understand why.

I am a doctor. The science I learned was one that existed to save people's lives and keep them free from disease. In that capacity, I knew full well a certain amount of testing had to be done to find the ways and means to a cure. Yet I always wanted to believe our society would keep such tests humane and within boundaries. I see now how wrong I was.

I would turn to God in this time of turmoil, yet I feel unable to do even that. I feel selfish to a degree because, instead of a prayer for comfort, I want to scream at what's been taken from me. Were I not so exhausted from what has come to pass the last few days, I would be so very angry. Instead, I am merely heartbroken.

I am making arrangements for two memorials to be placed near Missy's grave. The message in the marble will read, "Despite all, you are loved." I want to always remember my daughters. I want to always love and value them, because others did not. In a way, I suppose it is my need to overcome the darkness that took away their light. I cannot be sure. I only know I cannot forget.

In some small manner, I am glad for my solitude this evening. Mulder grew restless a few hours ago and I told him I needed some time alone. He said he needed to go visit Frohike about something the two of them had begun work on before all of this started. He asked me if I wanted him to go back to his apartment tonight. What a strange feeling that was. Aside from the night I spend at Elizabeth's bedside, Mulder and I have slept under the same roof for quite some time now. I must have looked at him like he was speaking Greek.

I told him I only needed a few hours to myself, that if he wanted to come back and stay with me I'd very much like him too. He gave me a weak smile and said he didn't know what he would have done if I had told him to go home. I'm not sure what I'd do if he doesn't come back.

It's another thing we have to deal with now. Mulder and I love one another. I guess that's how we both got through this ordeal. At first, I was worried about admitting our feelings for one another. But perhaps it was divine intervention. We admitted our love for one another at the time we needed it most. Maybe I shouldn't doubt my God as much as I do.

I am conflicted about it though. I feel such grief yet I also have a sense of joy because he and I have this connection now, at least we have admitted our spiritual connection. Both of us want more than that. I sense it. I don't think I am alone when I say both of us were more than frustrated with our exhausted bodies yesterday. But I suppose the time was not right. We are both still grieving and although we desperately want to comfort one another, I suppose this little respite is for the best.

I guess a part of it is that Catholic guilt that has been hard wired into my psyche. Although I grieve deeply for the loss of two children who were mine, I feel wrong for wanting the physical touch of the man I love. But another part of me begs the question: Haven't I suffered enough?

I have pushed my love and desire for Mulder away for so long. The logical side of my brain is screaming at me that I have waited enough. And truthfully, it isn't just want any more. I've always been attracted to Mulder and I was able to dismiss my desire for him as such at first. But now, now it is so different. I no longer simply want him. I need him. I need him spiritually. I need his love. But I also need to feel that love and share it with him.

I face yet another obstacle, however. I know Mulder wants a deeper union between us, but he is frightened. Mulder is having a hard time dealing with the intensity of our feelings for one another. He told me as much last night. Then he held me and stroked my hair until we both fell asleep. I fear the real reason he is afraid is his fear that he doesn't deserve to be loved. I don't know how to convince him nothing could be further from the truth. But I have every intention of showing him.



Scully walked along the sidewalk with Mulder in companionable silence. It had been his suggestion they go walk around Annapolis. It was a nice day and Scully had agreed they both needed some air. Scully's feet came to stop in front of a curious looking store they were about to pass.

She stared in the window at the jewelry they had on display. Claddaugh rings, necklaces and earrings all glittered in the window. The sign on the door read, "Celtic Mist: Purveyors of fine Irish Goods."

"Let's go in," Mulder suggested.

Scully shrugged and pushed the door open. She felt Mulder's hand insinuate itself on the small of her back. She smiled. She worked her way over to the glass case in the middle of the room. A red piece of velvet was in the center of the case and a shiny silver necklace lay across it. Scully froze.

The necklace had a Celtic Knot charm on the end of it. She smiled. She'd always wanted one. Missy once had one and Scully had coveted it. But her sister had given it to some boy in high school. Her mother had bought one for Scully a few years later. She had lost it in college.

She loved the symbolism behind the Celtic knot. The idea that life was a journey through several lives to a sacred center. She smiled as she thought of Mulder as the sacred center of her life now. He was leaning close, studying her as she studied the necklace in the case below. His hand was resting on her shoulder. She realized she was lingering.

She gave him a smile. "Sorry, I'm like a crow I guess. Attracted to shiny objects."

He laughed. "No, it's a beautiful necklace. Isn't that a Celtic knot?"

"Yes. I used to have one when I was younger but I lost it."

She turned away from him and headed over towards a rack of wool sweaters. Keeping an eye on Scully, Mulder motioned to the clerk and pointed at the necklace. The clerk nodded his understanding as Mulder laid a credit card atop the case. Mulder walked up behind Scully.

"Hey, what's in that room back there?" he asked.

He put his hand at the small of her back again and guided towards a small room in the rear of the store. The room was full of various foodstuffs from Ireland and Scotland. Scully made a beeline for the cookies. She picked up the Walker's Shortbread.

"I love these," she said smiling like a six-year-old.

Mulder could barely contain his smile at the happiness he saw in her eyes. He took them from her. "Well then, I'll just have to buy them for you."

"Mulder..." she said in a threatening tone, but he'd run out to the front of the store before she could get another word out.

"These too," Mulder said breathlessly to the clerk. The young man smiled and pointed to the box he'd actually had time to slip a delicate red ribbon around. Mulder mouthed the word "Perfect," just as Scully came up beside him.

"You're going to help me eat all of those," she said jabbing him in the ribs. She dimly thought he was acting funny. She sensed he was up to something but she was happy and really wasn't worried. She'd had enough to worry with the couple of weeks. Mulder took his credit card back from the clerk and put it in his wallet. Scully smirked at him for using the plastic to buy a two dollar package of cookies.

They stopped in a Ben and Jerry's and got lemonades and then went to sit by the dock. A little boy was trying to skip rocks across the water. Scully felt a little sad and she looked down. Suddenly, a shortbread cookie appeared atop her knee.

She turned to face her gift giver. Mulder smiled at her not sensing her melancholy and she gave him a smile back. She told herself not to go dark now. She was having a wonderful time with Mulder. As she looked at him she realized how attractive he looked to her. Not that he hadn't before, especially given everything they had all ready said to each other, but he looked especially good today.

He had on a light blue denim shirt with a white t-shirt underneath. He was also wearing a pair of khaki pants that, when she could see his rear end, hugged him like she still entertained thoughts of doing. Her eyes were drawn to the gold cross around his neck. Her gold cross. Before she could even think she reached out and touched it, allowing her finger to linger at the base of his throat.

"I like that on you," she said softly.

"It was a gift from someone I love."

She looked at her feet and then back up to him and smiled. "Well, she loves you too."

She reached over and squeezed his knee. He covered her hand with his. They stared into one another's eyes for a long while. A breeze whipped in off the water and Scully shivered. The sun was setting and it was beginning to get colder. Mulder moved his arm and drew her in closer. She laid her head against his shoulder.

"Let's go back to your apartment, Scully."

"Yeah, Mulder. Let's go home."


It had started to rain when they pulled into the parking lot at Scully's apartment. They both ran to avoid getting soaked. They got inside, hung up their coats and ditched their shoes. Mulder insisted he build a fire. Scully quirked an eyebrow at him. She had this warm fuzzy feeling all over, like she'd been drinking wine. But she realized she wasn't feeling the effects of a good Bordeaux. A smile lit her face as she realized she was drunk on Mulder. Despite all that had happened to them, she was actually feeling happy.

Despite all, you are loved.

This do nothing day had been exactly what she...they needed. Things had been so tense up to this point. Now, they were finally relaxing around one another. A slight shiver ran through her. She wasn't sure f it was from her racing emotions or the cold. She admired Mulder's muscular shoulders as he finished piling the wood in the fire place.

"I'm going to make some tea, Mulder. You want some?"

He struck a match and lit a crinkled up piece of newspaper under the logs. "Sure Scully, sounds good. I'm a little chilled."

He watched as she crossed the short distance from the living room to the kitchen.

"Tea the old fashioned way, Mulder. How does that sound?" Scully called into the living room.

Mulder didn't answer.

She filled the tea kettle with water and placed it on the stove, igniting the gas burner. Mulder walked over to his coat and pulled the small box from the pocket. He stared for a long time at the red bow on top, gathering his resolve.

He walked into the kitchen and stood behind her. She turned her head slightly. He put his hands on either side of her on the counter. He then pulled them away leaving the box next to her right hand. He moved his hands to her waist.

"Open it," he said, his voice quavering.

"Mulder, what the..."

She picked up the small box. He kept her pinned against the counter not allowing her to turn and face him just yet. He was so nervous about her reaction. She untied the red ribbon and put it aside on the counter. She opened the box and he heard her breath catch. She spun in his arms and hugged him tightly. He felt her start to cry lightly.

"You like it Scully? You seemed pretty interested in the store."

"I love it Mulder," she said into his chest.

"Here," he pushed her away slightly and wiped her tears away with his thumb. He took the necklace from her and clasped it around her neck. "I know you want me to hold on to the cross, but your neck looked lonely," he said wryly.

She chuckled and bent up and gave him a kiss on the cheek. She lingered a little longer because she loved the feel of his skin. She felt him give her hand a little squeeze. Butterflies fluttered in her stomach. "I'm still nervous about this?" she mused, "We're still nervous about this? Yes, I guess we are," she thought with bemusement. They reluctantly backed away from one another. She pulled two mugs from the cabinet next to her. Mulder began rummaging around in another cabinet.

"What are you looking for?" she asked with a touch of amusement in her voice.

He turned and regarded her seriously. "Honey."

"Oh. Other cabinet, top shelf."

She listened as he fumbled around. A muffled "Ah ha," signalled he'd found it. The tea kettle whistled and she pulled it off the burner. She poured the hot water into the two mugs over the tea bags. She picked up Mulder's mug and placed it next to him. He was struggling with the top to the honey jar.

He worked with it until the lid jumped free with a loud pop. The sudden movement caught Mulder off guard and Scully stifled a giggle as his thumb slipped into the jar and became coated with the sticky substance.

"Shit." He pulled his hand from the jar and started to move his sugar coated digit up to his mouth but Scully grabbed his arm. His eyes flicked to hers and they stood there for what seemed like an eternity merely staring into the other's face.

Finally, Scully moved her small hands down Mulder's arm. She slowly pulled his hand to her and drew his sticky thumb into her mouth. She sucked at it at first, her cheeks hollowing from the effort. Then she swirled her tongue over his thumb, making sure to sweep up every last bit of the honey.

Mulder's jaw dropped. He felt electricity run straight from his thumb to his groin. Her lips still surrounded his thumb. Visions of what other parts of his body would look like in that same place jumped into his head unbidden. He pulled his thumb slightly out of her mouth but allowed it to rest on her full bottom lip. He ran it over the surface, delighting in the softness there.

He silently wondered what the hell they were doing. "OK, that's a stupid question," he thought as he stroked her lip. This sort of thing had been going on all day. "Christ I want her so much," he thought staring into her eyes. And he knew she wanted him too. They had been flirting. Little touches and glances. The way she'd touched the cross around his neck and then settled against him. She'd said she loved him, God, she'd wanted to make love to him all ready. And still he didn't have the courage to follow where his feelings were leading them? He let out a shuddering breath.

She'd been with him during every tiny, cherished and tender moment and now, as he looked into her face, he could tell exactly where things were headed. He'd sensed it since they'd been in that store together. Finally, he welcomed it. There would be no more reluctance, no more hestitation, no more denial. Mulder felt like he was riding on an out of control speeding locomotive and his heart rejoiced in the knowledge that now, at last, he never wanted the ride to stop.

She took the jar of honey from his hand. She sat it down on the counter behind her. Then she dipped one of her fingers into the jar and scooped up a blob on her index finger. She pushed it to his lips.

He opened his mouth and took her delicate finger in, sucking the sweet liquid from her. His ears started to ring. She began sucking on his thumb again. Even now Mulder could hardly believe they were doing this. He watched her mouth making little sucking motions. He was positively on fire and Scully was ablaze with passion. Of all of his fantasies, this moment surpassed them all. He had no idea something so simple could be so erotic. He released her finger. He wanted to kiss her.

"Scully..." his voice was husky.

She scooped some more honey from the jar and placed the blob on his bottom lip. She took a step closer to him and his thumb left her mouth. She leaned forward and took his lower lip into her mouth and sucked. He felt her tongue dart out and lick away the honey. She backed away slightly, hovering inches from his mouth.

"Yes Mulder." It was a statement, vague at best, but Mulder knew what she was saying with her mouth and her eyes. He wanted her and she was saying she wanted him. The air around them was heavily charged. Mulder brought his badly shaking hands up to her face. A tear slipped down his cheek. He had to be sure.

"God, Scully. I love you so much. But, if you don't want this...if this isn't...I mean, after all that's happened..."

"Mulder," she turned her head and kissed one of his palms. Her lips burned at the touch. "I want you to make love to me. I'm more sure about that now than I ever was before. I want to share this pleasure with you more than anything else in the world. I need to." She ran her palms along his lean chest.

He surprised her slightly with the speed at which his mouth covered hers. The kiss was searing hot and searching. She could still taste the honey. She moved a hand around to hold his head and deepen the kiss. Their lips worked frantically over one another until she opened her mouth to allow his tongue. She probed his mouth learning every nook and cranny, savoring his taste.

She moved her one hand from his head and the other down his chest and began to pull the shirt from his pants. She quickly worked it free and then began to work on his buttons. She finally ripped through the last ones in a frustrated attempt to get him naked as quickly as possible. She reached up and pushed the shirt off his shoulders leaving him in only his thin t-shirt.

His shaking hands fluttered down from her head to the hem of the shirt she was wearing. He pulled it free from her silk, flowered skirt. He broke their kiss and pushed her shirt up over her head and dropped it on the floor next to his. She moved for his t-shirt but he stopped her, and pulled it off himself. They both stood staring at one another breathing raggedly.

Mulder felt the heat rising in his body as he looked at her. She was flushed and aroused, just as he was. His eyes lingered on the pale peach bra she was wearing. The small scrap of fabric that held her breasts the way he longed to. He just wanted to touch her all over. Her body was so beautiful. He could almost content himself by staring at her like this for hours. Almost.

He stepped closer to her and effectively pinned her against the counter. He kissed her hard but then abruptly moved back. He pulled a finger up to her lips and traced their softness again. She drew the finger in and sucked on it lightly. His mind was mesmerized by her lips. His body was aroused. He felt the dull throb between his legs, he was getting hard, and he shifted uncomfortably. He pulled his finger from her lips and trailed it down her neck to her breasts. He circled her rapidly hardening nipples through the satiny fabric of her bra. Her mouth fell open. He leaned in and kissed her again, then pulled back.

"Scully, I, I love your skin, it's, God, it's like silk."

She said nothing but made quick work of his belt and unzipped his pants. He sucked in his bottom lip as her hands traced his length through his cotton boxer shorts. He gasped.

"Well, I guess that answers the question on whether I'm going to come to attention this time," he tried to chuckle but it came out as a groan. Scully smiled, as her fingers teased him.

"My self-control is gone...are we gonna do this here?" He asked hoarsely.

She withdrew her hands and slid his pants down his legs. He stepped out of his pants and took off his socks.

"Is that a yes?" he said making a move for her skirt. She smiled back at him again and removed her bra. He took the garment from her and dropped it to the floor. He slid his hands up her waist and cupped her breasts. Sweat beaded on his brow as he finally touched the bare skin of her breasts. He then moved his finger up to touch the knot hanging around her neck. He bent his head and kissed it. He then slid the silky fabric of her skirt and her tights down her legs. He paused to press a kiss into the insides of her thighs. He heard her sigh. She stepped out of the garments and back into his arms.

"Yes, Mulder."

They stood very close, with only their underwear separating them. She stared at his chest and then tangled her fingers in the crisp hairs between his pectorals. Then she moved her hands up to stroke the gold cross around his neck. His hands slid around her back and pulled her in closer. She leaned forward and kissed the cross and the flesh below it.

He wondered if it was some sort of benediction to her. She kissed his chest again but kept working her way up. She stopped momentarily to suck lightly on his adam's apple. He swallowed hard.

She was standing on tip toe now and he bent over to give her better access. He almost lost it when she traced the outside of his ear with her tongue. He felt its wet slide come to a stop on his earlobe where she sucked it lightly.

"I want to give myself to you Mulder, just like I gave you the cross. I want you to know how much you mean to me, how much I trust you, how much faith I have in you, how much I love you," she whispered.

She heard him swallow. "Oh God Scully," he gasped and then brought his hand up to her face. "I love you more than life itself," he said looking in her eyes and then she leaned forward and kissed him deeply.

She felt him drop his hand and then she felt his thumb circling her nipple lazily. She groaned into his mouth, then ground her hips against his. He pulled his head away from the kiss and gripped her waist. She shot him a quizzical look, but before she could say anything he lifted her onto the counter. He bent his head and kissed her fiercely, sucking on her lower lip in his passion.

She tangled her fingers in his hair as their tongues dueled again. She lifted her head as he kissed down her throat. She gasped when he strayed over to bite her earlobe. He started with the lobe and then licked and tongued her entire ear. He slowly worked his way down until his lips covered one of her breasts. He slowly swirled his tongue around the nipple, teasing it the way she had with his thumb earlier.

"Oh God, Mulder, that feels so good." She tightened her grip on his head.

He moved to her other breast and gave it much the same attention. She released his head and moved her hands down his chest. She rolled his male nipples between her thumb and forefinger. She heard him groan against her breasts. Her abdomen began to flutter with the heat of her arousal.

"You're so beautiful," he whispered.

His hands were still on her waist and he gently tugged at her panties. With a small amount of struggling he worked them free and down her legs. He tossed them on the floor with the rest of their clothes. He turned his head back to her and they stared at one another. She watched the rapid rise and fall of his chest, then lowered her eyes to his straining erection, making a tent of the fabric of his boxers. He reached back over to her and pulled her to the edge of the counter. She realized what he was about to do.

"Yesss Mulder."

He stroked her with his finger and she felt her inner moisture begin to flow, she was incredibly wet. He rubbed her clitoris gently and then harder. She gasped and he covered her mouth with a fevered kiss. He reluctantly broke away.

"You have no idea what this does to me Scully," he said raggedly. Then he lowered his head and stroked between her folds with his tongue. She held onto his shoulders and cried out. She felt him suckling at her clit with his teeth. Her hips bucked awkwardly against him. He probed, licked, sucked and laved until she was mewling incoherently. She felt tight, like she would break, but oh God she wanted to.


Mulder was experiencing total rapture. He could hardly fathom what he was doing, with Scully. With Scully. She was responding to his ministrations in ways that he had only dreamed could be possible. Mulder couldn't believe he was capable of giving her this kind of pleasure, but he was. She was purring his name and tangling her fingers in his hair. He was unbearably aroused, but he pushed the feelings aside. He wanted...needed this to be about her.

He lifted his head away from her and looked into her eyes, replacing his mouth with two of his strong fingers. Her eyes slipped shut, her head fell back and her mouth fell open.

He increased his pace and her thighs began to quiver. Her breathing was shallow and she was mouthing all sorts of nonsensical words. She let one hand trail down to stroke where his fingers entered her body. He could feel her inner muscles clenching around his fingers and he could tell she was close.

"Come for me, Scully."

"OHGODMULDER!" she shouted as spasms rocked her body and she toppled off the counter into his arms. He pulled her onto the floor and over his body. He held her tightly as shudders of pleasure rippled through her. He kissed her face and stroked her back until her breathing calmed.

He was dimly aware the floor beneath him was cold but the rest of his body was so hot, it more than made up for the slight discomfort. She stirred in his embrace and then sat up, straddling his waist. He could still feel moist heat radiating from her core against his stomach. He ran his hands along her arms as she regarded him under hooded eyes.

"Mulder that was...incredible," she said softly. She ran her hands over his chest, reveling in the feel of his skin beneath hers. Then she moved a hand behind her and found his length and began to lightly stroke it through his boxers. He gasped. "But I think it was a little one sided."

"I wanted to give you that," he said touching her face. "I just want to touch you everywhere. I want to make you feel a fraction of what I feel for you. I can't get enough Scully...But I have an idea, let's take this somewhere a little more...comfortable."

She nodded and stood up. She offered him her hand and he rose up next to her. She pulled him close to her and kissed him, then twined her fingers with his and led him into the living room, she grabbed a blanket from the sofa as she passed.

She made her way to the fireplace and spread the blanket out on the floor in front of it. She knelt in front of him. He moved to sit next to her but she stopped him. She hooked her fingers into the sides of his boxers and pulled them down. He stepped out of them and she tossed them to the side. She took his length in her hand again and ran her fingers from base to tip.


A small drop of liquid appeared at the head of his penis and she swirled it around the top. Then she bent forward and took him in her mouth, lightly sucking on the head to tease him. He growled and gripped her shoulders. The wood popped in the fire.

She slid her lips all the way down his length, swirling her tongue around him. She bobbed her head up and down making him moan. His hips bucked slightly with her efforts. She began to move more quickly and she heard him take in a sharp breath.

Mulder tensed at the feelings she was invoking. His whole body prickled with each lap of her tongue. He thought he would go insane but he wouldn't mind losing it this way, not at all. She stopped briefly and looked into his eyes. His face was a grimace of pleasure. His fingers clenched slightly on her shoulders. She resumed her ministrations. Mulder's legs began to tremble.

He moaned low in his throat and then he touched Scully's hair, "Scully, STOP! I...I don't want to come yet."

Scully released his cock and gently kissed him on the stomach.

Mulder went down on his knees before her, placing one knee on either side of her thighs. He kissed her mouth then moved further down to her chin, neck and the hollow of her throat. He wanted to kiss every square inch of her body. He moved lower still but paused when the gold cross around his neck came to rest between Scully's breasts. Right where it used to rest. The small cross was just touching the silver knot he'd just placed around her neck. He looked back up into her eyes.

She brought her palm to his face, he placed a warm kiss inside it. He took her other hand and kissed that palm as well. Then he stretched both her arms up and out to the side. His fingers entwined with hers for a moment and then he released her hands and slid his hands down her arms. He cupped her breasts, bent forward, and suckled at them both in turn. Scully cried out and wound her arms around his neck. The fire crackled.

He kissed her breasts, then worked his way to her navel and swirled his tongue around it. Her stomach muscles twitched and he kissed along the trembling movement. He loved the way she tasted and the way her skin felt under his touch. He felt her moving restlessly under his lips. He looked back up at her.

"Mulder please. I want you inside me."

Mulder felt an explosion go off in his head. Her words staggered him. She wanted him. Him. He still couldn't believe he was worthy of her desire but here she was begging for him. He burned like the fire raging in front of them. His body was smoldering from the touches she was now giving him and the words falling from her lips. He gently pushed her back and she laid down on the blanket on the floor.

"Jesus, yes," Mulder replied in a quiet voice.

Scully raised her arms towards him. Mulder bent forward and let himself be enveloped by her arms and then her legs as she spread then to admit his hips. She cradled him between her knees.

"Scully, just, just hold me..." he whispered into her neck.

At last, he moved to enter her. She reached between them and took him in her hand to guide him to her. Mulder bent his head to kiss her. Their necklaces intertwined. Finally, with one thrust, he was inside Dana Scully. Scully gasped slightly, but then she stroked his back as he settled against her. They lay connected for a moment each savoring the sensation of their bodies joined at last. Mulder rose up slightly to look into Scully's face. He stroked her hair. Her smell, and her wonderful warmth, and tightness were intoxicating. He never wanted to leave her embrace. He grunted slightly as he felt her body spasm around him.

"God, Mulder you feel so good."

"Oh Scully..."

He couldn't hold back any longer. He began to pump his hips and she gripped his shoulders and rose to meet him. They moved slowly at first, learning one another's rhythm. He braced himself on his forearms as he slid back and forth. She raised her hips to meet his and then gripped his waist. The necklaces twisted together further, becoming helplessly tangled. Neither noticed what was happening to their jewelry.

She drew her knees up so he could plunge deeper and she moved her hands around to grip his ass. He picked up the speed.

"Mulder, oh, please, faster, it's...oh...harder!"

Their thighs slapped together and he freed a hand to stroke her clit. She cried out. Her body began tensing, she could tell she was about to fall over the edge again. She pumped and rotated her hips under him. Mulder was bathed in sweat, his mouth hung open and his breathe came in short gasps.

"Scully, don't stop moving like that, Jesus, please, OH DEAR GOD."

Mulder started to groan in time with his thrusts as he drove into Scully's hot, tight body. He was almost beyond thought and he cried out, sobbing incoherently. He struggled to bite off his cries, so that he could concentrate on what his hand was doing between them.

Scully looked up at Mulder's face but her eyes were drawn back to the gold cross and silver knot dangling between them. The tangle of metals only slightly distracted her as she realized how intricately they were linked both literally, by two chains, and figuratively, by two souls. A religion born of love, respect and trust. Had she found a new faith?

Mulder made a growling sound at the back of his throat and then he was begging her to come with him. He was so close but he wanted to bring her over with him.

"Please Scully, come with me," he pleaded.

She felt his finger circling furiously between them and then suddenly she was crashing over the edge.

"MULDERRRRR," she shrieked as her entire body convulsed.

Mulder felt her tighten around his cock and then he cried out, "OHGODDANA!" as he pistoned forward tightly against her. As his ejaculation filled her, he closed his eyes and pumped his hips again, and again, in ecstasy as her body milked him.

Scully felt him empty himself into her. She arched up to meet his last few weak thrusts and then caught him as he collapsed on top of her. She rolled them on their sides, still joined and they stroked one another until their breathing slowed and became more regular. Finally, Mulder tenderly kissed her forehead and pulled out. He shifted to lay on his back, pulling Scully with him and she moved over him and cuddled close.

"Oh Christ, I...I...this was..." Mulder began, "I love you," he whispered. He was really at a loss for words as he stroked Scully's hair.

Scully ran her hands over the tangle of jewelry. She gently untwisted the chains, smoothing the cross back down over Mulder's chest. She loved seeing it hanging around his neck.

In a selfish way, Scully thought of it as marking him as hers. Yet in another way it symbolized the trust and love she'd given him.

"I want you to always wear this Mulder."

He bent his head to look at her. "I'll wear it as long as you want me to, Scully. But it will always belong to you, just like the body and soul that wears it."

He touched the knot around her throat and sighed. He pulled her closer and she snuggled her head under his chin. "The Celtic knot deals with an eternal life journey doesn't it, Scully?"

"Yes," she replied softly.

"I see us that way," he said matter of factly, "I'll love you eternally and I see us forever linked like the whirls of that knot."

She moved her head back and kissed his lips softly. "I like that Mulder. No, I love it. I always want to be with you. If not always in body at least always in spirit."

She kissed him and tucked her head back under his chin. She snuggled in closer to him and fell asleep as he gently stroked her back. Her thoughts drifted to dreams. But for the first time in a long time, her dreams weren't frightening and she welcomed the thoughts sleep brought.



Somehow during sleep Mulder and Scully had become spooned together, Scully nestled against the front of Mulder's body. She shifted against him slightly and mumbled something in her sleep. Mulder woke and noticed the fire had burned low. He reached a hand around and drew the blanket that was under them up around them both.

He gently kissed the back of Scully's neck and than he lazily began to rub his hand down her shoulder and over across her stomach.

The delightful friction of Mulder's hand moving sensuously against her belly woke Scully a moment later. "Mmmm...Mulder, how long have we been asleep?"

"A little while," his voice was low and gravelly, "are you all right?" he continued sucking her earlobe into his mouth. She groaned. His hand slipped lower and teased the auburn curls at the apex of her thighs. Her body unconsciously arched into his and her ass ground against his cock. He was rock hard again.

"God, Mulder you're insatiable," she breathed.

"What do you expect? I've been waiting for you for so long."

She rolled over to face him. Tears were forming in his eyes. She felt her own eyes mist over. She loved him so much. She cupped his face in her hands and kissed him softly on the lips. She moved away and murmured, "I love you," then kissed him again, "I want you," kiss, "I need you."

As she came back to his lips, she felt his hands grip her head and hold her against his mouth. Their tongues snaked out and chased one another. His hands drifted down her body. One of his fingers found its way inside her folds, she was wet.

"Seems I'm not the only one who's insatiable," he said into her mouth. He moved his hands and she groaned at the loss of contact. He sat up and pulled her with him. A wicked smile crossed his features.

"We've consecrated the kitchen and the living room," his voice was full of mirth, "care to try the bedroom for a change?"

She stiffened and looked down shyly. The smile left his face and worry took it's place. She was suddenly withdrawing from him.

"Hey, what is it?"

His use of the word consecrate had reminded her that there were other reasons Mulder wore her cross. She reached over and touched it again. She was dimly aware she had continually touched it since she'd given it to him. She could only deal with it in the context of something that was on his body. She could bring herself to touch Mulder but not God. Her desire to do so led her to force him to wear the cross, to bare her sins so she could cope.

She was overwhelmed with love and guilt. She had done so many things for Mulder, taken on his demons, monsters and aliens. She'd taken punishment for him and suffered the ire of her superiors because of her association with him. She had figuratively now done the same to him, by forcing a God on him that he didn't believe in so that she might continue. Was it any different then him dragging her into his quest? Equality. Through some bizarre sequence of events and circumstances they'd come full circle.

She picked the tiny cross up in her hand. "I want to believe, Mulder." She lifted her eyes to his. "God, I don't know how I would have made it these last few weeks, the last years without you. I can't believe I was so stupid. All of the shit that has happened to me caused me to doubt my faith because I didn't see anything positive in my life...in what was happening to me...but it was there all along. You, Mulder. You are a miracle to me. Without you I would have died, if not from the cancer from all the rest."

Mulder put his hand over Scully's hand as she held the cross. He pulled her hand and the cross closer until both their hands rested over his heart.

"Scully, Listen. I've told you more than once that you've always had the strength of your beliefs. I still think that's true. If you want to put that strength here, in me, so be it. I'd be honored to have your faith in me. But Scully, this is only flesh and blood and weak flesh and blood at that. I love you and I trust you with my life. That will always be true. But, I don't think I qualify for your miracle and I think you know that too."

Scully put her head against his chest and he enfolded her in his arms. She still gripped the cross tightly in her hand.

"Mulder, if I can't believe in you, what can I believe in?" Scully asked quietly.

Mulder pushed her gently back and stared into her face. Scully's lower lip was trembling. Mulder removed her hand from the cross and then he reached behind his neck and started to unclasp it's chain. Scully stopped him.

"No Mulder. I appreciate what you are trying to do. I think I understand now that my faith is important to me but you are just as important to me. I want you to keep that so I can always be with you in some form, just as I can keep this knot around my neck to always be with you."

"But Scully, it's also a symbol of your faith."

"I know. Mulder, I can get another cross. The necklace isn't important to the faith, the feelings are. Thanks to you I think I'm getting them back. You've believed in me, stood by me, put up with me...You are a miracle to me and I've drawn so much strength from you these last few weeks. I don't need a piece of jewelry when I have the strength of my beliefs and YOURS."


MONDAY, JANUARY 26, 1998, 4 AM

Dear Journal:

Words cannot describe the utter and unfettered joy I feel this morning. I'm writing this at Scully's kitchen table as she sleeps peacefully in the bedroom nearby. I just had to get up to put my thoughts here because, really little book, this is going to be my last entry in you for now - more about that later. Excuse me if this is a bit disjointed. I am still walking in a dream. I don't want to wake up either.

Why? Because this morning I am whole. I am complete now for the first time in my entire pathetic, lonely, self-obsessed life. My God, I have found my soulmate. I have found the love of my life and she's returned that love ten fold. Dana Scully loves me. God in heaven!

We made love last night. More than once. Jesus, it was - I can't even tell you how wonderful that felt, I...I still can't believe Dana Scully would want me at all. To have given her pleasure...to have received such pleasure from her in return. It's a miracle. She is a miracle. I felt so protected and fulfilled inside her. I know she felt the same. Christ, there was no doubt about her feelings for me as we made love. When we held each other, we never wanted to leave each other's arms.

I want to have her by my side for the rest of my life and it fills my heart with total elation to know she wants me by her side as well.

I still wear her cross. But she told me her faith is returning because of me - because of ME! My God! I hope I am worthy of her trust and I hope I can live up to the strength of her beliefs in me. I know that I will try my level best. I will strive to succeed. She deserves nothing else.

The only sad note this morning comes from knowing that we have lost our daughter. I still feel a tremendous emptiness in my soul over that loss. I know Scully feels it as well and that angers and saddens me even more. I struggle not to descend into violent emotions over Elizabeth's death and the violations Scully and I were forced to endure at the hands of The Cigarette Smoking Man.

But it's hard. I have to stay calm for Scully. I want to be strong for her at last. I don't want to lose my head. It will be more easy to stay strong now that I know she values my help and loves me for it.

I can only say that Elizabeth, like Emily, was doomed from birth. It IS a horrible tragedy. But I draw some solace from the fact that Scully and I can truly comfort each other now over our loss. We can take strength from the death of both those children and use that strength for the battle ahead. It may be the only positive aspect of the whole horrendous affair.

And oh yes, I do have a vow to make here. I swear that if that black- lunged bastard didn't die in the fire, I will see that he roasts in hell over a low flame, and on a turning spit, before I am through. On my honor, dear journal. He will burn.

But I've had enough with these thoughts of revenge. Perhaps I'm not the one to deal out vengence anyway. And besides, those thoughts all pale in comparison and fade away in my celebration of last night and this day, as it dawns bright and clear. I will revel in Scully. I will bask in the warmth of our love. Sure, the road ahead may be rocky, but hey, we'll be on it together now. I mean REALLY together. I love her so much. I will never let her down again.

And now, I will stop writing. I intend this to be my last secret entry in you journal. I will take you, little book, in my hands, and with your pages unlocked and open. I will carry you into the bedroom where my lover lies sleeping. There will be no more secrets between us. I will no longer hold anything back from Scully. She deserves to know the truth just as I have sought it every day since I became aware of the X-Files. So, I will close this journal now, but it's pages will remain open to Dana Scully, just like my heart.

-- Fox Mulder, January 26, 1998
"Vincit Omnia Veritas - Truth Conquers All Things."
but: "Amor Vincit Omnia - Love Conquers All".



frogdoggie's Author's Notes:

Greetings gentle reader. This is frogdoggie a.k.a. Jay Fox talking here. When I was a small frogdoggie one of my most favorite phrases in all the world was: "Let's pretend." I'd like to amend that phrase now to: "Let's pretend with a friend." The friend is Crash. A friend and writer perceptive, wise, and talented, who has forced me to stretch ever farther in pursuit of writing excellence. A friend I value highly even though I have only known her for a short time. A friend who is fun and supportive and imaginative enough to match me idea, for crazy idea, and who keeps me honest in the bargain.

Sure, we've messed with the X-Files mytharc in this story. Hey, what the heck, it was fun. And besides, I always prescribe to the axiom, "do what thou whilt" when it comes to fan fic. It's time to rock and roll, folks, and Crash and I are playing lead guitar!

And what an adventure it was to collaborate with Crash as well! This woman is a dynamo, a creator of electric sparks that flew from her across cyberspace to energize my heart and mind in the joint process of creation.

So, behold the product of our efforts, dear reader. It rises like the proverbial Post Modern Prometheus. It dances, it tumbles and it floats on air. And it only asks one thing of you all, it says "Please - ENJOY!"

frogdoggie a.k.a. J. Fox

"Natural things exist only a little; reality lies only in dreams."
-- Baudelaire (Paradis artificiels)


Crash's Author's Notes:

One of my writing teachers once told our class that writing was one of the most isolating occupations one could take up. True, when I write I spend many lonely hours at my computer pounding away.

I've had the wonderful good fortune to work with frogdoggie on this piece. That much of the experience, I assure you, was anything BUT isolating. I think the two of us probably fried several phone wires with our constant e-mails back and forth. Collaborating in the cyberworld is no easy task.

A word of thanks to my co-author, not only for the kind words above but, for keeping me going when I felt like I was running out of steam. He has truly been a joy to work with and possesses the patience of Job. I have the damnable habit of constantly wanting to tweak things and he's never so much as once offered to complain.

I've little to add to his comments, other than to say he has helped me to expand my horizons as well and I sincerely hope this piece of fanfic is evidence of that.

I'd also like to say a word of thanks to three other very helpful people. First, frog's wife for putting up with this little creative venture and for being willing to help edit. You're the greatest. To Ten, for demanding all 15 parts because you simply couldn't wait to read our rough ramblings. And also to Janis, who certainly made a Herculean effort of searching for errors. Thanks ladies.

I also want to thank you for reading our little story and I sincerely hope you enjoyed it. We had a ball writing it, but our ultimate satisfaction comes from having you good folks enjoy the fruits of our labor.

Thanks for reading.


"I really like sculpture. There are no editors involved."
-John Deering, Editorial cartoonist