
Title: Curses & Cures

Author: Vigdis

Fandoms: BTVS/AtS; Walker: Texas Ranger & Sons of Thunder (a Walker spinoff). Eventually, it will also crossover with: Kindred: The Embraced, Vampire: The Masquerade (the RPG Kindred was based on) and Vampire: Redemption (a computer game based on the RPG).

I will provide background summary pages for the Walker Universe and the Vampire: the Masquerade/Kindred Universe for those of you unfamiliar with these fandoms. Please read the Author’s Notes and see the links provided.

Pairings: Angel/Spike; Willow/Tara (not explicit); Trent/Carlos; Penn/Tommy; Penn/Dru (het warning! heh); Angel/Fred/Spike; Angel/Cordy/Spike; (More to come)

Other pairings will follow, including more slash, het and multiple partners. (I will update the list as necessary.)

Rating: NC-17

Category: AU; Crossover

Spoilers: BTVS through Season 6 and Angel the Series through Season 3 up to, but not including, “Offspring”. Yet. Then it goes AU – thanks to Jameschick’s wonderful Quantum Xander… heh; All seasons of Walker and all episodes of Sons of Thunder and Kindred: The Embraced (both lasted less than 1 season); Also, all of the computer game, Vampire: Redemption.

The author’s notes *do* contain series spoilers. Author’s notes containing spoilers for the story itself will not be on this page. A link is provided below.

I have taken pains to make sure there are NO spoilers for Jameschick’s “Quantum Xander 2: In the Wake of the Curse” in this story or in the author’s notes. Those of you who have read it, please keep this in mind as you read the notes. They are from a “Quantum Xander 1” perspective only!

Status: WIP

Series: No. Well, maybe.

I haven’t gotten that far yet. Once I get the story finished, I may decide to write more in this universe. I don’t know…

Date: May 29, 2003 (Last updated July 29, 2004)


Feedback: Pretty please? I get discouraged and stop writing when I don’t get feedback. (No that’s not intended as a threat - it’s just the honest truth. What can I say? I’m your average insecure, needy fanfic writer…)

Archive: WWOMB:; Vig’s Vale:; and StepAwayFromMyXander:

Valdron’s Handy Dandy Disclaimer:
Buffy the Vampire Slayer, the series, concepts and characters are the property, copyright and trademark of UPN, Mutant Enemy and Joss Whedon.

Angel, the series, concepts and characters are the property, copyright and trademark of Warner Bros., Mutant Enemy and Joss Whedon.

Walker: Texas Ranger, the series, concepts and characters are the property, copyright and trademark of Chuck Norris, Norris Productions, Stranglehold  Productions, CBS-TV, USA Network, Columbia TriStar and Sony Pictures.

Sons of Thunder, the series, concepts and characters are the property, copyright and trademark of Chuck Norris, Norris Productions, Stranglehold  Productions, CBS-TV, USA Network, Columbia TriStar and Sony Pictures.

Kindred: The Embraced, the series, concepts and characters are the property, copyright and trademark of Spelling Television and Republic Entertainment.

Vampire: The Masquerade, the RPG, computer games, the Storyteller™ Game system, Clan names and all related concepts and characters are the property, copyright and trademark of White Wolf Game Studios, Nihilistic Software, and Activsison.

No ownership or claim on said property, copyright or trademark is made or implied by the use in this work. This work constitutes a personal comment on the aforesaid properties pursuant to doctrines of fair use and fair comment. This work is non-commercial, not for sale or profit, and may not be sold or reproduced for commercial purposes. All other characters and situations which are not specifically owned by the above mentioned are sole copyright of the author.

Thanks: To Jameschick for throwing open her “Quantum Xander” dimensions for us to play in. This one is from the “Willow Cursed Spike With A Soul” Dimension. You can find “Quantum Xander” at Vig’s Vale. Jameschick’s Page is at and “Quantum Xander” is at

Thanks to Mouse for the wondrous inspiration of her story “Old Friends”. You can find it on her website, Bound By Blood ( and you can find it on Mouse’s page on my website as well.

Thanks to Scribe for her encouragement and support

Thanks to Erynn for her advice concerning Wicca and Celtic Paganism which (hopefully) has prevented any glaring holes in my version of Willow’s spellcasting and the results thereof.

And a huge thanks to my gracious beta, Willie Jefferson. Will, I fall prostrate at your feet in gratitude. Also, thanks so much for your help with Gunn-speak. hehe

Also, thanks to Zus for giving me the proper British phraseology for Wesley-speak, especially, but also for the British characters in general.

And another thank you goes out to WordSmith for suggesting the *actual* demon version of Nazis, “The Scourge”, as the “Sunnydale Villain of the Week”. They are going to work out very nicely.

And, finally, thanks to my friend, the Vampire Storyteller extraordinaire, Black Death, for his help with the rules if the game and understanding the Clans and character archetypes. Without his help, there would be no game in this story. (And since he’s straight and doesn’t read slash, I do not ever expect him to actually see this! hehe)

Author’s Notes: Okay… I’m going on the premise, here, that when Halfrek and D’Hoffryn put things back, they did NOT erase memories. Just reinstated spells, etc., and removed actual items (like the paper Xander gave Willow with the Spell to make Angel and Spike’s souls permanent). If that’s not what Jameschick meant, too bad! Deal with it! She handed it off and I’m running with it! Ha!

“ ” = conversation
‘ ’ = thoughts (or quotes within conversation quotes)
* * = italics

Another thing: This line belongs to someone else. “Sometimes a deep breath was required, even when not, strictly speaking, needed.” Or maybe it was “Sometimes a deep breath was needed, even when not, strictly speaking, required.” Either way, I found it inspiring, and used the spirit of it in this fic, but I cannot recall where it came from or who wrote it. I know it was a BTVS/AtS fic. If you know, please tell me, so I can thank the writer properly.

Also, I’m messing with the AtS timeline a bit. This takes place a few months after BTVS “Hells Bells” (otherwise known as the wedding that wasn’t - which never happened in this alternate reality) but in the Angel timeline it is only just after “Billy” which is the episode before Darla returns in “Offspring”. I’m putting a bit of time between the two episodes to facilitate my story. I figure that if time moves differently in the different dimensions, perhaps events unfold at a different rate as well.

This means that there is no Connor, yet, and Cordelia is still 100% human with brain-frying visions and nasty headaches. Spike never found out about the Gem of Amara, thus he never lost it to Buffy nor did he go to LA and torture Angel to retrieve it. He never left Sunnydale after the kidnapping fiasco. (That was what prompted Willow to curse him in Quantum Xander.)

This Spike is quite different from the one we know. He has had his soul for four years and yet he has had no one to turn to or trust. He is bound to act a little different from the Spike we know and love. I have decided that this souled Spike only uses his little personal pet names (other than pet and luv, which he uses for just about everyone) when he is either at ease or angry. That does affect the story a bit, so be warned.

Also, in this dimension, Angel did use Kate to find Penn. However, instead of just fighting with him, Angel reasserted his dominance in the traditional sash-fic manner. Afterward, Angel asked Penn to leave LA and he complied, so Kate did *not* get the chance to stake him. In fact, she may still be completely unaware that Angel is a vampire, for all I know… However, after seeing him with Penn, she *is* aware of his “bisexual nature”. (This may or may not be detailed in the story. I haven’t yet, but that doesn’t mean the boys won’t insist that I tell you all about, later – in excruciating detail. They’re funny that way…)

When this story begins, Penn has met up with Drusilla. He is practicing his personal brand of vengeance on the city of Dallas, Texas. Drusilla is having visions and making plans for what she sees coming.

Now, for those of you unfamiliar with the series, I am providing some photos and basic info on the Walker universe as well as info on the main characters and show history of “Walker: Texas Ranger” and “Sons of Thunder”.

You can find it all on my Walker Universe Info Page.

I have also made some timeline changes to the Walker Universe. All of this is explained on my Walker Universe Info Page.

When I get to the “Vampire: The Masquerade” and “Kindred: The Embraced” section, I will add info pages on that series and RPG.

Summary: Due to the prodding of “the other Xander” (the hero of Cassy’s fic “Quantum Xander”), Spike, who was cursed with a soul by Willow after the kidnapping fiasco, decides to go to LA and try to make peace, and a new life, with Angel. Complications develop. (Of course - we wouldn’t have a story otherwise! hehe)

Warnings: There will be some stuff that will fall into the BDSM area, but mostly D/s, I think. I’ve got that whole Sire/Childe dynamic going. And remember, vamps *like* it rough! There will definitely be biting! I mean, they may have souls, but they’re vampires! They bite! So I guess you could say there’s bound to be a certain amount of blood-play. Vampire style.

Around about chapter 13 or so, there will be m/m non-con and possibly a bit of f/m non-con as well (if Drusilla decides to play). I will try to set it up so you can skip over it if you really want to. You will need to know it happened, but you won’t *have* to read the details.

Now, as the story grows, the characters are taking over.
I didn’t mean for this to happen. It just did.
Many of you know exactly what I’m talking about.

So now, I find that I need to issue more warnings.

The trouble is that the warnings, alone, will be spoilers for the story.
(You won’t find those here. You will find them here.)

If you feel the need to be warned, you can go and read them.

Or, you can just trust me.

This will be general information.

It WILL be a happy ending, though there may be aspects that some people don’t like.

I feel I can guarantee no MPreg. The guys are both dead.
(And so is the ZombieXander, of this dimension, though I
highly doubt he will be playing with them. He’s apparently
happy with Buffy, who prefers her men without a pulse.)

There will be some het, but it will be mainly of the threesome variety (m/m/f).
Some might start out m/f, but I’m pretty sure it won’t stay that way.
It will generally end up with at least 2 guys in the mix.
(’Cause I like that idea! Yum!)

So far there have been no character deaths.
(Unless you count “turning” as death!)

I’m not really fond of character deaths, generally. At least not the permanent kind.
(Say, for instance, dusting my beloved Spikey! I’m so glad Joss brought him back!)

Also, (though this doesn’t really matter here, due to the AU situation)
I am of the opinion that the series finalé of Angel *actually*
ended with the arrival of Buffy and an army of Slayers!

And I’m going for a more angsty humor/sickly sweet feel anyway.

How am I doing on that so far?

On to “Curses & Cures”, Parts 1 - 5


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