TITLE: Surfacing Chapter Nine: Blood Ties AUTHOR: Chad Moore FANDOM: XF DATE: November 17th, 2001 SERIES: Dangerous Undercurrents and Conundrum E-MAIL: Mulderholic@webtv.net RATING: R (Chapter 9) for language and violence CATEGORY: M/O ARCHIVE: Yes, please KEYWORDS: Slash, Romance, Angst, Adventure WARNINGS: WIP SPOILERS: This story takes place after "Existence," with references to past seasons. DISCLAIMER: All familiar characters belong to CC, 1013 and Fox TV; any others were conceived in my warped imagination. Azathoth and the Great Old Ones are creations of H.P. Lovecraft and are now the property of Arkham House. No infringment intended. EXTRA SPECIAL THANKS: To Goddess Michele, a true star. BETA THANKS: Bertie AUTHOR'S NOTE: This chapter contains a few elements from the Wild Cards series of books, edited by George R.R. Martin. ***** Chapter Nine: Blood Ties The questioning was over, thank goodness, Jamie thought as he absently let his fingers drift through the fringes of a table lamp. He felt jumpy and restless, the adrenaline pumping continuously through his veins. With the genius one could expect, the local police had dismissed the attack as thieves caught in the act. Albeit thieves associated with satanic rituals. Well, they were half right. Jamie watched Mulder's shoes crush a path into the deep sky blue carpet as he listened to the coroner's report. He nodded and made a few non-verbal sounds, leaving Jamie unsure whether this was good or bad. He tore his eyes away from his lover's feet and let his gaze wander across the room to the secured windows, and the extra lock fitted to the door. "Well," Mulder sighed, turning off the cell phone. "It seems our friend died from a highly concentrated dose of atropa belladonna." Squinting for a moment to remember, Jamie chimed in, "Nightshade?" Mulder nodded and came to sit down beside him on the bed. "Yeah, this group is hard core." He looked down and saw his lover's hands shaking. "Jamie, I think--" he began, but Jamie stood up and started pacing before him. "We still don't know who they are." His words came quick. "But whatever they have planned, I'm ready for them." He flexed his fingers, unconsciously forming fists. "Azathoth wants me again, well he has no idea who he's dealing with this time." Mulder pursed his lips worriedly at the signs of Jamie's agitation. He knew his lover wasn't talking to him, he was trying to convince himself that he was invincible. Fox stood and carefully approached him, and Jamie nearly walked right into him. "Jamie, that's what we're going to find out," he told him, gently. "The parasycholgist who contacted Skinner is on her way to D.C. even as we speak." Folding his arms, Jamie exhaled. "And how exactly does that help us?" "You're not going to like this, but we need to leave as soon as possible. Jamie, if we're going to learn all the facts behind this, what this coven wants, then we have to go." Jamie ran both his hands through his hair. "That's just fine with me." Fox started to speak but Jamie's voice overrode his. "No, someone's after me and I don't want them around my family. When do we leave?" "As soon as possible. I'll see if there's a flight open tomorrow morning." "Good." He started to relax, which was a mistake, as Mulder burst into a feverish thought pattern. "Once we get there I want to phone a few FBI contacts. There can't be that many cults out there who use nightshade." He took a breath. "Then, we'll rock 'n' roll on over to Walter's and..." "Hey, can we just take this one thing at a time, huh?" Jamie tried to slow him down. Mulder realized that he was getting a little too excited. It was almost like being back on the X-Files, with the deadly exception of the man he loved being in mortal danger. "We can work it all out later," he agreed. Jamie buried his face in his hands, and groaned. Mulder glanced down at him. "What is it?" "How am I ever going to tell my mom?" he wondered, suddenly feeling short of breath. Mulder gave him a reasurring smile. No doubt Janine would pitch a fit about her son leaving. He felt a smirk coming on, with the thought that his lover would much rather face a cult than Janine. He reached out and tenderly slid his arms around Jamie's waist. Jamie sighed deeply. "Mulder, I just wish..." he began. Then his voice trailed off. "You wish what?" Fox pressed. Jamie hesitated. "I wish things could be different. That I didn't have this curse hanging over my head," he said at last. "I'm gonna fight this, but the only thing that really scares me is that you could get hurt." His green eyes pierced through the dimly lit room, into Mulder. He felt his heartbeat quicken. Over the past few hours he'd watched in admiration as Jamie managed to fight off three attackers, not let the truth kick the breath out of him and simultaneously demand both of himself and the fates surrounding them, some control of his life. Mulder could not bear the thought that his lover was being hunted again. For what purpose he could only imagine, and those thoughts hung like a thunder cloud in his mind. Meantime, as he worried, Jamie was being strong for both of them. "You're a fighter, Jamie," he said, "and I love that so much about you. You get knocked down and you pick yourself right back up again, and keep on swinging. Take it from me, it's a gift." Jamie shook his head a little, his eyes beginning to pool. "No, you're my gift." Mulder's smile lit his whole face. Jamie's whole body suddenly felt hot. "Kiss me before I pass out," he whispered in Fox's ear. Mulder's right hand gently caressed Jamie's face, and then he pressed his lips to the other man's mouth. Jamie's tongue entered him so invitingly, and with such demanding lust and love, that it made Fox dizzy. Jamie looped his arms around Mulder's neck, and hugged him tightly. His strong hands caressing the back of his neck, and then stroking through his short hair. He stopped suddenly, and smiled. "I won't let anyone hurt you Fox, I promise." Mulder led him over to the bed, helped him to lie back on it, then joined him, pressing himself close. "Do you trust me?" asked Jamie. Fox answered with a kiss that sent them both spinning into heaven. He enwrapped Jamie in a demanding embrace and held him through the night. ***** Jamie glanced at the clock: 4:13 AM. He couldn't sleep and his mouth felt dry. Careful not to wake Mulder, he eased out of bed and into the bathroom. Turning on the tap, he ran his hands over his tired face. Jamie looked up in the mirror, gasped and shivered. For a second Azathoth's thick black mist billowed up behind him. Jamie quickly turned to look, but nothing was there. ***** "You're leaving again?!" Janine's shrill voice cried all the way from upstairs. Mulder cringed a little, knowing how hard this was for Jamie. He looked at his watch. He and Jamie needed to be in Atlanta in a couple of hours to catch the mid-morning flight to Virginia. After booking the flight, Mulder had packed while Jamie called his mother to meet him at Grams. Courtesy of the local paper they all knew about the attack. However, Jamie had stuck with the police's false impression of breaking and entering. Mulder glanced up the stairs, hoping that the three women in his lover's life were not going to give him any more of a hard time about leaving than he could stand. ***** "What's the rush?" Janine demanded as Jamie flew by her in a flurry of activity. This is what she'd been afraid of: Jamie taking off again. "Mulder has some important things to take care of and he asked me to go with him," Jamie quickly explained. He dumped a pile of clothes from the closet into a large suitcase sitting open on the bed. "But does he have to spirit you away right now?" pressed Janine. Jamie involuntarily shivered at the word 'spirit.' Janine watched his frenetic movements. She really could not fathom her son dropping everything for this man. "What, are you going off on a secret mission?" she asked, sarcastically. Jamie glared and kept packing. "Oh, I see," his mother added. "You're not going to tell us." "Jamie, dear, is there anything we can do to help?" Grams asked, interceding between her daughter and grandson. He paused to look at her. "No, Grams. Everything's going to be fine. This is just something I need to help take care of. You'll have to trust me on this. Can you do that?" "Of course, darling." "When will you be back?" his mother pressed. "I'm not sure... soon," he replied, then thought to himself 'I hope.' "I wish I could come with you," Peril offered, sincerely. Janine jumped, preferring it if her niece were to accompany him. "Can't the club do without you just a little while longer?" she asked, believing that a waitress/singer wouldn't be missed. "If I don't get back to San Francisco I won't have a job left." "Knock 'em dead," Jamie said, as a way of saying he understood. He paused on reflection. "But not literally." Peril came forward to help him straighten out the mess he was making. She could tell by the look in his eyes that her cousin was dealing with something major. She placed a hand on his arm as he closed the case. He looked up at her, prepared to defend his actions once again, and was startled by the look in her eye. "Please call." Was all she said. Jamie finally glanced up at all three of them, and felt a lump in his throat. "Sure, you got it." He moved forward and hugged his mother, who gasped, surprised. Standing back, Jamie told her, "Mom, I wish I could be the son you want me to be," he began, sadly. Her face softened. "Jamie, no. Just promise me that you'll take care of yourself." "I will." Swiftly kissing and hugging them all good-bye, he tore downstairs to join Mulder. Janine watched his retreating back and sighed loudly. "That is typical Jamie," she observed. Neither she nor Grams noticed the worried expression Peril wore. She'd worked out that the stranger looking for Mulder and last night's incident were related. Whatever her cousin was barging into, she only hoped he really could handle it. ***** Walter came out of his kitchen carrying a glass of wine when he saw Alex descending the staircase and shaking his head. "What is it?" he inquired. "Oh, the doc up there," Alex replied, pointing the way he'd come. "She's a weird one, doesn't say much, just pours over all those books she brought." Walter nodded knowingly, making a small noise of understanding. She and Mulder will be probably get along great, he thought. Doctor Angela Kitzseiger had arrived during the middle of the night, and at a rather inopportune time, with Krycek's mouth wrapped warmly around a certain part of his anatomy. She was not at all what Skinner had expected. And if her deep blush last night was any indication, they weren't exactly what she had expected either. The light sound of the doorbell shook him from his thoughts. "That must be Mulder and Jamie," he said. "Here take this to the good doctor while I let them know what's going on," he added, handing Alex the glass. Alex looked at it and smirked. Mulder would probably have a stroke when he found him residing in Skinner's apartment. Ah, what the hell, he thought, when haven't I done that to Mulder? Waiting for Krycek to leave, Skinner squared his shoulders and opened the door. Both Mulder and Jamie looked as if they would collapse. "How was the flight?" he asked, concerned. "A combination of too much turbulence, little sleep, and a Chevy Chase movie," Mulder replied dryly. "Dr. Kitzseiger's been here since midnight," Walter explained, leading them through. "She arrived with her own library and she's been buried in books all night." Jamie smirked, but it wasn't a happy expression. "Sounds like more fun than what happened to us." "We were attacked last night," Mulder told Skinner. "By this coven?" Mulder opened his mouth to reply, but his breath caught in his throat. "You and cults, Mulder. What's up with that?" Alex Krycek remarked as he nonchalantly sauntered back into the living room. His appearance had the effect of a nuclear bomb going off in Mulder's gut, and his eyes grew wide as saucers. Jamie, by contrast, felt an enormous sense of relief to see his friend. "Alex!" he exclaimed. "What the hell is he doing here?" Mulder demanded of Skinner. Walter braced himself. He momentarily wondered how many times the younger man had uttered that question, then wondered how often he'd gotten any sort of satisfactory answer. Jamie looked between Alex and Mr. Skinner, and the pieces rapidly fell into place. "So this is your nurse?" Alex actually blushed! Walter turned back to Mulder, who stood seething on the spot. "Mulder, look, he needed someone to look after him," he began. "Plus, you were right about the phone tap. Alex found it." "I'll bet. How do you know he's not helping them again?" Krycek clenched his fists in frustration. "Oh yeah, I masterminded the entire plot," he snapped, sarcastically. "I want him out of here!" Fox shouted, moving forward, ready to aim a punch at the other man's face. Jamie stepped in between them, one steady hand on Mulder's chest. "C'mon boys! What's the matter with you? I don't know what went down between the two of you, but we've got enough against us without you two needing to take lumps out of each other." His words prevented a clash but Fox continued to glower. "Jamie's right," Walter spoke up, glancing with admiration at Mulder's lover. "Now do you want to tell us what happened last night?" Jamie folded his arms and leaned against a corner wall. "A trio of creeps seriously into the Audrey Hepburn look were waiting for us," he replied. "They were all dressed in black," Fox explained to wipe away Walter's confused expression. "With the added bonus of knives, tatooed wrists, poison, and shaved heads." He grimaced. "No offense." "None taken," Skinner said, clearing his throat. "The tatoo indicates that they belong to an elite monkish coven that worship the Great Old Ones," a voice from across the room told them. Dr. Kitzseiger, framed by the staircase railing, had followed the tail of the conversation. With a haughty British accent, the tall sandy-blonde woman appeared to be in her early thirties. "This is Dr. Angela Kitzseiger," Walter said. As he proceeded to introduce his two guests, Kitzseiger waltzed across the room to shake Mulder's hand. "Fox Mulder, this is a pleasure." She gave him a Colgate smile, grasping his hand. "Your reputation is quite legendary back in Oxford." Mulder grinned, thinking that the doctor, dressed in her tan blouse, crisp skirt and cardigan, looked like she'd been born and raised in a library. "Thanks," he replied. "I'm anxious to learn about this coven." He felt a gentle nudge from Jamie. "Oh! This is my--" he started, but Kitzseiger turned toward the stairs. "I'm Jamie," he piped up. She gave him a tight smile. "Gentleman, shall we proceed?" And with that she made her way up toward Skinner's study. Walter gave Mulder a helpless look, which he passed on to Jamie as they followed after her. Jamie decided he wasn't exactly crazy about Dr. Kitzseiger. He glowered a little at the condescending woman's back. Krycek moved up beside him. "Don't let Miss Priss bother you," he whispered, conspiratorially. "She barged in last night just as I had Walter's cock down my throat..." A smile tugged at Jamie's mouth. "...and I haven't killed her yet," Alex finished. For the first time in twenty-four hours Jamie laughed. A short time later they were gathered in Skinner's small study. Well worn books, slim manila folders and papers lay scattered across a plain but functional walnut desk before Dr. Kitzseiger. Donning a pair of spectacles, she leafed through them. "Here," she said, handing Mulder a folder. He flipped through it and discovered several printed pages. They appeared to all be from internet web sites. "I've been tracing the Order's movements through techno pagans online," she explained. "For many years they were a secret society. One of the most dangerous in the world. Only recently have they made their presence known." And how, Jamie thought gloomily. While Mulder scanned the notes Kitzseiger displayed a large, heavy tome. Mulder recognized it immediately, thanks to his subscription to Mysteria Press. "Isn't this the Ly'Bahr?" he asked, in awe. "I thought it had been lost." "It had," she nodded, "but luckily it was found during the excavation of the Oxford woods." "You mean it was down in the catacombs?" Jamie exchanged blank looks with Alex and Skinner, and decided to voice all their thoughts. "The who, what and huh?" Mulder smiled, always eager to explain. "It's said that this book contains ancient rituals dating back to the middle ages." "Close," Kitzseiger corrected. "Actually the Ly'Bahr is much older than that. It was used in early primitive ceremonies." She took a deep breath. "However, the ritual text is based on very sketchy legends." "Yeah, that's great and everything," Krycek broke in, much to Mulder's annoyance, "but what about the cult?" Kitzseiger clicked her tongue. "Not so much a cult as a coven. The Order of Dathomir, to be precise. An elite sect who worship the first high priest of Azathoth." "How did you find out about them?" Skinner wondered. The doctor was giving Mulder a run for his money with wild theories, he thought. "It all started with the disappearance of Professor Henric Tiamat," she said, steepling her fingers. "He was my predecessor in the parapsychology department." "Tiamat?" Mulder whispered, half to himself. "You know him?" Jamie asked, curiously. Mulder nodded. "By reputation. He wrote several controversial books on revivication rituals." "Let me guess, you have the complete set at home?" Krycek asked, his words dripping with sarcasm. "Watch it, boy, watch it," Walter warned him in a friendly growl. This did not go unnoticed by either Jamie or Mulder. Kitzseiger continued. "This is the Book of Tisianne, the first work published by Tiamat," she indicated a book with a cracked, jet-black binding. "I've been tracing his movements ever since he was first spotted in San Francisco." "Wait a minute, Tiamat was responsible for the excavation of Azathoth's bones?" Mulder's eyes lit up and he punched the air. "Yes! It makes perfect sense." Lost, Jamie laughed uneasily. "Silly me. I should've known." Alex gave a little chuckle of agreement. Momentarily removing her glasses to polish them, Kitzseiger took up the explanation. "They believe that by resurrecting the Old One, he in turn will bring back their high priest, Dathomir, who was possessed with enormous power." "I've seen this kind of fanatasim before," Mulder said, grimly recalling the Cult of Azathoth and the many FBI profiles he'd worked on. "They have a single-minded purpose." Jamie shuddered. "I get it. Religion's freaky." "So we're dealing with an elite cult?" Alex added. "Well, at least we'll die with style." "We're not dead yet," Walter reminded him. "I know someone we can contact who can probably give us the goods on Professor Tiamat," Mulder told them. "Who?" Skinner asked. "Carolyn Fredericks," he replied, looking at Jamie. "Her husband works for an Oxford newspaper." "Carolyn." Jamie sighed nostalgically, remembering his dear friend from university. Mulder walked round behind Kitzseiger to peer over her shoulder. "What if they're hoping to harness some mystical power?" he suggested. "Don't forget this was one of the Great Old Ones." Leaning over her shoulder, he inadvertently bumped the doctor's arm. "Do you mind?" Kitzseiger snapped. A little wounded, Mulder backed away. "Excuse me," he replied. "I'll just stand back here looking pretty and pouting." "Good idea!" she muttered, not paying attention to him in the slightest. "Now where was I? Oh yes, this text is in ancient Latin. It could take some time." "Oh, great." Alex rolled his eyes. "I should've brought my travel scrabble." She scanned the page, at the same time searching another book to decipher the language. "This ritual will take place on holy ground using the bones..." "Which they have," Mulder chimed in. "Quite," she nodded, "and the blood of... Unfortunately this part's not very clear... of the mortal closest..." She looked up. "Someone connected to the Old One." The room suddenly grew silent. "Me?" Jamie asked. All eyes turned to him. "Come on guys, you know the score, he was inside my body for eighteen years." He sighed. "Believe me, we were close." "I don't understand," Kitzseiger admitted. "You don't wanna know," Alex replied, smiling ironically. She simply nodded, returning her attention to the book. "They have until the next full moon to perform their ritual." "But that's in a few days," protested Mulder. Could things get any worse? "Precisely." "So we just have to keep Jamie safe until then, right?" asked Walter. "It may take some doing, but I'm sure I can arrange a secure place for him to stay." At that Jamie made a little choking noise. He really did not like the idea of hiding. He'd much rather face this head on. Fox glanced up at him. "I'm okay," Jamie told him, quietly. "Jamie," Mulder said softly. He rested his hands on his shoulders and gazed into Jamie's glistening green eyes. "This could take some time. Why don't you try to get some rest?" "Don't patronize me, Mulder," Jamie whispered. "Whatever's in those books affects us both. I want to know." Dr. Kitzseiger looked up and cleared her throat. "Excuse me, but can we please get on?" Mulder turned back to Jamie. "I want to find out everything I can about this ritual. I can't do that if I'm worried about you. Please, Jamie?" Fox looked so determined, so certain that he'D find something, that Jamie weakened. "All right." In spite of himself, he smiled at his lover, and gave his nose a gentle tug. "Happy reading." "Jamie, wait up!" Alex called. "I'll show you where you can crash for a while." Pausing at the top of the stairs, Jamie, feeling frustrated, folded his arms. "Hey," Krycek said. "I didn't know how much more I could take of that." He looked at his friend closely. "How're 'ya holding up?" "I'm like you, I'm indestructible. I'm fine." Jamie felt his defences breaking. "Actually, not." His voice shook a little. "I'm so scared and I'm trying so hard to be strong, because any minute now, it feels like I might freak out." Alex's heart ached with sympathy. "Jamie, I've been there... Lost. The trick is you can't let it consume you. You have to keep a hold on yourself." Jamie gave him a watery smile. "What if I can't?" "What can I do to help?" he asked, reaching out to squeeze Jamie's shoulder. Jamie was quiet for a moment. Then he looked back up at Krycek, with a sparkle in his eye. "There is something you can do..." ***** The general and the specific, he thought. The abstract and the concrete. The difference between the two is always waiting to trip you up. The unfamiliar words spread out before him were bad in themselves, plus dealing with the fact that hidden within was what this coven had planned for Jamie was even worse. Mulder rubbed at his weary eyes. The text before him now appeared completly blurred. His Latin was so rusty that not even a squirt of WD40 would help, but he knew enough basic words to get him through. Next to him Dr. Kitzseiger was ahead of him, having dipped into several books. Now, she sat thoroughly absorbed in something she referred to as The Journal of Oberon. Unfortunately, Mulder was making no headway with the notes. He propped his head up and wondered what Jamie was doing, and what was taking Skinner so long. He'd gone into another room and been on the phone for some time making arrangments for a safe house. He kept willing his cell phone to ring. Carolyn just about screamed his ear off when she learned that Jamie was indeed alive. She promised to get her husband to track down all he could on Professor Tiamat and would call back later. "I'm gonna get something to drink," he told Kitzseiger. He stood and stretched out his back with a groan. "Want anything?" "No, thank you," she replied with a wave of her hand. "Hurry back. This section makes several references to the ritual." ***** Krycek flung his head to avoid the sweat trickling down into his eyes. Heart hammering in his ears, he flung out his arms. "Jamie," he panted, "that's it." He'd been more than eager to jump at Jamie's suggestion, but he had no idea that the blonde had this much enthusiasm and energy for it. Licking his lips, Jamie pressed home his advantage. Holding a pillow to his chest, Krycek neatly deflected the blow. In his white T-shirt, oversized flannel shirt and grey-green slacks, Jamie had barely broken a sweat. He was a natural, agile and strong, and fueled by unresolved anger. Twirling in an elegant arc, he kicked out and knocked Krycek flat off his feet. He landed with a thump on his rear. Jamie grimaced and hurried to his side. "Alex! Oh!" "It's not everyday I'm swept off my feet," he said, breathing heavily. "You've got style." Jamie quickly helped his friend back up. Krycek wiped his brow and peered at him closely. Over the course of the evening he'd taught Jamie a few defensive moves, and he was a fast learner. "Are you sure you're not tiring yourself out?" he wondered. "I'm sure." Alex took a swig from a bottled water resting on the coffee table. "So, you and Spooky are working out okay?" He wasn't sure that it was any of his business, but he thought talking about Mulder might ease Jamie's stress a little. "I love him so much, and I'm not going to let all this Who's Cult Is It Anyway? business mess up the best thing that's ever happened to me," Jamie told him, his eyes gleaming with determination. "Come on, teach me." On his way downstairs, Mulder's heart leapt into his throat at the sound of a scuffle. Holding on to the railing, he jumped the length of the stairs to the carpeting below. His eyes widened with surprise. Suddenly Jamie hit the floor in front of the couch hard on his back. He pulled his right knee up to his chest. Alex crouched over him, holding himself up with his arms and grinning down at Jamie. Jamie used his leg to throw Krycek over his head. The Russian flipped backward and landed flat on his back. Jamie performed a kick-up, bringing himself up to a standing position, and spun around to face Alex as he got to his feet. He hesitated for a moment before lunging at the other man with a wide punch that Jamie easily ducked. Jamie slipped up behind him, and Krycek turned around to face him. He tried a left-hand punch, but Jamie inner form blocked it and flew into a half-spinning in-to-out crescent kick. Alex ducked it, but got knocked off his feet when Jamie kept on spinning downward with a back leg sweep, sending him to the floor. Krycek made a swift turn with his leg, catching Jamie's and sending him scrambling onto the carpet. Grunting, Jamie disentangled himself and grabbed the water bottle. Rolling toward Alex, he came up and straddled him at the waist, holding the bottle against his neck. "How's that, Obi-Wan?" asked Jamie, triumphantly. Alex nodded. "You got it." From the direction of the stairs, Mulder cleared his throat to gain their attention. "Having fun?" he asked, raising a suspicious eyebrow. Jamie looked down and his cheeks instantly flushed. "Fox, we were-uh-" he replied, flustered. "I mean Alex was just teaching me some manoeuvers." He stood and brushed down his clothes. "I can see that," he replied, a bit too hotly. He aimed a glare in Krycek's direction. "If you don't mind could you please keep your hands off my lover?" With that he stalked into the kitchen. Alex rolled his eyes. Jamie sighed deeply and gave his friend a shrug. "I'll be back." Following Mulder into the kitchen, he found his steaming Fox gulping down an orange soda and mumbling to himself. "Mulder, were you just talking to yourself?" Jamie asked, with a crooked grin. "Grams always told me that was the first sign of madness." Mulder couldn't stay mad. He returned the smile and said, "Hmmm... Funny I thought I said that." Coming up behind him, Jamie wrapped his arms round his waist and leaned his chin on Fox's shoulder. "What is it with you and Alex, anyway? You can't be jealous." "It's a long story, Jamie," he replied, quietly. "But why can't you at least give him a chance? He's my friend, plus he and Mr. Skinner are crazy about each other." Mulder balked at the notion. "Do you have any idea how much pain, how much trouble he's caused?!" he erupted, pulling away from Jamie's embrace. Jamie cocked his head inquisitively. "Mulder, you sound just like my mom!" That stopped him in his tracks. "I do not!" he protested. Then he laughed, realizing he did sound like Janine, with just a little Teena Mulder thrown in for flavor. Deciding it was best to change the subject, Jamie asked, "How's the research coming along?" "We're still working on unravelling the ritual text," he replied. "If I can find the answers, this doesn't have to end badly." "Who says it's going to?" Jamie saw a dark shadow fall over his lover's usual bright eyes. "Hey, you all right?" "With everything you're facing again and you ask how I am?" "Nothing I can't deal with," said Jamie confidently. Proud beyond words, Mulder shook his head. "I wanna be just like you when I grow up." "Somehow I can't see that, Peter Pan." "Come here," Mulder called, extending his arms, which Jamie instantly fell into. "Jamie, I'm sorry. I am so sorry this is happening..." "Shh," Jamie whispered. Titling his head, he gently pressed his lips against his lover's perpetual pout. "You know what I've been thinking about?" he asked after a moment. Fox was breathless. "What?" "How I used to lie awake at night, or be walking home from somewhere, and I'd stare at the stars, just dreaming. Then I met you and the dream came true." "Yeah?" "I fell in love with a tall, dark and handsome man with a sense of adventure." Jamie peered into his glistening eyes and pressed their foreheads together. "We belong together, Fox, and that's exactly where we're gonna stay." Mulder kissed him deeply, passionately, and for a few precious moments the problems facing them disappeared. ***** With renewed energy, Mulder returned upstairs. He glanced at his watch and was surprised to see that it was nearly dawn. Three days before the Order of Dathomir carried out their ritual. Time was literally running out. Mulder walked onto the landing and turned a corner as Skinner emerged from his bedroom. "It's all set," he announced. "It wasn't easy. Especially convincing them that this is for someone who doesn't officially exist." His former agent smiled. "Thanks, Walter. This means a lot." "Mulder, why don't I drive you and Jamie there now? You should really try and rest." "No." He shook his head. "I just can't sit back and watch when my lover is in danger of being taken away again." Walter nodded silently, realizing it would do no good to reason with Mulder right now. "Are you having any luck?" he asked. "A little," he replied, hopefully. "Dr. Kitzseiger's found a few references to what we need." "How's Jamie?" Skinner wondered, his concern showing. Mulder gestured. "He's downstairs going at it with Krycek." Skinner's eyes flashed dangerously and his head whipped toward the stairs. Mulder was quick to clear things up. "Walter, they're exercising, training." Skinner's face went a bit red and he exhaled. Before entering the study, Mulder shot him a puzzled look. "So you and the Rat Bas--" he broke off. "Krycek are together?" Walter looked him straight in the face. "As crazy as it sounds, yeah." "What about the nanobytes floating through your body?" Chuckling awkwardly, Skinner rubbed the back of his neck. "Thing of the past. Alex destroyed the palm pilot weeks ago." Leaving Mulder momentarily speechless, Walter went ahead into the study. Gazing at the ceiling, the younger man whispered, "Wonders never cease." Following the A.D. inside, he found Kitzseiger in an agitated state. "Mulder!" she called. "Here, I've found it." Mulder rushed over, and she indicated the yellowed page. As with most of the works, it was in Latin. He started reading the words he recognized. "Recro... Senex Unus... Sceleratus... Moratlis Proximus... Tempus...Abeo... Necessarios..." He tapped a finger to his half-open lips, deep in thought. "Tied to the blood," he whispered. "Pardon?" said Skinner. Mulder's eyes widened. "Wait a minute. Proximus," he said aloud. He'd just had an idea. No, it couldn't be true, could it? He stared unseeing at the book before him, the blood starting to hammer in his temples. "What is it?" Kitzseiger pressed. "Yeah, don't keep it to yourself," Walter agreed. "What if we've been looking at this from the wrong angle? What if..." Skinner and Kitzseiger listened expectantly. ***** "I'm spent!" Alex exclaimed, falling backward onto the sofa. He rested a hand on his heaving stomach. Jamie, who seemed raring for more, looked disappointed. "Really?" Krycek sat up, exhaling painfully. "Jamie, you've kicked my ass enough for one night." "Oh, okay." He slapped his arms against his sides, giving up. "Can I get you something?" he asked, noticing the empty water bottle. "Hell yes," Alex replied, pointing toward the kitchen. "Just as long as you make it strong." Walking into the kitchen, Jamie opened the well-stocked refrigerator and examined what Skinner had to offer. "I assume that doesn't mean apple juice?" he called out. Krycek groaned back loudly in response. Grabbing a beer, Jamie popped it open. Wrinkling his nose at the smell he started back for the living room when Skinner thundered downstairs. Alex looked up and Jamie paused in the archway. "Mulder's found something," Walter told them, excitedly. He searched for Jamie. "You're not going to believe this!" "What is it?" Jamie asked, moving forward. Then, a few paces ahead, Skinner's front door buckled with an ear-splitting boom. Jamie tumbled back against a wall, spilling the beer. "This does not look good!" he exclaimed. Against tremendous force, the door rocked on its hinges. Krycek sat up. "Fuck!" Suddenly the door was kicked in, and it clattered down, narrowly missing Jamie. Like a swarm of mad dogs, the Order of Dathomir's assassins filled the apartment. "Fox!" Jamie screamed a warning, but it was also a scream to focus his strength, to power him. He turned as the intruder nearest lunged at him, but Jamie swiftly ducked and slipped underneath him, lifting him and sending him flying over his head and onto the kitchen table. Two more of the coven rushed in and made their way toward Krycek. Skinner dashed into the living room, his eyes flashing to his weapon cabinet, when he felt a body slammed against him. He gave a grunt of pain as his head was thrust forward. Another of the elite headed for Jamie, swinging a razor sharp blade. He missed as Jamie, heart thumping, stepped behind the table. Quickly, Jamie kicked out it's legs, sending it skidding across the linoleum and smashing into the crazed man coming after him, knocking him to the floor, where he joined his fellow. Jamie grabbed the arm of the next attacker, and pulled back. "Ever heard of knocking?," he asked, and slammed him into the wall. He then turned his attention to the first cultist and roundhouse kicked him in the face as he tried to get up. Krycek cursed as he was tackled into a wall. He kneed the man's groin and pushed him violently over the coffee table. It cracked under impact. He cast his fevered green eyes around the room. There appeared to be four of them, and they cast about in angry confusion, not expecting resistance on this scale. Skinner struggled against the cultist pressing his face into the cabinet. He grabbed him by the neck and shoved his head into the display case, breaking the glass, then yanked him up through the glass top as well. Alex raced forward and pulled the dazed intruder around, smashing a fist into his face. The blows didn't faze the possessed assassin. Skinner quickly scanned the debris of the case for a gun. A dagger appeared, slashing out toward Krycek's throat. Alex jumped out of harm's way, but then found himself off balance, and the attacker used this to his advantage, knocking Alex to the floor. Pulling on the nearby cabinet, he sent it crashing down on top of he Russian, knocking him out. "Alex!" Skinner shouted, rushing to help his lover. The attacker stepped past him, scanned the room quickly and headed straight for the stairs. Seeing this, Jamie rushed to engage him. Growling, the cultist wrapped his arm around Jamie's and dragged his arm downward. Jamie yanked back up and pulled his arm free, and punched the man twice in the face. Skinner placed both arms beneath the cabinet and started to lift it off of Alex, who lay dazed under it. One of the assassins reached Skinner and raised a knife above him. "Look out!" Jamie cried. He kicked back before the cultist could reach the surly A.D., making the would-be assassin jerk aside but not fall. In a rush of exertion Skinner alleviated the heavy pressure of the cabinet, then he hurried to help Jamie. The lead intruder tried to punch, but Skinner ducked and punched him instead. Walter spun around and backhand punched the cultist behind him in the face, who fell immediately. "Nice," Jamie commented, his breathing heavy. Walter sucked in some air. "They don't call me Slugger for nothing." Skinner ducked another punch from the lead assassin, who grabbed onto his shirt, pulled him around roughly and smashed Walter's face into a table. A lamp shattered and sparked on the floor. Jamie punched his enemy in the gut and high punched him in the face. While the assassin was stunned, he grabbed onto his head and yanked it around and down to his left side, flipping the man over onto his back. Dazed, Skinner staggered away from a knife thrust. He pointed to the steps and yelled at Jamie as two of the intruders slipped by them. The leader made to follow, but Jamie jumped and landed on his back, struggling with him. "Get upstairs!" hollered Jamie. Walter made for the stairs. From the corner of his eye, he saw Jamie pound his assailant on the back, but he just roared and elbowed him off, knocking Jamie into a bookcase. With his attention diverted, Skinner was kicked roughly in the gut by the second attacker. Losing his balance he tumbled backward, coming to rest senselessly at the bottom of the staircase. The fourth cultist down below hopped up onto the kitchen counter, ran across it and leapt over the railing above. Jamie's opponent punched him, and he stumbled, but regained his footing. Upstairs he could vaguely hear the fight continuing. "Mulder!" he shouted. He felt his shoulders grabbed in a firm grip. The leader spun him around and viciously threw Jamie into a wall, his head contacting sickeningly with the corner, sending him into oblivion. ***** "What's going on?" Kitzseiger cried, stepping away from the desk. Mulder heard Jamie's distant cry. "I don't know, but it sure isn't exercise!" The study door burst open, and the three elite piled in. "Dathomir assassins!" Kitzseiger exclaimed, horrified. She attempted to run, but the first one lashed out, sending her spinning to the floor. Mulder punched at the first man, but it seemed to have no effect. He swung again, and the assassin grabbed his arm and held on tight. He swung with the other one, but it was caught, too, and then he was pushed away. The three began to close in on Mulder, but before any more fighting could ensue their leader appeared, clapping his hands twice. "Enough!" he ordered, in a deep Scottish accent. The other three just backed off. Mulder faced this new threat, ready to fight. It was quiet downstairs and his mind filled with dread. The leader stepped over Kitzseiger and walked around Mulder, like an animal taunting its prey. With a roar of rage, Mulder punched at him, but the cultist blocked him easily, as well as two follow-up swings. The Dathomir assassin grabbed Mulder by the arms. He swung him around and shoved him away. Mulder lunged at him, but his attacker grabbed him by the throat and forced him back against the desk, gripping hard and choking him. He smiled evilly and picked up a paper weight in the shape of a ship. Mulder's eyes widened as the man swung his hand up and knocked it against Mulder's head. With a groan Mulder collapsed to the floor. The elite assasin leader watched him fall, and looked down at him. He turned to his accomplices. "Let's get what we came for." Two of them grabbed the unconscious Mulder by the arms and dragged him from the room. The remaining coven assassins followed them out. ***** Below, Jamie slowly came to and winced in pain. He felt the right side of his head and his hand came away covered in blood. Blearily he scanned the room, which seemed draped in purple. He focused his eyes as a wave of nausea flooded over him. Skinner lay unmoving at the bottom of the stairs, and Alex was still stretched prone under the fallen cabinet. He gasped at the sound of footsteps. The leader moved past him and out of the broken front door. Two more followed carrying a familiar-shaped bundle in their arms. A fourth figure, lagging behind the rest, followed. Gathering his strength, Jamie reached out and pulled the man down, hard. His head connected with a door fragment. The man's fellows left him behind, their prize within their grasp. Voices gathered out in the hall. They seemed far away and drowned out by the blood rushing in Jamie's head. Dizzily he stood and ran across the cluttered room. Throwing himself on the stairs, he rushed up them and down the hall. Like one of his nightmares, the world seemed distorted and slowed down. He rounded the corner and stopped at the study door. Jamie looked around at the damage, and then saw Dr. Kitzseiger lying on the floor. Jamie hurried to her side and skidded down next to her on his knees. He took Kitzseiger's hand as she tried to sit up. "He said... they weren't... after you," she croaked, "they... never... were." Realizing that his lover had been taken, Jamie choked on hot tears even as he felt an unrelenting cold despair grip his heart. "Fox," he whispered, as his world came spiralling down around him. [Next Episode: Trust No One] __________________________________________________