I wrote LE during the summer after season four of the X-Files. Having just
discovered the show and feeling as if I'd missed out on the first three seasons-
-which I had--my appetite for all things XF became increasingly voracious.
Interestingly enough, the first episodes I'd watched were the Tunguska/Terma
episodes and I remember just about shitting a brick when Krycek got his arm cut
off. Mulder's obvious love/hate relationship with Alex fascinated me, as well,
not to mention the whips, the chains, hell--*all* the paraphenalia of a mad

I loved it.

Within weeks, I found out that the X-Files were apparently all over the
internet. A few weeks after that, I got myself a 386 computer. The thing could
barely keep up with the 'net and within a year I was forced to upgrade, but
that's another story. It might; however, explain why my idea of computers was
so primitive in LE2. <g>

I thought I'd died and gone to heaven when I found fanfic. The problem was
that there were few stories that hit my particular kink at the time. Even once
I found MulderTorture, I didn't find much that kept my interest. I remember
reading all the new releases and after reading one abysmal story whose author
couldn't manage to spell, much less keep her subject consistent with her
predicate, I thought, 'Hell, *I* could do this.'

So, I did.

Gentle Reader, I'll confess that there were times during the writing of some
of my work that I've actually closed my eyes and touch-typed. <giggles> But I
wanted to write my stories as true to whatever vision I had at the time as I
could. On a final note, I've always seen Krycek as a vagabond of sorts--or
perhaps I'm very lazy about endings. I knoweth not. It depends, I suppose, on
the story. With this in mind, feel free to read these stories and do not skip
the warnings.

Much Love,


I have given Vyper and only she my permission to archive "Lesser Evil" I, II,
and III

All others--Don't even bother asking. The answer is No.


Lesser Evils I
Lesser Evils II: The Moose Strikes Back
Lesser Evils III: Return Of The Rat


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