The Due South Fiction Archive Comments

Comments on Home

Number of comments: 3

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From: Allison
Date: 03/04/2007
Oh, I love tripping across fics I haven't read in forever. This one fills me with so much love for the both of them. I so wanted the guy who smelled like Fraser to be Fraser, but I adore the ending. <3
From: china_shop
Date: 12/10/2005
This is just lovely. I have it printed out, and have reread it several times, and this line:

"Fraser left," he said to the almost-Fraser, but he opened his door and got out, his coffee trembling in his hand and why the hell was his coffee trembling?

gets me every time. *hearts*
From: Marcella Polman (
Date: 08/29/2005
Aww. Lovely. I like it that the attraction is implicit most of the fic. I like the sad tone (but it wouldn't have if you hadn't made it a happy ending). I like it that the love becomes explicit. And I love that it is mutual. Great story.

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