The Due South Fiction Archive Comments

Comments on Faggot

Number of comments: 3

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From: dsfshipper
Date: 02/17/2011
To me, homophobic!RayV who automatically rejects Fraser as a friend when he realizes that Fraser is gay or bisexual has been done to death in this fandom, so I'm very glad that you had a different spin.

Unlike you, I've never seen RayV as homophobic. I just don't see evidence of it on the series, and I think he was unfairly labeled as homophobic in the fandom when any other dS character could have been just as homophobic.

But I do think that Pop Vecchio may very well have been homophobic (he certainly seemed to be a very hateful person), and his views may have influenced RayV's views (which is probably why Ray thinks of "faggot" - Pop Vecchio may have frequently said it). However, I like to believe that RayV would reject any homophobia that he was taught when it is Benny - his dear, dear friend, whom he truly loves - who is gay or bisexual.

Even a totally straight RayV would want to keep his dear friend Benny in his life, and so try to accept Fraser as he is because he just wants him to be happy. (Remember - he seemed to accept Fraser, weirdness and all, from the time he met him; he never tried to change him). And, in your story, it's refreshing that Fraser's honesty with Ray leads to Ray taking off his mask and being honest with himself and his feelings toward Fraser - although it's believable that he would feel anxiety and panic about doing so to the point of feeling sick. This courageous Ray (and I've always thought that he was brave on the show - as much as Fraser) is wonderful to see.

From: J S Cavalcante (
Date: 01/05/2006
Great story! Very, very believable, and from this F/Ker, that's saying a lot about a Fraser/Vecchio story.

I totally get that Vecchio's panic is extreme for him even if he is totally straight. Yes, there might be some straight guys who'd react that way, but for "Benny's-best-friend" Vecchio, this is extreme, and that's why it's not such a surprise that there is more to the situation than there appears to be at first.

I enjoyed Vecchio's willingness to "look underneath the disgust," the way he has had to do in the line of duty, and to take what he finds there with courage.

Fraser is also very much in character. Frannie and Ma, too. :)


From: Sean
Date: 12/31/2005
Wow! Breath-taking finale.
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