The Due South Fiction Archive Comments

Comments on Dare

Number of comments: 6

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From: Pixie Smith (
Date: 06/18/2006
Oh good one! Fraser using long unimaginable words just to get Ray to kiss him again! Made me laugh so hard!!! But then he panicked! Yep, typical Ray reaction but I liked it anyway. And Fraser using dirty words in bed is always a turn on.

ps - is that last word "Floccinaucinihilipilification" a real word? ~_^
From: HarleyPeace
Date: 03/02/2006

The voices and inflections and descriptions and oh, just everything. So wonderful!

You're a wonderful writer and i greatly enjoyed your fic.

Thank you Kindly!
From: Carmen (
Date: 02/26/2006
Sheesh! This is so hot and sexy and tender. I loved Ben teasing Ray with his words and then Ben wanting Ray so badly that he'd roll around on the floor on top of case files for him. And I really liked the 'moment' in the kitchen when Ben was so certain and Ray didn't believe anyone could want him. And the sex! Great sex! Thank you so much.
From: Alyssa (
Date: 02/09/2006
This is the first Due South fic I've ever read. Thank you for popping that cherry (and so WELL too!).


I've been a fan since I was really little, and this puts a nice spin to things. I thought I'd hate it, but I'm in absolute love.
From: Amy
Date: 02/09/2006
Fantastic, very HOT story! And your both your Fraser and Ray 'voices' are spot-on. :)
From: Annie (
Date: 02/09/2006
So, so, so, so good. I don't know what to say. I think this is going to be one of my favorites. Wow. I am sooooo impressed. I am soooooo feeling inadequate in my response.


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