
by byob_kenobi

Disclaimer: Not mine, or I wouldn't have to write about them.

Author's Notes: Thanks to jodie_mouse for the quick beta.

Story Notes: No candy products were harmed in the making of this story.

"Fraser, you just lick it and stick it in there. It's not rocket science."

Fraser frowned at the package. "Do you eat it?"

Ray leaned back on the couch. "Duh, Frase, it's candy. What the fuck else do you do with it? You got candy up there in Canada, don't you?"

"Well, certainly, but most of them attempt the pretense of disguising their merchandise as actual food products." He checked the package again. "If I may say, they also have better spelling."

"Well, Lik-M-Aid follows in the long and noble American tradition of jacking up little kids directly with metric tons of sugar. Eliminate the middleman."

"So you take sticks of hardened sugar, dye and chemicals, you lick them, dip them into powdered sugar, dye and chemicals, and Mmph!"

Ray grinned, pulling the candy out of Fraser's mouth. "What do you think?"

"I seem to be quite energized and sticky, Ray."

Ray leaned in and slowly kissed him, tasting sugar and sweetness.


End Sweet by byob_kenobi: byobkenobi@comcast.net

Author and story notes above.