Although this story is full of angst - my heart hurt for both Rays when I read that Fraser left without telling either of them goodbye - this is a post-COTW story that I would have really wanted to see on the series.
I will never understood why Paul Gross decided to change the original script and have Fraser choose RayK over RayV! PG obviously didn't realize that he would be splitting many dS fans into two camps - those who wanted Fraser to be with RayK, and those who felt that RayV deserved Fraser more. The ending of "COTW" was great for F/K shippers, but I think probably everyone else hated it, as I did.
Thank you for writing a much better ending - even if I do want to punch Fraser for hurting both of his Rays so much by going away.
But I hope he'll eventually contact both of them and tell each Ray how much he loves him - and realize that it is very possible for him to love both of them; he doesn't have to choose!
Your story also gives hope that the Rays will eventually become good friends who care about each other. It's refreshing to see RayK recognize RayV's worth, both as a person and as a dear friend/lover to Fraser, and not be jealaous of him. I get sick of the jealous!RayK stories, and stories in which the Rays hate each other.