
by Catalina Dudka

This story is written for the private entertainment of fans. No infringement of any copyrights held by Due South c/o Alliance is intended. This story is not published for profit, and the author does not give permission for this story to be reproduced for profit. The author makes no claims on the characters or their portrayal by the creation of this story.

Rated G

(by Catalina Dudka - Copyright 1998)


Too many changes. All at once. All too soon.

Just as he finally felt at home. Just as he had found family. It was taken away. Again.

He missed Ray. That's all. He missed him and he worried. And sometimes he also felt guilt.

Guilt for not being here to wish him godspeed. Guilt for not trying to find him.
Guilt for accepting the other also as a friend.

Sometimes he wondered if this made him a terrible person. An unworthy friend. Being here safe and sound while Ray's life was at risk. Everyday.

Every single day.

While he sat here. Sound and safe.

"Fraser," her matter-of-fact voice followed the sharp rap at his door. "Fraser?" this time concern warmed her tone as she stepped into the darkened office.

He watched the familiar silhouette, lovingly drawn by the light in the hall. He listened to the firm click of her heels as she came towards him.

"Sir," he answered looking up to meet the dark light of her eyes.

Without a word her hand reached out to squeeze his shoulder. Not with the touch of a superior officer, nor the touch of a would-be lover, but with the touch of a friend, of family. And that's when he knew.

He knew all would be alright.
He knew Ray would be fine.
He knew Ray would be back.

And his family, old and new, would be whole again.


Too many. Too soon.
But growth was born of change too.
And so was love.

The End