The Due South Fiction Archive Comments

Comments on Friend and Lover

Number of comments: 2

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From: Nancy
Date: 08/19/2016
It's so refreshing to have Ray Vecchio as Fraser's lover (as well as still being a great friend to him) and Ray Kowalski as not Fraser's lover, but still a friend to Fraser and, most importantly, a friend to Ray Vecchio and supportive of Fraser's relationship to Ray Vecchio. Usually in this F/K dominated fandom, it's the other way around - and Kowalski is often jealous, possessive and immature, not allowing Fraser to have any friends, even Ray Vecchio. And in many F/K stories, Fraser is obsessed with Kowalski and rejects RayV's friendship and brotherhood, and RayV is turned into an evil homophobe. Your story is much more realistic and canon to the show, and it's not filled with mischaracterization of both Rays and Fraser to make the case for F/K and make Kowalski a better person and better friend than RayV. I think it's very possible that Fraser could have fallen in love with RayV, mainly for how wonderful he treats him, and be faithful to him while Ray is undercover. Your story is wonderful!

From: PhoenixWytch
Date: 06/14/2015
Love this! This highlights how amazing both Rays are and how Benton needs both of them in his life.

I wish there were more stories like this. With both Rays being awesome with Benton.

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