What Happens in the Dark

	Fraser had almost decided that he ought to have taken Constable Turnbull's
suggestion about tying their group together with their lanyards.  Instead,
he and Inspector Thatcher had shared a 'look.'  He'd had to bite his
lip to hide the smile trying to appear when the Inspector had covertly
rolled her eyes at him.  The idea of visiting a haunted house had been
Turnbull's as well, in response to an order from higher up that there
be some sort of office bonding event.  Surprisingly, Inspector Thatcher
had agreed rather readily (while adamantly vetoing the lanyard notion),
so Fraser had fallen in line, then quickly called Ray to convince him
to come along. 

	Practically as soon as they had entered the building, all four of them
had been separated:  Meg, Turnbull, Ray, and himself.  So now he was
standing somewhere inside a giant haunted house, unable to get any kind
of bearings among the strobe lights and cast shadows.  Fraser was in
some kind of corridor, a section between displays.  He was constantly
being jostled by other people wandering through, some meandering and
laughing, others running and screaming in fright.  Suddenly, one of the
faceless bodies pressed up against him, not only crushing his body to
the wall but holding it there. 

	A strong, well-formed body was moulded to Fraser's, and a familiar voice
said, "Shh, Fraser.  It's just me."  Then a warm mouth smoothed itself
against his own, and a flexible tongue worked its way in, exploring and
exciting the depths of the Mountie's mouth.  His knees buckled, and he
wrapped his arms tightly around his temporary captor, while the lights
flashed and swirled to the side and people continued to stream by, oblivious.

	In another secluded area of the haunted house, another member of the
RCMP was moaning and quivering under the onslaught of a hungry, seeking
mouth while two bodies fused through layers of clothing.  A breathless
whisper of "Just for tonight" slipped out and fell unnoticed among the

 - end -