Invasion was inspired by a short story entitled Somedays by Cat Dukda
about Meg Thatcher's preoccupation with Benton Fraser and the resentment
it causes her to feel.

This poem is dedicated to Cat in appreciation for her insight,
inspiration and friendship. I also wish to thank Diana Read for
her editorial advice and encouragement. But most of all, this poem
is for a sweet and secret friend.

Comments appreciated: Cheryl Ross


leave me alone, love
let me sleep at night
I'm tired
of your face filling up my solitude
your words tumbling through my brain
like pebbles in a stream
don't call my name, love
all night long
don't haunt my dreams
til weary dawn
give me some lonely peace

I must not let you
claim every part of me
drain the last drop
from the bewildered heart of me --
stop stealing me away
soul thief

I'm not used to handing out myself
to every man that comes along
give me time to learn
the art of sweet surrender

don't take me all at once like this
first just the lips
just a kiss
then take my arms
possess my skin
use me up or draw me in
but slowly love
don't rush my heart
go easily
take softly love
you frighten me
pity love, pity me
release me love
set me free.