Caroline in the city chapter 5 The Due South Fiction Archive Entry Home Quicksearch Search Engine Random Story Upload Story   Caroline in the city chapter 5 by vicki tub Disclaimer: don't own them what so ever Author's Notes: For everyone Story Notes: none at all Chapter 5 Both houses were buzzing with excitement. The house in Chicago because Caroline was arriving today and the house in Canada because Caroline was leaving for her adventure to America. Sitting at the breakfast table Ray's leg was bouncing as he drank his coffee. "Come on Ben is it time to leave for the airport yet"? Ray asked for the thousandth time that morning. "Patience Ray", Ben replied while towel drying his hair, "We will be leaving very soon" Eyes shining bright now Ray crossed the room and placed a kiss on those lips that he couldn't get enough of. Ben gazed into those sparkling blue eyes that amazed him more and more everyday, "Ray I love you" "Right back at ya babe", Ray answered grinning like a loon. Raising an eyebrow, "Babe" "Yep babe I get to call you babe cos I love ya", Ray sad Still showing that cheeky grin. "In that case Ray I'll start calling you sugarplum", answered Ben from under those smiling long lashes. Raising his hands in mock surrender, "Ok, ok I won't call you babe if you promise not to call me sugarplum"? "I promise Ray that I won't call you sugarplum", Ben turned to get dressed laughing as he went he loved these games that they played. Lisa, David and Caroline were headed for the airport after going back to the house three times because Caroline forgot something or another. Now finally on their way they put on the CD of nursery rhymes that they loved to sing while travelling in the car. They went from Humpty Dumpty to the wheels on the bus and lots more that involved mice and fish or something. It wasn't long before they were parking the car at the airport. Turing to face Caroline Lisa spoke softly, "Caroline sweetheart do you remember the rules for the airport and plane. "Yes mammy no running away and keep by your side and do what I am told", Caroline answered. "That's right honey", David said with a smile. Caroline rolled her eyes giggling, "Daddy can we go now please" As they headed for the airport entrance Lisa and David exchanged looks. Looks that said, `We'll miss her terribly but isn't it exciting that she is going to be spending time with Ben and Ray and what an adventure she will have'. David placed Caroline sitting on top of her cases as she was been rolled into the airport looking for the Air Canada gate. Spotting the gate they made their way over thankful that there was only one person in front of them queuing was not one of the things that they did best. "Hello and welcome to Air Canada how may I assist you today", the young lady greeted. Caroline spoke with excitement, "I'm going to Chicago" Crouching down to be eye level with Caroline, "How nice are you going on holidays there"? "Yep I'm going to stay with my daddy Ben and Ray and Dief", Caroline said with such pride. Lisa stepped forward because if Caroline started they'd be here all day she was like David once he started talking there was no stopping him, "This is Caroline she is the little girl you are taking I've booked it special" Standing shaking both their hands, "Oh yes ma'm, sir we have all the details here I'm actually the one who will be looking after Caroline until she is with those who are to collect her on the other side. My name is Davina Divine but you can call me Dee-Dee everyone dose" Nodding Lisa responded, "Thank you Dee-Dee I'm Lisa Caroline's mum and this is David her dad" Dee-Dee looked confused at this hadn't Caroline said she was going to her dads in Chicago and Lisa saw this, "it's a long story I'm sure Caroline will fill you in she tells everyone" Lisa laughed. "Oh here are the photos of Ben and Ray they will collecting Caroline on the other side", David said handing over the photos. Dee-Dee looked at the photos her eyes growing big at the sight of such beautiful men. T-thank you I'll make sure that Caroline is safe don't worry I'll call you as soon as we land so you'll know that we arrived safe and sound", Dee-Dee stuttered out not taking her eyes of the photos of Ben and Ray. Saying their goodbyes Lisa and David watched as Caroline went through the doors to the airplane already starting the story about how she has so many daddies. Finally at the airport Ray could not stop pacing only stopping to check the board to see if the flight had landed yet. After the hundredth time of passing Ben by Ben took Ray by the shoulders, "Ray sit down Caroline's plane will be landing shortly ok relax" Slumping down onto the chair next to Ben, "I know, I know airports make me jumpy and don't think I can't see that eyebrow go up Benton Fraser and do not ask why. Jumping or been pushed out of and airplane with no parachute will do that to you Mr Mountie who think he can fly" "Really Ray would I", Giving Ray his best innocent Mountie look as he said it. Shaking his head laughing they finally saw on the board that Air Canada flight 321A landed at Gate 3 Terminal 5. Now they stood watching just waiting for Caroline to appear through the arrivals doors.   End Caroline in the city chapter 5 by vicki tub Author and story notes above. Please post a comment on this story.