I was there I was there by silvina Author's website: http://www.learnlink.emory.edu/~sdelcul/index2.html Disclaimer: Standard Disclaimer. Yeah, well, so there. Please send comments, questions, compliments, and otters to sdelcul@yahoo.com. Author's Notes: Story Notes: We finally talked about it yesterday, but it's not over. Nothing is ever simply over, it just gets complicated. Explanations are difficult enough when we're speaking different languages. You asked me how long it would be before I trusted you--forgave you for Victoria. That's not the right question. What you should be asking is how long it'll be before I trust myself again. I don't know. How long will it be before I can trust myself to not cause pain? What is trust, anyway, but believing empty promises? "I was going with her." "I know." Yeah, I know. End I was there by silvina: sdelcul@yahoo.com Author and story notes above.