Body *BELOVED* *BY GILDA LILY* Rating: PG, M/M Pairing: Benny/Ray Category: Poetry, Romance Warning: Major Sap Alert Disclaimer: Don't own 'em, Alliance does, more's the pity. (c) February 13, 1999 A Happy Valentine's Day To All! Beloved, Your skin's like cream, Your eyes like sapphires Shining in the light Of first morn. Your lips are Full, Sensuous, Rosy. Your body's made For a Greek sculptor. Your heart's as big As the sky. You're kind, And gentle, And sweet. I love it When you're shy, Blushing as red As your serge. I love it When you're bawdy In the privacy Of our bed. Oh, Benny, Benny, I love your beauty. I love your goodness. Yes, you drive me crazy, But I can't even imagine Life without you now. You have my Heart, Body, Soul. As I have Yours, Beloved. On this day Dedicated to lovers, I love you, Benny.