Table Scraps, by Viridian5 "Table Scraps" By Viridian5 8/2/99 RATING: PG; Fraser/Kowalski. If m/m interaction bothers you, walk on by. SPOILERS: none. SUMMARY: Ray wants what he can't have. DISTRIBUTION: Serge and Hexwood. If some kind person feels like posting to DIEF and DSX, that would be great too. Anywhere else too, as long as you ask me first. FEEDBACK: Hell, yes. Feedback can be sent to DISCLAIMERS: All things _Due South_ belong to Alliance no matter how much I want Ray K to belong to me. No infringement intended. Suing me would be a waste of time. Besides, I'd just kick you in the head. NOTES: Thanks to Te for clearance. ================= "Table Scraps" By Viridian5 ================= Huey handed Ray the paper bag. "I can't believe you." "This is the only way, and I'm desperate." "No kidding. Enjoy." Ray did a quick eye sweep of the room. Clear. He settled back into his chair, put his feet up on the desk, and opened the bag. The mouthwatering scent told him that Huey had gotten him the quality stuff. Sure, it would "ruin his dinner," but he had such a craving that he needed one now. *whuff!* Ice blue eyes stared up at him. Damn, where did he come from? "This isn't what ya think it is. Really." The half-wolf put his front paws on Ray's lap and his nose against the bag. "Hey! Geddown! Look at me when I'm talking to ya!" Diefenbaker refused. "Y'know, I don't think yer really deaf. I think it's a way to guilt trip Big Red and an excuse to get out of doin' things ya don' wanna do." That earned him an accusing look, one that said, "I'm really insulted, but you can make it up to me by handin' the donut over right now." Then again, Dief hung with Fraser, so maybe it would be more like, "How could you cast such aspersions on my honesty and character? You wound me, but you could make amends by offering the donut as a good will gesture." Great. Now *he* was thinking Dief could talk. "You let me keep the donut, and I won't tell Fraser about yer little con job." The half-wolf just gave him a look that said, "Like he'd believe you over me." "Beggin' is really beneath ya." Incredulous look. "They're not good for ya." Stony look. "C'mon, I haven't been able to eat a donut here since you arrived." Unsympathetic look. And those paws in his lap started to get more personal than he felt a half-wolf should get with a man. "All right already! Geez, ya don' haveta molest me. Have it, ya monster." Sad to think this was the most action he'd gotten lately. Diefenbaker grabbed the donut from the bag with little growling sounds of delight and immediately glommed it down. He rewarded Ray with a frenzy of tail wagging and a long lick that left a bit of sugar glazing behind. "Yeah, yeah. *Now* ya love me." If only it could be that easy with Fraser; give him a donut, get some loving. Ray almost choked from the mental image. //Don't think Frase's tongue is that big, really. Not that I'll ever find out from personal experience.// As he ruffled Dief's thick fur, Ray asked, "Ya lookin' forward to Mama Vecchio's meatballs?" "Ray, you don't intend to feed Diefenbaker table scraps again, do you? They're not good for him," Fraser said. //Geez. The whole world sneaks up on me.// Ray thought of fibbing, but Fraser used Stern But Loving Look #4, also known as "You would never lie to me, Ray; not you." He was a sucker for that one. Ray tried to redirect. "He's just helpin' me out, Fraser. I can't eat it all. I think Italians have two stomachs or somethin'." "Are you comparing the Vecchios to cows?" "Hell, no. Well, maybe--" "Ray." Fraser augmented it with Stern But Loving Look #2, a.k.a. "I expect better of you, Ray." Ray fought it, but it was hard. He couldn't help wanting to live up to Fraser's good expectations of him. "I'm her big brother now. I have a duty to make my cover as realistic as possible. You know all about duty." Fraser shook his head but smiled. "If we don't leave now, we'll be late." "Don't want that. Lemme get my coat." The Vecchios had been really kind to him, just about adopting him as their real Raimundo. Mrs. Vecchio's vow to get some meat on his bones meant that he got the occasional dinner invitation, and of course Fraser was always invited too. With his own parents so far away, it was nice having another family. Despite the lack of donuts, life was pretty good right now. The only thing that would make it perfect would be -- //Give it up, Kowalski. He's the best friend you've ever had, and you have to be content this way. He's not into that.// "Ray?" //Beggin' is beneath me. And it never got me anywhere before, anyway.// "Everythin's fine, Frase. Just fine." **********************THE END*********************** FINAL NOTE: Te asked, "Where's stern-but-loving look number 6? 'If you don't stop being sad I'll simply have to fuck you senseless.'" I had to say, with deep regret, that this Ray wouldn't recognize that one... More Viridian5 stories can be found in The Green Room. Back to Due South Fiction Archive