She awoke in the morning feeling the space next to her was empty Just One Night By Kizzia Kulzer She awoke in the morning feeling the space next to her was empty. Was it a dream? Was he ever really here? Opening her eyes she noticed the unfamiliar surroundings, the bare walls, the large window left party open. Everything was different than it had seemed the night before. Hearing a noise she looked towards the kitchen. She smiled as she watched the handsome figure fixing a tray of food. He had made her breakfast in bed. Knowing he wanted to surprise her, she rolled over and closed her eyes, pretending to sleep as he cautiously made his way into the room. Setting the tray on the edge of the bed, he carefully sat down, leaned over and kissed her softly on the cheek. She smiled rolling towards him and looked deep into his eyes. "Oh Benton! That's so sweet of you!" she exclaimed as she looked at the plate of food, "Good morning by the way!" she said as she gave him a flash of a smile, that smile that made him weak in the knees. "I thought that you would like it," he said, "I didn't want to wake you so you could to come to breakfast, so I brought breakfast to you. It's the least I could do after..." "After what?" "After last night," he whispered shyly. She just gave him a look of understanding, kissed him on the cheek, and then began to eat the delicious food he had made. "How can anyone be sweet and kind and gentlemanly? How can anyone be" she thought to herself as she ate. She had certainly found a gem in Benton Fraser. For once things were actually going right, but how long would it last? Was he too good to be true? Every other guy had been. She hoped that maybe this one would be different. "Is there something wrong with the food?" he asked. This snapped her back to reality. She smiled, "No, just got lost in thought is all." "What are you thinking?" Oh, he had to ask! She looked at him, reluctant to say. She had never been good at this stuff. She sighed," was....uh...thinking about you." "Good," he said, and that is all he said as he gathered up her dishes and went to the sink to wash them. As she lay there in bed, her thoughts began to wander back to the night before. She could still taste him on her lips. She could still smell him on her body. She could still feel his touch.   She had never imagined Fraser a lover. She always thought him as the clumsy type. Boy, was she wrong. Neither of them had meant for it to happen, it just did. She had been on her way home when she got a flat. Knowing that Fraser lived a few blocks away she decided to walk there despite the rain. When she got to his apartment, her clothes were soaked and she was freezing cold. Fraser, of course, took her in. He told her that he would change her flat in the morning, but she could call a cab now if she wanted. After calling the cab company she sat down and quickly drank up the hot cocoa he had made. She felt horrible for waking him up, but knew that he didn't mind. That's just the way he was. He offered her a change of clothes if she wanted to get out of her wet ones as not to catch a cold. She was grateful for his offer and picked out some clothes to wear. He left the room to let her change. She called his name when she had finished and he came back into the room. He could not keep his eyes off her. She looked so sexy in that big flannel shirt and gray sweats. Her wet blonde hair hanging down, slightly curling to frame her face. She was standing by the window watching for her cab. She turned to look at him, giving him a smile that sent a wave of dizziness over him. "My cab's here," she said, pausing at the door as if something was holding her back. " Thanks for the cocoa and the clothes. You're a lifesaver as well as a true sweetheart." He turned to open the door and their bodies brushed against one another. They both froze, gazing into each other's eyes. She took a step towards him and hugged him. "Thanks again," she said and rushed out the door. This sent Fraser over the edge. He went after her. Just as she reached the outside door, he grabbed her hand. "You can stay if you like," he said shyly. He reminded her of a little child. "Would you like me to stay?" she asked. "Yes," he gasped," stay the night with me." He walked over, handed the cabby a few dollars for his inconvenience and told him to leave, and turned back to the woman standing in the doorway. She took his hand in hers and led him up the stairs, back to his room. As soon as they were through the door, he took her in his arms. Looking deep into her eyes, he kissed her deeply. One by one articles of clothing were removed until they were standing, bare flesh against bare flesh. She could feel him against her as again he pulled her close as he kissed her again and again. He kissed her face, then her lips, letting his tongue trace their outline. He kissed her neck softly, then moving his mouth back to hers; he lay her down on the bed and made love to her. They lay in each other's arms until morning.   The clank of a pan brought her back to reality and she sighed out of pure happiness. "I suppose I should be going soon," she said loudly so he could hear here in the other room. "Oh?" he said as he walked in and sat on the bed's edge. " I was hoping you would stay forever." She smiled, "What do you mean?" "I mean I love you," he whispered while looking down at the floor. "I love you too. You have no idea how long I've loved you, but you never noticed me." "I noticed you," he said, "I just never thought I had a chance. So, what do you say? Are you going to stay?" "Of course," she said, "So, what are we going to do about my car?" The End