standard disclaimer, beileve me i wish they were mine. Please send comments, compliments, and questions to Thank you kindly, silvina Constable Benton Fraser, Royal Canadian Mounted Police found himself rudely awakened by a loud violent sneeze, his own. Blinking his eyes in astonishment, he quickly glanced at the figure in bed with him. Holding his breath, he waited for any signs of awakening. Ah, good, he hadn't woken Ray up. If the Chicago police detective had been sleeping in his customary position, with one arm flung over Fraser's chest and the rest of his body curled up against Fraser's side, he would most definitely have been awakened from his much needed sleep. Achoo!! Not another one. How could this be happening to him? He never got sick, but now he could tell he didn't feel right. His chest felt tight and he felt feverish and just generally achy. He checked on Ray again and fitfully tried to return to sleep. Ray woke up at seven thirty, still exhausted but feeling remarkably better than he had before. At first he thought that Benny had let him sleep later but then he realized that Benny hadn't gotten up yet even though he had this annoying and endearing habit of being awake in the wee hours of the morning. Observing the pale color of Benny's face his stroked his hand over Benny's forehead and was surprised to feel the clammy skin was feverish. Taking this opportunity while the stubborn Mountie was asleep, Ray went to the medicine cabinet and pulled out the thermometer. The thermometer beeped and Fraser woke as Ray reached for it. The annoyed Mountie was not placated by a gentle kiss, but Ray would not be deterred from reading the offending device. "Benny, you have a fever! Do you feel okay?" "I. feel. fine. I. am. NOT. sick. I --ACHOO!" This time there was no hiding it from Ray. "Benny, you are not fine. You're sick. No," he said, stopping Benny from getting up, "there is no way I am letting you go to work today. Not like that you're not." Forcing the Mountie to stay in the bed was easier than he expected, increasing his anxiety. He could hear the roughness in his breathing as Ray reached for his cell phone on the night table. He stared disbelievingly as Ray called his mother and detailed his symptoms to her, asking for her opinion. The more he thought about it the madder Fraser became. What right did Ray have to share his problems with his mother of all people. He was a grown man and could take care of himself. Ray knew how to deal with a sick, cranky Fraser. He had seen his mother deal with three sick children at the same time, with never an angry or cross word. He rose quickly and went to the kitchen to see what would suit his purpose. With a tender caress he laid a cool washcloth across the fevered forehead saying, "Fraser, I'll be right back. Don't you dare get up while I'm gone. You need to rest. I'm gonna call the consulate, tell them you won't be in and then go to the drugstore. Don't argue with me, you need to rest." It didn't take as much arguing as Ray had thought it would to convince Fraser that he didn't have any choice but to stay in bed. Thankfully the Dragon Lady accepted Ray's explanation without question and Ray managed to get to the drugstore just as it opened at eight. He went in and was out with his purchases in no time at all. He rushed back to the apartment and was gratified to find that Fraser had obeyed his order/suggestion and stayed in bed. Laying the bag down on the table he rushed to the bed as Benny began coughing. "Fraser, how long have you been feeling like this?" The circles under his eyes made Ray suspicious, "Did you get any sleep last night?" "Since last night, and a couple of hours. Why? Does it matter to you?" he asked with a frown. Ray knew that Benny didn't mean it, he just wasn't used to not being in control of his body. "Of course it matters to me, I love you." With a sigh Benny felt his anger evaporate. "I know you do, Ray, I just . . . " "I know, Benny, I know. Here now," he said, undoing the buttons on Benny's long johns and pulling it down until Benny was bare from the waist up, "you just close your eyes and rest. I have something that will make you fell better." Drawing the little plastic tub out of the store bag, he opened it with one hand and reached inside. Slowly and gently he spread the Vapo-rub on Benny's chest and worked it onto his skin. As tired as he was from the stakeout the day before, he was quite happy to do whatever he could to make Benny feel better. If stroking and kneading the warm skin under his fingers made Benny fell better, well, who was he to stop. Soon the air was filled with the slightly medicinal odor and small contented noises from Benny. Ray went to the kitchen and washed his hands. Walking back into the bedroom he noticed with a grin that Benny had fallen asleep. With a contented sigh of his own he lay down on the bed and gently drew Benny into his arms, careful not to smear Vapo-rub all over the place, and fell asleep.