Kowalski's Dance   Disclaimer: Fraser and Kowalski don't belong to me (I wish!), so I'll put them back when I'm finished. Promise! I don't know about you, but I love the idea of Fraser and Kowalski together (they're both so scrumptious!). This poem is from Stanley's point of view. It's his first slow dance with Fraser...hopefully not his last! Send any comments to littlepoplin@shotmail.com, but please, be gentle! Enjoy!  P.S. I wouldn't have been able to do this without the kindness of strangers, especially ones who told me how to work the whole thing to begin with. Thank you kindly Elaine! (Had to say it) Ellie Leonard   Kowalski's Dance   We live inside the music each melody and harmony in turn, we reach to infinity and forever, receiving and sending never-ending...   No more than just dancing through the currents of our song I breath in his peppermint breath and pray to God that he'll never let go.   So simple, really, all of this the earth stops turning as we move but we only know our hearts beat in time and we are each all the other can see.   His blue eyes make me feel endless alone in the crowd and deaf to all others while he holds me for precious few minutes seems like I've already lived a lifetime.   Still we exist inside the music each melody and harmony in turn we reach to infinity and forever receiving and sending never-ending...   Like it? Hate it? Let me know!