Werewindle Main
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I use this site to archive my fanfiction. Below is a list of fandoms I write in, what pairings and when they were last up dated.
Fandom | Pairing | Updated | # |
Bandom | P@tD - FOB: Pete/Patrick - MCR | 5/29/10 | 6 |
Buffy/Angel | Spike/Xander - Oz/Xander - Xander/Angel/Spike | 7/20/12 | 36 |
Gundam Wing | Heero/Duo - Trowa/Quatra - Heero/Duo/Wufei | 4/29/08 | 12 |
Harry Potter | Harry/Draco - Harry/Draco/Severus - Harry/Lucius | 7/20/12 | 12 |
Original | twins/man | 3/17/07 | 2 |
The Sentinel | Jim/Blair - Jim/Blair/Simon | 5/29/10 | 10 |
X-Men | Logan/Scott - Logan/Peter - Logan/Remy | 11/9/07 | 5 |
Xena/Hercules | Ares/Joxer - Cupid/Strife | 2/6/07 | 110 |
Miscellaneous Fandoms: | |||
Outlaw Star | Fred/Gene | 7/8/07 | 1 |
View Askew | Jay/Silent Bob | 4/17/07 | 1 |
Smallville | Clark/Lex | 10/16/07 | 1 |
Also housing her fiction on this site is by best friend Grayswandir.
Fandom | Pairing | Updated | # |
Gundam Wing | Heero/Wufei - Heero/Duo/Wufei | 7/20/12 | 4 |
Harry Potter | Harry/Draco - Harry/Severus - Harry/Severus/Draco - Harry/Lucius | 7/25/12 | 5 |
Buffy/Angel | Spike/Angel | 4/20/07 | 1 |
Cross-Overs: | |||
Esca/GW | - | 3/26/07 | 1 |
HP/BtVS | Xander/Harry | 7/25/12 | 1 |
TW/MiB | Janto | 7/25/12 | 1 |
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