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What makes something kinky? What one
person finds odd, another will do without thinking twice. Kinkyness, like beauty, is in the eye
of the beholder. Some of the stuff listed here will gross some of you out (some of it squicks
me..), others will page through it thinking "What does he mean, 'kinky'? I do this all the time..."
There's also a big difference between having a kink and having a fetish. A kink is an
activity or accessory that you enjoy, while a fetish is one without which you
can't get any pleasure. |
f o r e s k i n
Routine infant non-religious circumcision was instituted in the US in the mid-1800's to
prevent masturbation, as at that time (and even now in some repressed circles) self-stimulation
was considered unhealthy and immoral. Even as those reasons faded, they were transmuted into
"medical grounds" in the form of: Reduced risk of urinary tract infections (UTI); reduced
risk of penile cancer; reduced risk of cervical cancer in partners of intact males;
and reduced risk of sexually transmitted diseases. All of these except the first have
been disproven.
There is contradictory evidence in medical literature as to whether circumcision
reduces UTI. While urinary tract infections can have serious consequences, in most
cases they can be treated by antibiotics and the rate of UTI's in infant males
is less than 1%.
There are no longer any universally accepted medical reasons for male circumcision. Yes, it does make hygiene easier,
but so would yanking out all your teeth and using dentures, shaving your head, or lopping off
your feet so you don't get toe jam. It's done because it has some religous significance, or as in the States purely
out of habit. Whatever the reason, there are guys (and girls, I'm sure) who prefer uncut dicks.
There are
even a number of men who opt for foreskin restoration surgery, feeling that they
have been robbed of some important piece of themselves (literally).
The feel of stroking an uncut dick is different. There's more loose skin to play with,
more of a sensation of movement under your hand. The head of an uncut cock is more sensitive,
you have make double sure to keep your teeth under wraps when sucking one.
Since the vast majority is written by Americans, many of whom may never have seen
an uncircumsized man in the flesh, it's rare to run across a reference to foreskin in slash.
Characters who are modern adult Americans (Mulder, Skinner, Ellison, Starsky, Hutch, etc.) are likely (90%) to be
circumsized. Adult Jewish men (Sandburg) are surely so. But characters who are European or historical
(Bodie, Doyle, Methos, McCloud, etc.) are just as surely not cut. Futuristic characters (Paris, Kim, Sinclair, etc.)
probably won't be either. Will infant circumcision for non-religious reasons continue? There is a
slow trend away from it in the States even now; currently less than 60% of male infants are being
circumsized for non-religious reasons, and that is expected to drop to below 50% within the next few years.
Even amoung Jewish boys in America and Europe circumcision is no longer universal.
Lycos has a pretty good collection of links about circumcision
if you want to learn more, and the Circumsicion Info and Resources Page
has a very clear and informative FAQ.
Docking is something you can only do with an uncut guy, one who has a fairly
loose foreskin. Insert the head of your dick into your partner's foreskin and gently
rub them together. Not being uncut, I have no idea what this actually feels like, but
it sure *sounds* like fun.
c b t / t t
I've mentioned before how much guys differ in their preferences. Some can stand only the
tenderest carresses, others need pounding and beg for more. Cock and Ball Torture (CBT/TT) is
shorthand for a sort of attitude. Twist, pull, clamp, bind, stretch, whip or beat (sounds like
the buttons on a blender!) the balls and/or dick for extreme sensations.
Tit Torture (the TT in CBT/TT) is the complement to the above. Again, some guys don't get anything
from having their nipples played with. Others like a little nibbling or gentle tweaking. Some need
a n i m a l t r a i n i n g
One rather specialized form of BDSM is animal training. The sub wants/needs to treated as an
animal, usually a dog. From wearing the collar, eating out of a dish on the floor, spending time
in a cage.
e l e c t r i c
Yes, electricity. Ever tried one of those "no-exercise" exercise belts that stimulate the muscles
with minor jolts of electric current? It gives an odd little tingle... Just imagine attatching
one of those things to your dick. They also make electric butt-plugs, labial stimulators, nipple
clamps and various free-style electrodes.
There's lots of great websites out there for more information on this subject. Try
f e l c h i n g
I don't think anyone actually does this anymore, but I just had to include it. Felching is
when you cum inside a guys ass, then suck it back out and swallow it... I wonder why I couldn't
find a picture to illustrate it for you?
r o l e - p l a y i n g
Role-Playing is something that a lot of couples get into after a while, just to spice things
up. Kinda like playing cops and robbers as a kid, only more so. It's a way of stepping outside
your everyday self for a time, of getting a new look at your partner, and just plain fun.
I've read some good SenSlash in
this genre. Just about any scenario would work, so long as the participants both get off on the
fantasy. This is a great way to do short AU PWP's.