SG-1 Gate
Welcome to the Stargate: SG-1 slash fanfiction site for denizens of
The Forest! I hope you enjoy all the wonderful fiction in this fandom,
and remember to drop the authors a line about how you liked it. For legal
details, please see the Archivist's Standard
Warning and Disclaimer.:)
By Legion:
Another Surprise Stargate Command has an unexpected visitor--with unexpected consequences for Daniel, Jack, and Teal'c. Rated NC-17, J/T.
Another Question Singer returns to visit SG1, deepening the mystery behind her and her people. NC17, J/D/T.
Another Song Daniel finds Singer hiding in his workshop, terrified out of her mind. What could frighten an alien child with so much power, and how can SG1 protect her? NC17, j/d/t
Alternity A TS/SG1 novella - Two unusual visitors through the stargate will change the lives of two men in Cascade, as well as SG1, forever. Broken into three parts due to size. NC17, D/T
Alternity, Part 2
Aternity, Part Three NC17, j/b, d/t
Betwixt and Between The Stargate malfunctions, leaving Jack, Daniel and Teal'c stranded in a place where they can never be found. PG13, J/D
The Day Daniel is surprised by a couple of his friends. Slash,
J/D/T'c threesome, rated NC-17.
Forgiven Spoilers for the episode "Forever in a Day." *Why* did Shaa're insist that Daniel forgive Teal'c? D/T, NC-17.
Little Shop of Not Such a Horror A sting from an alient plant give Jack an unique opportunity to learn more about his Jaffar friend. NC17, J/T
Taste - Missing Scene from Urgo Warning-minor spoilers for Urgo - Was pie *really* the first thing that Jack had a taste for? NC17, J/D/T
Little World Daniel is having some trouble after SG-1 returns
from a particularly difficult trip. Will Jack and Teal'c be able to find
out what's wrong before it's too late? Will Jack be willing to do what's
needed? Rated NC-17--c'mon people, this is *Legion* here! J/D/T'c.
Roadtrip Life has gotten too intense, the team is losing its edge, and Jack has the perfect solution. rated R, J/D/T.
A Walk In the Park SG1 PWP; Jack and Daniel have to prove Teal'c is a friend in order to save his life. NC17, J/D/T
Owlet's Fanfic ||
Panther's Tree ||
Cen's Pictures ||
Snarf's Lair ||
Cynthia Selene's Fanfic ||
Haven of Senscribe ||
Legion's Hidey Hole ||
EagleEye's Aerie ||
Caorann's Flights of Fancy ||
Lyrica's Labyrinth ||
Vikster's Retreat ||
Sihaya Black's Seraglio ||
CKC's Avalon ||
Aaboe's Kitty Basket ||
The SG-1 Gate ||
Snarf's Crystal Tokyo ||
The CSC Newsroom ||
The Drabbles ||
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