

The Mother stared down at the unconscious sacrifice and pursed her lips in dissatisfaction. Power buzzed in the room...thrummed all around her, making the symbols on the walls glow and pulse...spilling out into the sanctuary and making way for the grander work.

But her blood didn't sing as it should...and it disturbed her. She reached forward and carefully peeled the used condom off Mulder's now flaccid penis. She knew it wasn't the fact that his seed wasn't spilled in her body. She had no problem with the realization that it had to be preserved and used for the opening of the way.

And Mulder had been tasty in his despair. She had laughed at the irony that he didn't even know she was capturing his essence. But what should have been squisito...what should have been an exquisite feast was lacking in true sustenance for her. There hadn't been enough meat on the bones so to speak.

She turned and walked out of the room, the condom in hand, musing over what had transpired between her and Fox Mulder. She shut the door and entered the candlelit sanctuary, sweat trickling down between her uncovered breasts.

If forced to admit it she had to say that bending this man to her will was proving to be difficult. She knew he'd be a formidable opponent, but he was perhaps even stronger than she estimated earlier. There was a core of strength in him that served to bolster his determination to defy her and fight her control.

Proof of that came in the end when just before he lost consciousness she caught his mind reasoning that it was Laura Massey's body he was violating, not a monster's violating his. He felt pity for the sculptor and a hatred for her that shored up his reserves of strength before he collapsed from the sensory overload.

She should be energized and sexually satiated but she felt tired and in need of more stimulation. Fighting to dominate the agent and force him to her will had lessened the experience for her and drenched her in fatigue.

To top it off she knew without a doubt that he loved that redheaded cunt and took strength from that. She sighed in exasperation; not just lusted for her...genuinely, deeply loved her even if he wouldn't comfortably admit it. What he saw in her she couldn't understand. In her opinion his little redhead lacked passion and any artistic proclivities. She wasn't even attractive really; she was small, cold and analytical. But of course Mulder didn't think so. He practically worshipped her...and he certainly needed her. She could see Scully reflected in his mind too and sensed that his little redhead loved him. What a farce...they were both in denial and avoiding the obvious. The Mother wished she had Dana Scully in front of her right now...she'd cut her throat and let Mulder watch her bleed out at her feet. Maybe that would crack his mind like an eggshell and let his will ooze out for her.

She proceeded to the space she'd cleared on the sanctuary floor and knelt down. Squeezing the semen out of the condom, she made the first large glyph of the magic circle on the wood. She shook her head as she drew. And the idiot couldn't decide whether he loved his Assistant Director, she thought. Didn't know if it was right to desire him? What an imbecile! How could he be confused whether that magnificent bull of a man was desirable...worthy of worship...of love. The Mother licked her lips. If Walter Sergei Skinner was here now she'd show him what she thought of him. Mmmm...yes...she most certainly would show him he was more than worthy.

She smiled and set the condom down on the floor for a moment. 'Oh yes...there...that was better', she thought as she felt warmth and wetness grow between her legs. She would take great delight in showing Skinner he was desirable. Nessuna materia, that Skinner wasn't actually here. No matter, she thought. She could have him in her mind. She lay down on the floor and shut her eyes.

In her imagination the big man came to her, stalking across the room like a huge cat, naked and sweating from the heat of the furnace. In a moment she was under him, her legs spread, and he was between her thighs, impaling her with his huge cock. The Mother's hand trailed down between her legs. She rammed her fingers deep inside her body and stroked them in and out as her imagination supplied images of Skinner taking her with hard thrusts.

She writhed on the sanctuary floor, her perspiration and juices smearing the wood as she envisioned herself pressed beneath his muscular torso; arms, and chest pressing down on her. Her nails raked his powerful back as his taut ass and thighs hammered him against her, his cock driving her closer and closer to orgasm. She could smell him...his sharp musk of male arousal, could hear his grunts as he approached climax himself.

"Uhhh," she groaned in ecstasy. "Mio handsome, il mio toro. Fuck me."

When she came she screamed in pleasure and triumph...Oh yes, her blood sang sang and the power surged in her like the energy of a thousand lightning volts.

'Now,' The Mother thought. 'Now I am ready, Master.'



Skinner listened at the hotel room door. He couldn't hear any sound behind it but he knocked and addressed the door anyway.

"Mulder?" It's Assistant Director Skinner." He glanced up. The hall was deserted.

Dimitri and Scully eyed him skeptically.

Skinner scowled.

"All right...he probably did check out. I'll use the pass key," he grumbled.

Dimitri had said this was going to be a very 'unofficial' investigation. It was certainly a righteous one, which couldn't be said for all the 'unofficial' activities in which he'd been involved. It still rankled him to breach regulations; it was hard to take the Bureau out of the boy. Besides, it hadn't been very 'unofficial' when he waved his badge around downstairs to get the pass key. He reconciled himself to the fact that under the circumstances and from here on out, protocol was superfluous.

Skinner hesitated and then caught Dimitri's eyes.

"Do you...sense anything?" he asked.

"Not in the room."

Skinner wrinkled his forehead.

"Yeah well...better to be safe than sorry."

He pulled his Sig Sauer out of his holster and then fished the passkey out of his jacket pocket.

The click of a round being chambered made him glance at Scully again. She was unholstering her piece, but looking at Dimitri in surprise. Skinner's head swiveled in the priest's direction. He raised an eyebrow as well.

"I hope you remember how to use that thing," he whispered giving Dimitri an acerbic smile. Scully flipped the safety off her gun without comment but her face spoke volumes.

"I hope you haven't forgotten our hunting trips, Sergei," Dimitri replied with a quick grin.

Skinner looked at the doubtful expression on Scully's face. He knew the priest had been a good shot when they were younger. He had to think the priest hadn't let that skill atrophy. He'd kept up his permit on the weapon after all; that and his diplomatic passport had gotten him through airport security as a matter-of-fact. And Dimitri's brotherhood was allied with a formidable security force where he certainly could have honed his skill with a gun over the years.

"No, I haven't forgotten. But rabbits and quail are one thing. Are you..."

"I'm prepared to shoot to kill if that's what you're wondering," the priest whispered.

Skinner gave him a terse nod.

"All right, on my count of three."

Scully was all business again as she slipped to the side to flank him at the door. Dimitri stepped to the other side to watch his back. The efficient movements pleased Skinner. He could visualize them as a team. That was going to help their mission at least, he thought as he slid the electronic passkey into the door lock slot.

They went in high and low, guns out and confront an empty, stuffy room. The bed was made, the trash cans empty. Skinner shut the door and they did a quick reconnoiter, confirming no one was there. Everyone stood down and holstered their weapons.

The air in the room really was close, Skinner thought. Scully looked much more comfortable since she'd changed into a T-shirt and jeans. Sweat trickled down under his starched shirt. He'd only taken the time to bring the clothing at hand in his office. So later his heat fighting options would consist of the dark blue FBI logo T-shirt, sweat pants and sneakers that were in his gym duffel in the rental car.

"He did say he was coming back to DC," Scully observed as she stood next to the small table in the room. There was clearly no sign of any of Mulder's belongings.

"And the front desk said he checked out normally," Skinner replied.

"But he never called me about his flight," Scully protested.

"Perhaps he had someone else to interview in connection with the Sutcliffe case?" Dimitri asked.

"But packing and checking out suggests he was leaving," Scully mused.

Skinner's brow furrowed for a second. "We need to know if he made flight plans."

Skinner crossed over to the room phone, examined the list of numbers on the face, pulled out his cell phone and dialed it.

"Concierge, please. Hello. This is Agent Fox Mulder," he said in a close approximation of Mulder's vocal delivery. He caught Scully trying to suppress her astonishment. "Yes, the FBI Agent. Right, I was in room 220. Before I checked out this morning I called down for uh...the phone number for United Airlines. I must have written it down wrong. What was it again? Right. Thanks."

Skinner returned to them, pocketing his cell. Scully avoided his eyes but he caught the hurt look in hers. 'She thinks Mulder was following up a lead and only told her a half truth about returning,' Skinner thought. 'And that idea bothers her.'

"Yeah...I wish he'd played straight with me too," he found himself mumbling.

Scully made a dismissive gesture with her hand and looked at him again.

"Maybe he was following a lead. But maybe he didn't have a choice, sir," she replied thoughtfully. "If what Father Dimitri says about The Mother is true he may not have had complete control of his actions."

Skinner gave her a skeptical look. He was still having trouble with the whole possession business. But regardless of what he believed and whether or not the information would upset Scully, they needed to find out if Mulder booked a flight back. He pulled out his cell phone again and dialed it again.

The United Desk at Mitchell field picked up after three rings.

Skinner gave his name and badge number and requested ticketing information on Mulder. He hung up and turned to Scully and Dimitri. The priest was studying Scully. Scully's brow was furrowed. Skinner kept his face neutral as he stowed his phone away again.

"Mulder hedged his bets I guess. He was booked on an early evening United flight."

Scully nodded.

"So, if he was following up on a lead at least it sounds like he wasn't sure it would pan out and intended to return to DC."

"I'd give him the benefit of the doubt on it," Skinner murmured.

"But The Mother may have lured him somewhere," Dimitri interjected.

Skinner sighed.

"Then where did he go?" the priest challenged.

"Can't you sense anything?" Skinner snapped. 'Shit,' he thought, 'that came out wrong.' Dimitri looked offended, but before Skinner could apologize the priest recovered his equanimity. He shook his head.

"No, I can't see where Mulder is in detail...the location is hazy. I can only see him and The Mother with any clarity."

They all looked at each other for a moment.

"We're at a dead end here. I'm going to call the local field office and see if they have any idea about Mulder's whereabouts," Skinner finally said.

There was no disagreement in spite of Dimitri's earlier expressed desire to keep this unofficial. Scully and Dimitri watched as Skinner pulled out his cell phone once more. He'd programmed the Milwaukee Field Office's number into speed dial. He hesitated, gathering what he was going to say and then pressed the button.

In a few seconds he had someone at the Field Office on the other end of the line. It was a second shift operator. He gave his name and badge number again.

"I'd like to speak to Agent Ross Lyon, please," he said.

"Agent Lyon is gone for the weekend, sir. I can try to reach him at home..."

"What about Agent Max Fowler?"

"Let me check. Yes, Agent Fowler is still in the building. Just a moment."

Skinner watched Scully as she and Dimitri moved away, conferring quietly.

Max Fowler came on the line.

"Assistant Director Skinner? What can I do for you, sir?" he said.

"Agent Fowler, I'm trying to locate Agent Fox Mulder...he has a family emergency and left word that he was delayed in Milwaukee."

"Didn't he answer his cell phone?"

"No. Is he there?"

", he's not here. I talked to him this morning when I sent over the coroner's report. I don't know where he is now."

"Was there anything he mentioned following up on? Any new leads?"

"Not really. I just sent the report over and he asked me for a witness's name and address..."

"Asked you about a witness? Which witness?"

"Laura Massey. She's not a material witness though. We checked her out. She was just a background reference."

"Do you know what she looks like?"

Skinner could see Dimitri shifting in agitation. He knew his friend wanted to leave but thought Fowler's information would be useful in verifying his description of The Mother. Skinner was still grasping for something to bolster his belief.

"No, unfortunately. Agent Lyon and Mulder interviewed her so I never met her. Uh...but Ross, that's Agent Lyon, sir, said she's tall and attractive."

It wasn't much but it was something.

"Maybe Mulder did follow up with her for some reason. I can contact her. Give me her name, address and phone number," he said.

Scully and Dimitri stopped talking and returned to his side as he pulled out a pad and a pen from his inner suit coat pocket. He tossed the pad and pen to Scully, she caught it efficiently and opened the pad.

"You have a paper and pencil?" Fowler asked.

"Yes. Shoot."

"Ok. It's Laura, L-A-U-R-A Massey, M-A-S-S-E-Y," Fowler said.

Skinner repeated the name and Scully wrote it down.

Fowler then proceeded to give Skinner Laura's address and phone number. Skinner repeated those as well.

Fowler cleared his throat on the other end of the line.

"Listen...nothing's wrong is it, sir? I mean beside Mulder's family emergency. He did good work out here really...I mean all things considered..."

Skinner wrinkled his brow. 'Considering Lyon gave Mulder trouble,' he briefly thought. 'Fowler doesn't sound like the type.' He refocused on the agent's words.

"No...I'm sure everything's fine. He probably has his cell off or the battery ran down. I'll locate him. Thanks for your help."

"Yes, sir. My pleasure," Fowler replied.

Skinner hung up and looked at Scully. She'd placed the pad and pencil down on the table and Dimitri was studying it.

"Did Mulder mention her name to you?" Skinner asked.

Scully looked up at him.

"No...did he mention it to you?"


Dimitri ran his finger over the name and address. He spoke, his voice distant.

"She would lure him to her for sacrifice. He wouldn't realize her influence over him and he would go to her."

Skinner and Scully turned to him.

"You're saying this woman is The Mother?" Scully asked.

"The Mother is nearby...I feel it," Dimitri said. "She would have left her former host and possessed another if it suited her needs."

"Her former host, meaning Barbara Sutcliffe." Scully stated flatly.

"Yes...and I blame myself for not realizing that sooner. The Mother must have possessed Barbara Sutcliffe years ago before she first met Agent Mulder. I know her host is not Barbara Sutcliffe any longer. I've seen her. She looks nothing like that unfortunate woman you showed me in that file you brought along, Sergei," Dimitri said.

Skinner cleared his throat.

"Then what does The Mother look like now?"

"She is tall...with black hair and ice blue eyes."

Skinner glanced at Scully. Her eyes showed her desire to accept what Dimitri was saying, despite her innate skepticism. She was worried for Mulder and it was driving her need for any evidence that would point to his location. He was worried too...but he still wasn't as accepting.

"Fowler said Laura Massey was tall, but she wasn't a material witness. She was just a background reference who had been checked out and wasn't important to the case." Dimitri shook his head.

"She would have seen to it that she wasn't suspected by anyone. She would insinuate herself into the case to get close to Agent Mulder."

Skinner sighed. He was still having trouble accepting the paranormal aspects of this situation. Obviously Mulder was missing; there had to be some reason. He wanted to trust and believe in what Dimitri was saying...but it was almost too incredible even with what he had seen in the past.

"But we can't say for sure this woman is anything but a witness who was ruled out as immaterial to the case," he said. "Maybe you're seeing someone other than Laura Massey."

Dimitri bowed his head.

"That could be so. I'm not sure."

Scully pursed her lips and studied Skinner's face. When she spoke her voice was gentle but firm.

"Sir...I know all this comes under the heading of possibilities both of us have trouble believing. I'm struggling with it myself, but I think at the very least, this woman merits investigation. I think there's a likelihood Mulder wanted to follow-up with her if he asked again for her name, address and phone number."

Skinner held her eyes. 'Christ, she's beautiful' flitted through his mind. He shoved the thought back while he considered her words.

"Instead of coming back to DC."

"Even without any undue influence, Mulder would want to follow up if he thought he had a lead on an X-File," Scully said, "I know we could probably pin this woman's appearance, even her intentions, down further by making more phone calls...but I vote for the direct approach. We should go to Concord."

Skinner saw the look in her eyes before she looked down. She was hurt Mulder hadn't been honest with her the night before. Hell...he didn't feel good the agent hadn't leveled with him either. Faced with her pain he was sorry he pressed that point home, even though a small dark part of him took a perverse pleasure in pointing out Mulder's shortcoming. But then he felt guilty and sickened. He looked away and straightened up, flexing his jaw.

"Yeah... you're right," he found himself mumbling.

"Then we're going to...Concord?" Dimitri asked.

"Yes. As Agent Scully points out, Laura Massey is our best lead...we have to follow up in person," Skinner replied. "If she is The Mother and lured Mulder to her, it makes sense that it would be someplace private. Concord is out in the country as I recall, so it's a possibility she took him there."

Scully let out her breath.

"And where are Hillside Drive and Church Road?" Dimitri asked, his brow furrowing.

"I haven't been out there in more years than I want to admit," he replied. Scully smiled slightly.

"We'll get a map."

"Maybe the concierge can give us directions as well," Skinner replied.

They pulled themselves together; Skinner picked up his pad and pen.

"All right. Let's go, people," he said.

Scully cleared her throat.

"Um..." she inclined her head toward the bathroom.

"Oh. Yes." Skinner said.

Scully hastened to the bathroom. Dimitri nodded absently and walked away toward the windows. Skinner watched Scully for a second as her back retreated then turned and went to join the priest.

Dimitri Yvashko was staring out the windows at the setting sun.

"We must hurry," he whispered as Skinner drew up next to him. "The sun is setting and this is the last sacrifice. She will complete the magic circle at midnight."

"And kill Mulder."

"Yes. She is torturing him now, Sergei. She will torture him further and then kill him inside the magic circle. It will throw open the gates. You've seen Barbara Sutcliffe's know what lies ahead for Fox Mulder. But it's nothing to what lies ahead for all mankind."

Skinner shook his head.

"I'm not sure I'm up to heading off Armageddon, Dimitri," he murmured staring into the sun.

The priest turned toward him and Skinner found himself staring into intense hazel eyes.

"I have faith that you do, Sergei. But be must trust and have faith in yourself. In yourself...and in your feelings for her," he said, gesturing with his head back toward the bathroom. "In her feelings for you and her partner...and in Mulder's feelings for you both. You must trust and have faith in each other's hearts...and in's imperative."

Skinner knew his shock was showing on his face. He could barely reply.

"Which...which waking dream gave you a look inside our heads?"

Dimitri gave him a self-deprecating smile.

"Just trust when the time is right, my friend. You'll know what to do," he said.

Skinner nodded under the strength of the priest's steadfast gaze and turned back to contemplate the sinking sun.



He was floating someplace softly glowing and warm. It was almost peaceful and would have been completely so if not for a distant droning in his ears. But despite the far off, muffled sound it was pleasant...comfortable...comforting, like being wrapped in the womb with the sound of your mother's heart beating. He smiled and basked in the glow around him. The only thing his mind could supply for what this warm glow signified was that it was like being enveloped in Scully. He recognized his love for her and took pleasure in realizing she loved him too. They may have been in mutual denial or avoiding a commitment for any number of reasons, but right now, at this moment he was surrounded by her warmth and he knew they loved each other deeply.

But there was another more distant glow and he stretched out through the warmth toward it. He flowed out like water, a warm wave that rolled to that second source of heat...the first glow came with him, seeking it also. The faraway glow was Skinner; he knew it the moment he touched it. Skinner was the other source of light. His heat and love enveloped and comforted Mulder also. Mulder gathered it all around himself, knowing...admitting at last that he loved the other man as well. The first glow joined them, surrounded and intermingled with them and all of them were content.

He knew this was important...this love and the trust and faith in Scully and Skinner that came with it. He could feel strength building in him, renewing him as the warmth penetrated him.

He heard a voice.

"Be warned," it said. "You must trust and have faith in yourself. In yourself...and in your feelings for her. In her feelings for you and her partner...and in Mulder's feelings for you both. You must trust and have faith in each other's hearts...and in's imperative."

And then suddenly the glow and warmth started to recede. He tried to hang onto it, but it flowed away from him and then it was gone. He cried out in protest.

Loud rock music and someone howling in time with electric guitars assaulted his ears. An electrical crackling of power arced around him and drove all thoughts of warmth and glowing love out of his mind with one swift snap of energy and crashing music.

I am the voice inside your head

and I control you

I am the lover in your bed

and I control you

I am the sex that you provide

and I control you

I am the hate you try to hide

and I control you

Mulder's eyes flew open and he twisted his neck, looking around in panic. He remembered again where he was and clamped his mouth shut on another yell of anger and objection. He quickly shut his eyes and feigned unconsciousness again...but not before he saw Laura Massey dancing naked and sweating in the middle of the Church sanctuary, candlelight rippling over her skin. She was oblivious to him so he lay quiet. Somehow the table he was on had been moved into the center of the room and tilted so that he was upright and able to see her displaying herself before him.

I take you where you want to go

I give you all you need to know

I drag you down I use you up

mr. self destruct

Mulder knew he was in very big trouble. Clearly this thing's plans for him had been launched long ago, when he first met Barbara Sutcliffe. She'd waited patiently like a spider in her web until her escape from the psychiatric hospital let her catch up with him. It was tragically ironic that he feared her all those years ago for good reason. He had to think her influence on him in Milwaukee kept that fear just enough at bay to lure him in. Oh yeah...she played him like a trout all right using weaknesses he could barely admit he possessed to capture him. He had to believe that she played him...because if not he'd truly made the most stupid mistake of his life all on his own by coming out here.

Something nagged at the back of his mind as he half opened his eyes and peeked at Laura dancing in front of him. Although he felt like someone had run over him with a truck, maybe backed up and smashed his genitalia again for good measure, he could feel something giving him strength. He didn't quite know why...he thought he should remember what it was and couldn't put his finger on it...but he knew that if there was a chance of extricating himself from this predicament, that strength was bolstering his will to try.

He shut his eyes again, and concentrated on breathing steadily. It was as hot as use an unfortunate the room. Sweat was pouring down his body and he needed water badly. When he'd looked around he noticed the smelting furnace was still blazing. The Mother must have left it on after she fashioned her little gift for him.

Suddenly he sensed someone close by and then fingers snaked up his thigh and tickled his aching penis. He couldn't help it, he flinched and the music volume lowered in counterpoint to The Mother's laughter.

"Welcome back, Fox. So glad you could join me again."

It was hard to speak because his mouth was so dry.

"Yeah, well...I hate to miss a party," he croaked.

The Mother laughed again, toying with the stereo remote and a bottle of Evian she must have picked up before she came to touch him.

"I would have hated for you to miss this particular party."

She took a long swig from the water bottle and Mulder felt what little saliva he had available trickle into his mouth. He licked his parched, cracked lips. The Mother lowered the bottle and smiled at him.

"I bet you'd like a drink," The Mother said.

Mulder didn't answer. He stared her down, defiance in his eyes.

The Mother laughed and threw the contents of the bottle in his face. The cold water made him blink and sputter.

"Defy me...I enjoy it. It makes it that much more exquisite to crack you like an egg and pour out your weak, obsessed little soul."

Mulder stuck out his tongue and gathered up the traces of Evian from his lips. What dripped off the end of his nose ended up in his mouth as well and he drank it down gratefully. It wasn't much, but it at least made his mouth feel moist.

"Thanks for the refreshment...and the entertainment," he said, fixing her with a shit eating grin. He gestured toward the stereo system. "Nine Inch Nails, right?"

The Mother grinned back at him.

"I love this century's popular culture. So much of the music suits my work."

"Il grande lavoro," Mulder said.

"Yes, the grand work," she replied, stepping away.

The air around him throbbed and pulsed with energy. Tendrils of it seemed to criss-cross his skin. Mulder was reminded of that time in Tunguska when the black oil crawled over his body and infected him. His body felt that way now... tendrils of energy prickled over his skin, making his short hairs stand up. He swallowed and tried to ignore the sensation. He glanced down, following The Mother's footsteps and saw on the floor what he expected to find there. A magic circle was drawn on the floor, the last part of it incomplete. The circle, scrawled in black charcoal, something rusty red which could have been Ross Lyon's blood and something he didn't want to acknowledge but couldn't help but think was his dried semen, surrounded him.

The Mother turned and smiled at him, gesturing toward her feet as she walked through the gap in the circle's design.

"As you can see. I know you're familiar with the've had more than one experience with my Master's work before."

Mulder licked his lips again and looked back up at Laura Massey's face."

"And I take it we're waiting until the time is right."

The Mother chuckled throatily.

"Yes...but we don't have to wait much longer. The 'horn blows at midnight' to quote an old movie title."

"And I'm Jack Benny?"

"You might want to consider yourself the horn that blows the note bringing the end of the world. At least you'll squeal like a trumpet by the time I'm through with you, la mia volpe piccola."

"Gee...and I was hoping I could be the comedy relief."

Mulder looked around again. Hanging nearby was the metal hood and chain link cloak with its accompanying pointed cock and ball spreader he would certainly be wearing for the big event. He shook his head and for a moment felt despair. He couldn't see how he was going to get out of this situation. He tugged carefully at his bonds to see if there was any chance they were a little loose and he could wriggle free.

The Mother laughed.

"Oh, the chains are very tight, don't worry," she said. Then she smiled again at him. "You know what I find fascinating, Fox?"

Mulder's muscles tensed.

"Is that a rhetorical question?" he asked.

"It's an observation. I find it fascinating that I'm not the only one who has been in your mind and suborned your will." Her features and body rippled and Robert Modell was standing before him. "You've got a weak will, buddy...ripe for the picking...remember the way I made you take a shot at your little red-headed partner?"

Mulder set his jaw and didn't answer.

The Mother's face and body warped again and Linda Bowman was laughing at him.

"And apparently controlling you runs in the any rate...I did a pretty good job of making you think your little partner shot herself, didn't I?"

"Yeah, well if you got that good a look at my memories you must have seen the former with a bullet hole in the middle of his forehead and the latter lying in a pool of blood after 'my little partner' shot her. Bang, bang...they lost...and so will you."

The Mother's flesh flowed and twisted again, and Laura Massey stood naked before him. She chortled.

"You have such arrogance. Look around you, little fool, and tell me how I can possibly lose?"

Mulder had to admit she had a point. But from a psychological standpoint if he gave in to despair he'd miss any chance of besting this monster.

"Pride cometh before the fall," he said, smiling at her.

The Mother's face clouded in fury.

"I'll show you the Fall!" she shrieked. Mulder felt that sharp psychic ice pick stab into his head again. He gasped, his body went rigid and his eyes rolled back in his head.

He felt his will slipping away, and that part of his mind that The Mother could grab and stroke without effort took over. He was a spectator at his own torture...and he could see, hear and feel every second of it.

He was in Skinner's office, sitting in his customary seat in front of the AD's desk. But instead of the chair facing Skinner's desk it was turned around to face his conference table. Scully and Skinner were there as well. They were naked and fucking each other enthusiastically on the table top. Mulder moaned, arousal flooding his groin, stirring his cock as he watched Scully astride Skinner, rising and falling with each pump of their hips. Their combined whines, grunts and groans, the sight of their bodies illuminated by the sunlight streaming in through the office windows, the musky, spicy odor of their sex, inflamed him. In very short order he had a hard-on of mammoth proportions. It was then that he noticed he was naked, his arms and feet bound to the chair. He couldn't do anything about his cock jutting up between his legs. He could only squirm in his seat as Skinner and Scully pleasured each other.

The familiar hiss of the sea trapped in many seashells echoed in his ears.

"Frustrating, isn't it? to want, and want and not be able to have, isn't it?"

The voice came from behind him. It wasn't The Mother's voice however. He strained to look out of the corner of his eye. Tried to get a glimpse at who stood at his back. A knife tweaked his neck under his ear, drawing blood. The knife-wielder stepped around to stand at his side.

Alex Krycek grinned at him.

"Privet, Moy druk. How's it hangin'?"

Part of Mulder thought, 'My friend? Fuck that,' and wanted to surge up in his seat and strangle Alex Krycek. But the part that lacked any control was ascendant and he smiled dazedly at the green-eyed man holding the switchblade.

"Hello, Alex," he said.

Krycek grinned back, his smile wide and predatory. Then he turned his gaze to the conference table.

"Incredible aren't they? Shit...Skinner fucks like a bull. That must be some ride for Scully."

Mulder moaned and bit his lip hard. He tasted blood.

"Shall we see if I can join in the fun?" Krycek said. "Do you want me to join in the fun, Mulder?"

"NO!" a piece of his mind shouted. "NO! Stay away."

"Yesss," he sighed, slumping in his seat.

"Spasiba," Krycek replied with a polite incline of his head.

He prowled with confident grace over to the conference table where Scully and Skinner seemed to be heedless to his presence. Scully arched back, moaning and twisting as Skinner drove into her again and again. His large right hand gripped her pubic bone, his palm and fingers massaging her, stimulating her. Mulder watched fascinated as her breathing came in stuttered pants and her creamy white breasts quivered in time with her breaths. She appeared to be close to orgasm and a flush was spreading on her chest.

Skinner's neck muscles strained taut. His arm muscles bunched up as he helped to lift Scully up and down with his other hand. His muscular ass, hips and thighs helped to propel her butt up and down. His mouth opened and he groaned with effort and ecstasy.

Krycek walked to the head of the table. Skinner's knees were up, supporting Scully's back near the edge as she road his cock.

"I think she's close, don't you?" he asked, grinning back at Mulder.

All Mulder could do was nod.

Scully's spine arched. She went stiff on top of Skinner.

Krycek watched for a second and then looked in Mulder's eyes.

"You know you can never have her, don't you?"

Then he reached forward, grabbed Scully's hair, pulled her head back and slit her throat with the switchblade.

Mulder gurgled. It was the only sound of protest he could utter as arousal pierced his cock and balls painfully. He trembled, fighting the feelings of intense pleasure that coursed through him as Scully's blood spurted from her severed throat and coursed down her body.

The Krycek!thing pulled her from atop Skinner, who seemed to be intent on reaching his own climax and ignorant of the fact that his partner had been unceremoniously dumped in a bloody heap on the floor.

Mulder's vision blurred and swam. When it cleared Laura Massey was astride Skinner, fucking him relentlessly.

"You know you can't have either one of them, don't you?" she sneered. "When the gates open I'll have them both to do with as I will...and you can't do anything about it, il mio sacrificio piccolo triste."

Mulder watched The Mother come and then shift up and off Skinner's cock as he climaxed as well, yelling incoherently and shooting cum all over The Mother's stomach and breasts in spastic spurts.

His own cock jumped and twitched, seeking relief. Then Mulder sensed someone behind him.

"They call orgasm the little death," Krycek whispered. "But I think this is so much more pleasurable."

Mulder felt Krycek grab his hair and pull his head back.

"Do svidaniya, Mulder," he said.

Mulder felt his own orgasm pound through him. He screamed as Krycek drew the knife across his throat, spilling his blood down his chest.

But as he screamed a section of his mind, the profiler's talent safe within the part that was still free, ticked away, observing...noting that The Mother killed Scully but pleasured herself and Skinner...and didn't hurt Skinner at all.



Highway B stretched before her and Scully kept her eyes on the dark country road. Dimitri rode shotgun, holding the map they purchased at the hotel gift shop and the supplemental directions one of the hotel night clerks gave them. Skinner was in the back seat; the other reason Scully kept her eyes front and center.

The AD hadn't taken the time to change clothes at the hotel; now he stripped in the back seat. She'd gotten a glimpse of him pulling on a dark FBI T-shirt and matching dark blue sweat pants. Scully didn't want to think of him moving around back there in his underwear, didn't want to think about why or where he learned to strip and dress so efficiently in the back seat of a car.

"'P' is the next right," the priest said.

They had decided to come up on the far side of Laura Massey's residence. That required taking Highway P instead of the more direct Hillside Drive. According to the map they should be able to take a right onto Ranch Road, park at the intersection of Ranch and Hillside, and approach her residence on the corner of Church Road and Hillside Drive with good cover and more stealth. At least that was the theory. They were about to find out if it proved correct.

Scully turned onto Highway P. She bit her lip as the trees slipped by her side window. She was trying to hold down her worry, trying to stay in professional mode, trying to stay 'frosty' as Skinner had advised when they left Milwaukee. It wasn't easy; she was dreading what they would find. She glanced at her watch; it was nine thirty now. They didn't have much time left to mount a rescue effort if Mulder needed one. And besides all that, she was carrying a load of guilt for not being more on top of what had gone on with Mulder.

Skinner stopped rustling around in the back. Then his warmth hovered near her face, his rumbling voice at her ear.

"I had a spare ammo clip for my other gun, the Smith and Wesson, in my duffel bag," he said, proffering the clip.

"Sir, I have a spare..."

"Don't argue. Just take it."

Scully lifted her left hand off the steering wheel and accepted the clip from Skinner's outstretched hand. As their fingertips touched, the callused, warm tips of his gave her a sense of support and comfort. She stuffed the clip into the side pocket of her jeans next to her first spare.

"There's Ranch Road ahead," Dimitri said.

Skinner sat back as Scully took a right.

"Turn off the headlights," he said.

Scully did as ordered.

There were farms on their left and right. Holstein dairy cows appeared like black and white ghosts in one field; some grazing and some laying down, drowsy and chewing their cud in the open night air. 'They're probably more comfortable out there than in the barn,' Scully thought. The heat of the day hadn't lessened with the setting sun. They drove further and then Dimitri snorted a little.

"Jack's Auto Ranch. I thought the hotel clerk was jesting," he said.

The huge auto graveyard stretched to their right, wheel rims and old metal doors making up the unusual wall around its perimeter.

"Just past the boneyard, pull up," Skinner said.

Dimitri raised an eyebrow at Scully.

"'s an American term for a salvage yard," she mumbled.

Dimitri smiled and nodded.

"I was once an American...but I don't recall that particular term."

Scully heard Skinner chuckle deep in his throat as she pulled the car off onto the abbreviated shoulder. The back country road was narrow. Putting the car over as far as she dared without rolling it into the ditch, she hoped no one came along and sideswiped it. Scully threw the car into park, put on the parking break as well, and cut the engine. The AC went off and she could immediately feel sweat form on her upper lip.

She peered through windshield. They were parked just short of the intersection of Ranch Road and Hillside Drive. Scully saw there were two large farms to the left. To the right, across a field the dense pines of the tree farm stood in shadowed rows. Scully could just make out the church's spire protruding above them.

Dimitri dropped the map and directions on the seat between them and followed the direction of her gaze. Skinner gripped the back of the car seat and stared as well.

"I feel her," Dimitri whispered.

"The Mother's in the church, isn't she?" Scully said.

"If that's the corner of Church and Hillside Drive, then Laura Massey lives in the church," Skinner replied.

"A de-sanctified church would appeal to The Mother's sense of irony," Dimitri said.

"Right," Skinner said. He sat slid back a little, his hand still on the top of the back seat.

Dimitri brought his hand up and placed it on Skinner's hand.

"Sergei, please believe. If you do not..."

Skinner dipped his head and took a breath. Then he let it out slowly.

"All right...I'm willing to believe this woman has some kind of...unusual powers. I'll consider her dangerous."

The priest searched his face. Seemingly satisfied, he released his friend's hand and gave a brief nod.

"Before we go, there are some things you need to know," he said.

"What?" Scully asked.

Dimitri sat back and grew grave. He spoke in a low, intense voice, his accent seeming to add to the severity of his words.

"In order to subdue The Mother, it may be necessary to kill her host. What was Laura Massey is no longer. The Mother will have seen to her soul's death already. We must destroy the husk of her victim. Once the body dies The Mother will vacate it. Then I must trap her using a special prayer and send her to hell."

"You're saying we *have* to shoot this woman?" Skinner hissed.

"You will only be killing an animated corpse," Dimitri answered.

Skinner glanced at Scully.

"All right. What else?" she asked.

"Eject the rounds from all your clips," Dimitri said.

Skinner grumbled, "What for? We're wasting time."

"Sir...please...just do it," Scully implored.

Cold chills were scurrying up and down her spine. She needed action; needed to get moving. Most of all she needed to know that Mulder was still alive, that they could help him.

Skinner reached for his Sig Sauer and drew it out of the holster clipped to the back of his sweat pants.

In a few minutes, Scully and Skinner had expressed all the rounds from the clips in both guns and then the rounds in their spare clips. There was a neat pile of bullets in each their laps. Dimitri pulled out a Swiss Army knife.

"I have already done this with my ammunition. This will make your shots more effective," he whispered.

Picking up a bullet from Scully's lap, he etched a cross on the nose of the slug. Scully examined it with fascination when he returned it. Skinner ran his hand over his mouth and shook his head slightly.

"This lends a whole new meaning to 'praise the Lord and pass the ammunition'," he murmured.

Scully tried to suppress a snort. Skinner shrugged but chuckled. Scully smiled and found herself tamping down her feelings for him again.

Dimitri held out his hand toward Skinner.

"Your first round," he said. Skinner reached down and then handed the priest a bullet from his lap.

In short order, all their rounds had been marked with crosses and returned to their clips. Scully shoved a clip into her Smith and Wesson. Skinner slapped a clip into his Sig and shoved his spare clip into the pocket of his sweat pants.

"You said, 'things' you needed to tell us," Skinner said as Scully fished for something out of the carry-on under Dimitri's feet.

The priest lifted his feet and Scully came up with two palm-sized flashlights.

"Here," she said, handing one to Dimitri.

"Ah, yes...thank you. This one is much smaller than mine," he said.

Skinner bent down, rummaged in his duffel bag and brought up a small flashlight as well.

"Use them sparingly...we don't want to telegraph that we're on the way," he said. "Now...what else?" he added firmly to the priest.

Dimitri bowed his head for a moment and then looked back up.

"The Mother is unaware of our presence. Either she is distracted, or the blocks I've erected in my mind are sufficiently strong to conceal my location. She won't be looking for either of I believe we have an element of surprise."

"But what if your blocks fail?" Scully asked.

"Then I will confront The Mother as soon as possible. The two of you will have to shoot her host very quickly at that juncture."

Skinner shook his head.


The priest shook his head in return, silencing the other man.

"I know this all sounds crazy. But I cannot reiterate enough how both of you must believe and have faith and trust in each other and God. I hope Agent Mulder can do the same. The Mother will try to seduce you away from your mission, try to overpower your will and mind so that she can distract and enthrall you. Only by staying strong together can we resist and defeat her."

"You said, 'I hope Agent Mulder can do the same'," Scully whispered.

"Yes...I hope that Agent Mulder is still rational enough...still physically able to help us free him in some small way. But if he is not...our priority is to destroy The Mother before she can actually kill him."

Scully felt her stomach tense. She didn't want to face the idea that Mulder might be beyond help or have to be expendable. She set her jaw and told herself that wouldn't happen, but she tried to prepare herself for the eventuality.

"Is that all?" Skinner hissed.

"I will need to bless you both," Dimitri said.

Scully felt her lip quiver slightly with emotion. She nodded.

"I went to confession last week, Father," she murmured, bowing her head.

"Good, my child," Dimitri said laying his hand gently on top of her head.

Dimitri looked toward Skinner.

"It's been a long time since my last confession."

"I know that, Sergei."

Skinner swallowed and cleared his throat.

"Dimmie...Dimmie I don't think there's enough time right now for me to confess all my sins..." he whispered.

Scully shifted uncomfortably. Skinner loomed large, solid and dark in the back seat. He had bowed his head in front of the priest. His face was lost in shadow so she couldn't see his expression. She averted her eyes not wanting to know what emotions were on his countenance if he should raise his head and his face happened to be revealed in the moonlight.

Dimitri removed his hand from Scully's head and placed it on Skinner's.

"I think God will forgive you, my friend," he whispered.

Dimitri removed his hand. Scully and Skinner remained with heads bowed as the priest blessed them both. Scully couldn't speak Russian so she didn't understand his words, but when he came to the end he spoke in English, crossing himself.

"In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen."

Scully and Skinner repeated his words and crossed themselves as well.

"Repeat after me, now," Dimitri said:

"Saint Michael, the Archangel, defend us in battle; be our defense against the wickedness and snares of the Devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray; and do thou, O Prince of the heavenly host, by the power of God, thrust into Hell Satan and all other evil spirits who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen"

Scully and Skinner both spoke the words after the priest, ending with 'Amen.'

The priest bowed his head for a moment.

"God be with us," he said.

Skinner shifted in the back seat.

"Let's move out. I'll take point."

Scully's stomach tensed in anticipation.

"Right behind you, sir," she said.



The Mother grasped Mulder's hair, pulled his head up and peered into his unconscious face. She was breathing hard from the exertions of trying to breach his mental defenses. There was a disturbing reserve of strength in Fox Mulder, which vexed her. She wasn't ready to admit defeat, however. Nor was she ready to admit her fear that she might never break Mulder.

"You test me, la mia volpe piccola testarda. You are indeed *very* stubborn." She dropped Mulder's chin back onto his chest. "But I will break you before we are done. And even if I don't...your suffering will be magnifique and your death more than sufficient to open the way for my Master."

The Mother ran her hands down Laura Massey's naked, sweating body and felt the residual buzz of her second coupling with the vision of Walter Skinner pried from Mulder’s mind. Mulder's memories of his Assistant Director were quite vivid and each time she tapped them and channeled them for her own use, her power grew. One more joining and she thought she'd be able to break the agent down.

She left Mulder's side and carefully walked through the gap in the magic circle.

"This Skinner...he really is most worthy," she mused, glancing around the room at the glowing and rippling power that danced in the air. She could sense her Master very close...just on the other side of the dimensional doorway that would release him and his infernal host into this world. "Very worthy, Master. I know it is forbidden for me to...desire anyone but you as consort. But...surely one so worthy cannot be withheld completely from a servant who has been so loyal?"

She smiled hopefully and continued across the sanctuary to the living room area.

"Perhaps he can be my plaything for the end of days...a diversion while you do your work upon the world?"

The power thrummed around her, but her question went unanswered.

"I will find him and take him when the gates open," she whispered.

There was still no answer, but she grinned wider and headed for the sanctuary's entrance to the bell tower. Thunder sounded in the distance as she grabbed a long rope from a hook next to the door.

"Now...something special to greet my Master and the coming storm," she said as she headed up the steps into the spire.



Skinner was reminded of night in Vietnam as he crouched low and ran the last few feet across the freshly tilled soil of the field. He was sweating like a pig from running, the prospect of engaging the enemy and the unusual Spring heat and humidity. Mosquitoes big enough to carry off a small child buzzed around his ears and bit into his exposed arms. 'Christ,' he thought, 'if I hallucinated some palms, bamboo and the screams of tropical birds I'd think I was having a flashback to night patrol.'

Thunder rumbled in the distance. Skinner focused his attention behind him and sensed Scully and Dimitri drawing close. He stopped, knelt down and waited.

Scully arrived and crouched next to him.

"That was thunder," she observed, wiping her brow on her T-shirt. He scrubbed the bottom of his shirt over his face as well.

"Yeah, maybe a storm's going to break this heat," he replied. "I think I see some kind of outbuilding closer to the road," he added, pointing ahead.

Scully flashed her light briefly as Dimitri joined them.

"It looks like a tool shed," she replied, stuffing her flashlight into the top of her jeans.

"We can make for that," Skinner whispered.

"Yes, sir," she murmured.

When he turned his attention to Dimitri he thought the priest trembled slightly as he nodded in response. Skinner shined a light in his face.

"You ok?" Skinner asked.

The priest let out a stuttering breath.

"Just winded."

Skinner studied his face. He hoped Dimitri would tell him if his control threatened to falter.

"I'm ok," the priest assured him.

Skinner gave a curt nod and stuck his flashlight into the waistband of his sweat pants.

"All right. Let's go."

It didn't take them long to wind their way through the neatly planted rows of pine trees. When they reached what turned out to be maintenance shed, all three of them knelt down behind it. The church was dark, although there was a yard light that illuminated the garage and driveway. The only noise came from the buzzing of mosquitoes, the cheeping of peepers, the clicking of crickets and the lowing of the dairy cows. Skinner knew sound carried in rural areas. There didn't appear to be anyone across the road, anyone around anywhere.

"Either the place is empty...or she's asleep," he whispered.

They unholstered their weapons.

Scully and Dimitri stared at him and he realized they were waiting for him to give the next order. 'The chain of command,' he thought. He dipped his head, accepting the job that came with his rank as he always did.

"All right, here's the way this is going to work. I'm going in to reconnoiter. You two will stay put here. If the coast is clear, I'll flash my light three times and you can join me. If I see anything suspicious, I'll try to confirm who's inside and then come back here to get you."

Scully protested.

"But, sir...shouldn't I act as your back-up, in case Mulder needs medical..."

Skinner shook his head and indicated Dimitri's gun hand. Scully followed his gesture. Even in the darkness they could all see the gun waver.

"Look...I'm sorry...but that doesn't translate into getting off a good shot," he said.

The priest didn't reply.

Skinner turned to Scully.

"Back him up until he has a chance to steady himself, Scully," he said softly. Then he turned to Dimitri again.

"I guess I'm buying into the whole 'sending this creature back to hell' idea, my friend. I can't do that and neither can Scully...only you can. You need to take a minute to get your head together. As long as your hands are shaking you'll get back-up."

Dimitri bowed his head.

"I understand," he murmured. "I'll watch the church." He got up and went to stand by the side of the tool shed. Skinner and Scully allowed him his privacy.

Skinner's gaze turned to Scully.

"You could back him up," she whispered.

Skinner thought she was probably champing at the bit to find Mulder.

"I'm not the best choice," Skinner said.

"Don't try to protect me. I can do my job. And I'd risk my life for Mulder...or you," Scully hissed.

Skinner's head snapped back to her. He noted her serious, defiant tone and knew she spoke the truth. She'd die for them both...just as they would for her.

Skinner suddenly realized that not only did he want to find Mulder...he was as desperate to find him as Scully. He was no longer jealous of Scully's strong connection to her partner. He felt his face grow hot. There was something he knew he needed to consider...but right now was not the time and place. Scully shifted. He looked toward Dimitri.

"I know you would. I'm not trying to protect you."

He focused on Scully again and lowered his voice further.

"You're a doctor...if he has another seizure, I'd rather it was you here with him than me."

Scully's face relaxed.

"Oh. All right, yes," she replied mildly.

Skinner took a breath and let it out. Then he looked back toward the church.

"Besides...I'm worried about Mulder too, Scully."

He heard Scully shift and turned back to her. "I do care about him. I meant that," he added quietly.

She stared into his eyes. Skinner thought she was divining what he could hardly admit to himself about Mulder.

"I know," she replied.

"Then we're on the same page?" he asked.

"Yes, sir," she stated.

He didn't stop to wonder which page they were discussing, or if it was more than one page in fact. He pushed all distracting thoughts out of his mind and stood up. Dimitri rejoined them.

"I didn't see anyone...but I can still sense her," the priest said.

"Ok," Skinner said.

"Be careful, Sergei," Dimitri said.

"I will," Skinner answered, giving Dimitri's back a quick pat. "Stay loose." Skinner turned to Scully.

"Give me 10 minutes. If I'm not back or haven't signaled, call for reinforcements."

"No!" Dimitri hissed. "We cannot endanger anyone else. It's up to us alone to do battle with The Mother anyway...I have seen that and do not doubt it."

"Did you see who won?" Scully murmured.

Dimitri shook his head.

"Then you'd better hope I signal or come back," Skinner said. He started to move away. "Cover me."

"Wait," Dimitri said, grasping Skinner's arm. The AD grunted impatiently.


Skinner watched as Dimitri reached behind his neck and pulled something from beneath his shirt. It was a cross on a chain. The priest removed it and draped it over Skinner's head. His gentle fingers lingered on his neck.

"Take back-up," he said with a kind smile.

Skinner remembered that day many years ago when he stood this close to a young man and saw the look of love in his eyes. That look was there again...but this time it didn't frighten him. It gave him hope and strength.

"Thank you," he murmured. Then he left Dimitri and Scully and crept off through the remaining pine trees toward the road.

-Continued in Part 7-