Episode 9




Cast of Characters:
Jim Ellison, Ranch Manager
Simon Banks, Sheriff
Blair Sandburg, New Owner of Ranch
Bill, the homophobe Uncast as yet,
Cassie Jackson, wife to Simon,
Megan Conner, ranch hand,
Brian Rafe, ranch hand,
Jalen Bishop, Son of J. Ellison,
Lisa Bishop, Mother of Jalen, old lover of J. Ellison,
Joel Taggert, cousin to Sheriff Simon Banks. Newest ranch hand.
Henry Brown, friend to Jalen, part time ranch hand, part time fixit man.
Carl Miller Rotten stinkin neighbor who cut the lines of Blair's Grandparents brakes.
Carl Miller Sr. Neighbor who is trying to talk Blair into selling the ranch.


Episode 6


The phone rang in the bunkhouse first thing that bright and sunny day, pulling a tired Brian Rafe out of a deep slumber. He hated waking up, that would mean he had to move from Megan Conner's side. // Shit… You have it bad, man. You need to talk to her about getting married. //

Rafe picked the phone up and answered, "Rafe."

"Good morning, I hope I didn't wake you up. I'd like to speak with Megan Conner."

"Could I ask who's calling please?" Brian inquired, not recognizing the voice at all.

"Dr. Miller."

He woke Megan up and said, "Meg, it's Dr. Miller. Did something happen that I'm not aware of?"

"Not that I know of." Taking the phone she said, "hello Dr. Miller. What can I do for you?"

"Ms. Conner, when you were in the last time for the miscarriage, we ran some tests. Well all of the tests are back and we have some news for you."

"What news?"

"You must have been carrying twins, you're still pregnant. They would have had to have been fraternal. They were separate eggs and amnio bags. Anyway we ran the blood tests and you're still very much pregnant. Have you felt all right?"

"Oh my god, I can't believe this. Bri, we're still pregnant."

"You're kidding?"

"Dr. Miller, I've been sick a lot, but I figured it was depression or something. When should I come in?"

"I want you and your husband to come in tomorrow at 2:00. See you then. And congratulations."

"Thank you, you've made us very happy." Getting off the phone, Megan went into Brian's arms and said, "I'm so happy, are you happy?"

"Hell yes I'm happy. Now will you marry me?"

"Hell yes I'll marry you." She answered.

Before long they were doing some congratulating of their own. After their shower, they dressed to go and spread the good word.

"Meg, I don't mean to be a stubborn ass, but you know I am. Could you stay away from dangerous things until after you deliver?"

"I think that could be arranged. I'll talk to Jim. I don't normally get into that bit of taking it easy because you're pregnant, but I don't want to lose this one, Bri. I'm so happy."

Joel was pouring a cup of coffee when they walked out of their room and he said, "What did I miss? Something good I would guess."

"Guess who's still pregnant?" Rafe asked grinning.

"No shit?" Joel shouted as he grabbed Megan and swung her around in his joy. "Brown, get out here you have to hear the news."

He walked out of the shower with only a towel on and said, "Okay, what's going on?"

"Megan's still pregnant." Rafe said again.

Brown grabbed her next and swung her around. "Hey guys, you're making me sick with all the spinning around. Seriously."

"Sorry." Both men said at the same time.

"When do you see the doctor?" Brown asked.

"Go get some clothes on and we'll fill you in on the news." Rafe said as he started to fix some breakfast for everyone.

As they sat at the table eating, Megan told them everything the doctor said and repeated it again when Jalen and Jim got there. She got up to clear the dishes and Jim grabbed her and pulled her into a huge hug. "Just don't swing me around, okay?"

"I wasn't planning on it. Wouldn't that make you sick, being pregnant and all?"

"See, at least there's one guy who knows this."

"He doesn't count, he's gay. Gay guys know this shit." Brown said laughing.

"Yeah, what Brown said," Joel added.

"Do you mind if I call and tell Blair?" Jim asked shyly.

"No, let me." Megan answered.

So she called Blair and told him the news and he came running into the bunkhouse at full speed and hugged her hard. He didn't try to spin her around, which she was grateful for. "This is great news, Megan. I'm very happy for both of you."

"We're going to get married." Rafe said.

"No lie? When?" Jim asked.

"Well we've not discussed that part yet. But soon."

Blair was sitting there and he said, "Would you mind if we built a small house here for you two and the baby. That way you're still here, but you'll have your own home too. You'll have a yard and everything."

"I love that idea, Sandy. That's great." Megan said hugging him.

"Jim before I forget, Simon called and said to call him it was important."

"Okay, I'll call now. Megan, do you mind if I tell him your news?"

"No, that's fine. Tell he and Cassie." She said smiling.

He called the Banks home and heard, "Banks."

"Hey Simon, what's up? "

"Morning Jim. First off did you get the fax yesterday?"

"Yeah, sorry I got sidetracked and didn't let you know."

"Next, I went with Cassie to the doctor last night, because she was so sick and she's pregnant. Do you believe it?"

"Holy shit, so is Megan. Hey guys, Cassie is pregnant too." Jim called out from the phone.

"Tell Conner I said Congratulations to her and Rafe."

"Here you can tell her yourself, she's standing here dying to talk to you now."

"Hey Simon. Congratulations, I'm so happy for you." Megan said smiling.

"Back at you, Conner. Must be something in the water. They told us she was unable to get pregnant and when we least suspected it, there it is."

"Are you happy, Simon?"

"Yes, we're both very happy. We've always wanted a family."

"Well here's the guys." Megan said handing the phone off to Brown, Rafe, Joel and then Blair. They all talked to Simon and told him congratulations and finally when was all said and done, Jim turned to Megan and said, "Could I talk with you outside please?"

"Sure, come on. I need a walk anyhow."

The two walked outside and started on a brisk stroll around the bunkhouse.

"Megan, I don't know how to say this, but I really want you to stop working with us for the time being. Maybe you could do the book-work and some other things around here until after the baby."

"That sounds good to me." Megan said easily.

"What? No fighting?"

"Nope, I don't want to lose this one. Jim that scared the crap out of me and I don't want to put either of us through that again. Will you do me a favor?"

"Sure. You know I'd do anything for you."

"Would you see if you could feel or hear the baby yet with your sense of touch or hearing?"

"Sure." Jim put his ear down to her belly and just held still and listened. Finally he looked up at her and said, "I'll be damned. It's just barely there for me to hear, but I hear her."


"I call all babies her. I don't know why."

"Well I hope it is a little girl. I want a little girl bad."

"Are you saying you'd throw a little boy away? One that looked just like Brian?"

"Of course not, silly man. You know I'll love whatever I have. I just always wanted a daughter."

"Come on Conner, they're going to think something is wrong. Lets get back."

In the coming months, Conner, Cassie and the men knew that they'd have to help Jim get through the fact that his baby was due at the same time. It wasn't going to be easy, but it would be worth it. The months flew by and finally Jim got a call in the middle of the night.


"James Ellison?"

"Yes, why are you calling me and especially at 3 in the morning?"

"I'm Dr. Miller, I've met you with Megan Conner. Well I delivered your baby girl this evening and the mother isn't doing really well. She asked for us to notify you at once."

"I have a little girl?" Jim asked tearfully.

Blair hugged him to let him know that he was there.

"When can you get here, Mr. Ellison? She's not doing well at all."

"I'm on my way."

Jim jumped out of bed and Blair started to get ready too and he said, "No, you stay here in case I need you to bring Jalen. Please?"

"What's wrong Jim?"

"She's not doing well and the doctor said I need to hurry."

"Then get Jalen up now so he can meet his baby sister before it's too late."

"No, not the baby. I mean Lisa. She's the one that's not doing well."

"All the more reason to let him know. That's his mom. I'll get him up now. And we'll all go together."

"Okay, thanks, Blair."

"No problem. Just remember that I'm here for you."

Jalen was ready in record time and they raced to the hospital to see Lisa and new baby girl. Once there, they were escorted to the maternity ward, where they were then led to Lisa's room. Blair stopped outside of her room and said, "I'll wait out here, man."

"Thanks, Blair."

When they walked in, she smiled at the two men in her life. Well they had been out of her life for some time now, but for now, they were both back in.

"Hi Jalen honey. Did you see your new baby sister? She's so cute. She looks just like her daddy."

"I'll go and see her in a few minutes, Mom. I wanted to hug you. Okay?"

"Sure, baby, you can hug me anytime you want to."

Jalen hugged her and held on for a long time while Jim just stood to the side of the bed. Finally Lisa put her hand out, asking for Jim to join them and he did. He didn't feel comfortable doing it, but at the same time, he was worried about the mother of his baby.

"Jim, I signed papers for you. She'll be yours. I had cancer when I got pregnant. If I would have gotten the therapy she would have died, so I figured it would be best this way. I've left all medical papers you'll need for her as she grows into a young woman."

Jalen began to cry and Jim found himself on the verge himself. "Lisa, I'll take really good care of her. Don't you worry about that. You know how much I love Jalen, and she'll be no different."

"Thank you Jim. I know I've been awful to be around for the last nine months, but hopefully you'll forgive me and let her know that I was a decent person. Just confused sometimes."

"You know I will, Lisa."

"Jalen honey, go and see your baby sister. Her name is Dakota Rose. She's named after my Maiden name, Jim. Do you mind?"

"No, it's a lovely name. She'll be a perfect little Dakota, I'm sure."

"Jim, I'm sorry but I need to sleep. Please take good care of our little girl. Tell her I loved her, okay?"

"I will, Lisa. I will." Jim leaned down and kissed her on the lips and then held her for a little while. Then she fell asleep and Jim left the room. He walked down to the nursery and saw Blair and Jalen making a big thing over a baby and couldn't wait to see her.

A nurse walked up and said, "Mr. Ellison, I need you to follow me and sign all of the paperwork and you'll be able to take little Dakota home tomorrow."

"Okay, lead the way." Jim said sadly. On one hand he was tickled pink to have a baby for he and Blair to raise. On the other hand, he was scared to death to do it. And lastly, he wasn't sure he ever hated Lisa enough to wish her dead. // God, such sadness on a day of someone's birth. //

When Jim got done signing all of the paperwork, and having it notarized, he went back up to the floor and the doctor asked to see him.

"Mr. Ellison, your wife is going to be gone soon. She let the cancer go on too long. We suggest you take her home to die."

"Dr. I'm sorry, you have the wrong impression. We don't live together. She's not my wife. I'm with someone else. I don't think that person would agree to taking Lisa home, believe me."

"I was hoping that she could die around friends and family."

"Let me talk to my SO."

"Certainly. I'll talk to you tomorrow."

When he finally got to the glass window he knew which baby was his immediately. She did look like he did. Jim chuckled to himself. "Chief, she's a sweetie isn't she?"

"Yeah, Jim she sure is. Is Lisa going to let you see her a lot now?"

"Excuse us for a moment, Jalen."

"Dad, it's okay, I know she's dying, I could see it on her face."

"I'm sorry Jalen. I'm really sorry." He just held on to his son and glanced at the new baby that would soon be his.

"So, you're going to get custody?" Blair asked hopefully.

"Yeah, Blair what do you think of that?"

"I think it's great. Now we'll have two kids. Jalen, I'm happy for you and Jim."

"For you too, Blair. We're a couple remember?"

"Yeah, I think I remember." Blair said as he stood on tip toe and kissed Jim soundly.

Tune in next week, to see how Lisa is doing.

Will Megan and Cassie have their babies soon?

Will this become a never ending soap opera? (like it isn't already)


Episode 7
