 provided by Glenda Graphics
 provided by Mrs Fish



2:00 PM: "Cascade"

 provided by Glenda CASCADE--the City where Passion and Danger Collide, the City of Secrets, Love, and Intrigue, the City where the Powerful and Wealthy Play, the City where no one's Past remains hidden, the City where two men fight injustice for the right to Love each Other!

Starring James Ellison and Blair Sandburg


6:00 PM Terminator: The Series

 provided by Glenda This gripping action-drama stars James Ellison as the Terminator, sent from the future to protect Blair Sandburg , a graduate student at Rainier University working on his doctorate on Sentinels. In the future, Sentinels are humanity's only protection against the practically indestructible Terminators bent on hunting down all humans. Blair's research is crucial to the human resistance movement. JE is a Terminator that has been captured by human rebels and reprogrammed with Sentinel abilities.

Each week a new Terminator appears from the future to try to kill Blair. Each Terminator is played by the actors who played villains in TS. The Terminators play havoc with downtown Cascade every week, blowing up all major buildings, but every week the city is restored to sparkling new condition -- only to be blown up all over again! In between heart-stopping action sequences, comic relief is provided by various Terminators committing ridiculous gaffes as they try to adjust to life in present-day America, while trying not to give away their true identities.

Also starring Simon Banks as Cascade police captain, and Brian Rafe, Rafe as the nosy reporter who suspects something's up.


7:00 PM: Leaving Heaven:

 provided by Glenda Big Bill Ellison was sherrif of Heaven, Texas for forty years. One son, Stephen Ellison ran the family farm, married and had ten kids. He is now a widower(pay no attention to the rumors that his wife died to escape from him and his rowdy bunch). James Ellison, the oldest son, joined the military at 17.

Presumed dead, the shock of Jim's return promptly gives his father a fatal heart attack. The town council, being practical folk, immediately make Jim the new sherrif.

They ignore Jim's strange behavior and frequent zone outs...after all, strange is normal in Heaven(its the town motto); and keep electing him sherrif. Bound by a sense of duty, Jim is resigned to never being able to escape until a glimmer of hope. Somehow a rumor gets started that he is gay. Sure that the small town won't reelect a gay sherrif, Jim encourages the rumor.

Meanwhile, Steve and his bunch have driven the town to desperation, and they insist that he remarry, but not one woman in 3 counties will have them. An ad for a mail order bride is his last chance.

 property of Paramount/Pet Fly Molly Sandburg is scholarly, plain, and a closet romantic. She also has three heightened senses, which led her real mother to abandon her. Fortunately she was adopted by Naomi, and became the adored younger sister of Blair Sandburg, who is now an anthropology professor...and who helped his sister deal with her senses. Molly begins to correspond with Steve, falls in love through his letters and agrees to marry him.

She begs her brother to come with her, but he man, small town...big no no. He soon changes his tune when he sees from his sisters letter that she is unhappy. He takes a hiatus, packs his bags and heads to Heaven.

 property of Paramount/Pet Fly The towns people take one look at the hair, clothes, and earrings and greet him like a long lost son, seeing a mate for the sherrif, so he won't leave. Blair takes a job at the local newspaper, and the townspeople ...including the mayor(Simon), his australian wife(who has the hots for the young artist (Rafe) who manages every episode to walk around his studio without a shirt)...the town mortician(Dan Wolfe), et al, throw Jim and Blair together in one matchmaking scheme after another.

Worried, Naomi shows up in town, and starts up a torrid affair with the mayor, while interfering in both children's lives. Will Stephen learn to love Molly? Is Jim really gay, and will he fall for Blair whether or not? Will Megan shoot her husband or his new lover, or just climb into bed with Rafe? What the heck are that panther and wolf doing up in the bell tower? And can anybody ever leave Heaven?


8:00 PM: Rainier U:

 provided by Glenda "Ranier U" is a gripping docudrama about Blair Sandburg, the brilliant, idealistic anthropology grad who struggles to finish his dissertation against the background of the festering stew of intrigue, butt-kissing, backstabbing and petty chicanery that is the academic world. Viewers will watch Sandburg juggle his social life, his clamoring committee and his apathetic Anthro 101 students every week.

Comic relief is provided by Sandburg's test subject, Jim , a disgruntled cop with special powers that Blair has difficulty in hiding when they're called into action. Not to mention that Jim's profession usually means that he brings his work home with him -- Stoddard and several other professors keep chiding Blair for the squealing car-chases across campus, the shootouts behind the Psych building, the hostage situation in the cafeteria and that unfortunate drowning in the fountain. However, they're quite pleased when Incacha and his men show up; Stoddard manages to talk the shaman into giving a talk about ecological justice in Menlo Hall before he tragically dies in a freak hazing accident.

In one moving episode, Jim is offered a captaincy in another state, and turns it down because Blair needs him if he's going to finish his dissertation; as the big gruff cop says, "It's about friendship."

Jane M.

9:00 PM: Survivor:

 property of Paramount/Pet Fly Twenty women are stranded on a deserted island, each armed with a two by four. Blair Sandburg and Jim Ellison, are also left on the island. The premise of the show is simple - in front of continuously rolling cameras, the twenty women try to kidnap Blair Sandburg and return him to their side of the island. Jim Ellison has only one gun and ninety-five bullets. Who will be the ultimate survivor?


10:00 PM: Carter Ranch:

Episode 1

Episode 2

Episode 3

Episode 4

Episode 5

Episode 6

Episode 7

Episode 8

Episode 9

Episode 10

Episode 11

Soon !!!!!

 provided by Glenda Characters:
Jim Ellison, Ranch Manager,
Blair Sandburg, New Owner of Ranch,
Bill, the homophobe,
Jalen, uncast as yet,
Megan Conner, Ranch Hand,
Brian Rafe, Shy Ranch Hand,
Simon Banks, Sheriff,
Cassie, Wife of Simon Banks,

Opening with Jim working on a ranch. Out in the open, where he belongs. He is the head honcho. I love that word. Okay, lets see his name is Jim Ellison. He is a working fool.

The people that own the ranch are killed in a car accident and the property is left to their grandson. His name is Blair Sandburg. How yuppy is that. He is a very smart cookie, but wants to give this a try.

He gets there and decides to change some things. I mean, he just gets right in there and gets dirty with everyone else. Jim Ellison is finding himself attracted to Blair. He has never been before. So we will see each and every week having the guys try not to be attracted to each other. I mean, they aren't gay.

Blair is doing a great job with the ranch. There are some bad guys in this show. The neighboring ranch is trying to take this one away from Blair. But Jim Ellison is telling him what to do. Blair finds out that Jim Ellison went to college and has a degree in business management. So, they start working on the books nightly. They end up talking more and more. Eating dinner together and laughing it up till it is time to retire.

Other ranch hands are: Bill, the homophobe. Who sees what is going on and starts spreading rumors before there is anything to spread. Jim Ellison will have to clean up the stables with Bill's face.

Jalen, they youngest of the group. He is only 18 and is constantly following Jim Ellison around. (We don't know it, but Jalen, has found out that Jim Ellison might be his dad.) Could this get anymore like Dallas? So each show will bring him closer to Jim Ellison and finally asking him about his mom. And by the way, Jim Ellison, adores this kid. And he hasn't a clue why.

Then there is Megan, who is the only woman who resides in the bunk house with all the others. She is a riot. Very tomboyish. But beautiful too. She has a thing for Brian . He is another ranch hand, who is very shy and stays to himself mostly. She will weekly try to break into that shell.

Brian , he is very quiet, very shy and is in love with Megan. But too shy to do anythign about it. He would die first. Angst even on the range. Each week it will show him trying to open up to advances made by Megan.

Every week will have different characters brought in.. The turn-over at this place is pretty high. So, we will see new folks all the time.

The sheriff in town is good friends with the shit heads next door, his name is Simon Banks. But as each week goes on, he finds himself liking Jim Ellison and Blair a little more and decides to start watching his so called friends. He finds out they are pure evil.

Simon's wife is wonderful, her name is Cassie, and has Blair and Jim Ellison over for dinner as often as she can. She seems to really go in for the slash stuff.

Write Patt

11:00 PM:The Traitor

 provided by Glenda Location: This could be set in any time period or part of the world where there is/has been a civil war or a war of independance.

David Blair young and charismatic leader of a band of freedom fighters somewhere in the world, is wrongly accused of betraying his men to the enemy. He suspects that the real traitor is his ambitious second-in-command, Lee Brackett but has no way of proving this.

Despised, dejected, depressed, desperate to continue the fight against tyranny, and with no idea of how he can possible retrieve his reputation, he accidentally meets up with Jim Ellison , a scout for another group of freedom fighters. Ellison, while managing fine when on scouting trips, is having problems when he returns to his base; everything stinks to high heaven, the men are all terribly loud ("Can't anybody ever speak without shouting?"), the food prepared by the official cook tastes really *bad*, he keeps seeing things he really doesn't want to see, welcoming handshakes *hurt*, so he has developed the habit of reporting back to his leader (Simon Banks) then vanishing back into the wild again, so that many of his group don't even know who he is.

Blair, of course, realises that Ellison is a sentinel; while Jim realises that Blair is telling the truth about being falsely accused. Changing his name to Blair Sandburg (because David Blair's bad reputation is too widely known) he joins forces with Ellison; together they spy for the freedom fighters, while (intermittently - he's not a continuing villain, just one who reappears occasionally) trying to catch up with Brackett to prove that he is the real traitor. And of course they soon learn that there is more to their relationship than just friendship.




 provided by Glenda


Anthropologist Blair Sandburg had no intentions of ever seeing his ex-husband Jim again! Police Detective Jim Ellison was hell-bent on reclaiming what was his--he was determined that he and Blair would live "Happily Ever After."



Award Winning Programing !









Channel 69

 provided by Glenda

Special Thanks to Alyjude for suggesting this idea on Senad!!!!
Also to all these wonderful people for their kind assistance, Glenda, Mrs Fish, MelSharon, just move your cursor on the pics, graphics and logos for the info on each! Also, "Winds of Dawn" for all the html code help!

 provided by Mrs Fish

S'Belle's Connections