 provided by Glenda Graphics
 provided by Mrs Fish



2:00 PM: "Cascade"

 provided by Glenda CASCADE--the City where Passion and Danger Collide, the City of Secrets, Love, and Intrigue, the City where the Powerful and Wealthy Play, the City where no one's Past remains hidden, the City where two men fight injustice for the right to Love each Other!

Starring James Ellison and Blair Sandburg


6:00 PM: Spin City II: The Truth is Overrated:

 provided by Glenda Producer: WoD
Designated Scriptwriter: Alyjude
Mayor: Simon Banks
Deputy Mayor: Blair Sandburg
Mayor's Secretary: Megan Conner
Newspaper Reporter: Jim Ellison

Premise: Simon Banks is the Mayor of Cascade. His Deputy, Blair "bullshit" Sandburg, is legendary for his ability to pull obfuscations out of thin air in order to put a good spin on whatever shit is coming down through the ceiling and hitting the fan at the moment.

As the show opens, the shit of the week is the rumor that the Mayor is romantically involved with his beautiful Secretary, Megan Conner. Jim "the hound" Ellison, political columnist for the Cascade Sentinel, gets a whiff of the rumor and is trying his damnest to sniff out the truth. In a brilliant if self-sacrificing move to deflect attention from the Mayor, Blair deliberately spreads a rumor that he is gay.

Much hilarity ensues as Jim tries to call Sandburg's bluff, the Mayor and his Secretary sneaks around -- are they really involved, or are they up to something else?

Also starring Ryf as a clueless staff member of the Mayor's Office, and HB as the genial bartender at the bar near City Hall frequented by the Mayor's staff.

As the show progresses, viewers will be treated to a weekly battle of wits and enduarance between Jim and Blair as Jim tries to weasel the truth out of Blair, and Blair tries to convince Jim that the truth is overrated, and in the meanwhile the rumor that Blair is gay just won't go away...


7:00 PM: Rollin' on the River:

Graphics provided by Glenda Type: Comedy Location: Aboard the Riverboat Queen on the Mississippi, enroute to New Orleans for Mardi Gras

A charismatic fortyish riverboat gambler named Jim Ellison is plying his trade on the Riverboat Queen enroute to New Orleans, his arrival timed to coincide with Mardi Gras.

A cute little androgynous stowaway named Blair Sandburg is the irascible Captain's nemesis. Each week, he gets back on board the Queen in a new and better disguise.

In the pilot episode, Jim falls in love with the deliciously reinvented Blair, who is done up as a saloon girl. His pick up line? "Hey, there, Georgie girl...." When he discovers that *she* is a *he*, in typical sitcom fashion, Jim shrugs and says, "Aw, fuck it. I like the kid."

Supporting characters: Captain Maurice "Muddy" Waters, a lovable curmudgeon who just can't seem to get rid of Georgie.Various saloon girls and boys, in varying degrees of undress.

Scenario: The fun doesn't end when the ship docks in New Orleans. Now it's Mardi Gras time, and oh, the wacky possibilities for makeovers and playing dress-up.


Graphic by Glenda


8:00 PM: "Slash Virtual Season"

Graphics by Mrs Fish

Picking up where The Sentinel by Blair Sandburg left off...

Follow Jim and Blair as they deal with the aftermath of Blair's press conference, discover their love for each other, and learn to live together as a couple, while protecting Cascade from terrorists, bank robbers, assassins, drug smugglers, and other assorted criminal elements that rightly make Cascade the most dangerous city in America!

This Weeks Episode

9:00 PM: Three's Company in the 90's:

Location: California
 property of Paramount/Pet Fly Jim Ellison, a gay flowershop owner with a neat streak and his 'friend' Blair Sandburg, the gay estranged son of a Baptiste Preacher, working as a nurse, come home to their apartment to find a homeless man, Simon Banks, looking for the YMCA, hiding in their bathroom.

Their Landlord, Mr. Fairly, doesn't allow threesomes in his apartment complex and Simon is forced to pretend he's straight, while the three men have tons of funny adventures as Simon goes to cooking school while being a boy toy to pay for his rent.

Guest appearance: Brian Rafe, the car salesman who lives downstairs



 provided by Glenda
Type: ACTION/WAR DRAMA--Setting: 1942
HOLLYWOOD, EUROPEAN/PACIFIC THEATRES--Main Characters: Jim Ellison, A dynamic, popular actor of gangbusters and shoot-em-up westerns, and the occasional weepy "women's pic" where he'll play the philandering husband of Bette Davis or Joan Crawford. He's also a closeted gay man and secret lover of: Blair Sandburg, son of Carlton "Bull" Sandburg, head of Sandburg and Schultze Studios.

Blair's (but not Jim's) homosexuality is a well-known "secret" in TinselTown. SYNOPSIS; When war fever hits Hollywood after Pearl Harbor, Jim, a patriot, defies Sandburg and joins the U.S. Army. He knows leaving Blair behind will be the hardest thing he'll ever do.

Blair, unwilling to be separated from Jim, vowing to stay with him, either to die by his side, or to return victorious with him after the war, enlists after incurring the wrath and sneers of his father who thinks the army will turn down a "fairy" even in these perilous times.

In the homophobia of the war era, both men know they have to keep their love & passion a secret--if they are outted by anyone it could mean death in the barracks, or by friendly fire, not just on the front lines of battle.


11:00 PM: Book 'Em:

crime drama/comedy Place/time: Cascade, WA; present
 property of Paramount/Pet Fly Director Ret. Lt. Col. Dr. James Horatio Ethan RyeLee Hawkins Bain-Ellison (the Third), of the world renowned Washington Independent Research Depository (WIReD) in Cascade, WA possesses the incredible ability to sniff out the answers to the world’s toughest reference questions.

Director Ret. Lt. Col., um, Jim and his motley hand-picked team of researchers travel the world in their search for arcane material for WIReD. Jim’s small team of researchers is made up of a trusted and loyal group of men and woman, each possessing skills and knowledge which together create an unbeatable team.

Rafe, GQ handsome yet incredibly shy and clumsy, fluently speaks over 20 living languages, four "dead" languages, and is at least well-versed in all the others (heck, why not.); Henry, a brash young man from the south side, was rapidly heading into a life of computer crime (he can disconnect a computer system and be out the back window in 1 min and 23 secs flat) until meeting Jim who recognized his potential and asked him to join his team.

You never know when you’ll need a car hot wired or a safe cracked in a hurry; Megan is a bold, beautiful southern belle. Secretly in lust with Rafe, Megan enjoys nothing more than to cop a squeeze of his ass in the meta-physical section, which usually causes Rafe to blush an alarming shade of red and shelve the 031.1’s *before* the 031.01’s (something which seriously pisses Jim off, by the way).

No one's really sure what Megan's specialty is, but she's very pretty; Mr. B. is a tall handsome African American. Very little is known about his past as he rarely speaks, but he has the uncanny ability to find the best coffee available no matter what little hovel they find themselves in; JoeL. Taggert is an ex bomb-squad captain with the Cascade PD whom Jim met and encouraged to retire to peruse his life long dream of collecting overdue fines from recalcitrant patrons; and last but not least, Blair Sandburg.

Unconventional, enthusiastic, devastatingly fuckable, he joined the team after being the only applicant to complete the interview task of finding the famous Lost Script of Richard Burton. (Really it wasn’t that hard, he just did a quick search on under "actors" and "scripts" and badda bing badda boom there it was!)

Jim not-so-secretly or, um, discretely loves Blair. On the book carts, in the east wing, behind the circulation desk, *on* the circulation desk, and - his favorite -in the 612’s. Each week we see Jim and his team in a new exotic location unearthing material to add to the ever-growing collection at WIReD.

Adventures ensue each week depending on what they are looking for. For example, one week they might be ferreting out ancient texts on legendary immortal beings, which would find them in Seacouver where they become embroiled in a crime of the week with locals Duncan MacCloud and Adam Whatshisname.




 provided by MelSharon Blair loved Brian Rafe and abhored Jim Ellison. Unfortunately he was trapped into working with Jim who was responsible for destroying his relationship with Rafe.









Channel 69

 provided by Glenda

Special Thanks to Alyjude for suggesting this idea on Senad!!!!
Also to all these wonderful people for their kind assistance, Glenda, Mrs Fish, MelSharon, just move your cursor on the pics, graphics and logos for the info on each! Also, "Winds of Dawn" for all the html code help!

 provided by Mrs Fish

S'Belle's Connections