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 provided by Mrs Fish



6:00 PM: "Prince of Cascade"

 provided by Glenda

A miniseries, beginning on Sunday night, right after the first television showing of the documentary: "Focus on Slash Authors, and the Readers who Love Them." It will conclude , after the special presentation of "Backstage at the Guppies: Live!".

Slash TV viewer, this miniseries has everything you want to see in award-winning drama! It's got adventure, taking you from the Pacific Northwest, to the Principality of Chopeckia, to the Deadly Jungles of Peru!

It's got 2, count 'em, 2 dynamite leading men, and ladies and gents, you know they're both gorgeous. Captain Sir James Ellison, of the Royal Chopec Guards, and the ever-beautiful American Blair Sandburg.

Let's not forget the handsome co-star, Simon Banks. Viewers- -he's the quintessential tall, dark, and handsome! It's got Romance and Love Scenes you'll cry over. Reviewers are raving over the Slash Chemistry between JE and BS.

You can see for yourself in this special preview. We'll just hint of some of the sensual delights you'll enjoy. Join in the steamy frolics with James and Blair in the Royal Suite's Jacuzzi; go skinny-dipping with them in Lake Bountiful; watch along as Sir James carries Blair on a To-Die-For Romantic Date, wining, dining, and slow-dancing at the Top of the World club!

Ladies and Gentlemen, we promise you their first love scene is unforgettable! Full of tenderness, laughter, exquisite sensuality. (Warning: Full Frontal Nudity requires us to post a MA only label>)

This screenplay is adapted by Susan from her own best-seller. So Folks: you know nobody's tampered with the characterization! This will be a blockbuster --and the Slash Network Moderators are already talking with Susan's people about her latest novel, just released, "Panther Heart, Wolf Dreans," So sit back with that bowl of popcorn and package of Oreos, and experience the thrills, chills, and Love of a Lifetime, beginning this Sunday evening, channel 69. The Channel devoted to you, the Romantic Slash Lovers of the World.


7:00 PM: Sentinel & Shaman:

Location: Canyon Creek, Pacific Northwest

 property of Paramount/Pet Fly Despite the attempt to put an acceptable spin on the events surrounding Blair Sandburg's publicized dissertation, life in Cascade is rough sailing in the wake of this event. Jim Ellison's cases continue to be questioed in the light of this revelation, and Blair's application to become a detective is vetoed by the brass despite earlier unofficial promises.

Pushed to extremes, they pull up stakes and move further north, to Canyon Creek, a small town close to the Canadian border and edging on the Chelan Reservation. Jim takes the job of sheriff and is immediately plugged into the midst of small-town disputes that aren't as small as they look. In weekly conflicts he discovers the dark heart of the backwoods and solves cases that shed light on the logging industry, poaching, hate crimes against the Japanese, ecoterrorism, tribal politicking, government plots, and much more.

Blair Sandburg, meanwhile, begins to study shamanism in earnest, and builds strong ties both in the local tribal community and in the town, gradually becoming an influential public figure. In his developing roles as mediator and healer, he always seems to be passionately and personally involved in any current controversy.
Supporting characters are a colorful lot, a la "Northern Exposure" or "Twin Peaks". The pilot cameos Benton Fraser and Agent Dale Cooper.

Warnings for violence, language, and mature themes.

Early media coverage on the debuting series focused on the radical reinvention of the "Sentinel", and the candid made-for-cable treatment of the monogamous gay relationship between the main characters.

"Yeah, when they showed me the script, I finally felt like we were able to do the premise justice," said Jim Ellison. "It was always there--cable just lets us take it out of the closet."


8:00 PM: Medicine Men:

 property of Paramount/Pet Fly An inner city hospital and the staff of doctors and nurses who must deal with life and death and each other.

Main characters:
Dr. James Ellison, Chief of Surgery. A gifted surgeon and a man of strange abilities, who has no equal in the operating room. He is tall, remarkably handsome, forty years old.

Dr. Blair Sandburg, 30, an holistic healer, rumored to have been through ancient shaman rites and who has been known to use highly unorthodox methods of healing.

Nurse Meagan Conner, a snappy dresser, wears heels to work, has breasts the size of melons and takes no guff from, Dr. Simon Banks, Head of Washington Mercy Hospital. An imposing man, but with a soft center. His primary job; protecting Dr. Ellison who is known for continually bucking the system and Dr. Sandburg, who finds that bringing live chickens and strange and exotic potions to his patients works wonders on curing what ails them.

Storyline: Dr. Ellison is constantly butting heads with Dr. Sandburg who is constantly gazing at Dr. Ellison's butt. Dr. Sandburg recognizes how special Dr. Ellison is and tries desperately to aid the brilliant surgeon while at the same time, trying to bed him. And in between, the two men save lives, diagnose impossible cases and send out sexual vibes that turn television screens blue.


9:00 PM: Jungle Searchers:

 provided by MelSharon

Professor James Ellison, respected anthropologist and author, has spent the last 2 years of his life living with a tribe of native Indians in the jungles of Peru. The professor is expecting his next group of students that are to live with the tribe for 6 months.

Archeologist Blair Sandburg has been studying the ancient temples in the Peruvian rain forest for almost 5 years. After seeing a plane crash Blair calls in the local government. When it is discovered it was Professor Ellison's students who had parished in the crash Dr. Sandburg asks if he can be the one to break the news.

Both men have heard of the other and harbor a secret crushes on the other good doctor and their work. So with his trusted aide Rafe, Dr. Sandburg heads off in search of Professor Ellison and his tribe of Indians.

In the weeks to come we see Blair Sandburg and Rafe face many dangers on their way to see Professor Ellison. The Professor in turn has realized something is very wrong with the non arrival of his students and sets out to trek out of the jungle himself. Will these two meet up? Or are they destined never to meet? How many episodes can we make where all three men go without their shirts? Will our heros be together long enough to meet, fall in love, and have sex?

Seen on Sunday nights this ground breaking new program allows you to see the beautiful wonders of the Peruvian jungle and watch two men fall in love.


10:00 PM: The Curse Of The Panther:

 provided by Angelika Location: Amazonian jungle

Blair Sandburg, a young anthropologist and ethnobotanist begins his first fieldwork in a small tribe of the Conibo-Shipibo. The local shaman of the village, Joel, takes immediately the young man under his wing. Blair plans to write a book about the plants and herbs the shaman uses for his cures. Together they wander around in the jungle in search of plants while Blair documents all of Joel's findings.

Blair soon learns that another white man is living in the area. The people of the village tell outrageous stories about him, that he can fight like a demon, that he is at last a hundred years old, that he can talk with the spirits and has a pet black panther.

When gold diggers invade the territory, this mysterious warrior turns up in the little village. Blair finds out to his surprise that he is Jim Ellison, a former army soldier who had returned to the jungle, determined to protect the tribes and nature. He is active member of the WWF and Greenpeace.

Blair has an immediate crush on Jim and wants to help him. Together with the shaman Joel and Tom's tame black jaguar Slick they have numerous adventures. Fighting gold diggers and oil prospectors, rival tribes, who want to steal their women or raid the plantings, western diseases and evil spirits. They explore the deepest parts of the jungle, find rare magic herbs, hidden pyramids, experiment with hallucinatory drugs and weird visions.

Occasionally a merchant, Simon,comes down the river with his boat to trade goods and to bring news from the missionary station and the borders. The tall African American is a friend of Jim and sometimes helps the friends in their fights. He realizes soon that Blair has a thing for Jim , and that he is too scared to make a move on the buff warriors who is only concerned with his fights. Simon tries then with the help of Joel, to bring the two together and clue the naive Jim in. Simon has made it his goal to bring Blair in Tom's hammock.


11:00 PM: Cooking Secrets of the CPD:

 property of Paramount/Pet Fly Premise: To capitalize on such trendy gourmet shows as "Julia and Jacques: 'Til Death Us Do Part," "A Little More Salt: English Cookery at its Best," and "Asian Tinning: Yan Can Can," Cascade Channel 69 is producing its own regional food fest: "Cooking Secrets of the CPD" with Detective James Ellison and Observer Blair Sandburg.

In its first season this freewheeling and unrestrained program, designed for the male viewer, will doubtless be met with periodic bouts of enthusiasm for its imaginative and unorthodox approach to cooking.

The first five programs in the series, scheduled for Saturday mornings at 11, are tentatively listed as: "Lard: A Cop's Best Friend," "Wonderburger: A Festival of Indigestion," "The Kosher Pork Chop: Myth or Reality?," "Thinking withyour Weiner: How to Dress a Tubesteak" and "Stirfry: the Enemy of the Galloping Clangs."

According to a Channel 69 spokesperson, the boys (as he refers to Ellison and Sandburg) will continue to bring their unique approach to the untamed palate with currently unscheduled programs devoted to: "De-bearding your Clam," "The Proper use of Caviar-helper", "Froglegs: A hop, skip and jump from Pond to Pan," "Mountain Oysters: To shuck or not to shuck" and "The Elegant Evening: Chicken Tetrazzini or Spotted Dick."

According to an anonymous PBS insider, the boys' cooking could inspire a male-in-the-kitchen-bonding or set food preparation back five or six decades. Citing such unorthodox programs as: "Beer: Not just for Breakfast Anymore," "The Care and Preparation of Snootchie Bootchies," "Baking with Blair: How to prepare your own Studmuffin" and "Algae: Friend or Foe?", the source seemed very uncertain and feared the worse -- "individuality tends to flower riotous and rampant on Channel 69 and cooking with the boys is no exception."

12:00 AM: Sentinel of the West:

 provided by Glenda Setting--c 1866 TEXAS. Type--WESTERN. Main Roles: Capt. Jim Ellison; Blair Sandburg; Capt. Simon Banks; "Incacha". Synopsis: Attacked on patrol from Fort Cascade, left for dead, Jim buries his men, and struggles for survival in the Texas desert, as his sensory powers, dormant since childhood emerge. Incacha, a Comanche medicine man, after receiving a vision from the Great Spirit, directs him to find the Long Knife, and teach him to be Sentinel of the People. Ellison is taken by Incacha to his village to be healed and initiated into the secrets of sentinels.

He meets Simon Banks, ex-Buffalo Soldier whose half Indian wife, Joan, has died, leaving him with a son to raise with her People. An Army patrol 'rescues' Ellison, and he returns to his duties at the Fort.

Fast forward: Young teacher Blair Sandburg is travelling on a westbound stagecoach. The coach is attacked by renegades and taken back to Incacha's village.

Jim is sent to "parley" with the tribe for release of the "white" captives. It's love at first sight for these two. Incacha knows this young city man is the True Guide for Panther Eyes. Before Incacha can arrange a discussion, the village is attacked by Comancheros, and J & B are separated in the battle.
Blair is captured to be sold as an exotic whore to a cathouse across the Mexican border, where the madam caters to men "itchin'" for something unusual in their "love slaves." With Incacha's dying words, Jim is told he must rescue his guide and fulfill his destiny as Sentinel of the West!

Every week is a "to be continued". Jim and Blair won't be physically reunited until the November sweeps. The first cliffhanger before Thanksgiving reruns: Jim and Simon finally track Blair to Madam Rosa's. Jim decides to go undercover as a rowdy Texan who wants to give the new Yankee Beauty a ride he'll never forget!









Channel 69

 provided by Glenda

Special Thanks to Alyjude for suggesting this idea on Senad!!!!
Also to all these wonderful people for their kind assistance, Glenda, Mrs Fish, MelSharon, just move your cursor on the pics,graphics and logos for the info on each!
Also, "Winds of Dawn" for all the html code help!

 provided by Mrs Fish

S'Belle's Connections