Episode 5




Cast of Characters:
Jim Ellison, Ranch Manager
Simon Banks, Sheriff
Blair Sandburg, New Owner of Ranch
Bill, the homophobe Uncast as yet,
Cassie Jackson, wife to Simon,
Megan Conner, ranch hand,
Brian Rafe, ranch hand,
Jalen Bishop, Son of J. Ellison,
Lisa Bishop, Mother of Jalen, old lover of J. Ellison,
Joel Taggert, cousin to Sheriff Simon Banks. Newest ranch hand.
Henry Brown, friend to Jalen, part time ranch hand, part time fixit man.
Carl Miller Rotten stinkin neighbor who cut the lines of Blair's Grandparents brakes.
Carl Miller Sr. Neighbor who is trying to talk Blair into selling the ranch.


The following morning Simon went to ask Lisa some questions about what happened at the bunk house with she and Jim. Simon found the whole thing embarrassing, for himself and especially for Jim. It made him look like such a wimp. It was bad enough that he was gay, but now he would be a gay man, who couldn't fight off a small woman.

Once he arrived at Lisa's house, he got out of his car, walking up to the door and knocked hoping she wasn't there. Luck wasn't with him that day, Lisa opened up the door and said, "Hello, Sheriff Banks. How are you today?"

"I'm fine, thank you. I've got to talk to you about something, so maybe we could go inside, Lisa." "Sure. Come on in, Sheriff." Lisa said as she stood aside making way for Simon to come in. He looked around and saw a very clean home, neat and tidy, just like Jim. "I've got to tell you that Jim is thinking of pressing charges against you. I told him that I'd talk to you first." Lisa started laughing and said, "Charges? For what?"

"Rape, and it's not a laughing matter, Lisa."

"Sheriff, do you realize how stupid that sounds. All a jury would have to do is look at me and look at him and see that it couldn't be rape."

"Well, there was a witness that said Jim kept begging you to stop and telling you no."

"Oh, there's no fucking witness. They're all so full of shit. Sheriff, he's afraid of losing his home and job, so needs to make up an excuse for sleeping with me."

"So you deny that you walked into the bunkhouse, uninvited?"

"No, I don't deny that. I wanted to surprise him."

"Lisa, when you went into the shower, what did he say?"

"I'm not quite sure of what he said but it sure as hell wasn't, 'Lisa leave'."

"So he never said, 'Lisa, stop, please'?"

"Not that I remember."

"Okay, that'll be all for now, I'll let you know what's going to happen. We have a very reliable witness, so this isn't going to be good. Jim wasn't feeling right and said he couldn't fight you off because of that."

"Sheriff, do you hear yourself? This is the stupidest thing I've ever heard of. Now, if you know what's good for you, you'll drop it now, or I'll charge him with rape."

"I'll let you know what happens later today. You'll be the first to know."

Simon got into his car and drove off to the ranch. * He found himself getting angry with Jim again. What the fuck was he pulling here. Lisa was small, why couldn't Jim fight her off? He wanted answers and he wanted them now and why didn't Megan Conner do anything to help Jim if she witnessed it?

As he pulled up in front of Carter Ranch, he sat there just trying to calm himself before seeing Jim. He knew that Jim knew he was angry at him. Walking up the stairs, Jim came out onto the porch and said, "Morning, Simon."

"Morning, Jim. I need to talk to you. Inside might be good and I need to talk to Megan right now too."

"Come on in, I'll call Megan and tell her to get up here."

They both walked into the house and Jim went and called Megan and told her that Simon wanted to see her.

Blair walked into the living room and said, "Morning, Simon."

"Sandburg." Simon said shortly.

"I don't care what you think of me, Simon. I really don't. But Jim's your friend and he's not making this up."

"Sandburg, you explain to me how this happens to a guy Jim's size and a girl Lisa's size and then I might listen."

"Wait till Megan gets here and then we'll discuss it all."

As Jim walked into the room with Megan, Simon saw the look of shame on Jim's face and felt like that was partly his fault. Maybe he wasn't seeing this like it was.

"Okay, who wants to start?" Simon began.

So Jim told Simon what happened, step by step, saying how all he could smell was sex in the air and he couldn't have fought her off if he wanted to.

Then Megan talked about how she witnessed it. She said, "Jim was hard, and I was embarrassed, but I also heard him beg her to stop. He said no about six times. When she jumped on his dick, he came immediately. It was like he had no control."

"Why didn't you help him, Megan?" Simon asked.

"Because I felt it would make him feel worse, but I did stay in the bunk house to talk to him about it." Megan replied.

"But if you thought it was against his will, wouldn't you have stopped it right then and there. Wouldn't you have gone in and pulled her off of him?" Simon asked sarcastically.

Jim stood up and said, "Forget it, Simon. Forget the whole fucking thing. I'm a weak man, I asked for it and I deserved it. Now leave." and Jim walked out of the room.

As Jim stormed up the stairs, Simon turned to Blair and said, "So this is dropped now?"

"Do whatever you want, you asshole." Blair said and started out of the room.

"Sandburg, you little fucker get back here and talk to me." Simon said.

They all heard Jim come down the stairs in a run and he came into the room and said, "Simon, take that back. Don't you ever talk to him like that again. He's a good man. Don't treat him like shit because you hate me."

"Jim, I don't hate you." Simon said.

"The fuck you don't. Don't you think I know how you look at me and Blair? I don't care what you think about me, but you don't ever treat him badly. He deserves better."

"Sandburg, I'm sorry. I just got upset but, after all, you called me an asshole." Simon said.

"You are an asshole, Simon. You're supposed to be Jim's best friend but yet you don't even listen to the explanation. I was going to tell you about his senses."

"Jim, did you hear that? He called me an asshole again." Simon asked but this time he was smiling when he said it.

"Simon, sit down and listen this time. Megan, you and Jim sit too." Blair said. Blair went on to tell them all about the Sentinel story and what would happen if their senses were too focused on one thing, like scent or sight or sound. By the time he was done, they all understood that perhaps, Jim didn't have that much control. That would have to come much later.

When he was done, Blair said, "Megan, you want to take a walk with me? I think that Simon and Jim have some talking to do."

They left the two men looking at the floor. Jim finally broke the silence and said, "Simon, I'm sorry that I yelled at you in front of everyone. I should have kept it between you and me."

"Well, I'm sorry that I'm having a hard time with this whole guy/guy thing. It's not as easy as people think. Jim, you're my best friend and it's just too much sometimes thinking of you sleeping with a guy."

"That's okay. I totally understand if you don't want to be my friend anymore."

"Did I say that, Jim? Did I?" Simon looked over and saw the tears in Jim's eyes and knew how hard this was for him.

Simon moved over and took Jim into his arms and said, "It's going to take me awhile to get used to you guys being together, but I'm still your best friend. Do you understand that?"

Jim hugged Simon hard and said, "Thank you, Simon. For believing in me and sticking by me."

"Jim, what do you want to do? Do you want to press charges against Lisa? You can't tell everyone about these senses. So where do you want to go with this?"

"I'd like a blood test and a pregnancy test done. And I'd also like one done on Jalen."

"Jim, why? I thought you were crazy about the kid?"

"I am, but what if I'm not his dad and he just thinks I am. We both know what she's capable of doing."

"Fine, I'll see if I can get around it without making a big thing out of it. And I'll tell her that you have something wrong with you and she and Jalen need to have their blood drawn to see if they have it."

"That would work Simon, thanks."

"Well, I best get into town. Why don't you bring Jalen into town for the test. Just tell him the truth."

"Okay, but I don't look forward to it." Jim said as he walked Simon to the door. Saying goodbye he turned around and found himself in Blair's arms. "Babe, how're you doing?"

"Better now that I'm in your arms. God, I love you, Blair."

"Come upstairs, big man, and I'll show you how much I love you." Blair said as they walked hand in hand up the stairs.

As they lay in bed together after sweet lovemaking, Blair said, "So nothing will be done to her?"

"No, as long as she does the blood tests."

"It's not right, Jim. She used you. And chances are, she might be pregnant. What a nightmare."

"Well, Blair if she is, I'm going to go for joint custody. So, she won't get away with it this time."

"Good idea, Jim. I didn't even think about that. Plus, we'd be good for a little guy wouldn't we?"

"Yeah, we would. But what if it's a little girl?"

"Makes no difference to me, as long as that baby's yours, I don't care."

"Well, I have to shower and get dressed so I can go and talk to Jalen. He's been upset over all this shit and I need to talk him through it."

"Okay, I'm just going to hang around here for awhile and I'll talk to you when you get back."

Jim got in the shower and couldn't get over how lucky he was. * Anyone else would have dumped his sorry ass, but not Blair. Blair was one in a million and he'd be sure to never fuck up again. *

Jim went down to the bunkhouse to pick Jalen up and take him into town. As they drove, Jim said, "Jalen, I need you to understand that no matter what, I love you. But I need to know if you're my son and your mother has told me conflicting things. I need to know for sure."

"Why? If you really love me what difference will it make?"

"Well, it won't matter about the love part, but it will matter when your mother tries to use you against me all the time."

"Jim, please don't do this."

"Jalen, why? Do you know something?"

"I've never really thought you were my dad. I look nothing like you but you're everything I wanted in a dad."

Jim reached over and messed up Jalen's hair and said, "I'll love you no matter what and you can still call me your dad. Although, I've never heard you say that, just Jim." They both smiled at each other and Jalen said, "So, it won't matter to you?"

"Jalen, I loved you before I heard about Lisa, so it won't make a bit of difference to me."

Jalen and Jim both had their blood drawn. They were informed that it would take a few weeks to get the results back and they'd be sent to their doctor's office as soon as possible. Both guys felt good about life in general as they left the lab.

Jim drove over to Simon's and ran in to ask if he needed anything and Simon said, "Jim, she's going to bring charges against you for rape and she said that she had a blood test done and she's pregnant."

Before Jim could answer Jalen walked in the door and said, "I'll talk to my mom, Jim. Don't worry, she won't do what she said."

And out of Simon's office came Lisa bold as you please. Jim said, "I hear you're pregnant, well that's great, cuz this time I want to have joint custody and I'll have he or she 50% of the time they grow up."

"No judge will give a fucking fag a child to raise." Lisa spat out.

"Mom, please don't do this." Jalen said.

"Lisa, you'd be surprised what the courts allow homosexual couples to do in the raising of a child. You'll find out though."

"Well, it doesn't matter because it isn't yours, you idiot." She spat out at Jim.

"Well, Jim, you now have two witnesses. Now Lisa, I would suggest you take your paper work and get the hell out of my office." Simon said sharply.

"Fine, but Jim, you'll be sorry. Oh, by the way, Jalen isn't yours either. He was Harry's. You know, your best friend, Harry." Lisa said glaring at Jim.

Jalen went into Jim's arms and started crying. "Get away from my son, you sicko." Lisa screamed.

"Lisa, Jalen and I are really good friends and we will be when this is all said and done. I feel sorry for him having to keep you as his mother." Having said this, Jim leaned down and kissed the top of Jalen's head and said, "It'll be all right, Jalen. Don't worry. Remember what we said earilier about it not making any difference. Well, I still mean it."

"Thanks, Dad." Jalen said.

"Jalen, he's not your dad. Get away from him." Lisa said still screaming.

"Mom, I'm an adult. I can stick around anyone I want to and I don't want to be around you. So, get the fuck out of my life." Jalen said as he left and got into Jim's truck.

As they drove back home, Jim could tell that Jalen was upset about him not being his father. Jim pulled over to the side of the road and said, "Jalen, I love you as much as any dad could love a son. I always will."

Jalen was in Jim's arms in seconds and had himself a good cry. "I love you too, Dad. Are you sure you don't mind me calling you that?"

"It's fine, in fact, it's more than fine." Jim said beaming with joy.

As they drove into the ranch, Jim dropped Jalen off at the bunkhouse and said, "I'll see you later on. I need to tell Blair what's going on here."

"Okay, Dad. Talk to you later tonight."

As Jim parked his truck and walked up the stairs he could see Blair watching him out of the bedroom window. He could also tell Blair was scared.

Jim walked in the front door and yelled, "Hi, Honey, I'm home."

Blair came flying down the stairs and into Jim's arms. "God, I was so worried and was afraid you'd decide not to come back."

Jim pushed him away and said, "I can't believe you think that. I'm nuts about you, Blair. You're my life. I love you."

"All right, what happened?" Blair asked.

Jim went on to tell Blair all about his day and the outcome and Blair wound up smiling. Then Blair said, "So what does that make me, Uncle Blair?"

"Nope, that makes you dad, too. Just a different kind. He'll have to come up with a name for ya." Jim said smiling as he started to kiss his way down Blair's neck. As he moved his fingers down Blair's shirt, the buttons were coming open very quickly because Blair was helping with this conquest.

They made their way into the bedroom as quickly as they could. Jim pushed Blair back onto the bed and pulled his jeans off and then his boxers. Jim then took all of his clothing off, climbed on top of Blair and started kissing him urgently. Blair knew that Jim needed this to be fast, hard, intense and god all mighty good. He stopped kissing Blair, pulled back and said, "I want you so bad."

"You've got me, Jim, fuck me now." And Jim was quickly on top of Blair and humping their erections together and before he knew it, he came screaming out Blair's name. Blair pushed him over and said, "You belong to me, Jim. Now I'm going to mark you as mine." He started biting his way down to Jim's cock. Leaving little red love marks all the way. Jim was hard again and was breathing hard. Blair said, "Babe, I want to fuck you so bad." "Fuck me, Blair, fuck me now." Jim begged.

"Blair got the lube and Jim spread his legs apart, except that Blair didn't use those fingers in Jim. He put them in himself, readied himself and then sat on Jim's cock after he slipped a condom on him. Jim was repeating his own mantra over and over again. "God, I love fucking Blair. I love Fucking Blair."

"Do you like this, big man?" Blair asked laughing.

"Yes, Blair I love it. I love you." And Jim reached down and started stroking hard on Blair's cock. Blair came all over Jim and then Jim came in Blair's ass. They wrapped each other up in the other's arms and fell asleep. What a sticky mess they would have to deal with. But who really cared? Not these guys.

Tune in next week: How are Megan and Brian doing? Good. Really good! Will the blood tests be back yet? Prolly not Will Simon continue to be more comfortable with Jim and Blair being gay? I certainly hope so! Will Jim and Blair work on his senses? Yes. Will Jim and Blair fuck each other senseless? Definitely! Where is everyone else? "Lost in Cascade?" ROTFLMAO!


Episode 6
