Episode 6




Cast of Characters:
Jim Ellison, Ranch Manager
Simon Banks, Sheriff
Blair Sandburg, New Owner of Ranch
Bill, the homophobe Uncast as yet,
Cassie Jackson, wife to Simon,
Megan Conner, ranch hand,
Brian Rafe, ranch hand,
Jalen Bishop, Son of J. Ellison,
Lisa Bishop, Mother of Jalen, old lover of J. Ellison,
Joel Taggert, cousin to Sheriff Simon Banks. Newest ranch hand.
Henry Brown, friend to Jalen, part time ranch hand, part time fixit man.
Carl Miller Rotten stinkin neighbor who cut the lines of Blair's Grandparents brakes.
Carl Miller Sr. Neighbor who is trying to talk Blair into selling the ranch.


Episode 6


The next three weeks flew by, finding Megan and Brian busy as can be trying to get used to their new relationship. They were so much in love that most of the time people just tried to walk past them and not look. Sometimes Jim would yell out, "Get a room."

Brian was so in love with Megan. She was a tough woman, but yet so fragile and sensitive. And what Megan could do to Brian was unreal. He was putty in her hands. She knew just how to work him and no one would ever find Brian complaining a bit.

As Brian came out of their room, he saw Brown, Joel, Jim and Simon all sitting on the porch of the bunkhouse. He walked out and asked, "Hey, you all want to go out tonight? I felt like we all might need a night out. What do you think?"

"I think it's a great idea." Simon said first.

Simon looked over at Jim and said, "Make sure and ask Jalen when you see him tonight if he'd like to go. He can't drink, but he can at least go and play pool."

Jim tried not to look heartbroken, but he was. Not one person was saying anything about Blair. They all knew that he and Blair were a couple, but Jim guessed that Blair wasn't invited. Looking at everyone he said, "I forgot. I have to finish the paperwork for the ranch tonight. You all have fun." He turned and walked up the stairs leading to the house.

He could hear everyone talking as he went up the stairs. "We should have invited Blair." Brian was saying. And Joel said, "It wouldn't have been the end of the world, he seems nice."

"Well, if you didn't work for him, it might have been different. But having to drink with your boss isn't the wisest of choices." Simon said.

"Well, I think we should ask Megan and see what she thinks about it." Brian said.

At that moment she walked out and said, "Is that Jim going up to the house? I needed to talk to him about a few things."

"Yeah, but before you do, can I ask you something?" Brian said.

"Sure, shoot." Megan said smiling.

Jim got to the porch at the house and sat down and just waited to hear what they were going to ask Megan. Sometimes it seemed unfair to listen at these distances, but this was an exception he was willing to make.

"Well, we were all thinking about going out tonight. It was more or less just planned and no one invited Sandburg, so Jim bowed out. What we need to know is would it make us uncomfortable drinking with our boss?"

"Oh, Brian, you're such an ass sometimes. Give me a fucking break. You don't want him to go because it'll remind you that Big Jim Ellison isn't the manly man you all thought he was. Well, fuck all of you." and she stormed off to the stairs and started walking up.

Rafe caught up with her and said, "Megan, we don't feel that way about Jim. We don't."

"Yes, you do, Rafe. You might think you're open minded but you're all closed minded assholes that I'm embarrassed to say I even know. Now get away from me."

And she continued up the stairs and Rafe went back down. Rafe somehow knew that this was changing something in their life. * I love her more than life and I can't fuck this up. *

When Megan got to the porch she saw Jim sitting there on the porch and saw the tears on his face. She knew he'd heard everything that was said and she sat next to him and put her arm around him and he welcomed the embrace. Blair was gone at a meeting in town and he needed someone to talk to. He thanked god that he had a good friend in Megan.

As Megan held him she said, "Jim, don't let them see you like this. I won't have it. Now, let's go inside and figure out what we're going to do."

They both got up and walked into the house and everyone down below just watched as they walked into the house.

"All right, Jim, what's going on here?"

"Well, Simon has been pissed off ever since this thing with Lisa. He seems to think that because I let her fuck me, I'm a weakling. I think he blames me for the whole thing."

"God, Jim, I certainly hope not, because if you're right, I'm going to need new friends. I've no room for closed minded bigots. And, of all people, you'd think that Simon would understand that."

"Don't be mad at anyone because of me, Megan. Okay? I don't want Blair to notice anything being wrong."

There was a knock at the door and Joel stood there when Jim opened it. Joel could see Jim's red eyes and said, "Hey, I wanted to tell you that I'd like Sandburg to come tonight too."

"Thanks, Joel. But I don't think so."

"Jim, we all like Blair a lot. Why not think on it for a while and let us know later on. What do you say?" Joel pleaded.

"Well, if everyone liked him so much, why wasn't he invited to begin with? I know that Simon hates that I'm gay. I know how he feels Joel and you don't have to try and make things better. It's not going to fix things this time."

Before Joel had a chance to respond, the door opened and Blair walked in and he said, "What's going on?" Seeing the look on Jim's face, not missing the red rimmed eyes.

"Blair, I had an allergic reaction down at the bunkhouse. They're just making sure I'm okay."

"Man, are you doing fine now? Megan, how long was he having trouble with watery eyes?"

Megan looked at Jim before answering. "About ten minutes or so. Not a big thing. He seems fine now."

"Listen, I hate to be a party pooper, but I'm going to jump in the shower. I'll see you all later." Jim said as he climbed the stairs.

"See ya later, Jim." Joel called out as he headed for the front door. He knew better than to bring this up with Blair right now. Jim would be very angry.

"Blair, I'm going to town. Do you need anything while I'm there?" Megan asked.

"Thanks Megan, but I just got back from town. In fact, I have a truck full of groceries I have to bring up." Smiling as he walked out the door Megan was getting more angry by the moment just watching these two men and how they were going to suffer.

"I'll help you, Blair." She said as they walked down together.

Jalen walked up to the truck and said, "Hey, need some help, Blair?"

"That would be great, Jalen, thanks." Blair replied.

As they all grabbed the bags of groceries, Rafe ran and caught up with them and took some in his arms to help out. Before long they had the whole truck unloaded and were helping Blair put them away. Blair glanced around and saw that something was going on. He didn't know what, but he needed to see Jim right now. Before leaving he said, "Megan, could I talk to you for a moment?"

As they walked into the living room, Blair said, "Megan, was Jim suffering from allergies?"

"I don't think so, Blair."

"So something was said to him? Was it about us?"

"Yes, and it hurt Jim deeply. He's heartbroken."

"Shit, I've got to talk to Jim. You all leave those things. I'll do it when I get done talking with Jim."

"Blair, we'll finish up and then lock up on our way out. Now go and be with Jim."

Blair walked up the stairs, scared of what he'd find when he got there. He had this nagging fear that Jim would leave him when his friends wouldn't accept them. And Blair wondered if today was the day.

His heartbeat was going crazy and Jim came running out of the shower, still soapy and saw Blair and said, "What's wrong, Chief?"


"Yeah, you're my Chief. You'll always be my Chief."

Blair smiled at him and said, "Jump back in the shower and I'll join you."

"Okay, hurry up." Jim said with a smile on his face; that almost reached his eyes.

Stripping as fast as he could, he got into the shower and joined the man that he loved. He went into Jim's arms and he said, "When we're done, we're going to talk about what happened today that made you cry."

Jim pulled away from him and said, "What are you talking about?"

"Jim, don't try to bullshit a bullshitter. Remember who you're talking to."

Jim started rinsing off and said, "I really don't want to talk about anything right now, Blair. Let's go to bed. Okay?"

"No, not till we talk. Then we can fuck like mad, but not until we talk."

"Simon hates me for being gay, all right?"

After he said it, the tears started down his face and Blair kissed him softly and said, "Tell me what happened."

They both got out of the shower and dried off and climbed into bed. Blair held Jim close to him and said, "Okay, talk to me big man."

"Simon blames me for this whole thing for Lisa. He finds it embarrassing, I can tell. In his actions, in his words and especially in the way he looks at me."

"That's a shame, Jim. I was really hoping that he'd come around. He's your best friend, it might just take him awhile longer. Sometimes the closer they are, the harder they fall."

"Chief, I think that's the bigger they are the harder they fall."

"You say it your way, but either way, Simon will come around, Jim. He's your friend. He might not like me or what we do together, but he loves you."

"You're saying that doesn't bother you that he would hold this against you?"

"No, I'm not saying that. I would be hurt if he didn't like me, but I can handle and understand it. It's logical after all."

"What are you fucking Spock?"

"I don't fuck anyone but you, big man." Blair said as he laughed.

Jim kissed him and said, "It's not just Simon, Blair. It's everyone. They think less of me now and I'm having a hard time dealing with it."

"Jim, do you want some time to think about this? I mean, you could go back to the bunkhouse and we could have a quiet break and see how it goes."

"No, I don't want to leave you, ever. I adore you, Blair. You're like air for me. I need you to just breathe."

"Jim, you are a fucking romantic, did anyone ever tell you that?"

"Not lately. Actually, I don't think anyone has ever said that."

"Well, you're one of the most romantic men I've ever met in my life and I for one thank my lucky stars for meeting you. I love you so much."

"I love you too, Blair."

Jim started kissing Blair and moving over him and Blair said, "Jim, I don't want us to do anything now but hold on to each other. Is that all right with you?"

"Yeah, that's all right with me." Jim said as he pulled Blair into his arms and held on for dear life.

About two hours later Jim woke up to Simon standing next to their bed. Jim and Blair were lying on the bed naked and Jim pulled the cover up over them and whispered, "What's wrong?"

"I knocked for a long time but you didn't answer. I needed to talk to you. Right now if you don't mind." Simon said with big sad eyes.

Jim got out of bed and pulled his jeans on and put a shirt on and closed the door as they walked out of their room. They walked downstairs and Jim said, "Sit down, Simon. Tell me what's on your mind."

"Jim, I'm really sorry for being such an asshole. I'm an ass. I know it. You know it. Hell, everyone knows it. But give me some time to get used to this. I can't make it without you as my best friend. We've been through so much together that I can't imagine my life without you. I just talked to Cassie and she told me I was such a chicken shit and she was right."

"Chicken shit? Simon, what are you talking about?"

"I'm afraid that folks will find out about you and Blair and they'll think that because we're best friends, we had a thing or maybe I like both men and women."

Jim couldn't help it; he started laughing. "Simon, I can't believe you believe that shit."

"Well believe it. I'm scared to death. But I'm more scared of losing my best friend and I need to know if we still are best friends. Or since you're with a man, now does that change?"

"Simon," Blair said from the doorway of the living room, "it doesn't matter a bit about me and Jim. You'll always be his very best friend. He loves you very much."

Simon got tears in his eyes and said, "Jim, I need you to be patient with me until I get a handle on this. I love you too."

Jim hugged Simon and said, "Okay, take your time, Simon. I'm glad that you're willing to try."

"Of course I'm willing to try. I'm not the most open person, so this isn't going to be the easiest thing I've ever done."

When Simon looked over, he saw that Blair was leaving the room and he said, "Blair, wait up. I want to tell you that I really like you. I've got to admit that I'm not happy about my best friend being gay. But that's not your fault. And too I don't like sharing Jim. He's always been my best friend and there whenever I needed him, and now I have to share him with you. It's going to take awhile."

"Simon, you seem to be missing the most important thing. He's always going to be your best friend and he'll be there for you, whenever you need him."

"Thank you, Blair, you're a good guy. Give me a while to get this under control. Please don't give up on me."

"I didn't plan on it, Simon and neither did Jim. He's wild about you and was heartbroken at the idea of not having you in his life."

"Well, so are you guys going to meet us for drinks and pool playing tonight?" Simon asked.

"That sounds fun to me. What do you say, big man?" Blair said as he smiled at Jim.

"Sure, we'll be there. Around 8:00 or so." Jim said quietly.

"You okay with me, Jim?" Simon asked.

"Yeah, things will be fine, Simon. See you later."

As Simon walked out the door, Jim pulled Blair into his arms and Blair could feel the quiet sobs coming from Jim's body. Blair just held him close to him and told him softly over and over again how much he meant to him.

Jim pulled away and said, "Okay, I've got to get myself under control. I swear I've cried more today than I have in my whole life."

"Must be hard sometimes, eh, tough guy?" Blair said laughing as he raced up the stairs to finish getting dressed and ready to go out for the evening. Jim raced after him with one intention alone and he was going to get it if it killed them both.

As Blair came to a stop in front of the bed, he said, "Jim, I want to wait until tonight, okay?"

"All right, what the fuck is going on?"

"Nothing is going on, I just want you to be sure of things. You can't when sex is clouding your mind."

"Oh babe, sex isn't clouding my mind, the lack of sex is. I want you and I want you right now."

"Okay, you talked me into it" Blair said as he went into Jim's open arms and they fell back onto the bed.

At 8:00 everyone was at the bar but Jim and Blair. Jalen said, "I wonder where my dad is. Anyone know?"

Everyone looked at Simon and the look of guilt gave Simon away to Jalen. "What happened?"

"It's okay, Jalen, he and I talked today and he said they'd be here. In fact, here they are now." Simon said with a sigh of relief in his voice.

"Hey Dad," Jalen said, "everything all right?"

"Everything's fine, Jalen, don't worry so much." Jim said as he hugged his son. Then Blair hugged him and Jalen hugged Blair really hard and said, "Good to see you, Blair."

It's great to see you too, Jalen. Wanna play some pool with a person closer to your age?" Blair asked laughing as Jim swatted his ass.

As the night went on, they were all getting drunk and Jim stopped drinking so that he'd be able to drive everyone home. Jalen would help too. After all, he wasn't drinking. The night was going really well. Everyone was having a good time. Megan and Brian were getting along again and Jim was glad to see that. He didn't want anyone fighting over he and Blair. Things were looking up.

Around 1:00 in the morning, they all climbed into Jim and Jalen's trucks for a ride home. Blair rode with Jalen and everyone in his vehicle. Jim wasn't wild about that, but was glad to see that Blair was getting along so well with Brian, Megan and Jalen. When he looked over and saw them all hanging onto each other, he had a twinge of jealousy, but it only lasted for a second until his large head started doing the thinking. * That's right Ellison; he's in love with you. He doesn't want anyone else; he loves you. Get a grip. *

Once they dropped Cassie and Simon off at their place, they made their way to the ranch. Jim felt good driving into the driveway. He had such a feeling of home when he drove up to this place. God, he loved it here.

After everyone got out of the trucks, everyone headed to their beds. Except for Jalen, he had an envelope that he handed to Jim. "What's this?" Jim asked him. Jalen looked at him very seriously and said, "I got it in the mail today and I didn't want to open it alone."

Jim looked down and saw that it was from the laboratories. Jim's hands started shaking. "It doesn't matter what it says, Jalen. You'll still be mine, all right?"

"Okay, can we open it up at the house?"

"Yeah, come on up. I have to get Blair in bed first." Jim said helping Blair up the stairs.

"No way, I'm not going to bed till I hear about the news." Blair said. Jim smiled at how with it he was even when he was drunk.

They all walked into the house and Jim sat down with Blair and Jalen sat right across from him. Jim slid the envelope open and took out the paper and read it and had big tears in his eyes. Jalen said, "Oh god, I wanted you to be my dad so bad, Jim. I'm so sorry." And he put his head into his hands and started sobbing. Jim said, "Jalen, you are mine. You are all mine." When Jalen looked up, he saw tears on Jim's face and said, "Why you crying then?"

"I'm happy, kid. It's not every day that you find out you're a father. I'm really happy, Jalen. Stay here tonight. In the spare room, okay?"

"Okay. Blair is that all right with you?"

"Blair had been really quiet and said, "It's more than all right with me. You're my son now too. This is the best news we've had in a long time."

The three men walked up the stairs and went into their rooms for a night of exhausted sleep, but happy rest.


Tune in next week:

What will Lisa have to say when Jalen doesn't have anything to do with her and finds out that Jim is the father?

Will Jim and Blair be invited back over to Simon's home? I most certainly hope so. Is Simon really trying? Nah.

Will Jim drop the charges against Lisa, in exchange for her giving him partial custody of the baby that is on the way? When the fuck did that happen? It's probably not Jim's anyhow!

Will Brown and Joel ever get laid? At this rate? Nope.

Hey is anyone doing any ranch hand stuff around there anymore? Nope and the ranch is going to pot because of it.

Is it just me, or does this sound like Peyton Place? Oh, yeah! Peyton Place in the old West.


Episode 7
