Episode 7




Cast of Characters:
Jim Ellison, Ranch Manager
Simon Banks, Sheriff
Blair Sandburg, New Owner of Ranch
Bill, the homophobe Uncast as yet,
Cassie Jackson, wife to Simon,
Megan Conner, ranch hand,
Brian Rafe, ranch hand,
Jalen Bishop, Son of J. Ellison,
Lisa Bishop, Mother of Jalen, old lover of J. Ellison,
Joel Taggert, cousin to Sheriff Simon Banks. Newest ranch hand.
Henry Brown, friend to Jalen, part time ranch hand, part time fixit man.
Carl Miller Rotten stinkin neighbor who cut the lines of Blair's Grandparents brakes.
Carl Miller Sr. Neighbor who is trying to talk Blair into selling the ranch.


Episode 7


Lisa Bishop called the bunkhouse first thing in the morning to talk to her son. She was informed that he no longer resided there. "What do you mean he doesn't live there any more? Who is this?"

"This is Brian Rafe, ma'am. Jalen moved last night. You can reach him at the ranch house."

"You let my young son go up to that house to hang out with the two pervs?" Lisa asked.

"Yes, Ma'am we decided that beings he's 18, he might like to make up his own mind." Rafe said sarcastically.

"Give me the damn number to the Ranch House." Lisa demanded.

"Sorry, I can't do that, ma'am. " Rafe said.

"If you call me Ma'am one more time, I'm going to have to fucking kill you. Now go and get my son and tell him I need to talk to him." She once again demanded.

"I'll tell him that you called and he can call you back. Does he have your number?" Rafe asked.

"Well, of course he has my number, I'm his mom." Lisa said slamming down the phone.

Megan watched Brian and asked, "You had fun doing that didn't you?"

"You bet I did. I hate that woman so badly." Brian answered.

"Well, I'm sure glad you didn't give out Blair's number to that nutcase. She's seriously unbalanced." Megan said.

"Couldn't agree more. Hey everyone is out on the roundup today, want to go back to bed?" Brian asked.

"Normally yes, but I have to go and get some work done on the roundup, and if you're smart you'll come too." Megan said smiling with an evil grin.

"I love when you talk nasty to me, baby." Brian said.

They went out the door, got on their horses and took off for the rest of the group. It was so beautiful out today that Rafe and Conner hated wasting the day working. At least they were outside doing it.

When Blair woke up there was a note under the door for Jalen. He went into the kitchen and saw Jalen drinking coffee trying to wake up.

"Morning, Jalen." Blair said cheerfully as he handed the note to Jalen.

"Shit." Jalen said as he read the note. "Do you have to hang with parents if you really don't like them?"

"From your mom, eh?" Blair asked. "Things will get easier as time goes on."

"How in the hell would it get easier, Blair? She raped my dad. She took advantage of him and fucked him. Doesn't this piss you off?" Jalen growled.

"Yes, I fucking hate the idea that she had her way with someone that belongs to only me. I hate her guts, but she's your mom. So I have to keep things civil." Blair said.

"Well, I really don't think you need to be so nice all the time Blair." Jalen complained.

Jalen picked up the telephone and dialed his mom's number and when she answered he said, "What do you want?"

"Hi honey. I have to go to the doctor today and wondered if you'd go with me." Lisa begged.

"No way. I wouldn't go if you were dying." Jalen said. Blair was giving Jalen dirty looks from across the room and that pissed Jalen off even more.

"Please honey, I don't have anyone to go to the doctor with me. I'd like Jim to go, but he's made these ridiculous charges against me and I can't be around him until he drops the charges." Lisa said.

"Mom, he's not going to drop the charges. I can't believe you even want to speak to him again. And you fucking lied to me. You said he wasn't my dad. He is." Jalen all but screamed into the phone.

"Who is there with you now? Your father? I want to talk to him." Lisa demanded.

"The only other person here is Blair. He doesn't want to talk to you either." Jalen said. "Mom, I want you to stop this. I want you to stop calling me and I want you to leave Jim alone."

"Let me talk to Sandburg." Lisa screamed.

Jalen handed the phone over to Blair and stormed up the stairs. "Hello?" Blair said almost afraid of what she was going to say.

"You fucking perv, I can't believe he's chosen to stay with you over me. And what have you and Jim done to him? He talks terribly. My son would have never spoken to me like that a few months ago."

"First of all, he chose to live her. We didn't make that choice for him. We're not perv's and don't call us that again." Blair had to take a breath and pace so he didn't say anything he shouldn't while he was on the phone. God, he hated that woman so badly. "Jalen has been talking like you since I've known him, so don't blame that on us. He's 18; he doesn't need your permission to say bad words. He's not a small child. Let him grow up."

"Oh this is so typical from a gay man. You haven't a clue on how to raise a child, but you're giving me advice anyhow. You're so fucking pathetic." Lisa said and hung up the phone.

He looked over and Jalen was sitting on the stairs looking through the staircase like a small child waiting to see if he was in trouble. "Jalen, I'm sorry that your mom is having a hard time with all this. She'll come around." Blair said, trying to sound like he meant it.

"I don't want her to come around. Jesus, Blair, she fucked my dad against his will. How can you be so calm?" Jalen shouted at Blair again.

"What would you have me do, Jalen?

"Well, you should stick up for my dad. He's a good guy, and he's confused right now. He doesn't know what the hell he's doing."

"So you think that he and I are just a phase that your dad is going through because he's confused?" Blair asked.

"Well, it might be, Blair. Did you ever think of that?" Jalen said trying to make it sound reasonable.

"Jalen, why don't you go catch up with your dad and you can talk to him about it?" Blair said as he walked slowly and sadly up the stairs.

Jalen walked down to his horse, got it saddled up and was on it and took off as soon as he could. He needed to distance himself and get some thinking done. He knew that he would have a lot of thinking to do that day.

Meanwhile, Blair was packing his things and planning a trip away for a while. He called his one and only friend he had and when she answered the phone, Blair said, "Hi, do you have room for me for a few days? I need to think."

"Sure Blair you know you're always welcome. When are you coming?" Cindy asked.

"I'm going to make the plans and be there tonight. I'll call now for the tickets. Thanks, Cindy." Blair said hanging up the phone.

He hung up and made reservations for that afternoon on a flight to Vegas, where his friend lived. The only flight he could get was a private plane, so it would be a rough ride, but Blair knew he had to do it. He needed to think and do it alone.

Blair packed in a hurry. When he was done he sat down and wrote a letter to Jim.


I'm so sorry that things have worked out as they have. I think you should really think about life with someone else. I'll be back in a few days. I just had to get away for a while and think. Please move back to the bunkhouse. For both of our sakes. I'm sorry. I'm flying out on a private plane at 4:00. Don't look for me. I want to be away from you. You have to give me room.


He set the note on the fridge as he was leaving the house. He hurried down to his truck and climbed in. He had little time to get to the plane. The pilot had told him that he had to get there in time, or he'd leave without him. And he had already charged Blair for the flight. Driving down the road Blair found himself thinking about he and Jim's relationship. * It had been rocky from the start. Maybe that was a sign of what was to come for them both. They just weren't listening. Jesus, why does this hurt so bad? Jim, you're everything I've ever wanted in a person, man or woman. God, I can't leave. I just can't. *

Blair pulled into a motel on the way to the airport to get a room so he could just think. Once he paid for the room, he went in and fell asleep. Jim had kept him up most of the night, he was tired. Blair fell asleep with a goofy smile on his face.

Everyone came in from the roundup, tired and hungry. Jim said, "Why don't you all get cleaned up and meet us in town for dinner?"

"Sounds good to me." Megan said, "I get first shower. Oh yeah, I have my own bathroom now."

Brian walked up to her and said, "Suppose you could share that shower, ma'am?"

"Yeah, I think that could be arranged." Megan said smiling.

Jim called out, "Get a room." Laughing all the way up the stairs, he walked into the house with Jalen following behind and said, "Hi honey, I'm home."

Jim went to the fridge to get a beer and saw the note. He stopped in his tracks and read it. Jalen read it over Jim's shoulder. Jim pushed past Jalen and went up the stairs and went into the bathroom. After a long shower he came out and found a clean Jalen waiting for him.

"What's going on, Dad?" Jalen asked.

"Maybe I should be asking you. What did you say to him today, Jalen?" Jim asked angrily.

"Dad, I didn't do anything, but Mom called today and she might have said something." Jalen said, knowing damn well he was not telling the whole truth.

Jim went downstairs and fell onto the sofa and turned the television on. He should be packing but he wanted to talk to Blair first. When he left this morning, he had been fine. They were fine. Jim was still holding on to the note when the news came on.

The announcer said, "The private plane was owned by Baily Flights. He was hired by a Blair Sandburg. The plane went down about two hours after takeoff. There is no word yet on survivors."

Jim just sat there and went into a zone. Jim called out to his guide in this state, but no one answered him.

Jalen called down to the bunkhouse and told them what happened and that something happened to Jim.

The door came flying open about two minutes later as Megan came in and said, "What do you mean Blair is dead?"

"That's what the announcer said on t.v." Jalen said.

Everyone gathered around Jim and tried to bring him out of it, to no avail. Finally Megan pushed him back, covered him up and said, "It's time to call an ambulance." She walked into the kitchen to call when the phone rang and she answered, "Carter Ranch, this is Megan Conner, can I help you?"

"Megan, don't tell Jim I'm on the phone. I just wanted to tell you that I'm okay. I just saw the news and I'm on my way home. I changed my mind about the flight." Blair said hurriedly.

"Blair, there's something wrong with Jim. We can't get him to come out of some kind of daze." Megan said panicked.

"It's a zone and I'll help him in a few minutes, I'm on my way." Blair said hanging up the phone and speeding.

Megan walked into the shocked group and said, "That was Blair, he's okay. He's on his way right now. He said he knows what to do with Jim. So we have to wait a few minutes."

Before long Blair came running through the front door, looked at Megan and saw where her hand was pointed and rushed into the room to help Jim.

"Jim, can you hear my voice. I need you to come back to me now, Jim." Blair said touching Jim all over the place. He leaned in and kissed Jim's lips repeatedly hoping this would get some type of reaction.

"Jim, come on, I need you baby. I need you to wake up right now. I was angry earlier about things and I thought I needed to think. Come to find out, I couldn't even make it to the airport without you, tough guy. Please wake up Jim."

Jim moved and opened his eyes wide and looked at Blair and touched his face to make sure he wasn't dreaming.

Blair kissed him and Jim knew that he was alive. The action went right to his groin. Blair saw that and turned to everyone and said, "Could everyone leave us alone for awhile?"

They all walked out the front door, including Jalen and Blair helped Jim upstairs. Jim wouldn't stop touching Blair. He touched him everywhere. Once they were both naked, he pulled Blair onto the bed with him and showed him how much he meant to him. Once it was over, Jim started shaking like crazy.

"It's okay, Jim. I'm safe. I'm fine. And I promise I won't leave you again." Blair said as he moved closer to his lover.

When they were almost asleep the phone rang and Blair picked it up and said, Sandburg."

"Oh thank god." Simon said, "Cassie and I were just watching the news and we thought we'd just lost a friend."

"Not to worry Simon. I'm fine." Blair said.

"Cassie wants to know if you and Jim want to come for dinner this next weekend. She had something planned from a new cookbook."

"Sure Simon that sounds great. Just call and tell us what time and which day." Blair said.

Simon got very serious and said, "He's lying right there with you isn't he?"

"Oh yeah." Blair answered.

"Take good care of each other, and we'll see you this weekend." Simon said.

"Thanks for calling, Simon. Tell Cassie we send our love." Blair said before he hung up.

The phone rang again and Blair answered, "Sandburg."

"Blair?" Jalen asked.

"Hi Jalen, you can come home, you don't have to stay there all night." Blair said calmly.

"I didn't know if I was still welcome." Jalen said.

"you're always welcome, Jalen. You're Jim's son, so you're going to be with us forever."

"Thanks, Blair. I'll be home soon." Jalen said and hung up the phone.

As soon as Blair got back to just cuddling, the phone rang again. This time when he answered, he said, "What?"

"Blair, is everything all right?" Megan asked.

"Everything is fine, but sure wish this phone would stop ringing." Blair said trying to stay calm.

"I thought I'd tell you that Jim hasn't had anything to eat all day long. You might want to give him some actual food." Megan said with a smile in her voice.

"Thanks, Megan. Talk to you later." Blair said, hanging up and this time, taking it off the hook.

"Jim, you wanna talk to me here? Or you just going to hold me all night?" Blair asked.

"I just want to hang on to you forever." Jim said on the verge of cracking.

"Jim, I need you to answer some questions for me. Okay?" Blair asked.

"Anything, Chief." Jim said kissing him.

"What would you think if I asked you to drop the charges against Lisa? She's getting ugly, Jim and she plans on making it worse. She's got Jalen so confused he doesn't know if he's coming or going."

"You told me it was important, Chief. That's the only reason I was doing it."

"I know, and I'm sorry for that. I truly believe that I steered you wrong. I thought that things would get better, but didn't take into account how many people would be hurt by it. Including you and Jalen. I'm sorry, baby."

Jim pulled him in closer and said, "You never have to be sorry. But we have to quite pulling away from each other. We need to talk more."

"I couldn't agree more." Blair said and started to fall asleep. Jim looked at the doorway and Jalen was standing there staring at the two men.

You can come in, Jalen. We're not naked or doing anything terrible." Jim said smiling.

Jalen walked over to the bed and said, "Dad, it was me that pushed Blair away this morning. If it wasn't for him thinking things through, he'd be dead. I'm so sorry. I'll leave if you want me to."

Jim scooted over a bit and said, "Come here. Jalen went into his arms and they just lay there hugging for a long time. Then Blair's arms came around the two men and he said, "Jalen, time for bed. Your dad and I have more talking to do."

When Jalen left the room and closed the door, Jim said, "Good way to get rid of the kid." But then he realized Blair wasn't laughing along with Jim.

"Jim, I need you to do something for me. I want you to trust me as if you've never trusted anyone before."

"Chief, I trust you more than you'll ever know."

"Good, so you won't ask questions. You'll just lie here and be a good boy?" Blair asked as he flipped Jim onto his back and got in between his legs.

Jim knew he was in trouble. He was ready to come and Blair hadn't even touched him yet.* Holey shit, what was Blair doing. Oh my god, what's he doing now. Oh Jesus, I can't believe he's licking that part of my body. Oh god, now he's tongue fucking me. *

"That's right, Jim. You just lie there, my big slut." Blair said as he pushed Jim's legs further apart and began tongue fucking Jim again. Jim was howling, he didn't even try to be quiet this time.

When Jim was so close that Blair could even tell he pulled his tongue out and prepared Jim quickly. He entered him without much preparation. It hurt like hell but Jim didn't say a word, because it felt so good to have Blair alive, he didn't care about the other things.

As they drove each other to the edge, Jim screamed out, "I love you Blair. I can't live without you."

"Yes, you can Jim. But I won't make you. I love you back." Blair answered as he came.

As they lay in each others arms starting to sleep, Jim said, "Oh before I forget, Joel and Henry both met some women they want to bring to the next barbecue, so we'll get to meet the woman that these two are dating."

"That's really cool, Jim. I'm glad they've found someone. I was beginning to think they'd never meet anyone." Blair said.

"Go to sleep baby." Jim said.

"I love you so much, baby." Blair said back.

"And I love you Chief. Things will work out. They always do." Jim said falling asleep.


Tune in next week when we ask these questions: When will dinner be at Simon and Cassies? Will things be a little easier this time?" Will Jalen try to make things up to Blair? Will he have to pay for that for a good long time? How will be the woman that Brown and Taggert will bring to the barbecue?

Will Lisa give up easily or put up a fight?

"Will Jim find out about the blood tests for her new baby?"


Episode 8
