Episode 4




Cast of Characters:
Jim Ellison, Ranch Manager
Simon Banks, Sheriff
Blair Sandburg, New Owner of Ranch
Bill, the homophobe Uncast as yet,
Cassie Jackson, wife to Simon,
Megan Conner, ranch hand,
Brian Rafe, ranch hand,
Jalen Bishop, Son of J. Ellison,
Lisa Bishop, Mother of Jalen, old lover of J. Ellison,
Joel Taggert, cousin to Sheriff Simon Banks. Newest ranch hand.
Henry Brown, friend to Jalen, part time ranch hand, part time fixit man.
Carl Miller Rotten stinkin neighbor who cut the lines of Blair's Grandparents brakes.
Carl Miller Sr. Neighbor who is trying to talk Blair into selling the ranch.


Episode 4


Rafe woke up to an empty bed. * Hey, he thought, I thought sharing a bed with Megan would mean we'd actually be in it together. Then he remembered that Megan and Jim were going out to brand the c

attle early that morning. He was going to go, but Jim asked Brian to keep an eye on things at the ranch while he was gone. Smiling to himself, he thought about the night before. Their first night in their bed. Their bed, which sounded so good.

Brian got out of bed and headed for the main bunkhouse bathroom and Joel walked up to him and said, "Gee, Megan won't let you use her bathroom, huh?"

Henry started to laugh as they watched Brian turn all red in the face. Brian stripped and stepped into the shower. He had no sooner gotten out and sat down to a quick breakfast when Jalen came rushing into the bunkhouse and said, "Brian, Megan is on her way to the hospital. Jim told me to come and get you."

"What happened to her, Jalen? Is she all right?"

"The steer got out of hold and he kicked Megan quite a few times. The ambulance took her about ten minutes ago, and she was totally knocked out."

Brian was running around trying to find his car keys when Joel said, "Come on, kid, I'll give you a ride."

Joel jumped into his truck with Brian and they sped into town to see how Megan was. Brian had his eyes closed trying not to panic. Joel touched his arm and said, "Brian, don't worry so much. At least see what the doctor has to say first. You know we'll all be here for you."

When they arrived and walked through the doors, Jim took Brian in his arms and hugged him hard and Brian couldn't help it. He started to cry. He figured that Megan must have died. So he wrapped his arms around Jim and just cried his heart out.

"Brian, the doctor said she's going to be fine. But she had a miscarriage from the blows taken to her abdomen and pelvis. He said that she wasn't very far along, but it would be awhile before you could try again."

Brian continued to just sob into Jim's shoulder. Jim just kept holding him tight. "It'll be all right, Brian, I promise. She's going to be able to go home in a few days."

Finally getting himself together, Brian asked, "When can I see her?"

"Right now." Jim said as he led him down the hallway to Megan's room.

Brian pushed the door open and could hear Megan softly crying. He went to the bed and sat down on the edge of it.

"Megan, I'm so sorry. I know we didn't plan a child, but I know it must be awful to lose a part of you. I would have loved a child. I just want you to know that. Okay? I'm so glad that you're going to be all right. The doc says you can go home in three days if all swelling and internal injuries check out fine."

Megan pulled the babbling man down to her lips and kissed him. "It's okay, things will be fine. I'm doing pretty well. I was a little upset to find out I was already pregnant. But probably not from last night, we haven't been careful. From now on we will be if we don't want a baby."

"We've never discussed a baby. Do you want a baby right now?"

"Well, not this moment, but yeah, I want one or two. Don't you?"

"Yeah, me too. I love you, Megan." He bent over and kissed her with a little more enthusiasm. He realized she wouldn't break. Then he watched as her eyes closed slowly and she fell asleep. God how he loved this woman.

Joel walked into the room and took her other hand in his big hands and just sat there quietly. Brian realized that they had to have the best friends in the entire world.

When Megan woke up, one of her hands was inside of Brian's, and he was sound to sleep and the other hand was inside of Joel's. He was also sleeping. She wondered when these guys ever did any work, if they were still here. She didn't care, it felt so nice to be loved this much. Better friends a person could not find.

Everyone went back to work at the ranch except for Brian. He stayed at the hospital to see that everything went as well as the doctors had promised. After three days, both he and Megan were about

stir crazy. The doctor came in and released her to light duty and she had to take it easy at least for a month.

Once out in the truck, Brian said, "You're going to listen to the doctor, right?"

"Brian, I can't just hang out at the bunkhouse and do nothing. I'll be bored out of my mind, not to mention not fair to you guys. I'll be fine."

Pulling over to the side of the road, Brian looked at her and said, "I knew you would do this. You're going to promise me right now that you won't do anything to hurt yourself. I need you to swear to me."

"Fine, worry wart, I promise." Megan said as she leaned towards him for a kiss. They kissed for a moment and then Brian pulled away to get back to the business at hand. Which was getting his woman home and in bed.

The first day back, Megan did pretty well, but she got bored by the second. Driving everyone insane by the third. Jim finally said, "The doctor said light duty, how about you doing some bookwork up at the main house? Blair could use the help."

Jumping up and looking excited for the first time in weeks, Megan started out the door on her way up to talk to Blair. She knocked on his door and he opened with a big smile on his face.

"Glad to see you up and about, Megan."

"Jim said you might have some paper work for me to do while I'm on light duty. Do you? I'm about nuts, Blair."

"Hell yes, I have a ton of things to do. Here you go." Blair led the way into the huge office and showed her all of the paperwork that was sitting there. She'd have plenty to do for the next two weeks, if need be. Blair was so pleased to have this out of the way. He had been wondering how he would ever catch up. Now his prayers had been answered.

"Megan, I'm going to go out on the drive today. So, Jim is staying and fixing fences, so if you need him for any reason, he's close by."

"Blair, stop worrying. Things will be fine. If I get a paper cut, I'll be sure to call and whine to him." Laughing she walked over to the desk and sat down and started busying herself with all the work needing to be done.

Blair left, got on his horse and rode away. Jim watched from a distance, smiling. His love was a sight to behold. For some reason he could see for long distances and could hear things for far off. One of these days he needed to talk to Blair about this. He might have some ideas or answers. Going back to work, Jim finished up in less time than he had planned on.

He went to the bunkhouse and decided to take a shower before he went back out again. Sometimes smells really bothered him. Today was one of those days. Getting into the shower, he lathered up the soap and got himself clean, while the spray made him feel like he was under a soft waterfall. Sometimes it made him feel as if the stream was made out of nails. Today the pain was bearable. Something was wrong. But Jim didn't have the heart to tell Blair about it right now, considering they had one person out already. What if there was something wrong with him?

While Jim was in the shower, Jim heard someone come into the shower. He turned and Lisa was standing there watching him soap his body down. "Lisa, do you mind? I'd rather do this without an audience. As Jim watched, she started taking her clothes off and before he could do anything, she was naked and in the shower with him. She ran her hands over his beautiful body and started kissing his chest.

"Lisa, stop, right now. I'm with Blair, you know this."

"Jim, I want you to fuck me one last time and I promise I won't bother you again."

She reached down and found Jim hard as a rock, and was pleased to see that she still could turn this man on. No matter what he said, he wanted her. Jim tried to get control of his senses. He felt like he was being over run.

In the meantime, Megan came down to the bunkhouse to get something from her room, when she heard Jim saying, "Please Lisa, stop."

Megan walked softly into the shower and saw Jim being attacked by Lisa. Megan watched and wondered why Jim wasn't tossing her out on her ass. She saw him trying to talk her out of it, but she also saw that Jim was hard as a rock. This made Megan uncomfortable. There are certain things you don't need to see or know about your friends. At the moment that she was just about to say something to them, Lisa jumped up and put her legs around Jim's waist and hand Jim inside of her in seconds. Jim threw his head back and howled as he came. The whole time he was saying, "No, no, no."

Megan walked out of the room and wondered what the hell that was about. Jim acted like he had no control. And she knew Ellison well. He had control over everything. Something was wrong. He acted like he had been drugged. Megan heard Lisa get into her car and leave. She ventured out of her room and still no Jim. She finally went into the shower and Jim was scrubbing his body over and over again, saying, "No, please tell me this didn't happen."

Megan waited at the table for Jim to come out of the locker room. Jim looked at her and knew that she knew. "Megan, please don't tell him. Please?"

"Jim, what the hell was wrong with you. You acted like you couldn't fight her off. What is that all about?"

"I don't know. I was just thinking about telling Blair about my senses being whacked out lately, and then this happened."

"Jim, I saw the look on her face, she's going to tell Blair."

"Fuck. I knew things were going too well. I not only will lose my job, but I'll lose the only person I've ever loved."

"Hold on Jim. Tell him about this. Explain and maybe he can help."

"Oh yeah, I can hear it now. Oh and by the way, Blair, I fucked Lisa, couldn't fight her off, do you know why?"

"Oh stop feeling sorry for yourself and think of something to tell him when he gets here. Make up a list of all the things you want to tell him so you won't be interrupted. I kid you not; Lisa will be ready. And Jim you didn't use protection."

Jim lay his head down on the table and just rested for a moment. "Shit, Megan, she could have a disease or something. I can't sleep with Blair ever again, anyhow. Now I guess there is no problem telling him about her."

"Jim are you supposed to go to Simon and Cassie's tonight for dinner?"

"What has that got to do with anything?"

"Well, you might want to keep him away from here for tonight. You can talk to him after dinner at Simon's. What do you think?"

"Megan, I think you're too smart for your own good. Why aren't you ripping my ass about this?"

"Jim, I saw some of it and you were acting almost drugged. Something is wrong. You need to talk to Blair about it and soon. We can only hope that Lisa doesn't turn up pregnant."

"Oh shit. This is like a never waking nightmare."

Get ready to go so when Blair gets home you can get him away from the ranch. Go up to the house and I'll see ya later. You know my cell number if you need any help."

"Thanks, Megan. I'll let you know how it goes."

Jim walked up to the house and sat at the kitchen table and started writing down a list of things that had been bothering him in the last few years. But especially in the last six months. He listed every single thing that would need to be brought up to Blair. And then he listed every feeling he had this afternoon while he was unable to fight off Lisa. Once it was all down on the two pieces of paper, he felt better.

Jim heard Blair walking up the stairs to the house. When Blair opened the door, he smiled at Jim and said, "Hey, do I have time to shower before we head on over to Simon's?"

"Sure, take you time, Blair." Jim walked over and kissed Blair on the forehead and Blair knew that something was going on. *Holy shit, what's happening, Blair wondered? Whatever it is, it has Jim scared, and that scares me.

Blair hurried in the shower, so that they could get on the road to Simon's. He figured they might be able to talk about things easier if they were away from the house. As soon as they started out, Blair asked Jim, "What's going on?"

"Blair I have a list of things made up and I want you to read these and tell me if they mean anything to you. Have you ever heard of them? And then I'll show you the last list and we'll talk about that." Handing the first sheet of paper to Blair, Jim's heart was pounding like a jackhammer. * You're scared to death, Ellison. As well you should be. If he doesn't fucking dump you, it'll be a miracle.

Blair read the list and was amazed. While he was in school, he had studied about a Sentry type person that took care of a tribe and they were called Sentinels. Could this be what Jim was? * My god, this is one of the most exciting things that has ever happened.

Blair looked at Jim and said, "Jim, I've heard of something that might be what you are. I'm not sure yet. But I can do a few tests to see. I have a few questions to ask you."

"Sure, ask away." Jim said with defeat in his voice, he knew Blair would make him leave by morning.

Blair was trying to figure out what was wrong with Jim. He acted as if they were over or something. * What's going on, he wondered?

"Jim, when you and I have sex, do you find yourself unable to control yourself? I mean, if I asked you to stop, could you stop?"

"If I was hurting you, probably so, but other than that, I don't have much control at all."

"All right Jim, what is going on? You're acting like someone died and I don't get it. What's up?"

Jim reached into his pocket and got the last part of the list and handed it to Blair and Blair read it to himself. Jim heard Blair's heartbeat pick up its tempo. Blair stared at Jim and Jim pulled over so they could talk for a little while.

"Jim, you're saying that today, Lisa came into the shower stall in the bunkhouse?"

"Yeah, Blair, I'm not trying to make excuses. I have none. I don't know why I couldn't fight her harder. I kept telling her no. My fucking dick wouldn't listen to my conscience or me. I'm so fucking sorry, Blair. I know you can't forgive me, but I want you to know that I've never loved anyone the way I love you."

Blair watched Jim's face as it got cold and hard. Blair could see Jim starting to shut down. He had already decided his fate. Fuck that shit, Ellison.

Blair moved over into Jim's space and started kissing Jim. Jim tried to move away from him, but he could smell Blair's arousal and it was making him crazy already. Jim started kissing him back. When Blair pulled away, Jim whimpered.

"Jim, it's okay. We'll work this out. You need to get your senses under control. You're letting your senses take control of you instead of the other way around."

"What about Lisa? Blair, I didn't use any protection. Jesus, I'm so sorry."

"We'll take care of her when the time comes. First thing I want you to do is tell Simon about this and how she came on to you and you didn't have a chance. I want a report filed."

"Blair, please don't make me tell Simon. He's my friend. He'll think I'm a wuss."

"Well, Jim, do you want to be known as the man formally sleeping with me, or the wuss who told Simon what happened?"

"Tough call, Chief."

"Very fucking funny, Jim. Now lets get over to Simon's house and you can talk with him and file some kind of report while I talk with his wife. Okay?"


"Don't even go getting pissy on me, Jim. Or I'll show you what real pissy looks like."

When they parked in front of Simon's house, Blair saw what a lovely home Simon and Cassie had made for themselves. He didn't know Simon very well, but he really liked him. And by the looks of the yard and house, his wife was probably into fixing things up. Jim knocked at the front door. Cassie opened it and pulled Jim into her arms and said, "Jim, it's so good to see you. And you must be Mr. Sandburg?"

Blair put his hand out for her to shake, saying, "It's very nice to meet you, Mrs. Banks."

"Knock it off, with the Mrs. Banks stuff. I want to be called Cassie."

"Fine if you call me Blair." They smiled at each other and Jim asked her, "Is Simon here?"

"Sure, Jim, he's in his study. You go ahead on in. Blair do you want to help me for a few minutes?"

"That would be great, Cassie," Blair said sweetly, "I'd like to see the rest of the house, too."

"Oh, how I love a man who wants to see what we've done to this place. When we bought it, it was an old run down little place and now, it's a comfy home for all of us."

As he helped Cassie make the salad, Cassie watched him and saw a very upset young man and wondered what was going on. Did she know them well enough to ask?

"Blair, is there anything wrong?" Cassie finally asked.

"Yeah, but it's not something I can talk about."

Finally Simon and Jim came and joined them as they were setting everything on the table. Jim was still red in the face and he knew that Jim was embarrassed, but it had to be done. Simon on the other hand was pissed. Blair could tell by his manner. So could Cassie. It was a fairly quiet meal.

The night seemed to drag on forever. But once it was about 9:00, they made their leave. Saying goodbye and thank you to Cassie, Blair asked her to have lunch with him the next week. Cassie agreed and was very pleased.

When they got to the house, Jim called down to the bunkhouse and talked to Megan and said, "Simon needs you to file a report of what you saw. He thinks I should cover my ass in case she decides to report it as something else."

Jalen came up to the house when Jim was getting off the phone and said, "What the fuck are you telling lies to Megan for? How could you say that about my Mom?"

"Jalen, come on in and I'll talk to you. But I'm not yelling it down the stairs so that everyone is aware of what's going on."

"Why the hell not? Everyone knows, Jim. My mother will just die." Jim thought to himself, * we should be so lucky. Then he was ashamed for thinking such a thing.

"Jalen, something is wrong with my senses, and your Mom came on to me and even though I said no, she went ahead anyway. I didn't ask for it. I didn't want it."

"Jim, get a grip, look at you and look at my mom. Who do you think they're going to believe?"

"Jalen, I'm telling you the truth, but I know that she's your mom. So, you do what you think you have to do."

"I'll sleep on it tonight and talk to you about it tomorrow." Jim walked Jalen to the door and shut it after he left.

Blair slid his arms around Jim from behind. Jim was surprised to be touched at all. Let alone in a loving way.

"Jim, lets go to bed. We'll use protection until we get results back from her blood work. And then we'll handle it. Together."

"Okay, Simon said that they're going to be asking Megan and you questions for this. He thinks it might backfire on me. He was pissed off. But not at Lisa. He was pissed off at me."

"Jim, I doubt that very much. Why would he be made at you?"

"Sometimes they do that to victims. Maybe you could teach them how to do it right."

It's something to think about, Jim. Seriously."

When they got in bed, they were both exhausted, they fell asleep instantly. Jim had terrible dreams all night long. Blair did too. There was one difference, though. Blair kicked ass in his.

Tune in next week to find out more about Megan and Brian. How is she feeling? Do they want to start a family now, or put it off for awhile? Will Lisa consider going for mental help? Is Lisa pregnant? Does Lisa sleep around without protection? What will Jalen do now? Will he feel like he needs to leave the ranch? Will Jim find out for sure if it's his son or not? Why is Simon so angry at Jim? Will he come to his senses? Will Blair and Jim work on Jim's senses problems soon? Will Joel and Simon be in it more this next time? And what about Henry, will he be in it?


Episode 5
