Episode 6




Cast of Characters:
Jim Ellison, Ranch Manager
Simon Banks, Sheriff
Blair Sandburg, New Owner of Ranch
Bill, the homophobe Uncast as yet,
Cassie Jackson, wife to Simon,
Megan Conner, ranch hand,
Brian Rafe, ranch hand,
Jalen Bishop, Son of J. Ellison,
Lisa Bishop, Mother of Jalen, old lover of J. Ellison,
Joel Taggert, cousin to Sheriff Simon Banks. Newest ranch hand.
Henry Brown, friend to Jalen, part time ranch hand, part time fixit man.
Carl Miller Rotten stinkin neighbor who cut the lines of Blair's Grandparents brakes.
Carl Miller Sr. Neighbor who is trying to talk Blair into selling the ranch.


Episode 6


The first thing Jim did on Monday morning was call Simon to drop the charges against Lisa. When Simon answered, he sounded grouchy.


"Hey Simon, it's just me. I need to ask you a favor."

"Hey Jim, couldn't it have waited a little longer? I hate mornings. Shit…"

"Sorry, Simon. I need to drop the charges against Lisa and end this once and for all."

"But Jim, it was you that made me do this to begin with. Now that we're near the finish line you want me to drop the charges?"

"I'm so sorry, but Jalen is being hurt by this and I can't have that."

"Fine Jim. Just don't complain to me later if she tries to sue you."

"I won't. I'm really sorry, Simon. I had to think of Jalen."

"Okay, I understand, but what about that baby, Jim? You're going to pay child support on someone you might not ever see?"

"It's something I have to do. I'll pay until he or she is 18 and hopefully someday they'll want to be with me now and then. Look at Jalen. He turned out well and isn't hurt by my being gay."

"That's true. So I'll send the paperwork to you when I'm done. Fax it, I mean. I have some things to do with Cassie today."

"Is everything all right?"

"Yeah, I think so. She's been sick for a while now and we know she can't have a baby, so she isn't pregnant. We need to find out what it is."

"Keep me posted tough guy. Give her a hug for me, okay?"

"Sure thing. Now let me go back to sleep. I'll send the paperwork to you when I get it all done. Good-bye."

"Bye Simon," Jim said as he hung the phone up feeling as a weight had been lifted off of his shoulders. Now all he had to do was tell Jalen.

As he was thinking that, in walked Jalen yawning. "Hey dad."

"Hey yourself. How did you sleep?"

"I slept fine. All right I can tell something is up, what's going on?"

"I'm dropping the charges against your Mom. I just wanted to let you know."

"Why? She's a witch."

"Jalen, she's your Mom. She loves you, so I don't want you to talk about her like that." // Even if it's true. //

"Fine, but I don't have to like it. She's so evil she knew all along that you'd give in. Probably because of me, right?"

"Some of it has to do with you. I don't want you hurt by this and you'll have a sibling that I want you to be close to, when it's born. Promise me that you'll see to it that the baby is all right."

"Only if you sue for partial custody."

"I'm not going to do that Jalen. The judges look at gay couples as bad choices for parents. So we'll just hope and pray that she'll come around and let us see her when we can."

"You think it's a girl?"

"I don't know, I just said that. I have no idea."

"Well I gotta go and get ready for work. Being the lead man's son doesn't cut me any slack around here." Jalen said as he smiled over his shoulder.

// Ellison, you're blessed. Truly blessed having a son as wonderful as this one is. He's everything you could have asked for in a child. //

When Blair got up that morning, Jim and Jalen were already gone, so he got busy doing the paperwork and did some special work on the finances so he could open an account for Jalen for college or something. And maybe he and Jim could open one for the baby too. As he busied himself he couldn't believe how fast the day went by. The fax machine beeped and he went to see who and what was being sent to them. Neither man was expecting anything. Blair picked the paper up and saw it was for Jim from Simon and put it to the side of the machine. As the fax itself came through, he couldn't help but read it. It was too much of a temptation having it sitting there. As he read, he didn't know if he was happy or not. They had just discussed dropping the charges and here it was, all done with already. No more talking about it. // Well Sandburg, stop advising him to do things if that's not what you want him to do. //

Jim came walking in the back door with Jalen following him and smiled at Blair and then saw the look on his mates face and stopped in his tracks. "What's up, Chief?"

"Just got the fax from Simon. Funny, I thought we might discuss it some more before you made the decision."

"Chief, you told me to do it, so I did it." Jim said as he stormed into the kitchen.

Jalen didn't know what to do or say. So he went with, "Blair, it's my fault. All my fault. He wants things to go easier for me. Please don't be mad at him, all right?" Then he walked up the stairs and Blair realized that he might be 18, but he was still a kid, and didn't want Blair mad at his dad.

Blair followed him up the stairs and said, "I'm sorry for jumping on his case, Jalen. I'll go and apologize. I did tell him to do it. I just thought we'd discuss it some more."

"He's not much on talking, Blair. I thought you would have noticed that by now."

"You're right again." Blair said smiling.

As he walked down the stairs he found himself almost wanting to run, so that he could get to Jim and talk to him. He walked into the kitchen and saw the older man standing looking out the window and went up behind him, and slid his hands around his waist. "How you doing, big man?"

"I'm fine." Jim answered curtly.

"Okay, I'm going to apologize quickly so it won't hurt so much. I'm sorry that I told you what I thought you should do. I'm sorry that I freaked when you made an actual decision without me. I'm sorry for making you angry. And I'd now like to have the make up sex."

Blair could feel tremors going through Jim's body and said, "Jim?"

As Jim turned around Blair found out why he was trembling. He was trying not to laugh. He looked into Blair's eyes and said, "I forgive you and I love you. Now lead the way for the make-up sex."

"Hey Jim, do you promise to offer make-up sex anytime we argue. No matter what?"

"Sure, I love being with you, Chief, you don't have to wait till make-up sex for that."

As they went up the stairs, Jalen passed by them and said, "Geeze, you're like teenagers."

"Jealous?" Blair asked jokingly.

"As a matter of fact, maybe." He laughed all the way down the stairs and yelled out as he walked out the door, "See you guys later on. I'm out of here."

"Be careful, Jalen." Jim answered and Blair said, "What he said."

As soon as the door was shut, Jim started chasing Blair up the stairs and threw him onto the bed. // I wonder if sex will always be like this with us. Or does it stop being great? No, I can't imagine Blair ever letting anything get boring. //

Jim took his time loving Blair, even though the young man, was begging for release. He loved making love to his mate slowly and loved hearing him beg. It made things even hotter. When Jim could take it no longer, he entered Blair slowly and began working up a rhythm and before long they were both on the edge.

"Come on baby, come for me." Blair begged as he pulled on his own cock, screaming as Jim adjusted the way his cock was hitting his prostate. There was something about Blair telling him that, that made the man lose his cool completely. Just as soon as he felt Blair start to come, he was coming, screaming out Blair's name.

They lay in each other's arms and Blair said, "You think it'll always be this great?"

"Oh yeah, I can't imagine you letting anything get less that great around here."

"Man, I love when you sweet talk me. Keep it up and we'll never get into the kitchen to make dinner."

"Maybe all I need to eat is right here." Jim said going down and cleaning Blair's cock off with his tongue. He wasn't shocked when the young man's cock started to get hard once again. "you're going to be the death of me, Chief."

"Hey, I was going to go and make dinner, you're the one that went down and started this. Oh god, keep doing that. Oh yeah… that… This feels terrific… Shit…Jim you don't have to do that… Really…"

Jim slid his tongue into Blair's anus as the young man totally lost it. "God, now I know why you loved this the other night. Oh shit, I'm going to come already. Jim, fuck me again."

Jim pulled his tongue out and replaced it with his now hard and weeping cock. As he slid in he started pounding Blair like he'd never done before. "I love you, babe."

Blair came with the words alone and Jim followed suit shortly after. They ended up taking a short nap after that, because they were both exhausted. When Jim woke up, he smelled something good cooking and saw it wasn't Blair doing the cooking. He was still sleeping in the bed next to him. // Must be Jalen. //

He showered and went downstairs leaving his love to sleep a little longer. "Hey, what ya making?"

"Hey dad. I thought I would make dinner for you two lovebirds."

"So what is it?"

"Beef stew and biscuits. Wanna wake Blair up or you going to make him starve?"

"I'll go and get him up now. Need any help setting the table?"

"Nah, Dad. Go, get Blair up and it'll be on the table when you get down here."

Smiling Jim walked back upstairs, woke Blair up and got him back down in record time. They were both starving. // This sex more than once a day business was killing the calories like mad. I wonder if Jim thinks about that too. //

They ate a nice dinner all together, as a family and Jim once again realized he was blessed and would try to never take either of these men for granted again.

Tune in next week:

What's wrong with Cassie?

Will Brian and Megan get married?

What will happen when Lisa finds out that Jim dropped the charges against her?

Will we ever meet the girls that Joel and Brown met in town?


Episode 9
