Episode 3




Cast of Characters:
Jim Ellison, Ranch Manager
Simon Banks, Sheriff
Blair Sandburg, New Owner of Ranch
Bill, the homophobe Uncast as yet,
Cassie Jackson, wife to Simon,
Megan Conner, ranch hand,
Brian Rafe, ranch hand,
Jalen Bishop, Son of J. Ellison,
Lisa Bishop, Mother of Jalen, old lover of J. Ellison,
Joel Taggert, cousin to Sheriff Simon Banks. Newest ranch hand.
Henry Brown, friend to Jalen, part time ranch hand, part time fixit man.
Carl Miller Rotten stinkin neighbor who cut the lines of Blair's Grandparents brakes.
Carl Miller Sr. Neighbor who is trying to talk Blair into selling the ranch.

Episode 3


Everyone returned to the ranch at about the same time. Jim could tell something was wrong as soon as he rode up. Blair came down the stairs and said, "You have a visitor and she'd like to see you alone."

Blair walked down the walk towards the bunkhouse looking as if he lost his best friend. Jim caught up to him quickly. "Blair, I don't know what's going on yet, but this doesn't change a thing with us."

"Jim it changes everything, it's Lisa. Jalen's Mom."

"Shit." Jim said quietly. "It still doesn't change anything, Blair, I promise."

"Jim don't make promises that you can't make. Now get up there before she wonders what happened to you. I'll talk to you later."

When Blair walked into the bunkhouse, Megan took one look at his face and asked, "Something wrong, Sandy?"

"I really hate when you call me Sandy. No, there's nothing wrong. I'm just bored and wondered if you all wanted to play some cards."

Brown walked by and slapped Blair on the back and said, "Sure sounds good. We'd like to take the bosses money."

They all started laughing, but Jalen saw the look on Blair's face and said, "Blair, where is Jim?"

"Jalen, don't worry, he'll be down later. He's talking to your mom."

"My mom is here? Wow, do you think I should leave them alone or do you suppose I can go up and see her?"

"Jalen, you're a grown man, do whatever you want to." And Blair sat down at the table and started dealing the cards. Everyone was pretty quiet. They all knew how Jim felt about Blair and knew that Blair was crazy about Jim. But this threw a kink into the whole scheme of things. Jim no doubt was never planning on talking about a child with an old girlfriend. Yup, this was going to be hard on both of the men.

Rafe said, "Blair, did you hear about Bill being hired by the jerk next door?"

"Yes, I heard that." Blair answered, "As long as he doesn't bother me, I don't care."

"Here, here." Megan said. "Now gentlemen, lets play some poker."

While they were playing, Joel said, "Blair, I got all of the supplies to work with so we can build that room for Rafe and Megan."

Megan turned beet red as they all started talking about it, and Rafe leaned into her and kissed her soundly. "Babe, I love you."

Blair got up and walked towards the front door quickly and Megan followed him outside. She said, "Sandy, things will work out, don't you worry about it. Jim loves you."

"What do you think my chances are with her here?" Blair asked, "I mean, seriously. She's beautiful and said she never stopped loving him."

"Jim loves you, Sandy." Megan said, "He'd never choose her over you, don't worry."

"They have a child, Megan." Blair said sadly. "It makes a difference, I know."

Megan pulled Blair onto the rocking settee on the porch of the bunkhouse. She kept her arm around him and they just sat there in the quiet and didn't say a word.

Jim came walking down to the bunkhouse and he didn't look happy. "Megan, do you mind if I speak with Blair alone?"

"Sure thing, Jim, see you inside. We're playing cards, come on in, okay?"

"How did it go, Jim?" Blair asked timidly.

"Blair, she wants me to think about us as a family for a few days. I think I owe her that much, don't you think? I mean I wasn't there for her when she needed me."

Blair stood up and said, "Sure, talk to you tomorrow."

"Blair, wait. I don't know what to do. Okay, I want to make her feel better about me not being there all those years, but I also want you and I to be happy."

"So, think about it, like she asked. No big deal. Talk to you tomorrow, Jim." As Blair started up the stairs, Jim pulled Blair into his arms and Jim could feel Blair shaking. Jim pulled Blair over to a dark part of the barn, where no one would see them and kissed Blair.

"Fuck you, Jim." Blair said angrily, "I'm not some dirty little secret you have to hide."

"I know that, Blair." Jim said sadly. "I don't like having my life put out for everyone to see. Nothing to do with Lisa."

This seemed to calm Blair down a little bit. He moved into Jim's arms and they were kissing quite passionately. Blair asked, "Did Lisa leave?"

"Yeah, Blair, she did."

"Come on up to the house, Jim. We don't have to do anything, just be together. We can just hold on to each other."

"Okay, Blair, I could do that." Jim and Blair walked up the stairs and they went into the house. Once upstairs they stripped quietly and slid into bed. Jim couldn't wait to get Blair into his arms. He knew one thing for sure. He never wanted to give up his life with Blair. That was for certain. He'd tell Lisa that tomorrow. Maybe he should tell Blair tonight.

"Blair, I've made a decision. I don't want to be with Lisa that way. I would like to be friends with her. After all we share a son, but I don't want to be involved with her. I love you."

Blair didn't say a word as he moved into Jim's arms and started kissing him. Before long, things were moving right along. Jim was getting ready to fuck Blair senseless when there was a loud knocking at the front door. Blair said, "I'll get it, Jim. You stay here."

Jim got up and said, "It's Jalen and he's pissed off. I can hear him muttering down there." Jim got up and got dressed as quickly as he could. Going down the stairs he didn't have a clue as to what he'd tell his son.

When Jim opened the door, Jalen almost fell in when he went to knock again. "Hey Jim, sorry to wake you up, but I just got done talking to my Mom."

"Come in Jalen. What do you need?"

"Jim, she said you two are going to work things out. I can't tell you how happy that made me. I always wanted to have a dad. Always."

"Jalen, I'm always going to be your dad no matter what. But I'm not going to be with your Mom that way. I'm sorry. I'm with Blair."

"Jim, please don't do that. Please? You would choose being with him over your old lover and my mom?"

"Jalen, it's the way things are. I'm sorry, but I'm in love with Blair. You know that. You even like Blair. Am I right?"

"Sure I like him, but I don't want you to sleep with him." Frowning, he started out the door. Jim caught his arm and pulled him into a hug.

"Jalen, I love you, you know that right? I did before I found out that you were mine. That won't change. Please try to understand."

"I do, Jim, I do." Sadly he walked down the stairs heading down to the bunkhouse. Jim knew he was going to have his hands full with Lisa. Why would she tell Jalen that?

Down in the bunkhouse, everyone was antsy trying to think of things to do. "Does anyone want to help put this room up?" Joel asked everyone.

"Sure, we'll all help and get it done in a day or so." Rafe said. "Besides I have a good reason to have it done."

They all started working on the room. They had the walls up in no time and started painting them. Things were going really well. Even Megan was getting into this. At about midnight, they all got ready for bed and decided that they'd try and finish it up the next day.

Megan couldn't believe that they'd have their own room soon. She crawled into bed with Rafe and Joel said, "Get a room, you two." Everyone started laughing. Rafe and Megan didn't do anything, they just liked the idea of sleeping together. Megan was dying to sleep with him. Besides she could feel his hard cock and realized that she didn't know how much longer she could wait. She whispered, "Brian, could we go to the barn?" He smiled and said, "Sure." They made a quick and quiet escape out of the bunkhouse. Not knowing that as soon as they walked out, everyone was laughing. Well, everyone except Jalen.

When Brian and Megan got to the barn, they made themselves a bed out of hay and started kissing and touching each other. Brian said, "I think we should wait for the main event until we have our own room, what do you think?"

"Brian, I can't wait that long, as she started kissing his chest and moved on down to his waist and undid his jeans and helped him out of them. She pulled his boxers down and took his beautiful cock into her mouth. Little did she know that up at the house, Jim was doing the very same thing with Blair. Brian finally moved her away and said, "I don't want to come in your mouth."

Megan took her clothes off and pulled Brian down to her and he entered her without any thought. He couldn't even think, or he would have thought about the condom issue. He wasn't expecting to do this. Brian was so close and he could tell by her sounds that Megan was too. As they both came screaming out each others names, Jim and Blair were doing the very same thing. Jim smiled as he realized that Brian and Megan were yelling at the very same time as they had came. It was strange and Jim wondered if there was something in the air.

Megan and Brian got cleaned up and went back to the bunkhouse and slipped into bed. Brian was thinking about Jalen suddenly. Shit, what if Megan got pregnant? Brian knew that he'd have to talk to Megan the next day.

Sheriff Banks came to the house the following morning and met Jim and Blair up at the house. "I'm supposed to ask you if you want to come to dinner tonight." Simon asked.

"We'd love to, wouldn't we Jim?" Blair answered. "I'm dying to know your wife."

"Before I forget, Blair, I talked to the Miller son and he still won't give up his dad. So he's going to prison for murder."

"Thanks, Simon. For doing as much as you've done."

"Blair, I want you and Jim to be really careful of Bill. He started working at the Miller Ranch and he's a jerk. I'm afraid that he might try something stupid. Stupid people scare me."

Laughing, Jim asked, "Want some breakfast, Simon?"

"I've never been one to turn breakfast down," Simon said smiling.

Jim knew that he'd have to keep his eyes and ears open for that jerk, Bill. He agreed with Simon about stupid people scaring him.

After breakfast, Jim went down and told everyone what they'd be doing for the day and headed back up to the house to call Lisa and see if she could come out to the house.

"Blair, do you think you could stay here while I talk to her? I want to tell her about us."

"Jim, I don't know if that would be such a good idea. But I'm here if you need me."

Jim leaned into Blair and kissed him before he went to make his phone call to Lisa. Both men were a nervous wreck while they had to wait on her to get there. They had about three hours, so they went to the bunkhouse to see if they could help Joel with the room.

"Jim, are they going to take that second bathroom and make that into Megan's?"

"Yeah, they're talking about it, anyhow. It's going to be nice when it's all done. I'm so glad that she isn't leaving because she's really good at what she does on this ranch."

When they got to the bunkhouse, they asked Joel what they could help with. Three hours later, they left Joel to finish the last few things and they were quite happy with the results. They went up to the house and got cleaned up before Lisa got there. Once that was done, they sat waiting on the porch for her.

When she drove up, she saw Mr. Sandburg and wondered why he was sticking around, this was very personal. But she'd play by Jim's rules. God, he had only gotten better looking as the years had gone by. She couldn't wait to sleep with him. And Jalen would be so damn happy to have his mom and dad together at last.

But as she got closer she could tell why Blair was sitting there with Jim. Oh my god, she thought. They're together. No wonder he acted so odd yesterday. She decided to be the one to break it off before it began.

"Jim, I really need to tell you that I think we should think this over. I thought I might want to be with you, but I think it was only because of Jalen. So, lets just stay friends. Does this sound good to you?"

Blair smiled at her as he wondered how much that had hurt to say. Jim seemed clueless about the whole thing. No doubt he thought he was just incredibly lucky. But Blair saw the look. Saw how it had hurt her, but chose to be strong.

"Well, that works out fine, because I wanted to tell you about Blair and I. We're a couple."

"Congratulations," she said smiling at Blair. "I wish you both the best."

Blair hugged her and said, "Thank you, Lisa."

"You're very welcome." She answered.

When everyone came back from taking care of the cattle and the fences, the room for Megan and Brian was all done. Joel had even put up special insulation so that no one would hear them. Everyone was pretty happy about all of this.

Tune in next week when we find out how Jalen is doing with Blair and Jim as a couple. How does Jalen feel about his mom living in the same town as he? Will Bill be starting any trouble this week? How will dinner at Simon's house go? How does Brian and Megan like the new room and will it be keeping noises inside? Will Megan be sorry that they used no condom. Will Blair and Jim have more time for sex next week? And will they get a little more daring? How often should they invite Lisa over for dinner in a week?


Episode 4
