Episode 2




Cast of Characters:
Jim Ellison, Ranch Manager
Simon Banks, Sheriff
Blair Sandburg, New Owner of Ranch
Bill, the homophobe Uncast as yet,
Cassie Jackson, wife to Simon,
Megan Conner, ranch hand,
Brian Rafe, ranch hand,
Jalen Bishop, Son of J. Ellison,
Lisa Bishop, Mother of Jalen, old lover of J. Ellison,
Joel Taggert, cousin to Sheriff Simon Banks. Newest ranch hand.
Henry Brown, friend to Jalen, part time ranch hand, part time fixit man.
Carl Miller Rotten stinkin neighbor who cut the lines of Blair’s Grandparents brakes.
Carl Miller Sr. Neighbor who is trying to talk Blair into selling the ranch.


Episode 2


After Simon left Carter Ranch, Blair was not only in shock and depressed but also a little bit scared. If they did this to his grandparents, then, they’d do it to him too. He started cleaning up the table to give his hands something to do.

Ellison was watching him and saw how upset he was. He took Jalen aside and said, “Jalen, why don’t you go back to the bunkhouse and I’ll see you after awhile.”

“No, that’s all right.” Jalen answered him, “I’ll wait till we’re done here and we can walk back together.”

“Jalen, Blair needs some company right now.” Jim said, “I’m going to give that to him, do you understand?”

“We can’t both give it to him?” Jalen asked.

Jim pulled Jalen into his arms and hugged him hard and said, “go on down and we’ll talk later on. I promise.”

Jalen looking up at Jim he smiled then said, “Okay, but don’t stay too long. I really want to talk to you.”

“Goodnight, Jalen,” Jim said laughing, “I’ll see you in a few hours.”

Once he closed and locked the door, Jim walked into the kitchen. He watched Blair at the sink and realized this man turned him on like no woman did. I wonder why now, Jim wondered. Jim had seen the way Blair had been looking at him during dinner, so he had a feeling that Blair felt the same way.

Jim went up to Blair and slid his arms around him. He moved his hair and kissed Blair’s neck. Blair leaned back into Jim’s arms and moaned. Yes, Jim was right, Blair did feel the same way.

Blair turned into Jim’s arms and they began kissing passionately. Pulling away, Blair took a hold of Jim’s hand and pulled him towards the stairs. They both made their way up to Blair’s bedroom and started getting undressed. “Blair, are you okay with this?” Jim asked with concern in his voice.

As Blair pulled his jeans and boxers off, his cock stood out proudly. Blair looked down and asked, “is that a good enough answer?”

They were both on the bed in moments and started kissing again. Jim began touching Blair’s cock and Blair was pushing up into Jim’s hand. He grabbed hold of Jim’s cock and started pumping him at the same time and before long Jim came yelling, “Blair.” Hearing this pushed Blair over the edge. He was a lot quieter as he came, he just whispered, “I love you, Jim.”

They lay in each other’s arms until they both could breathe as they normally did. Jim held on to Blair as he fell asleep. Blair had just told him he loved him. Jim wondered if he told everyone he slept with this. God, I hope not, Jim told himself as he followed Blair into sleep.

Jim woke up at 3:00 a.m. and realized he was still in bed with Blair. Shit, he said to himself. I need to get back to the bunkhouse. As Jim got out of bed, Blair woke up and said, “Please stay. I really don’t want to be alone.”

“Blair, it won’t look good.” Jim said quietly. “I don’t want them talking about you badly.”

“Please stay, I don’t care what they say.” Blair said pulling the covers back.

Jim got undressed again and slipped under the covers. They made love once again, a little less urgent this time. Jim took his time and decided to try giving Blair a blow job, he’d have to try it one day. He went down on Blair and Blair about screamed. He tried to do it just as he had them done to him by women. He must have been doing a pretty good job, by the sounds that were coming out of Blair. This made Jim smile even with Blair’s cock in his mouth.

“Jim, I’m really close.” Blair said trying to keep control of his orgasm, “I’d suggest you move away.”

Instead Jim moved over his cock with his mouth again and sucked on him even harder and also played with Blair’s ass. Blair screamed as he came down Jim’s throat. Jim licked Blair off and then went up to his mouth and kissed him.

Blair pushed Jim down on the bed and started kissing his way down to Jim’s cock. He took the cock into his mouth and was amazed at how it tasted. This was a first for Blair and he wanted it to be good for Jim. Blair had a feeling it was Jim’s first time too. Blair slid his fingers into Jim’s mouth and Jim sucked on them and got them all nice and wet. Blair then pushed Jim’s legs further apart and started licking Jim’s hole. Jim about came off the bed when Blair did this. Then Blair slid a finger into Jim. Jim tensed up at first, but calmed down and started fucking himself on Blair’s finger. Blair then took Jim into his mouth and started sucking while finger fucking his ass. Jim tensed up and came with a scream that sounded a lot like, “Hot Damn.”

Smiling, Blair pulled his finger out of Jim and moved his way up the big man and kissed him hard. “God, I love you Jim.”

“I love you, too, Blair.” Blair then got up and cleaned up both he and Jim before they fell asleep again.

Once they woke up in the morning, they took a shower together, got dressed and went down to make breakfast. On the porch of the house was Jalen, sitting on the stairs. Jim opened the door and said, “Jalen, what are you doing?”

“You said you’d be back.” Jalen said, “I waited most of the night, but figured you had better things to do.”

“You’re old enough to know what I was doing last night, Jalen.” Jim said smiling, “and it has nothing to do with me and you. Want to come in for breakfast?”

“Yeah, that would be great,” Jalen said beaming. “What are we having?”

“Don’t have a clue.” Jim answered, laughing, as they entered the house.

“Blair, I asked Jalen if he wanted to have breakfast with us, I hope you don’t mind.” Jim said, “What can we help with?”

“Jalen, you set the table.” Blair said, “Jim, you come and kiss me good morning.”

They all started laughing and Jalen realized that these two men really did love each other. For some reason, he'd thought this would bother him, but it didn’t. He watched Jim kiss Blair and thought it was one of the sweetest things he’d ever seen.

After breakfast, there was a knock at the door. The sheriff was standing there. Blair asked him in and asked if he wanted some breakfast. “No, thanks,” Simon said, “I just wanted to tell you that Carl Miller is being questioned right now. His father didn’t seem to know anything about it. That we know of, anyhow.”

“Do you believe him?” Blair asked, “I mean what was your gut feeling about his response?”

“I think he put him up to it.” Simon answered, “But I can’t prove that, and the kid isn’t talking, so we can’t put a thing on him. I would suggest you set up legal papers, in case anything would happen to you.”

“I’m going today,” Blair said, “as soon as I finish here.”

“Blair, we need to get to work,” Jim said, “We’ll see you later tonight. Let me know if you need any help with anything.”

With Simon standing there, he didn’t feel like he could kiss him goodbye, but Blair must not have been on the same page, because he walked over and kissed Jim on the lips and said, “Be careful and have a good day.”

Turning red, Jim turned to Simon , but Simon was smiling at it all. Jim walked out the door with Jalen following close behind.

“When did that start?” Simon asked.

“Last night,” Blair said, “I really love that guy.”

“Good, glad to hear it.” Simon said with relief in his voice.

When Jim walked into the bunkhouse, he saw Mel and Brian kissing. “Well, it’s about time.” Jim said, laughing.

They both pulled away from each other and turned beet red as they tried to think of something to say. Jalen finally said, “I think that the love bug has been biting everyone but the horny teen.”

They all laughed at this and got ready for a day of work. Jim changed his clothes, he was clean, but still had the same clothes on from the night before. Once that was done, they all started out the door.

Bill walked up to his horse, climbing on and said, “Well, well, if it isn’t the fag. Going to be able sit down on the horse today or would it be the other guy that's sore?”

Jim, without even thinking, pulled Bill off the horse and said, “get your things together and get off this ranch. You’re fired.”

“You can’t fire me, you fag.” Bill said standing up and dusting himself off.

“No? I think he can.” came a voice from behind them. Bill turned and Blair was standing there and said, “get your stuff and get out of here. I can fire you.”

“Fine, I’d rather work for the Miller’s anyhow.” Bill said gruffly as he went in to get his things.

“Anyone else have a problem with me and Jim being together?” Blair asked.

“Not a one.” Jalen said smiling.

“Not me,” Brian said as he nudged Mel. “Me either.” Mel said quickly as she walked out the door.

Blair walked over to Jim and pulled him down for a quick kiss and said, “I just talked to Simon , he has a cousin that just moved here and was wondering if we had a place for him.”

“Couldn’t have come at a better time.” Jim said. “He can start today, as far as I’m concerned.”

“Jim, I wanted to tell you that you’re going to be on the paper I draw up.” Blair said. “I hope that’s okay with you.”

“I’m honored, but don’t you have family that would be upset about that.” Jim asked.

“Nope, I’m the last of the family.” Blair said sadly, missing his grandparents a lot that day.

“In that case, I’m lucky to be in your family now.” Jim said smiling.

Jim got on his horse and started out after the rest of the crew. They had a lot of work to do today and knew he needed to get busy and not slack off. While he was catching up with everyone, he wondered if he should think about putting up a wall between the room, so that Mel and Brian would have their own private area. He’d have to talk to Mel about that and see what she said.

When he finally caught up, he asked, “Mel, how would you feel about having a wall put up, so you have a private sleeping area in the bunkhouse?”

“Jim, that would be great.” She said beaming. “You always know exactly what to do. Thank you.”

When Jim caught up with Jalen he said, “Jalen, you want to be in charge of finding a good person to build us a wall for the bunkhouse?”

“Sure, I happen to know someone that's great at this kind of thing.” Jalen said. “Floor to ceiling wall with a nice door that locks?”

“You got it.” Jim said laughing.

While in town, Blair stopped off at the Sheriff’s office to see how things were going. As he walked into the office, Simon said, “Well, he admitted doing it, so he is going to be charged with murder.”

“You seem surprised,” Blair said, “do you still feel like his dad had more to do with it than he is letting on?”

“Now, I’m more sure than ever.” Simon said, “the kid would never admit to anything unless there was a reason. So, I’ll be watching the Senior Miller like a hawk.”

“Thank you, Sheriff.” Blair said quietly walking out of the building. He had hoped that once this was done, he’d feel less sad and upset, but this didn’t seem to do much for his bad feelings.

Blair walked into the lawyer’s office and had all the paper work drawn up. The lawyer, a Mr. Williams, looked it all over and said, “everything is in order, Mr. Carter, I’ll get this filled out right now.”

“I’ll wait and sign it, if that’s okay.” Blair asked.

“We’ll have it done in about one hour, why not come back then.” Blair said, “ Mr. Williams, thank you, I’ll be back to sign it then.”

After the hour was up, Blair went back and signed all of the papers. He left the ranch to Jim and Jalen if anything happened to him. And to cover all bases, he put Sheriff Jackson on as the third party if something happened to all three of them at the same time. Knowing this was all done, Blair headed back to the ranch. He felt like a weight had been lifted off of his shoulders.

As Blair drove up to the house at the ranch, he saw a woman sitting on the stairs waiting. He got out of his car and said, “Can I help you, Ma’am?”

“Yes, I’m looking for Jim Davis.” Lisa said, “I’m his ex-girlfriend and mother to his son. He called and wanted to ask questions, so I figured I’d go one step farther.”

Blair felt like he was punched in the gut. First of all, this woman was gorgeous. He could see why Jim had been taken with her. Secondly, they now had something together. A son. Blair felt like his world was falling apart. How could he possibly compete with this?

Then another car drove up and two guys got out. Blair asked if he could help them, and the first one said, “My name is Joel Taggert, my cousin, Sheriff Jackson told me you had an opening for me.” Blair said shaking his hand, “Good to meet you. Yes, we need all the help we can get.”

The second man stepped forward and said, “My name is Sullivan Dracken, I’m a friend of Jalen’s. He used to live with me before he moved out here and started working. He called from his cell phone and said you had work for me.”

“What kind of work do you do, Sullivan?” Blair asked, glad to have his mind off of Lisa at that moment.

“I’m a fix-it man. I do just about everything, and please, call me Henry.” Henry said smiling.

“Well, both of you guys come on up to the house with me and we’ll get your paperwork filled out before they come back for the day.” Blair said, “then you’ll be ready. The person you’ll answer to is Jim Davis. He’s the head honcho here.”

Blair turned to Lisa and said, “Please come up and sit in the cool house. I’ll fix you a nice drink and you can wait for Jim.”

“Thank you, Mr. Carter.” Lisa said smiling.

When all the paper work was done, Blair put it all away and took them down to the bunkhouse and got them settled.

“You don’t have to sleep here,” Blair said, “but it’s a lot easier than getting up at the crack of dawn and driving all the way out here.”

“Not to mention cheaper.” Joel said laughing.

“Mr. Carter, I’ve been told what they want me to build,” Henry said, “but I need to know how I buy the supplies in town.”

“Where will you be going?” Blair asked, “wherever it is, I’ll just call ahead and they’ll put it on my account.”

So, Henry told Blair and Blair called and set it up. Then Blair gave Henry the keys to the big truck to go and get the supplies he needed. Joel said, “Would you like help?”

Henry said, “That would be great, Joel, thanks.”

“Please, everyone call me Jake.” Jake said.

As they drove off, Blair knew he’d have to go up to the house and spend time with this Lisa person. He wondered what she wanted. If he had more nerve he’d ask, right out.

His heart was heavy as he made his way back up to the house. Now what, he wondered? Will that be the last time he sleeps with Jim? God, Blair was so in love and the thought of losing him scared the hell out of him.

End Episode 2

Tune in next week, when we find out if Mr. Carl Miller Sr. is going to put up a fight about his son and his prison term. What’s going to happen when Jim gets back to the ranch and finds his old lover there with his new one? Will Sheriff Jackson have any news about him watching out for things with the Millers? What does Lisa Miller have in mind for Jim? What will Jim think of all of this? Will Mel like the new room built by the new man? Will Brian be sharing the room with her? What will Jalen think of his mom being there at the ranch? Will he want his mom and dad getting together, or will he be rooting for Jim and Blair? Will Bill give them problems once he is over at the Miller’s ranch?


Episode 3
