Squidge.org Needs YOU!

There’s a lot going on with the world these days, and Squidge.org is no exception. We are in need of some volunteers, so if you have some time to donate to an awesome non-profit please consider applying for one of these.

Gundam Wing Archivist

The Gundam Wing Addition archive will be coming to SquidgeWorld.org! The current archive is being maintained, though because we believe we lost the owner, the stories need to be salvaged. While this can typically be done by anyone, it would be best if someone who was familiar with the Gundam Wing fandom head up this project. This is so characters, situations, etc. that are known to GW fen, someone without knowledge of the fandom might miss these details. The process will be similar to importing works into the SquidgeWorld from other archives (AO3, AdAstra, Dreamwidth, etc.) with the archivist importing stories for other users. While the complete number of stories is unknown, it appears there are about 110 individual users with stories archived at Gundam Wing Addition, with an estimated 2,500 stories.

In order to volunteer, we only need your username and email address. If you do not have a SquidgeWorld account, we will provide you with one, but also provide you with an account to import GW Fanfiction so that it doesn’t get tied to your original account.


Squidge.org Treasurer

Are you good with numbers? While Squidge.org is pretty well run, we do need officers to head up our non-profit. It appears that we are in need of a new treasurer. Duties for the treasurer include being part of discussions of fundraising, being a part of our financial software (QuickBooks), and in certain cases, paying the bills that come our way.

In order to volunteer, you must be in the United States, and we do need to list your legal name on our incorporation and legal documentation including yearly taxes and business license filings. If desired, we can completely keep your fandom and real-life names completely separate. You’ll receive an email address at our non-profit (SquidgeLLC.org) and we have Board meetings about once a year or so.


Abuse Committee

While we’ve not had much abuse, recently we’ve had a few hacking attempts and one person who was banned for disrespecting others. The Squidge.org Board was used as a defacto Abuse Committee, but we would like to put together an official group. This would take very little time, and would constitute discussing abuse issues as they come up. In the last 29 years, we have had 3 different user issues (one person who gave their username & password to a group pf people, one person who shared CSEM, and one person who continually abused others through horrific comments) so it is quite rare. However, we would like to “get ahead of the game” and put together an abuse committee just in case.

Duties will be as listed above; be on the lookout from email and weigh in with your opinion on if someone’s actions constitute abuse and if suspensions should be permanent or temporary.


That’s currently it! We will also be announcing the importation of both the NCISFiction.com archive and the Multi-Fandom MPreg Archive into SquidgeWorld Archive pretty soon, though those are a technical need as they will be imported to the archive via scripting, not a manual process.

If you are interested in either of these opportunities, please respond to this post, or you can contact me at either boardwalter@squidgellc.org or walterh@squidge.org

One thought on “Squidge.org Needs YOU!”

  1. Hi squidgie! ‘m not involved in any activity concerning Gundam Wing, and I’m not skilled enough to be of any help regarding fund rising or financial software, so I only can offer help in supporting the Abuse Committee, if you are still in need of someone.
    However, I’m not sure if my language skills are good enough. If you want you can contact me on Discord and we could talk about it 🙂
    Cass x

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