Squidge’s Summer of Ships Fundraiser

If you haven’t seen the post over on SquidgeWorld Archive, the Summer of Ships fundraiser has almost hit our fundraising target of $2,000 for the year!  We’re 95.8% there, and I’m confident that we’ll hit our target soon.

For those of you that haven’t donated, please do if you can!  If you can’t, that’s cool – we totally understand.  Squidge is here for everyone!  But as an incentive, have a looksee at the amazing artwork that Denois’s spouse did for us!












IT’S AWESOME!  If you’ve donated, this is one of the images that’ll be on your thank you gift if you choose one.  And as a reminder, here are the details on what we’re offering as thank you gifts.  And if you have questions, you can always ask!

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