It’s Official! is now a 501c3 organization within the United States.  YAY!

Okay, so we haven’t gotten the paperwork from the IRS, but they say that can take up to 18 months to get, and in the meantime you can operate as a 501c3.  This means we can take donations and you will get a tax deduction if you give from the United States.  The one last stumbling block we have is that we need to create a bank account.  We couldn’t do that until we got the official LLC bylaws completed, but that was done this afternoon.

The bank will be done this week, and our donation software company, Aplos, will be configured soon thereafter.  And at that point, we’ll be good to go.  I’ll make an announcement here, but you’ll also see things appear on properties, like image hosting, webhosting, and Kudos and Comments emails that come from

Questions?  Let us know!

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