Welcome Fandom Imgur Users!

For the last week or so, we’ve noticed a large influx of new people on our Images server. Whereas we would normally get a new user every other day or so, we’re sometimes getting dozens an hour – and that’s okay! The image server that Squidge.org has in place is here for that use. Due to the influx, we’ll be looking to see if we need to move to a more powerful server or such.

The only real thing to remember with the image servers is to blur your NSFW images, though if it impacts how it displays on your remote site, then it’s okay not to. I’ve been talking to the developer about getting an option that individual users can tick to keep their images (NSFW or not) out of the “Recent Images” section. But until that time, remember if you hit up the “Recent Images” section of the server, there’s the possibility of seeing explicit images.

And finally, Imgur was used by many, many people for many, many services. But Squidge.org image hosting should be for fandom use – either fandom images or personal image hosting for people in fandom. It’s not here for commercial use (I booted that person rather quickly) for the fandom community. Let’s keep it that way!

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