The shell from which hatchlings rise.

White dragon and female rider.

Dragon Questionnaire

By: The Dragon Lady

(A nickname given to me by my friends in the Art Dept..)

You can be as specific or vague as you like. My favorite description to this day is "bat-like fairy wings" which was made for the Markonian breed.

  1. What should the body of a dragon look like? Bulky? Snaky? Slim/Sleek?

  2. How many toes should the front feet have? The back feet? Does one or both pairs of feet have a dewclaw? Are the toes short or long? Do they look separate or more like a gloved, clawed paw?

  3. How do the legs look? Are they thick and muscular, slim and lithe, short and stocky, long and elegant? Are the back legs different from the front?

  4. Is the tail long or short? Is the neck long or short?

  5. What is the shape of the head? Is the snout short, long, narrow, wide, boxy? Does it have horns? Are there whiskers?

  6. What would the wings be used for? Long flights, short glides, none, swimming, or etc.

  7. Would it have spines (what kind?), ruffles (Oriental dragon in Yin Yang), raised backbone (Markonian)?

  8. What kind of scales? Main body: Smooth or Rough? Adornment: Pinhead scales, smooth skin, or slightly triangular?

  9. What are your favorite colors? Are these the colors you want on your dragon? Do you have an idea for color placement (Keep in mind, if you've requested a pre-existing breed then it will already have traditional color patterns, but you can choose which color goes where in that pattern.)

  10. What are your favorite activities?

  11. What kind of books/TV do you read/watch.

  12. What is one thing, no matter how impossible you wish you could do/be in life.