- What should the body of a dragon look like? Bulky? Snaky? Slim/Sleek?
- How many toes should the front feet have? The back feet? Does one or both pairs of feet have a dewclaw? Are the toes short or long? Do they look separate or more like a gloved, clawed paw?
- How do the legs look? Are they thick and muscular, slim and lithe, short and stocky, long and elegant? Are the back legs different from the front?
- Is the tail long or short? Is the neck long or short?
- What is the shape of the head? Is the snout short, long, narrow, wide, boxy? Does it have horns? Are there whiskers?
- What would the wings be used for? Long flights, short glides, none, swimming, or etc.
- Would it have spines (what kind?), ruffles (Oriental dragon in Yin Yang), raised backbone (Markonian)?
- What kind of scales? Main body: Smooth or Rough? Adornment: Pinhead scales, smooth skin, or slightly triangular?
- What are your favorite colors? Are these the colors you want on your dragon? Do you have an idea for color placement (Keep in mind, if you've requested a pre-existing breed then it will already have traditional color patterns, but you can choose which color goes where in that pattern.)
- What are your favorite activities?
- What kind of books/TV do you read/watch.
- What is one thing, no matter how impossible you wish you could do/be in life.