Te Olvido

by: Lasha



"I miss you because your memory lives in me.
I try to forget you each minute I try.
I love you. It’s that there is no cure.
I miss you; I try to forget you.
I love you anew."

–"Te Extrano, Te Olvido, Te Amo"
                                        --Ricky Martin




Post "Ashes to Ashes," during "Last Knight"
Toronto, 1996



He awoke to darkness. Panic overwhelmed him. He couldn't breathe.

Where am I?

He couldn't move his body. He could feel nothing but pain and hunger. His fingers felt a gritty substance. There was a sand-like taste in his throat. The taste was familiar. It was dirt. Dirt covered him.

Suddenly, his mind screamed out that he was buried -- buried alive...

He fought against his earthly prison, desperate to gain his freedom, but his struggles were futile. After a few moments of desperate exertion, he could barely move, his body now weakened from his movements.

Sleep. He wanted to go back to sleep and forget the pain. Morpheus' arms beckoned to him, calling him back.

The darkness was inviting and he could feel himself slipping back into the oblivion of a deep slumber. Suddenly, the memory of blonde hair and the smell of Calla lilies flooded through his mind.

Yes, keep that image and fight the darkness. Fight it! Because if I fall asleep, I'll never wake again.

With new determination to free himself he pushed at the dirt, and inch by painful inch, he clawed his way out of the shallow grave of earth and mud.

Finally, Javier Vachon broke free of his earthly coffin and breathed in the cold, fresh air of the Toronto night. His whole body ached and it hurt to breathe; his lungs were partially filled with dirt. Looking at his surroundings, he realized he was down by the river and in an area he knew all too well. This was the place where only months before he’d buried his good friend, Screed, after the vampire had died of a rare blood disease. The infection had consumed the vampire community, though Vachon's life had been spared at that time.

However, he hadn't been so lucky months later when another vampire had attacked him. An ancient vampire named Divia. A vampire bent on revenge. Her blood had been tainted and Vachon had felt himself slowly going insane when he finally asked Tracy to kill him -- to end his torment.

She had refused to put the stake into his heart, so instead he had done it himself. Impaled and dying, Tracy's face was the last thing he remembered until tonight.

But, he was here, still alive. Something must have gone wrong. Tracy must have removed the stake from his body, thinking he was dead. That action would have allowed his body to regenerate after a period of time -- which was why he was alive now.

He was alive -- if you could call immortality living -- and extremely hungry.

Looking around, he realized that Tracy must have buried him here, next to Screed -- wanting them to be together even in death. Dusting off the dirt from his clothes, Vachon's next thought was that he had to find Tracy and tell her he was still alive. Looking to the night sky, he willed himself into the air. Nothing happened. Still too weak from his recent bout with Divia, he realized he needed blood first. Tuning his vampire senses to the night, he heard the faint heartbeat of a mortal close by. Yes, that would do nicely. Then he moved swiftly toward the sound, eager to feed.




Dropping the man in his arms to the ground, Vachon wiped the blood away from his mouth and he looked at the person at his feet. The man, who, judging by his clothing, was one of the homeless that lived in the park by the water, was still alive -- barely. He would survive, but it had been close. Vachon hadn't planned on drinking so much, but his thirst had been so strong since he had awoken from his earthly grave, that he hadn't been able to control the hunger and had nearly killed the man. Feeling stronger from his recent meal, Vachon now focused on his next goal -- getting to Tracy and telling her he was still alive and more importantly that he loved her. The sky beckoned and Vachon flew upwards.

A short time later, Vachon stood outside Tracy’s apartment door, his senses told him that she wasn't home, as he couldn't feel her heartbeat, but he needed to see her. He had to be with her and tell her he was alive. Nothing else mattered. He would wait for her...forever if he had to....




Across town at his loft, Nicolas Knight wondered for the umpteenth time what had possessed him to try and bring Natalie across and make her a vampire. Standing in the spot where Natalie had taken her last breath only yesterday, he felt an emptiness inside his long-dead heart.

Damn LaCroix! He should have killed me when I asked him to. How can I live without Natalie? She was the only one who understood my need to be mortal again -- the only one who might have been able to make that dream possible and I destroyed that. She had been his hope; his reason for living...her love had made him whole again, instead of a shell of a man. Now that was all gone. His beautiful Natalie.

How I loved her -- yet I failed to protect her, this time not from LaCroix, but from my own selfish desires.

After failing to make Natalie a vampire, Nick had asked his master, Lucien LaCroix to kill him. But the ancient vampire had been unable to bring himself to stake his beloved Nicolas, no matter how much the other immortal begged him to. In the end, Nick had given up and told LaCroix to leave -- that he would not be joining him on his journey to leave Toronto. LaCroix had left, taking Natalie's body with him, leaving a grief-stricken Nick behind.

Before LaCroix had left with Natalie, he had thought about taking her body back to her apartment, but was too afraid he wouldn't be able to get her into the apartment without her neighbors discovering the truth. That Detective Nicolas Knight of the Toronto Police Department was a murderer.

A murderer and a vampire -- and not a very good vampire at that.

If he only he hadn't taken so much of Natalie's blood, had more control, then she'd be here today with him. He would have brought her across and they could have lived out their nights together for all eternity. But he had blundered even that simple task. Terrible regrets assailed him and he bit his lip with his fangs, until it throbbed, drawing blood that ran down his chin.

Falling to the floor of his apartment, the same place where he had killed his beloved, Nick screamed his anguish into the night, wishing for a miracle, but knowing it would never come. Wrapping himself into a ball, in a cocoon of despair, he began to sob. His Natalie was lost to him forever...




Vachon had been at Tracy's for hours, slipping in and out of the shadows at the back of her building. He was waiting to smell her scent, hear her beautiful heartbeat so he could tell her he was alive.

Getting tired of waiting, he glanced down the dimly lit street and saw there was a pay phone on the corner. Moving in an instant, he picked up the phone and inserted the necessary change, then dialed Tracy's work number.

The police officer that answered the phone transferred him to the correct department, but it wasn't Tracy who answered her line -- it was another detective who stated, "Homicide."

His voice from weeks of non-use, sounded hoarse as he asked, "Is Detective Vetter there?"

There was a prolonged pause, and in that instant Vachon knew that something was wrong. He felt ice spreading through his stomach and clenched his hands into fists, preparing for the worst. The voice on the other end quietly and very sadly said, "May I ask who is calling?"

Vachon thought quickly, then replied, "Vachon. I’m one of Detective Vetter's snitches. I might have something for her, but I need to talk to her and only her."

"I am sorry...you must not have heard. Detective Vetter was shot in the line of duty and died two days ago at the hospital from her wounds. May I transfer you to another detective?"

The phone receiver fell from his hand and he stood in shock, unable to process the information. Vaguely in the background he could hear the party on the other end still talking.


Vachon's mind tried to wrap itself around that concept. His beautiful Tracy was dead? A maelstrom of emotions surrounded him and he began to flounder in a misery so acute that it was like a physical pain in his chest. However, he knew that was impossible, as vampires couldn't feel human emotions. But still, choking back a moan, Vachon stumbled away from the phone booth and into the night.




Vachon wouldn't be able to explain later how he wound up in front of Nick Knight's building, but something had drawn him there. Maybe it was because Nick had been Tracy's police partner and a friend, and could explain what had happened to Tracy. But mostly, it was because Knight was a fellow vampire and could help him get out of town; as he didn't want to remain in Toronto if Tracy wasn't around. He had really only stayed after the Inca incident because he had been so intrigued with her. She had been so inquisitive and accepting about his vampire nature, unlike most mortals he had met and who had discovered his true nature.

Her quick wit had drawn him to her from the first moment they met in that airplane hanger after the tragic plane accident that had claimed Knight's first partner's life. Later, Vachon stayed because he realized he had fallen in love with the blonde-haired mortal woman who had quickened his heart as no other before her. Of all the women and men he had known, none had touched him as deeply as Tracy, not even his exquisite fledgling Urs.

Pushing the buzzer, he waited for Knight to answer. Again and again, he pressed the buzzer...but there was no answer. He saw that Knight's classic Cadillac was parked out front, plus he could sense that Nick was inside.

Willing himself up, Vachon flew to the roof of the building and looked down with his vampire-eyes into the windows. They stretched across the expanse of Knight’s loft below and allowed him a full view of the apartment. What he saw shocked him. Nick was curled up in the center of his loft apartment, on the hardwood floors, crying. Feeling a sense of foreboding, and before he could think about his actions, Vachon crashed through the nearest window and the glass shattered.




At the sound of the glass breaking, Nick sprung up from his place on the floor, ready to do battle, his eyes yellow, his fangs extended. He wondered if the threat from Divia hadn't passed or perhaps LaCroix had returned. Then fear quickly turned into shock as he saw Javier Vachon descend into the apartment from the broken window above.

Vachon’s dead. Divia killed him.

Relaxing only slightly, thinking Vachon might still be demented on Divia's blood, Nick waited for the other vampire to make his move or speak. Once Vachon landed, he saw the other man quickly scan the room, looking for something.

"You all right, Nick?" Vachon rasped out.

Looking at the very disheveled and dirty vampire, Nick saw no crazed blood lust in the other man's eyes, so he allowed himself to relax. He lost his vampire state and replied, "I'm fine. However, I thought you were dead."

Vachon smiled slightly. "The reports of my death...I am sure you know the rest, Knight."

Nick nodded.

"I thought something was wrong, maybe Divia was inside when I saw you on the floor." Vachon explained.

Feeling his misery again like a steel weight, Nick grimaced. "No, Divia is dead. LaCroix and I killed her. You don't have to worry about her returning to harm anyone else again."

Some strange emotion crossed Vachon's eyes, but was quickly replaced by a questioning look. "I woke up -- after digging myself out of my own grave-"

Nick interrupted, "Tracy buried you by Screed. Said that's what you would have wanted."

He saw Vachon nod slightly, then the raven-haired man spoke quietly. "Speaking of Tracy. I called the police station. They told me Tracy had been shot," his voice cracked, then he continued, almost stumbling over the words, "and that she's dead."

Forgetting his own grief for a moment, Nick realized this would have been the first time Vachon had heard of Tracy's death. Nick replied in a low, tormented voice, his own grief over the unnecessary loss of his partner evident, "Yes, I am sorry, Vachon, Tracy was killed two days ago. Shot by a suspect."

Nick saw the other man tremble as if to try and ward off the pain that was visible in his dark, brown eyes. Knowing all too well what Vachon was feeling, Nick wanted to help ease the other's pain.

"Please, Vachon, sit down. I’ll get you something to drink. You'll need it."

Walking over to his refrigerator, Nick opened the door and withdrew a bottle of cow's blood from the shelf. Taking a wineglass from the counter, he poured the thick mixture into the glass, knowing Vachon would be weak from his ordeal. He took the glass to Vachon, who was now seated, on his black leather couch. Neither of them spoke and the younger vampire downed the liquid in the glass, his hands slightly shaking during the process.

When he was done, Vachon put the glass on the coffee table in front of him. Raising his troubled gaze, Vachon said, "I need to know, Nick. I need to know how she died. Please tell me." The hurt and longing lay naked in Vachon's eyes and Nick felt an intense feeling of desolation sweep over him, reminding him again of his own recent loss. Sweeping his own thoughts away, he sat down on the couch next to Vachon, feeling an overwhelming need to sit down before he collapsed in a heap in front of the other vampire.

Closing his eyes, his heart aching with pain for Tracy, for Natalie, for Vachon...for all the missed opportunities, Nick began to speak about the night Detective Tracy Vetter was murdered.




After Nick finished telling the tale, he urged Vachon to go upstairs and shower. ‘Wash the dirt away,’ he'd joked lightly. About fifteen minutes later, Vachon appeared looking clean and wearing his robe.

"Hope you don’t mind -- I borrowed it. It was on the back of the door," Vachon said sheepishly.

"No, borrow anything you want, Vachon."

Nick watched as Vachon toweled his wet hair dry, then watched as the other man sat down on the sofa. Nick relaxed and eased his tired limbs into the comfort of its cushions, resting his head on the back of the sofa; Nick closed his eyes for a moment, lost in thought. He wanted to give Vachon some time to himself.

Without warning, the other vampire dropped the towel on the floor, obviously done with it. He combed his fingers through his semi-wet locks and regarded Nick with a sad gaze.

Bowing his head, his long hair covering his face, Vachon spoke, "It was quick, wasn't it? She died not knowing-" Vachon’s voice broke and he swallowed the sob that rose in his throat. Nick waited for more, but Vachon didn't continue.

Realizing Vachon was trying to regain his composure, Nick raised his head and nodded to the question posed. Sighing heavily, his own voice filled with anguish. "Yes, she never knew what happened. She never woke up from the coma after she was shot."

A stab of guilt flared in Nick's mind briefly, but he pushed it aside. There hadn't been anything he could have done to save Tracy. He could have brought her across after she had been shot and dying in the hospital from her wounds, but after the disaster he had made with Natalie, perhaps he wouldn't have been successful with Tracy either. The end result would have been the same, Tracy would have died.

Vachon suddenly stood up, and looked to Nick when he said, "There's nothing left for me here, Knight. Screed is gone, Urs is dead, now Tracy. There's nothing." His brown eyes darkened with pain and a flash of loneliness overwhelmed Nick at the sight of the younger vampire's obvious distress over losing the mortal woman. He hadn't known Vachon and Tracy had been that close...had they been lovers? If they had been, no wonder Vachon was devastated.

A new anguish seared his own heart, thinking of how close Natalie and he had come to making love a few times, but something always had prevented them. How he wished at least once he could have held her in his arms and loved her. My God, I killed the woman I loved. All of a sudden, his own grief swelled up and he covered his face with trembling hands and gave vent to the agony of his loss.

"Knight, I'm sure there was nothing you could do to save Tracy," Nick heard the other man say.

Stopping his sobbing, Nick glanced up and said quietly, "I failed Tracy. I killed the woman I loved. My poor, sweet Natalie trusted me and look where it got her. Dead. I couldn't even bring her across. You've lost someone you loved and so did I. There's nothing here for me either, Vachon. I wish I were dead."




Vachon saw Nick's broad shoulders heave as the other vampire breathed and tried to get his emotions under control. Tears slowly found their way down his cheeks. Looking in fascination, Vachon saw the tears were tinted red. Taking his hand off Knight's shoulder, he reached up and gently touched the other man's face, lightly caressing the strong features, wiping away the tracks of Nick's tears.

Each of us has lost so much. Poor Nick...he's so lost. He truly loved Natalie and believed the good doctor could save him, make him mortal again. Maybe somehow save his immortal soul.

Vachon had never hated his vampire abilities, not like Knight. Right after he had been brought across, he had indulged in them; reveled in the fact he would live forever. The fun of being 'bad' had worn off after the first century and he was more subdued these days, but not as subdued as Nick Knight. The man reeked of guilty feelings and regrets. Now with Dr. Lambert’s death...would he ever recover?

Nick's face was bleak with sorrow and Vachon's heart squeezed in anguish as he realized that Knight was serious about dying. He had the same look that the Inca had before he died. His old enemy's death had been senseless, just as Natalie and Tracy's were, but they were also sickeningly familiar and Vachon found himself not wanting Nick to die. Another pointless death in this mess wouldn't bring either woman back.

Wanting to ease Nick's grief, Vachon leaned closer to offer support to the other vampire. The two men's gazes connected and a look of longing passed between them. Each lost in the misery of their heartache, they somehow wound up on the couch in each other's arms. A few minutes went by and neither man moved to break the embrace. Little by little, warmth crept back into Vachon's body and he pulled Knight closer, needing the contact of another body to soothe his damaged heart.

Their faces were mere inches from each other and Vachon realized Nick seemed to be staring at his lips with a yearning look. The look continued for just a second longer than was proper and then Knight lowered his gaze, as if in shame to have had such thoughts.

Vachon had been on the end of male attention in his younger years, and had many lovers when it suited his nature, but he had never thought of Nick Knight in those terms until now. He was strangely flattered by Nick's interest, but realized it came from the other man's despair. The need to cheat death by the most basic of human acts -- sex. And while Vachon understood the whys, he wasn't sure if he could give the other vampire what he needed.

Then he remembered Tracy's beautiful face and the despair overwhelmed him yet again and he shuddered. In response, Nick tried to pull out of the embrace, but Vachon held fast. "No, amigo, it’s not you. I was just remembering Tracy."

Nick's voice trembled as he replied, "I understand, Vachon. Believe me I truly understand." This time, it was Vachon who nodded in agreement.

Vachon stared into dazed blue eyes and a vaguely sensuous light passed between them, each remembering the mortal women who had loved and changed them, but now were dead. His heart turned over in response, and his gaze fell to the expanse of Nick's neck. Wanting, longing, and a need to touch Nick astounded Vachon in that instant. There was a tingling in the pit of his stomach and something intense flared in him.

Nick must have read the emotions on his face as moments later fingers lightly brushed Vachon's cheek, then his lips. He felt astonishment overtake him, followed by desire that slowly crept through his limbs at the soft caress. He hadn't expected to desire Knight. He knew these touches were an act of comfort, not passion, but, surprisingly Nick’s touch enflamed his senses and he reveled in the completely unexpected feeling of lust.

I’m alive. Tracy may be dead, but I am alive!

And then there was nothing but Nick's fingers against his face. They slid over the skin of his cheeks and jaw, across the slim bridge of his nose, and softly slid over his eyelids. Vachon sighed in response to the caress.

Not a word had been spoken. They needed no words. Only touch mattered. Vachon moaned as Nick's hand slid down his neck, lightly brushing aside his long hair that curled around his nape. Turning his body slightly towards the other man, Vachon felt Nick's lips, teasingly at first, against his lower neck. Biting lightly, then nibbling softly.

Vachon felt himself being pulled against the other man's body and slowly Nick's lips made their way up the pale skin his neck. Bending his neck back to allow Knight better access, Vachon was rewarded with a low growl from his lover. In the next moment, Vachon felt Nick's hot breath on his lips just before his mouth was claimed. There was no hesitation in the kiss; Nick's mouth took his passionately and deeply.

Oh, how good he tasted! It had been so long since Vachon had allowed himself to want another man -- another vampire.

Vachon felt his cock begin to stir as Nick's tongue touched his lips, running between the seam, seeking entry, permission to continue. Vachon taunted the other man by making him wait, refusing to allow Nick's tongue entrance, wanting to prolong the anticipation. Waiting a few seconds, he then ran his own tongue over Nick's open lips until the other man responded with barely repressed violence, crushing him against him and plundering his mouth, ending the teasing torment.

Then, Nick's mouth was gone from his and Vachon moaned in despair. Wanting that pressure back, he pulled Nick's hair sharply to bring his face back down to his for another kiss, but the other man moved away from his grasp.

However, the lips were back seconds later, this time gently biting his exposed neck, and without warning, the gentle love bites against his neck turned into something else. Deep bites, hurtful bites right over his jugular vein. Vachon understood the need, realizing what Knight was asking for. He needed to feed and Vachon was powerless to resist.

"Yes. Go ahead," Vachon breathed, giving the other vampire permission to take what he was silently asking for.

Nick's only response was a short snarl and Vachon felt the prick of the other man's fangs into his neck.

Rapture rushed through Vachon's veins as Nick fed. Pulling Nick closer into their dark embrace, Vachon's hands slowly slid down Nick's shoulders, onto his back, kneading the material beneath his hands. As Nick continued to feed, Vachon allowed his hands to slip further down Knight's body, finally grasping the firm mounds of Nick's buttocks and squeezing. The response he got back was encouraging, Nick growled, so Vachon continued the caress. He could feel the other man's erection through his clothes and Vachon knew Nick was as turned on as he was by this act. This just wasn't some mindless feeding, no, this was something far more dangerous. Vachon had fed on other vampires' blood before -- when mortals weren't available. Feeding did not automatically mean arousal, so Vachon knew that what both of them were feeling was special. An underlying attraction that hadn't been acknowledged until now.

His semi-hard cock now leapt to full arousal, pushing heavily against his stomach, tenting the borrowed robe. Rubbing mindlessly against Nick, Vachon sought to ease his now aching cock.

Then he began to feel light-headed as Nick quickly drained him, his blood leaving his body in an euphoric rush of lust. But instead of pulling away, Vachon offered up everything he had, giving the other vampire comfort in his body, baring his neck even more. Nick growled in reaction to Vachon's selfless act, and began thrusting his own hips against Vachon's. Their erections rubbed against each other's stomachs, under their clothing. Vachon wished they had removed their garments, as he wanted to feel Knight's naked body against his. However, it was too late now, he was so close to coming and didn't want to stop for that task. No the sex felt too good to interrupt, so he let Nick take control of the lovemaking, giving himself over to the pleasure.

He knew Nick needed this, needed to lose himself in this act. To know that he could feed and not hurt someone -- like he had Natalie. The feeding left Vachon depleted. The guilt and sadness he had felt at Tracy's death seemed to slip further away as Nick thrust against him, bringing him ever closer to the brink of release.

That was Vachon's last thought as blackness overtook him, sucking him into its depths as his climax rushed through him.




Nick felt Vachon go lax in his arms, his lover's hands falling from his ass to lay limply at his side. Nick instantly missed the caress, but he continued to suck eagerly, knowing his own release was imminent. Finally it came and he cried out, arching his back and pulling Vachon's body harder against his own. Sobbing out as his climax overwhelmed him, he ejaculated into his pants.

Breathing heavily, his emotions boiling over, Nick lifted his mouth from Vachon's neck and gently kissed the wound that was even now healing before his eyes, the younger vampire's abilities allowing him to regenerate quickly. If only Natalie had recovered like Vachon, Nick thought sadly.

Looking at the unconscious man in his arms, Nick felt a feeling of tenderness wash through him. He knew what it had cost the other vampire to relinquish such control over to him in their encounter and Nick marveled at Vachon's unselfishness. He didn't know if he could have done the same thing if the situation were reversed. Vachon had seemed so fragile earlier, but to Nick it seemed he had pushed his own grief aside to comfort him; allowing Nick to feed and thus release some of his pain and despair.

He wanted to say "thank you" for this act of kindness -- not often known among their kind -- but instead he collapsed at Vachon's side, pulling the other man tightly into his arms, so both of them were laying side-by-side on the sofa.

Trying to stay awake, Nick began to speak the necessary words to express his gratitude, but before he could open his mouth and form the words, he was already falling into a deep sleep, as only a vampire could, who had just fed to the point of exhaustion.




Vachon woke suddenly and completely, a loud noise jarring him out of a deep sleep. He blinked and shook his head, confused. Where am I?

Subsequently he heard a grunt behind him, and an arm flapped across his chest -- a very masculine arm. Suddenly everything in his mind became clear. He was at Nick Knight's apartment -- sleeping on the sofa -- and curled up in Nick's very strong arms.

The noise in the background continued and Vachon realized it was the phone. Finally the ringing stopped and Knight's answering machine picked up. Nick's voice could be heard coming from the machine and Vachon felt the other man stir behind him, waking slightly.

The caller must have decided not to leave a message, as Vachon heard the click of a hang-up. Breathing deeply, Vachon felt better than he had since he'd learned of Tracy's death and he knew he had Nick to thank for that. By taking pleasure in Nick's body he had found a strange comfort in allowing the other vampire to feed. He realized he needed the release that Nick's feeding had brought. But more than comfort, Nick had given him a deep sense of peace, like he had connected with Nick and through their joining had reached a deeper understanding.

As only a vampire could through living so many centuries, Vachon realized it was time to accept that Tracy was gone and the beautiful blonde detective wasn't coming back. Having seen so many mortals come and go, Vachon at heart was a realist. While he had wanted a life with Tracy, there was nothing he could do to undo her death.

I did love you, Tracy, but I have to move on. Good-bye, quierda.

A mutter drew his attention and the body behind him moved to sit up. Vachon did the same, and looked over to find Nick sitting next to him, his eyes opened, but a slightly blank and still sleepy expression on his pale face. Focusing his own eyes on Nick's face, Vachon smiled a little and mumbled, "Nick?" There was hesitation in his voice, he was unsure of the welcome he would get from the other vampire.

Nick blinked and looked around, seemingly oblivious to his surroundings, so when Vachon got no response to his question, he said this time, a bit louder, "Nick, you all right?"

"Yeah, sorry. I was a little confused. I wasn't sure where I was when I woke up."

Vachon smiled at Nick's slightly befuddled expression, thinking Knight looked cute all sleepy and sex-sated. Nick Knight was cute now? You've been in the ground too long obviously. Knight's a disaster waiting to happen, you do not want to get involved with him. So, don't even think about it. Last night was a one-time thing.

"What?" Vachon jumped up alarmed when the other man unexpectedly sprung up and exclaimed, "Shit," Nick's action pulling Vachon out of his reverie.

Vachon watched as Nick moved over to the kitchen counter and quickly picked up a remote control.

"It's almost dawn. I have to close the metal blinds or its going to get very toasty in here thanks to your rather dramatic entrance last night," came the slightly sardonic reply.

Nick must have triggered the device as Vachon heard the heavy metal blinds that during the day covered the vast amount of windows slowly move downwards to cover the glass. A couple of minutes later, the blinds were in place, covering every available inch of glass and blocking out the oncoming rays of the sun, making the room even darker.

Allowing his eyes to adjust to the darkness, Vachon saw Nick put the remote back on the counter and walk back towards him.

Standing in front of him, Vachon saw Nick's confused expression before he said, "Vachon, about last night-"

Standing up, Vachon lightly grabbed Nick's arm, applying pressure to make the other man look at him and not the floor and interrupted what the other vampire had been about to say.

Forcing Nick to look him in the eyes, Vachon said in an even tone, "Nick, no explanations, no apologies, no regrets, okay? We both needed someone last night and it happened. Before last night I don't think either of us ever fancied each other-"

"No, you’re not my type," was Nick's amused reply.

Looking affronted, and wanting to break the awkwardness of the 'morning after,' Vachon jokingly said, "What, I'm not good-looking enough for you? I have bad breath? Tell me."

"No, if I ever wanted a male lover, you'd be at the top of the list. You're very good looking and you know it." Vachon smiled slightly at the other man's comment and Nick continued, "But normally I prefer tall leggy blondes...with breasts."

Amusement flickered briefly in Vachon's eyes and he spoke in a casual, jesting way, "Actually I prefer tall, leggy blondes myself, with or without breasts. I'm flexible. So, you are just my type."

Nick's laugh was low and throaty in response to the quip, a glimmer of hope flared in Vachon. Last night Vachon had thought Nick beyond all hope, lost in despair and wanting to die, seeking comfort in his arms because he had been convenient. Maybe he had been wrong. Maybe Knight was a survivor like himself. Yes, both of them had lost the women they loved, but Natalie and Tracy were dead and they were alive -- well, as alive as vampires could get.

Perhaps this situation held some promise, Vachon thought. The sex had been very good, definitely worth repeating.

Vachon knew that thinking with his cock and not his brain had been a bad thing in his past. His cock had gotten him into plenty of trouble before, but pushing that practical thought aside, he moved closer to Nick and gently pulled the other man into an embrace. His brain could go to hell, right now his cock had other ideas and it was very interested in Nick.

"Nick, look, I know this isn't the beginning of some grand love affair, we're both hurt and grieving, but last night was incredible. It's been a long time since I let another vampire take me. I have to trust one of us a lot to let anyone feed from me. We've always gotten along in the past, maybe right now this is where we are supposed to be. Here with each other, helping each other. Comforting each other."

Nick's eyes were gentle and contemplative, knowing exactly what Vachon meant by the word 'comfort.' Staring into Vachon's eyes, he said, "Maybe this was supposed to happen. Tracy and Natalie. Us. And you're right, at this moment in time, I want to be with you. I think we need each other. Last night was good."

Very good, Vachon thought.

"We've both lost so much, I know I don't want to be alone now. I’m tired of being alone. Tired of fighting what I am. Natalie was my last shot at being mortal and with her gone; now, it's time to be me, Nick Knight -- vampire. I'd like to share that with you, if you want."

Vachon's only response was to nod slightly, too caught up in the emotions Nick's words were causing; he hadn't expected this. Fuck-buddies, yes. But this -- Nick was asking for something else. Friends with perks and perhaps something more once they both had healed. Nick Knight was certainly turning into a delightful surprise detour in his life.

The blond man continued, "Maybe we'll both regret this in a couple of weeks or drive each other crazy..." Vachon smiled at that.

"But Vachon, I'd like you to stay. Here with me if you want, I know you really don't have a place to live. The Church was demolished after you died. This relationship --whatever you want to call it, would have no strings, no commitments, and no expectations. Just two men being together, living in the moment."

He paused. "So, do you think you might agree to this?"

Pulling Nick more firmly into his arms, Vachon brought their lips mere millimeters from each other. He stared deeply into blue eyes and an understanding passed between them, desire flared.

Always having been one to live in the moment, Vachon's voice broke with huskiness, as he replied, "Yeah, I think I could agree to that."

And with that bent his head to kiss his new lover, realizing that his future, which only hours ago, had seemed bleak and lonely was now full of possibilities. It was a new beginning and Vachon was all about new beginnings.




"Te extrano
Porque vive en mi tu recuerdo
Te olvido.
A cada minuto lo intento
Te amo.
Es que ya no tengo remedio
Te extrano, te olvido y te amo de nuevo."

–"Te Extrano, Te Olvido, Te Amo"
Ricky Martin






Author's Notes:  When I first started writing this story in 1997, it was a way to 'fix' the "Last Knight" episode. I was a rabid Nic-n-Nat Packer (Nick/Natalie) and wanted a story where Natalie doesn't die, but is brought across by La Croix (who corrects Nick's mistake of killing her in the episode). I also wanted Vachon to wake up in the ground before Tracy died at the hospital, go to her bedside and make her a vampire. Just call me a 'shipper!

I wrote the first two pages and as things in fandom generally happen, I found a new passion: slash and Starsky and Hutch. So, this story sat on my hard drive until 2003 when I pulled it out to finish and submit it to a zine. A slash zine called Bedroom Eyes 2.

I had no idea how I was going to make a Nick/Natalie and Tracy/Vachon story into a slash story, but this result is what happened. However, true to my original 'shipper tendencies, I did leave a hole in the plot. In my recent reedit, I let LaCroix leave with Natalie’s body. In the zine printing it is Nick who disposes of her body. Who knows what LaCroix does with Natalie.  *g*

It is my opening that if I ever feel the urge to write a sequel. I will have Natalie come back to Toronto as a vampire and reclaim Nick from Vachon. Sadly to say, but in my world, Vachon would lose as Nick and Nat would ride off into the sunset together -- forever. Sorry, but Forever Knight is the one fandom where I love the het 'ship.

Now, as for Tracy, I still haven't figured out how to bring her back from the dead. Drop me a line if you have any ideas.

Many thanks to Tray for the recent beta and to Bast and Joyce for originally publishing the story.