Star Trek: Voyager.  Image respectfully used without permission.

Understanding: When you see this symbol (Readme!) then the link is alive and happy and waiting for you to read it. When you see this symbol (It's Dead, Jim.) then that title is a dead link and goes nowhere because I'm still writing it.

Chakotay and Tom Paris, together, as they should be.  Image used respectfully without permission.

Trade Story:

  1. HamelinIt's Dead, Jim.

    Tuvok/Paris. (For Sheri Clark, who gave me MP3's. Yay!) An accident makes Tuvok and Paris twenty-five years younger. Contains mature content and themes.

City of Light

  1. Growing ParisReadme!
    An intro to my Lt. Paris. Contains mature content and themes.

  2. Saving ParisReadme!
    Chakotay/Paris. Paris gets caught up in a flux in the time-space continuum. What a surprise. Contains mature content and themes.

  3. Breaking ParisReadme!
    Chakotay/Paris. Paris' resistance to love is breaking down. Contains mature content and themes.

  4. Playing ParisReadme!
    Another trip into the psyche of my Lt. Paris. Contains mature content and themes.

  5. Redeeming ParisReadme!
    Chakotay/Paris. What is a Paris good for, after all? Contains mature content and themes.

  6. Taking ParisReadme!
    Chakotay/Paris, Paris/Other. Another Paris adventure, and not a pleasant one. Contains mature content and themes.

  7. Romancing ParisIt's dead, Jim.
    Chakotay/Paris. Chakotay teaches Paris a little more about love. Contains mature content and themes.

  8. Another ParisIt's dead, Jim.
    Chakotay/Paris. Chakotay and Paris start a family. Contains mature content and themes.

Your orders, Sir?

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