The Path Not Walked... Part 03

-by Nati_A

A deep and remarkably soft spoken voice drifted to Obi-Wan. "That curiosity and your reckless risk-taking will cost you dearly one day, young man."

Obi-Wan smiled despite himself. He did not realize that he was projecting his thoughts and feeling so strongly. Over the past twelve years, he had encountered few Force sensitive people, so he was negligent with his shielding skills as well.

"A true student of the Force would not be remiss in such a basic skill." Qui-Gon admonished freely.

"A true student of the Force would be a Jedi Knight, not an AgriCorps farmer. And a true Jedi Master can face any challenge with skill and resource," Obi-Wan admonished back easily. "So why were you so distressed by two droid scouts?"

Qui-Gon emerged from the dense forest looking thoroughly unhappy. He was wet and muddy, very unbecoming of a sage Master of the Force. Judging from the darkened scorch marks on both his cloak and tunic, he had recently been injured by blaster fire.

"Only a fool would face a droid army without anxiety. I was merely concerned for the Naboo and a certain young man who recklessly threw himself in front of a droid gun platform." Qui-Gon replied with clipped speech and a tense tone.

"I was is no danger. AgriCorps provides safety..." Obi-Wan began.

"There is no safety. This invasion is highly circumspect. It is being controlled by a force far greater than of the Trade Federation."

Qui-Gon was assuming what Obi-Wan could only describe as a 'Jedi Master lecture posture.' He raised his hands in defeat, hoping to stop what he feared would be a long tirade about galactic politics and the forthcoming danger to all.

"Master Jinn, you are injured. Please sit and let me examine your wounds." Obi-Wan said gently while walking towards the Jedi.

With gentle insistence, he managed to guide and seat Qui-Gon on a flat rock;he could better examine the injured shoulder and upper back in this position. Silently, Obi-Wan pulled out a portable trauma kit from his shoulder pack and set to work cleaning the injured area.

Qui-Gon looked closely at his rescuer. Truth be told, this boy had provided him with a quiet escape from the pursuing droids. He did look familiar, but Qui-Gon could not immediately place him. As a Jedi Master and regular ambassador for both the Supreme Chancellor and the Galactic Senate, he had traveled to countless planets on hundreds of mission over the years. He had obviously meet the youth before, leaving a lasting impression on him.

"You have me at a disadvantage." Qui-Gon offered neutrally. He had been in the dense forest during the exchange between the droids and the young man. He could hear very little from his position, and had trusted the Force to alert him to danger.

"Kenobi. Obi-Wan Kenobi, though my friends call me Ben now. I'm not surprised that you have forgotten. After all, I was only one of hundreds vying for your attentions at the Temple."

Those words were not spoken harshly or with sarcasm. The Master could feel the sincerity behind them and was shocked by it. //How could I not remember you?// he thought.

Obi-Wan had fought by his side many years ago. He had shown much skill and great potential, though the Jedi had been loath to admit it at the time. He had not taken the boy as his apprentice, and had since felt as if he had defied the will of the Force in that. He had been unwilling to take any student after loosing his last to the Dark Side. Even Obi-Wan's steadfast courage and determination could not overcome that reluctance.

"Of course I remember. But you have grown from the boy I knew, to a man. I simply did not recognize you," Qui-Gon replied with affection.

"We should get you back to BaseOps. This shoulder needs more tending than I can provide," was Obi-Wan's only comment.

Before they moved on, Obi-Wan took off his coat and motioned for Master Jinn to do the same.

"Here. Take my coat and hat. If we run into more of those scouts, hopefully they'll assume you're also from AgriCorps and let us pass."

Obi-Wan took the long Jedi robe from its owner and gently folded it. He placed it carefully into his pack, as if were of great value. Qui-Gon watched this with mild amusement for a moment before the feeling turned to guilt. //Had I trained you, you would have one of your own, my friend.// He thought sadly.

Qui-Gon could feel a strange connection to this spirited young man. Obi-Wan was not especially charismatic, but the Jedi Master felt drawn to him regardless. He knew that this was the ever-present Force, guiding his actions and instincts once again. The feelings he had ignored so long ago resurfaced. He felt an intense need to protect Obi-Wan, even now when he was injured and the boy was whole.

//He is a grown man now. I must quit thinking of him as the boy he once was. // He thought wryly. //He has long been resigned to this fate. Dwelling on the past will do us no good. Focus on the present, // the Master chided himself gently. Lost in his thoughts of the past and of the Force, Qui-Gon was unaware that Obi-Wan was talking to him.

It was only after Obi-Wan had injected him with a stimulant that Qui-Gon realized he was sitting once again. He re-focused his thoughts and could feel the strong waves of concern coming from his companion. After shaking his head gently to clear it further, he noticed the injector gun in Obi-Wan's hand.

"What? What did you do?" He asked.

"Master Jinn. Are you all right? Look at me, focus."

"What happened? I..."

"It was weird. One moment we were exchanging coats and preparing to leave, and the next you were... not here."

"What do you mean?" Qui-Gon asked, still confused.

"It was almost like you were meditating. The Force swelled around you and you stopped responding to the real world."

"Need I remind you that the Force is very real?" The Master replied a bit more harshly than he intended.

"You know what I mean." Obi-Wan countered just as harshly. "Physical, the physical world."

"I just need to rest, then I shall be fine."

"Not here you don't. This place is crawling with droids. Come on, follow me."

"Where?" Qui-Gon resisted. He felt vague misgivings now. The Force was telling him that something was wrong, but he could not determine exactly what it was.

"Back to the AgriCorps outpost. You'll be safe there. The Federation wouldn't dare..." Obi-Wan began quickly.

"The Trade Federation tried to kill me Obi-Wan. How else do you think I got these wounds?" Qui-Gon interrupted him.

"You'll be safe. They'll never know you're there," the young man insisted again.

"They will. And they will come for me. I cannot do as you ask; I must continue on to Theed, must see the Queen."

"You are injured and weary. You must rest in order to heal. Please, let me help you." Obi-Wan pleaded.

"I will not endanger you further," was the Jedi's only response.

"And I will not let you walk off in this condition, Jedi Master or not!"

"What condition? I am fine."

"Fine? By the Force, I had to inject you with a half vial of stimulant to bring you out of that trance. It is too dangerous here to meditate, Master Jinn. Too dangerous to try to heal yourself. Now move."

With that, Obi-Wan grabbed the Jedi's wrist and pulled him to his feet. A gentle push to an uninjured portion of his back propelled him a few steps in the direction of BaseOps.

Qui-Gon hesitated. "But the risk of..."

"The risk is mine to take." Obi-Wan interrupted again.

"I should not..."

"Accept help? I can get you medical treatment and have you on your way to Theed by midday. Trust me."

Qui-Gon realized that he did. He had no idea why, but he knew that Obi-Wan could provide the services he promised. Despite the risks, he accepted the offer. Obi-Wan guided him quickly toward the AgriCorps base and relative safety.

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