The Path Not Walked... Part 05

-by Nati_A

Carrying a datapad filled with more information than Qui-Gon could have ever expected, he boarded the AgriCorps ground skimmer. Obi-Wan had outdone himself this time. He had provided the Jedi with a detailed topographical map of the area, the NaviComp course to Theed, emergency rations and water packs, basic medical supplies, a portable AgriCorps microcomputer, and the details of the evacuation.

Though Obi-Wan had said it was standard equipment for any AgriCorps vehicle, Qui-Gon believed otherwise. Obi-Wan was determined to provide him with more support than he could have ever expected. The Jedi Order still occupied a great portion of the boy's heart, even though they had tossed him out of their life so long ago.

He was beginning to worry about the youth's actions and the possible repercussions, but Obi-Wan had said that he would be off planet before the Trade Federation could connect him with the Jedi ambassador. Qui-Gon only hoped that he was right in his prediction. He did not like he idea of endangering Obi-Wan further, but his assistance had been invaluable on this mission.

The Jedi Master was certain that the Trade Federation was acting under someone else's control. Their power and authority had never before extended to invasion, and he was positive that the Supreme Chancellor would never sanction this move. It was the work of the Force that the droid programming had not yet been changed. Otherwise, both he and Obi-Wan would already be in a detention center.

Qui-Gon steered the borrowed speeder out of the docking station and cast a last look at his long denied apprentice.

"Force protect him and his people." Qui-Gon said aloud before returning his attention to his own mission.

Qui-Gon knew that Obi-Wan would have everyone off Naboo by the Trade Federation deadline. He was more than a capable leader, and logically, the Jedi knew that Obi-Wan would be amongst them. Still, something did not feel quite right about the situation, so he looked to the Force for guidance once more.

When no enlightenment was forthcoming, he decided that it was his duty to warn the Naboo. He would worry about Obi-Wan later; his mission of mediation and peacekeeping had to come first. If he had already failed in that, then he would take word of this illegal invasion to Corusant.


Obi-Wan calmly used Force enhanced orders to get the evacuation going according to schedule. With a comment here and a suggestion there, occasionally a barked order or terse acknowledgment, the urgency of the operation was readily apparent. He would do whatever it took to get his team moving and moving quickly.

He hoped Master Jinn was fairing well with his mission, but he was no longer concerned about the Jedi. They each had a duty to perform, otherwise those looking to them for guidance might suffer.

He had the first transport loaded with people and their basic travel necessities when the Jedi Master returned. Though Obi-Wan had not anticipated seeing him again, he had downloaded the AgriCorps launch coordinates and estimated departure times to the Master's datapad as a precaution. He had hoped that the Jedi could find an alternate escape method, but he had provided a backup option should the Master's resources fail. It appeared that his instincts had lead him true once again.

What he had not considered was the entourage of people that accompanied the Jedi. He had evidently been successful in rescuing the young Queen and was now leading her majesty along with her handmaidens, councilors, and royal guard straight to the transport. How Master Jinn had gotten twelve courtly people in a transport built for no more than eight passengers was beyond Obi-Wan's grasp.

He was immediately aware of the fact that there was no way he could smuggle all of these refugees offworld;the Jedi had to realize this. There was not enough room physically on the shuttle, and beyond that, he could not pad their records to such an extent. Adjusting the AgriCorps rooster to that extent would jeopardize everyone on the transport should the Trade Federation find the fraud.

Obi-Wan walked up to the Master and spoke. "You have got to be kidding. There is no way I can get all of you away from here," he said in an exasperated tone.

The Queen looked down upon him, though not in reality since she was just a child, but her aloft gaze projected the gesture. "You will deny us passage, after fighting to reach you? Jedi, you said this one was sympathetic to our cause, that we should trust in your faith," she accused unabashedly.

"He will help you leave the planet, your majesty. You and your core advisors can travel to Corusant," Qui-Gon answered without pause.

Obi-Wan held up his hand. "No, I can transport five people, but no more. Smuggling all of you will risk too much. I have to get my team away safely, that's my primary concern." He paused to study the group that was already trying to determine who should accompany the Queen. "And Master Jinn must be one of the five. That's the only way I can consent to this."

The Master seemed momentarily surprised by this statement, but he recovered quickly and shook his head. "I cannot ask the Queen's Cabinet to step aside for me..."

Obi-Wan had been expecting this and cut him off before he could finish his oath. "You'll be on the shuttle. I need you there; you can hide the presence of the Naboo from my crew. They don't need to know of my deception; their ignorance of this..." he looked at the Queen directly, "sympathetic gesture will be their only protection if you are discovered. It's my only requirement for taking the risk and deceiving the Trade Federation. They may have invaded your homeworld and ruined negotiations for the ambassador, but they're willing to let us leave without any violence."

Qui-Gon looked at the young man who had so expertly taken charge. He was in control, of his own people and the royal Naboo refugees standing before him. Any other person may have deferred to the Queen or to the Jedi, but not Obi-Wan. He knew what was in the best interests of his crew and would not be intimidated into anything that posed too great a risk.

Qui-Gon looked to the Queen. He would accept these terms because he knew the truth behind Obi-Wan's words; deceiving the Trade Federation was indeed dangerous for AgriCorps. If the transport were boarded, he could protect the crew by hiding their knowledge of the Naboo refugees and hopefully keep the Naboo from being discovered by the droids. However, the final decision to accept Obi-Wan's offer lay in the Queen's hands.

"You can take word to the Senate and plead your case," he encouraged the young dignitary.

The Queen seemed to carefully consider the offer again. She had believed the Jedi before and fled the capitol, but Qui-Gon was not certain of her resolve to flee her world.

She seemed to be waiting for some external sign, some clue as to what her true path should be. It came in the form of a few encouraging words from her handmaiden, though how the council of a servant swayed the choice he did not know. Surely the ruler did not take cues from her court, but then again, maybe the faith of her followers convinced her to make her supporters’ situation be known.

The Queen paused then nodded assent. "We will go to Corusant. I will bring a resolution to this within the senate."

The Captain of the Guard looked to his Queen. "Who shall accompany you? What do you require of us, you Majesty?"

The young Queen looked thoughtful, then pointed to her Governor, Sio Bibble. "You must stay and affect a government presence. I am sorry Governor, but I need only one advisor. Panka shall join me as both advisor and Royal Guardsman."

She gestured to her two closest servants. "My handmaidens shall go as well. Their knowledge of their home providences shall provide the only other insight that I will need." With these decisions made, she turned to Obi-Wan. "Does this satisfy you? Two peasants and one guard should easily to blend in with you crew. As for me, I'm sure a suitable plebeian guise can be found should I need it."

Obi-Wan nodded and motioned for them to board the shuttle. He held Qui-Gon back though and added, "There is more that I require of you."

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