Now as with all good things, the first step was a leap that was so well placed that we created this, a page for the results of a new Stargate universe. The rules for playing in this universe are simple. Everyone is welcome to write fanfic in this universe, using the premise set forth in the canon stories. A DC Fanfic can be gen, slash, het, or any other flavor you can think up! Just let us know when you write a fanfic, so we can add them to this list.


Stargate: Cascade
Daniel in Command

FanFic by Author

Meanwhile, back at the negotiations...

"It is agreed!" announced Dirkah. He clapped his hands imperiously. "The naquada is yours, my friends. Now we have only to seal the pact according to tradition."

The entrance of the large tent was flung open and the music swelled as a crowd of heavily-draped figures danced their way in. The dancers swirled gracefully through the banquet hall, the only skin visible from graceful hands and coquettish eyes. As the music reached a crescendo, they peeled off into two lines across from each other and dropped their cloaks to reveal oiled, athletic, naked bodies.

"All right!" Blair exclaimed softly and Jim snorted and bounced an exotic fruit off his head. Teal'c sat there dignified, only his eyebrow expressing his agreement.

"Um." Daniel had a sinking feeling he knew where this was headed. "What is this tradition, exactly?"

Dirkah beamed genially. "It is the symbol of our agreement, the union of our peoples. It expresses the love between allies and brings us closer, so that we may never betray each other." He waved to the dancers. "Choose any of them and it will be well done. We welcome all here."

The SG-1 team studiously ignored the goat being dragged into the tent, tail frisking cheerfully. The dancers had their complete attention.

Beautiful, bosom-heaving maidens to the right. The team's eyes slid to the left. Slim, muscular lads flexing their pecs. Their eyes turned pleadingly on Daniel.

"No," said Daniel firmly. "This is supposed to be gen. Time for all that funny business later on."

The men sighed in disappointment and took one last longing look at the lusty opportunities lost to them, as Daniel began explaining quietly but firmly that unmarried sexual relations were taboo in their culture.

The room fell abruptly silent and Dirkah frowned furiously. A wave of his hand and suddenly there were many sharp, bristly weapons pointed in their direction. "I'm afraid we must insist."

The other members of SG-1 grinned and began hurriedly divesting themselves of their uniforms. Daniel realized he'd lost control of the gen and hoped Jack would understand when he read the mission report. With luck, the team wouldn't be too severely traumatized.

"Wahoo!" yelled Blair, as he leaped naked upon the nearest welcoming native and proceeded to seal the pact. Jim and Teal'c weren't far behind.

Right. He couldn't leave his men to suffer through this alone. After all, Daniel was in command.

Warning: The above story does not actually exist. Should you chose to proceed, you might find a story somewhat similar. By proceeding below, you agree that the site is not legally required to provide said story. You agree that equivalent stories are acceptable. You agree that... Oh heck, just come on in. You'll find something you'll enjoy. How could you go wrong? It's Daniel... in command. How cool is that? You know you wanna.

~ JokeFic section intro by Caro Dee~


ALF | E-mail || Website |

Command Performance
Added: October 21, 2004
Slash, NC-17, 6 KB, Finished
Pairings: Jack/Jim
Genre: H/C Emotional, First Time, PWP
Post-Peru Jim, Post-Iraq Jack. Two men meet in Virginia and find comfort together. This is my take on one possible first meeting for my two favourite J's.

Caro Dee | E-mail || Website |

Sexgate-1: Cumming
Added: November 9, 2004
Slash, NC-17, 9 KB, Finished
Pairings: Jack/Daniel, Jim/Blair, Other Pairings
Genre: Humor, Parody, AU
A parody of Command by WoD/Night Spring, inspired by a suggestion from Hana, cheerfully ripped off (with permission) and warped by Caro Dee.

Debi C | E-mail || Website |

A Meeting Of The Minds, Part 1: The General and the Major
Added: November9, 2004
Gen, G, 8 KB, Finished
Genre: Drama, Smarm
General O'Neill has a discussion with his new Major.

Night Spring | E-mail || Website |

Night Whispers
Added: November 18, 2004
Slash, NC-17, 8 KB, Finished
Pairings: Jack/Daniel, Jim/Blair
Genre: PWP, Established Relationship
Some things are whispered only in the dark of the night.

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