Setup: Chef tells the children that in order to combine the DNA of a pig and an elephant, they have to get the animals to make sweet love. "But you gotta get them in the mood." "How do we do that?" asks Stan. "Do what I do," Chef advises, "get 'em good and drunk." Later, Chef sings "Love Gravy" to get the animals in the mood to mate:

Tonight is right for love --

You know I wanna touch you where the sun don't go.

Tonight is right for love --

Love gravy.

Expressing love so sweet,

I wanna give you burn like a dog in heat.

Love gravy.

Ladies and Gentlemen -- Mr. Elton John!

(Elton John appears, singing with a microphone in his hand):

Ooh, tonight

Oh, it's right

Ooh, tonight

is right for love

Love gravy.

(Elton leaves, and Chef resumes singing)

Thank you, Elton

Tonight is right

for love --

Love gravy

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