Nic's Abode


You have entered the wild world of Nic's head. First, apologies for the cobwebs. I started this Web site four years ago in a flurry of all-night html'ing. Since then, Real Life got in the way, as it often does. I plan to do some updating and rearranging as soon as I'm up to it. Feel free to drop me a message of constructive criticism, mash notes or suggestions as you see fit. This site is organized (I use the term loosely) into interest areas, including some of my favorite links and a few things I've created for your amusement.

Stuff I've written

Remember Sir Graves Ghastly? I talked to him in October, 2000.

Read my review of Stephen King's biography/writers guide, "On Writing"

There's more to come ...


Good Ol' Clinton Joke Extravaganza!

I also collect lightbulb jokes

Music: links and info about various bands

Morphine fans are mourning the death of Mark Sandman July 3, 1999. To know more, go to my Morphine Home Page or see my Morphine photo gallery.

My media pages:

News, Readin' 'n' 'Ritin': links to newspapers and other readings


More media pages worth visiting:

Other things I like:

My travels

I love my Macintosh

ART: To truly appreciate it, you must see the real thing in person. But for now, here are The Detroit Institute of Arts, the Grand Rapids Art Museum Online, the Art Institute of Chicago, the Toledo Museum of Art, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, The National Gallery of Art and The Guggenheim Museums.

More links including health and welfare, general entertainment pages and Internet search engines

About me
